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DISTRICT COURT, WATER DIVISION 6, COLORADOTO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN WATER APPLICATIONSIN WATER DIVISION 6Pursuant to C.R.S. 37-92-302, you are hereby notified that the following pages comprise a resume of Applications and Amended Applications filed in the office of Water Division 6, during the month of February 2020.2020CW3006 Routt County Application for Finding of Reasonable Diligence or to Make Absolute in Whole or in Part1. Name, address, e-mail address, and telephone number of Applicant: Timbers Water & Sanitation District, P.O. Box 773703, Steamboat Springs, CO 80477, (970) 870-6533, With copies to: Melinda H. Sherman, Sharp, Sherman & Engle LLC, P.O. Box 774608 / 401 Lincoln Ave.,Steamboat Springs, CO 80477, sherman@, (970) 879-7600 2. Structure: Dwight Corder Pipeline 3. Description of Conditional Water Right: A. Date of Original Decree: May 30, 1972, Civil Action No. 3926, Routt County District Court, B. Subsequent Decrees: June 2, 1983, Case No. 83CW18, District Court, Water Division 6; Case No. 87CW80; Case No. 93CW49; Case No. 00CW67; February 16, 2014, Case No. 07CW57, District Court, Water Division 6 C. Legal Description: The headgate is located on the north bank of McKinnis Creek at a point whence the SE corner of Section 27, Township 5 North, Range 84 West of the 6th P.M. bears South 05?01’12” East, 9925.12 feet. [from most recent and original decree] When converted to distance from section line, the headgate is located in the NE 1/4, NE 1/4 of Section 22, Township 5 North, Range 84 West of the 6th P.M., Routt County, Colorado, at a point 673 feet from the North Section Line and 868 feet from the East Section Line of Section 22. [from original decreed location converted to distance from section line in response from division engineer 9/16/08] D. Source of Water: McKinnis Creek, tributary of the Yampa River E. Appropriation Date: November 21, 1968, Amount: 0.38 cfs, conditional F.Use: Domestic, municipal, fire protection, commercial, irrigation, recreation G. Depth (if well): N/A 4. Provide a detailed outline of what has been done toward completion or for completion of the appropriation and application of water to a beneficial use as conditionally decreed, including expenditures, during the previous diligence period: The Applicant is a Water and Sanitation Colorado Special District and is required to supply potable water to the users and future users within the boundary of the District. The original decree for the Dwight Corder Pipeline is Civil Action No. 3926, which was awarded on May 30, 1972 and awarded an absolute water right of .22 cfs and a conditional water right of .38 cfs for domestic, irrigation, and fire protection uses. The court has entered prior decrees of due diligence on the Dwight Corder Pipeline in Case Nos. 83CW18, Case No. 87CW80, Case No. 93CW49, Case No. 00CW67, and Case No. 07CW57. In order to provide a dependable water supply, the Applicant’s predecessors successfully adjudicated an augmentation plan in Case No. 81CW111, which includes the Dwight Corder Pipeline water rights. The Applicant has engaged engineering assistance and hired contractors to make improvements to the physical potable water supply delivery system of the Applicant during the diligence period, including constructing a new water treatment plant and a new well, installing fire hydrants, and renovating the water tank. The Applicant also engaged someone to apply for a small communities grant on its behalf. During such period, construction of residential units has continued within the boundary of the Applicant, and the Applicant participated fully in the interconnection of such new units to the potable water supply delivery system of the Applicant. Under the “great and growing cities” doctrine of Colorado water law, it should be recognized that the ongoing and annual improvements to the water treatment and delivery system of the Applicant within its boundary constitutes continued diligence in development of its water rights which will be needed upon the full build-out of the development within the Applicant’s boundary, which will necessitate future expansion and improvements to the Applicant’s water treatment and delivery systems. When a project or integrated system is comprised of several features, work on one feature shall be considered in finding that reasonable diligence has been shown in the development of water rights for all features of the project or system. C.R.S. § 37-92-301(4)(b).The only lands currently irrigated from the Dwight Corder Pipeline are lawns and landscaping adjacent to existing residential structures within the boundary of the Applicant, the exact description of which is on file with the Routt County Assessor’s office and is a public record. Future irrigation uses from the conditional water right for 0.38 cfs are expected to be similar in nature, i.e. watering of lawns and landscaping adjacent to new future residential units and irrigated lawns and landscaping in any future open space areas which may be developed in the future, all within the Applicant’s boundary. The exact number of acres which may be developed into irrigated lawns and landscaping is not known or estimable at this time, but such areas will all be within the existing boundary of the Applicant. 