
LeapLaw's Reference Chart

50 State LLC Formation Procedures, Forms and Laws [1]

| |

|State |Title |LLC Statute |Initial Forms Filed |Name Requirements |Min No. Members |

|AK |Alaska Revised Limited Liability |Alaska Stat. § 10.50-1 et seq. |Articles of Organization |“limited liability company” “L.L.C.” or “LLC” “limited” may be |1 or more |

| |Act | | |“Ltd.” and “company” may be “Co.” |10.50.155 |

| |Arizona Limited Liability Company |ARS § 29-601 et seq. |Articles of Organization |"limited liability company" or "limited company" or "L.L.C." |1 or more |

|AZ |Act | | |"L.C." "LLC" or "LC" in uppercase or lowercase letters | |

| | | |Checklist | | |

| |Small Business Entity Tax Pass |Ark. Code Ann. § 4-32-101 et seq. |Articles of Organization |“limited liability company” or “L.L.C.” or “LLC” “limited” may |1 or more |

|AR |Through Act | | |be “Ltd.” and “company” may be “Co.” | |

| | | |File Online | | |

|CA |Beverly-Killea Limited Liability |California Corporations Code § 17000 et|Articles of Organization |“limited liability company” “L.L.C.” or “LLC” “limited” may be |1 or more |

| |Company Act |seq. | |“Ltd.” and “company” may be “Co.” | |

|CO |Colorado Limited Liability Company|Colo. Rev. Stat. Title 7-80-101 et seq.|Articles of Organization |“limited liability company” “L.L.C.” or “LLC” “limited” may be |1 or more |

| |Act | | |“Ltd.” and “company” may be “Co.” | |

|CT |Connecticut Limited Liability |Conn. Gen. Stat. § 613 et seq. |Articles of Organization |“limited liability company” “L.L.C.,” or “LLC” “limited” may be|1 or more |

| |Company Act | | |“Ltd.” and “company” may be “Co." | |

|DE |Delaware Limited Liability Company|DGCL §18-101 to 18-1109 et seq. |Certificate of Organization |"limited liability company" "L.L.C." or "LLC |1 or more |

| |Act | | | | |

| |District of Columbia Limited |D.C. Code Title 29 § 1001, as amended |Articles of Organization |"limited liability company" "L.L.C." or "LLC" |1 |

|DC |Liability Company Act | |Written Consent to Act as Registered | | |

| | | |Agent | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |duplicate originals | | |

| |Florida Limited Liability Company |Fla. Stat. Ann. § 608.401-608.703 et |Articles of Organization |“limited liability company” or "limited company" “L.L.C.” |1 or more |

|FL |Act |seq. | |"L.C." “LLC” or “LC” “limited” may be “Ltd.” and “company” may | |

| | | | |be “Co. | |

|GA |Georgia Limited Liability Company |Ga. Code Ann. § 14-11-100 et seq. |Articles of Organization |"limited liability company" or "limited company" ("limited" may|1 or more |

| |Act | | |be "ltd." and "company" may be "co.") or "L.L.C." "LLC" "L.C." | |

| | | | |or "LC" | |

|HI |Uniform Limited Liability Company |Haw. Rev. Stat. Ch. 428 |Articles of Organization |“limited liability company” or “L.L.C.” “LLC” “limited” may be |1 or more |

| |Act | | |“Ltd.” and “company” may be “Co." | |

| | | |File Online | | |

|ID |Idaho Limited Liability Company |Idaho Code 53 § 601 et seq. |Articles of Organization |"limited liability company" or "limited company" "L.L.C." |1 or more |

| |Act | |2 originals |"L.C." "LLC" or "LC" | |

|IL |Limited Liability Company Act |805 ILCS 180/1.01 et seq. |Articles of Organization |"corporation" "limited" "company" "incorporated" or |1 or more |

| | | | |abbreviation thereof | |

| | | |2 originals | | |

|IN |Indiana Business Flexibility Act |Indiana Code Title 23, Article 18 |Articles of Organization |"limited liability company" "L.L.C." or "LLC" |1 or more |

|IA |Iowa Limited Liability Company Act|Iowa Code Ann. § 490A |Articles of Organization |Limited Company" "Limited Liability Company" "L.C." or "L.L.C."|1 or more |

|KS |Kansas Limited |KGCA § 17-7610 et seq. |Articles of Organization |“limited liability company” “LLC” or “LC” |1 or more |

| |Liability Company Act | | | | |

|KY |Kentucky Limited Liability Company|Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. 275.00 et seq. |Articles of Organization |"limited liability company" "limited company" "LLC" or "LC" |1 or more |