5. If claim to make absolute in whole or in part: N/A 6. Names and address of owners or reputed owners of the land upon which any new diversion or storage structures, or modification to any existing diversion or storage structure is or will be constructed or upon which water is or will be stored, including any modification to the existing storage pool: No new diversion or storage structure. WHEREFORE, Applicant prays that the Court find that: Applicant has exercised reasonable diligence in developing the appropriation of the conditional water right for Dwight Corder Pipeline and the conditional status of said water right shall be extended. Respectfully submitted this 26th day of February 2020. SHARP, SHERMAN & ENGLE LLC, Attorneys for Applicants, By: /s/ Melinda H. Sherman, Melinda H. Sherman, Reg. No. 23259 2020CW3008 (12CW61, 04CW36), Spring in unnamed tributary, tributary to Little Scott Creek, tributary to Morrison Creek, tributary to Yampa River, Routt County. Application for Finding of Reasonable Diligence. Name and mailing address of Applicant: MaKi Properties, LLC, a Colorado limited liability company, P.O. Box 771146, Steamboat Springs, CO 80477. All pleadings and court-related documents are to be sent to Claire E. Sollars, Esq., P.O. Box 881302, Steamboat Springs, CO 80488, Claire@, 970.875.3370. Name and Type of Structure: Scott Spring No. 2 (spring). Description of Conditional Right: Original Decree: Date of Decree: Sept. 15, 2006; Case No. 2004CW36; Routt County District Court, Water Div. 6. Subsequent Decree Awarding Finding of Diligence: Date of Decree: Feb. 10, 2014 (amended March 5, 2014); Case No. 2012CW61; Routt County District Court, Water Div. 6. Legal Description (as provided in most recent decree): SE? SE? Section 7, T2N, R83W of the 6th P.M. at a point 145 feet from the South section line and 740 feet from the East section line of said Section 7, Routt County Colorado. The physical address is 16555 County Road 16, Oak Creek, Colorado 80467. Structures and the property boundary are depicted on the attached Exhibit 1, Structure Locations and Approximate Property Boundary. Source of Water: Spring in unnamed tributary, tributary to Little Scott Creek, tributary to Morrison Creek, tributary to Yampa River. Appropriation Date and Amount: May 12, 2004 in the amount of 0.033 cfs, conditional. Uses: Livestock water, fire protection, recreation. Depth of Well: n/a. Detailed outline of what has been done toward completion or for completion of the appropriation and application of water to a beneficial use as conditionally decreed, including expenditures: MaKi Properties, LLC consists of the Hideaway Ranch commercial equestrian guest ranch operation and other related facilities. Its potable water supply system includes use of the Scott Place No. 1 well (Case 2012CW63). Water from Scott Spring No. 2 feeds an undecreed pond where the end uses of livestock water and recreation are made, and where water is available for fire protection. Maki Properties, LLC intends to install a pipeline to move the Scott Spring No. 2 water into the pond. MaKi Properties, LLC continues to evaluate development of its conditional rights, including Scott Spring No. 2 and Scott Place No. 1 (Case 2012CW63), to provide stock water for grazing management and additional water for the existing and future facilities at the equestrian guest ranch operation and other related facilities. MaKi Properties, LLC spent more than $10,000.00 to maintain, monitor, and test its water system, to protect its water rights, and to evaluate future development of its conditional water rights. The expenses include costs of professional services (such as engineers and attorneys) and installation of measuring devices for other water rights used in its water supply system. In Case 2012CW61, the Water Court ruled that the Scott Spring No. 2 water right and Scott Place No. 1 water right (Case 2012CW63) were an integrated water supply system, see C.R.S. § 37-92-301(4)(b), and thus diligence established for any one component is deemed to establish diligence for the other components. Names and addresses of owners or reputed owners of the land upon which any new diversion or storage structure, or modification to any existing diversion or storage structure is or will be constructed or upon which water is or will be stored, including any modification to the existing storage pool: Same as Applicant. Remarks or any pertinent information: Based on the foregoing, MaKi Properties, LLC requests the Water Court find that it has exercised reasonable diligence towards developing and completing the appropriation of the conditional water right during the diligence period, determine that reasonable diligence for the Scott Spring No. 2 conditional right establishes a finding of reasonable diligence for the other components of the integrated water supply system, and enter a decree continuing the Scott Spring No. 2 conditional water right in full force and effect throughout the next diligence period.2020CW3009 (12CW63, 04CW38), Groundwater tributary to Morrison Creek, tributary to Yampa River, Routt County. Application for Finding of Reasonable Diligence. Name and mailing address of Applicant: MaKi Properties, LLC, a Colorado limited liability company, P.O. Box 771146, Steamboat Springs, CO 80477. All pleadings and court-related documents are to be sent to Claire E. Sollars, Esq., P.O. Box 881302, Steamboat Springs, CO 80488, Claire@, 970.875.3370. Name and Type of Structure: Scott Place No. 1 (well – Permit No. 61079-F). Description of Conditional Right: Original Decree: Date of Decree: Oct. 13, 2006; Case No. 2004CW38; Routt County District Court, Water Div. 6. Subsequent Decree Awarding Portion Absolute and Finding of Diligence: Date of Decree: Feb. 10, 2014 (amended March 5, 2014); Case No. 2012CW63; Routt County District Court, Water Div. 6. Legal Description (as provided in most recent decree): NE? SE? Section 7, T2N, R83W of the 6th P.M. at a point 2544 feet from the South section line and 91 feet from the East section line of said Section 7, Routt County Colorado. The physical address is 16555 County Road 16. Oak Creek, Colorado 80467. Structures and the property boundary are depicted on the attached Exhibit 1, Structure Locations and Approximate Property Boundaries. Source of Water: groundwater tributary to Morrison Creek, tributary to Yampa River. Appropriation Date and Amount: April 15, 2004 in the amount of 15 gallons per minute, conditional. In Case 2012CW63, the Water Court awarded MaKi Properties, LLC an absolute right of 7 gpm of the previously-decreed 15 gpm conditional right and continued the remaining conditional portion of 8 gpm. Uses: Water supply for a central water system to supply potable water for a commercial equestrian guest ranch operation and other related facilities including guest and staff cabins, administrative offices, barns, riding facilities, and irrigation of not more than 0.46 acres of associated lawns and gardens. Depth of Well: 76 feet. Detailed outline of what has been done toward completion or for completion of the appropriation and application of water to a beneficial use as conditionally decreed, including expenditures: MaKi Properties, LLC consists of the Hideaway Ranch commercial equestrian guest ranch operation and other related facilities. Its potable water supply system for the operation and related facilities includes use of the Scott Place No. 1 water right. Maki Properties, LLC intends to install a larger capacity pump to better suit its needs and understands Permit 61079-F limits the average annual amount of groundwater withdrawal to 6.08 acre-feet. Maki Properties, LLC continues to evaluate development of its conditional rights, including Scott Place No. 1 and Scott Spring No. 2 (Case 2012CW61), to provide additional water for the existing and future facilities at the equestrian guest ranch operation and other related facilities. MaKi Properties, LLC spent more than $10,000.00 to maintain, monitor, and test its water system, to protect its water rights, and to evaluate future development of its conditional water rights. The expenses include costs of professional services (such as engineers and attorneys) and installation of measuring devices for other water rights used in its water supply system. In Case 2012CW63, the Water Court ruled that the Scott Place No. 1 water right and Scott Spring No. 2 water right (Case 2012CW61) were an integrated water supply system, see C.R.S. § 37-92-301(4)(b), and thus diligence established for any one component is deemed to establish diligence for the other components. Names and addresses of owners or reputed owners of the land upon which any new diversion or storage structure, or modification to any existing diversion or storage structure is or will be constructed or upon which water is or will be stored, including any modification to the existing storage pool: Same as Applicant. Remarks or any pertinent information: Based on the foregoing, MaKi Properties, LLC requests the Water Court find that it has exercised reasonable diligence towards developing and completing appropriation of the remaining conditional water right, determine that reasonable diligence for the Scott Place No. 1 conditional right establishes