| |Act | |  | | |

|LA |Limited Liability Company Law |RS 12:1301 et. seq. |Articles of Organization |"limited liability company", "L.L.C." or "L.C." |1 or more |

| | | |Initial Report | | |

|ME |Maine Limited Liability Company |MRSA Title 13 § 601 et. seq. |Articles of Organization |"limited liability company" "L.L.C." or "LLC" |1 or more |

| |Act | | | | |

|MD |Maryland Corporations and |Maryland Corporations and Associations |Articles of Organization |limited liability company" |1 or more |

| |Associations |4A-101 et seq. |Instructions |"L.L.C." "LLC" "L.C." "LC" | |

|MA |Massachusetts Limited Liability |MGL Ch. 156C |Certificate of Organization |"limited liability company'' "limited company'' "L.L.C.'' |1 or more |

| |Company Act | |File Online |"L.C.'' "LLC'' or "LC'' | |

|MI |Michigan Limited Liability Company|Mich. Corp. Laws Ann. 450.1101 et seq. |Articles of Organization |“limited liability company” “L.L.C.” “L.C.” "LC" or "LLC" |1 or more |

| |Act | | | | |

|MN |Minnesota Limited Liability |Minn. Stat. Ann. § 322B.01 et seq. |Articles of Organization |"limited liability company" or "LLC" |1 or more |

| |Company Act | | | | |

|MS |Mississippi Limited Liability |Miss. Code Ann. § 79-29-101 et seq. |Articles of Formation |"limited liability company" or "LLC" |1 or more |

| |Company Act | |Instructions | | |

|MO |Missouri Limited Liability Company|Mo. Rev. Stat. 347.010 et seq. |Articles of Organization |"limited company" "limited liability company" "LC" "LLC" "L.C."|1 or more |

| |Act | | |or "L.L.C." | |

| | | |duplicate originals | | |

|MT |Montana Limited Liability Company |Mont. Code Ann. 35-8-112 et seq. |Articles of Organization |“limited liability company” "limited company" or “L.L.C.”, |1 or more |

| |Act | | |"L.C.", “LLC” or “LC” “limited” may be “Ltd.,” and “company” | |

| | | | |may be “Co." | |

|NB |Nebraska Limited Liability Company|Neb. Rev. Stat § 21-2601 et. Seq. |Articles of Organization |"limited liability company" "ltd." "liability company" "ltd. |1 or more |

| |Act | | |liability co." "L.L.C." or "LLC" | |

| | | |duplicate originals | | |

|NV |Nevada Limited Liability Company |NRS § 78.010 et seq. |Articles of Organization |"limited-liability company" "limited company" or "limited |1 or more |

| |Act | | |L.L.C." LLC or LC, company may be Co. | |

| | | |Initial List of Managers | | |

| | | |duplicate originals | | |

|NH |New Hampshire Limited Liability |RSA. § 304:1.01 et seq. |Articles of Organization |"limited liability company" "L.L.C." or similar abbreviation |1 or more |

| |Company Act | |must be signed by manager or member | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Securities Statement | | |

|NJ |New Jersey Limited Liability |N.J. Stat. Ann. § 42:2 |Business Registration Application |"limited liability company" "L.L.C." or similar abbreviation |1 or more |

| |Company Act | |(w/instructions) | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |duplicate originals | | |

| | | |File Online | | |

|NM |New Mexico Limited Liability |NMSA § 53-19-1 et seq. |Articles of Organization |“limited liability company” or "limited company" “L.L.C.” |1 or more |

| |Company Act | | |"L.C."“LLC” or “LC” “limited” may be “Ltd.” and “company” may | |

| | | | |be “Co. | |

|NY |New York Limited Liability Company|Section 101 et seq. of the Limited |Articles of Organization |"Limited Liability Company" "L.L.C." or "LLC" |1 or more |

| |Law |Liability Company Law |Instructions | | |

|NC |North Carolina Limited Liability |NC Gen. Stat. § 57-1-01 et seq. |Articles of Organization |limited liability company" "L.L.C." "LLC" or the combination |1 or more |

| |Company Act | | |"ltd. liability co." "limited liability co." "ltd. liability | |

| | | | |company" | |

|ND |North Dakota Limited Liability |N.D. Cent. Code § 10-32.1-01 et seq. |Articles of Organization |“limited liability company” “L.L.C.” or “LLC” |1 or more |

| |Company Act | |Instructions | | |

| | | |Consent of Resident Agent | | |

|OH |Ohio Limited Liability Company Act|Ohio Rev. Code Ann. § 1705.01 et seq. |Organization/Registration of Limited |"limited liability company" without abbreviation or shall |1 or more |