a finding of reasonable diligence for the other components of the integrated water supply system, and enter a decree continuing the Scott Place No. 1 conditional water right in full force and effect throughout the next diligence period.2020CW5 MOFFAT COUNTY Application for Conditional Water Rights. Applicant: Debbie Warneke, 7010 County Road 116, Maybell, CO 81640. Life4deb7springs@ 970-269-3038. Name of structure: Tisdel Springs #6, E180727 N4500406, Zone 13. PLSS: Moffat County, NE4, NW4, Section 5, T7N, R101W, 6th PM. Source: Water Commissions. Source: Holland Draw to Yampa River. Appropriation date: May 17, 2000. How appropriated: Pipe reservoir to tank. Date applied to beneficial use: May 17, 2000. Amount claimed: Absolute: .002 CFS. Name of structure: Tisdel Springs #7, E179954 N4499065, Zone 13. PLSS: SE4, SE4, Section 7, T7N, R101W, 6th PM. S 570 Feet from E section line. Source: Colorado Div. of Water Resources. Source: Holland Draw to Yampa River. Appropriation date: June 1, 1971. How appropriated: Pipe reservoir to tank. Date applied to beneficial use: June 1, 1971. Amount claimed: Absolute: .004 CFS. Use/proposed use: Livestock and wildlife. Applicant does not intend to use this water right to supplement irrigation on an area of land already irrigated under another water right. Purpose of non-irrigated portion of right: Livestock and Wildlife. Names and addresses of other owners: Applicant. Remarks: Refer to Case No. 12CW302020CW6 Jackson County. Application for Absolute Water Rights (Surface). Applicant: Nelson Selcer; 35573 Highway 14, Walden, CO 80480; nelsonselcer@; 970-846-1440. Name of Structure: Old SC Ditch Extension Pete’s Gate. UTM Coordinates: 401341E 4501803N; Zone 13; Source of UTM’s: DWR Records. Legal Description: County: Jackson; NE4 SE4; Section: 17; T8N; R78W; 6th PM.; Source of PLSS information: DWR Aqua Map. Source: Old SC Ditch from the Michigan, Tributary to the North Platte River. Date of appropriation: 12/10/71; How appropriation was initiated: Request for Irrigation/Decree; Date water applied to beneficial use: 07/26/11. Amount Claimed in cubic feet per second: Absolute: .5 cfs; List All Uses or Proposed Uses: Irrigation; If irrigation: Number of acres historically irrigated: 5.72; proposed to be irrigated: 5.72. Does the Applicant intend to use this water right to supplement irrigation on an area of land already irrigated under another water right: No. Legal description of irrigated acreage: NE4 NE4 S33 T9N 79W 6thPM. Beginning at a point on the west line of said NE4 NE4 from which the 1/16 corner on the north line of sec.33 bears North 00 30’45” West a distance of 261.70 ft: thence South 71 30’40” East, a distance of 646.68 ft; thence South 22 35’08” West, a distance of 476.04 ft. to a point on the north right of way of Colorado State Highway 14; thence North 65 29’39” West along said right of way, a distance of 468.73 ft to the west line of said NE4 NE4; thence North 00 30’45” West line a distance of 450.02 ft to the point of the beginning. Containing 5.72 Acres, more or less. Remarks or any other pertinent information: The requested water right is for land that has been historically irrigated as a hay meadow, this is a request to have a water right to continue irrigating after my purchase of the property in 07/26/11. Landowner: Castle Creek Ranch; Walden CO 80480. Glenda Knight; Milliken, Colorado. Deborah Hoisinger; Walden, Colorado 804802020CW3007- Jackson County Application for Finding of Reasonable Diligence or to Make Absolute in Whole or in Part 1. Name, address, e-mail address, and telephone number of Applicant: Blaine L. Evans and Judy L. Evans, 3605 Jackson County Road 26, Coalmont, CO 80430, (970) 723-4927, With copies to: Melinda H. Sherman, Sharp, Sherman & Engle LLC, P.O. Box 774608 / 401 Lincoln Ave, Steamboat Springs, CO 80477, sherman@, (970) 879-7600 2. Structures: Howard Ditch; MacFarlane Extension Ditch; MacFarlane Reservoir 3. Description of Conditional Water Right: A. Date of Original Decree as to All Structures: March 5, 1987, Consolidated Case Nos. 84CW156 and 84CW157, District Court, Water Division 6 B. Subsequent Decrees: August 5, 1993, Case No. 93CW14, District Court, Water Division 6; November 27, 2000, Case No. 99CW36, District Court, Water Division 6; February 10, 2014, Case No. 06CW42, District Court, Water Division 6 C. Legal Descriptions: Howard Ditch: The headgate is located on the West Bank of Willow Creek, 1450 feet East of the West Section Line and 1800 feet North of the South Section Line, in the NE 1/4 SW 1/4 of Section 12, Township 6 North, Range 79 West of the 6th P.M., Jackson County, Colorado. MacFarlane Extension Ditch: The headgate is located on the West Bank of the Illinois River, 2740 feet East of the West Section Line and 750 feet South of the North Section Line, in the NW 1/4 NE 1/4 of Section 13, Township 6 