| | | |Liability Company |include one of the following abbreviations: "LLC" "L.L.C." | |

| | | | |"limited" "ltd." "ltd" | |

|OK |Oklahoma Limited Liability Company|Okla. Stat. Tit. 18 § 32 et seq. |Articles of Organization |“limited liability company” "limited company" “L.L.C.”, "L.C.",|1 or more |

| |Act | |duplicate originals |“LLC” or “LC” “limited” may be “Ltd.,” and “company” may be | |

| | | | |“Co. | |

|OR |Oregon Limited Liability Company |Or. Rev. Stat. § 63 et seq. |Articles of Organization |"limited liability company" "L.L.C." or "LLC" |1 or more |

| |Act | | | | |

|PA |Pennsylvania Limited Liability |19 Pa.C.S.A § 1101 et seq. |Articles of Organization |“company” “limited” “limited liability company” or |1 or more |

| |Company Act | | |abbreviations thereof | |

| | | |Docketing Statement | | |

| | | |File Online | | |

|RI |Rhode Island Limited Liability |R.I. Gen. Laws § 7-16 et seq. |Articles of Organization |"limited liability company" or the upper or lower case letters |1 or more |

| |Company Act | |duplicate originals |"l.l.c." with or without punctuation | |

|SC |South Carolina Limited Liability |S.C. Code Ann. § 33-44-101 et seq. |Articles of Organization |“limited liability company” "limited company" “L.L.C.” "L.C.", |1 or more |

| |Company Act | |duplicate originals |“LLC” or “LC” “limited” may be “Ltd.” and “company” may be “Co.| |

|SD |South Dakota Limited Liability |S.D. Codified Laws Ann. § 47-34 et seq.|Articles of Incorporation and First |"limited liability company" or "LLC" |1 or more |

| |Company Act | |Annual Report | | |

|TN |Tennessee Limited Liability |Tenn. Code Ann. § 48-104-200 et seq. |Articles of Organization |"limited liability company" "L.L.C." or "LLC" |1 or more |

| |Company Act | | | | |

| | | |duplicate originals | | |

|TX |Texas Limited Liability Company |Tex. Bus. Corp. Act Art. 1528n et seq. |Articles of Organization |“limited liability company” or "limited company" or “L.L.C.” |1 or more |

| |Act | | |"L.C." “LLC” or “LC” “limited” may be “Ltd.,” and “company” may| |

| | | | |be “Co." | |

|UT |Utah Revised Limited Liability |Utah Code Ann. § 48-2c-101 et seq. |Articles of Incorporation |“limited liability company” or "limited company" or “L.L.C.” |1 or more |

| |Company Act | |duplicate originals |"L.C." “LLC” or “LC” | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |File Online | | |

|VT |Vermont Limited Liability Company |VSA 11 § 21 et seq. |Articles of Incorporation |“limited liability company” or "limited company" or “L.L.C.”, |1 or more |

| |Act | |duplicate originals |"L.C.", “LLC” or “LC” “limited” may be “Ltd.,” and “company” | |

| | | | |may be “Co." | |

|VA |Virginia Limited Liability Company|Va. Code Ann. § 13.1-1000 et seq. |Articles of Organization |"limited company" or "limited liability company" "L.C." "LC" |1 or more |

| |Act | | |"L.L.C." or "LLC" | |

|WA |Washington Limited Liability |RCW § 25.15 et seq. |Articles of Organization |"Limited Liability Company" "Limited Liability" and |1 or more |

| |Company Act | | |abbreviations "Co." "L.L.C." or "LLC" | |

|WV |Uniform Limited Liability Company |W. Va. Code § 31B et seq. |Articles of Organization |“limited liability company” or "limited company" or “L.L.C.” |1 or more |

| |Act | | |"L.C." “LLC” or “LC” “limited” may be “Ltd.” and “company” may | |

| | | | |be “Co." | |

|WI |Wisconsin Limited Liability |Wis. Stat. 183.0102 et seq. |Articles of Organization |"limited liability company" or "limited liability co." |1 or more |

| |Company Act | |file online |"L.L.C." or "LLC" | |

|WY |Wyoming Limited Liability Company |Wyo. Stat. § 17-15-101 et seq. | |"limited liability company" "LLC" "L.L.C.", "limited company" |2 or more |

| |Act | |Articles of Organization |"LC" "L.C." "ltd. liability company" "ltd. liability co." | |

| | | | |"limited liability co." | |


[1] NOTE: This chart provides general information regarding the incorporation process in all 50 states. LeapLaw subscribers can access this chart with live links, notations, laws and forms at by searching the term "limited liability company". The chart is listed under forms.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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