North, Range 79 West of the 6th P.M., Jackson County, Colorado. MacFarlane Reservoir: The approximate center of the existing dam is 750 feet due South of the Northeast Corner of Section 30, Township 7 North, Range 79 West of the 6th P.M., Jackson County, Colorado. D. Source of Water for All Structures: tributaries of the North Platte River E. Appropriation Date for All Structures: June 8, 1984 Amounts decreed Conditional in Consolidated Case Nos. 84CW156 and 84CW157: Howard Ditch: 70 cfs, conditional (one-half owned by Applicants), MacFarlane Extension Ditch: 70 cfs, conditional (one-half owned by Applicants), MacFarlane Reservoir: 6,833 AF, conditional for annual refill (in addition to 6,507 AF previously decreed absolute for annual fill) (one-half owned by Applicants) Amounts decreed Absolute and continued Conditional in Case No. 99CW36: Howard Ditch: 5.5 cfs, absolute, being one-half of the 11 cfs total put to beneficial use, reflecting Applicants’ one-half ownership; 59 cfs continued conditional (one-half owned by Applicants), MacFarlane Extension Ditch: 70 cfs continued conditional (one-half owned by Applicants), MacFarlane Reservoir: 314 AF, absolute, being one-half of the 628 AF put to beneficial use, reflecting Applicants’ one-half ownership; 6,205 AF continued conditional (one-half owned by Applicants), in addition to 6,507 AF, absolute (one-half owned by Applicants) Amounts decreed Absolute and continued Conditional in Case No. 06CW42: Howard Ditch: 29.5 cfs continued conditional, reflecting Applicants’ one-half ownership (of the total 59 cfs),MacFarlane Extension Ditch: 35 cfs continued conditional, reflecting Applicants’ one-half ownership (of the total 70 cfs), MacFarlane Reservoir: 579.5 AF, absolute, for annual refill, being one-half of the 1,159 AF put to beneficial use, reflecting Applicants’ one-half ownership, bringing the total absolute amount for annual refill owned by Applicants to 893.5 AF (of the total 1,787 AF); 2,524 AF continued conditional, reflecting Applicants’ one-half ownership (of the total 5,048 AF), in addition to 6,507 AF, absolute (one-half owned by Applicants) [note: the continued conditional should have been 5,046 AF total after subtracting out the amounts made absolute, but decree says 2,524 rather than 2,523] F. Use: Howard Ditch: direct flow irrigation, recreation, wildlife, piscatorial, and storage in MacFarlane Reservoir, MacFarlane Extension Ditch: direct flow irrigation, recreation, wildlife, piscatorial, and storage in MacFarlane Reservoir, MacFarlane Reservoir: irrigation, recreation, wildlife habitat, piscatorial, and annual refill G. Depth (if well): N/A Provide a detailed outline of what has been done toward completion or for completion of the appropriation and application of water to a beneficial use as conditionally decreed, including expenditures, during the previous diligence period: The following work has been done on the MacFarlane Reservoir: In 2017-2018, a new spillway was installed (raised to account for sediment in the reservoir), as were new toe drains, a new terminal outlet structure, and a new staff gauge. The existing gate (outlet) was repaired, fill was added, and the back side of the reservoir was sloped. Riprap was repaired and added. Other miscellaneous items were done, including reclamation activities following completion of the project. The total cost of the above was $1,616,925.00. The following work has been done on the Howard Ditch: April 6, 2019- trackhoe in ditch- $2,000.00, April 6, 2019- backhoe work for 6 hours at $80/hour- $480.00, October 8-9, 2019- backhoe work to enlarge and clean for 8 hours at $80/hour- $640.00, Total amount expended: $3,120.00. The following work has been done on the outlet of the MacFarlane Reservoir: A new weir was purchased at a cost of $3,248.30 and will be installed in the fall of 2020. When a project or integrated system is comprised of several features, work on one feature shall be considered in finding that reasonable diligence has been shown in the development of water rights for all features of the project or system. C.R.S. § 37-92-301(4)(b). 5. If claim to make absolute in whole or in part: A. Date water applied to beneficial use: August, 2017 Amount:Howard Ditch: 59 cfs absolute, 29.5 reflecting Applicants’ one-half ownership, MacFarlane Extension Ditch: 40 cfs absolute, 20 cfs reflecting Applicants’ one-half ownership, continuing 30 cfs conditional, 15 cfs reflecting Applicants’ one-half ownership, Use: Howard Ditch: direct flow irrigation, recreation, wildlife, piscatorial, and storage in MacFarlane Reservoir, MacFarlane Extension Ditch: direct flow irrigation, recreation, wildlife, piscatorial, and storage in MacFarlane Reservoir. The land irrigated is 320 acres located in Sections 19 and 30, Township 7 North, Range 79 West of the 6th P.M. and in Sections 21, 22, 24, and 25, Township 7 North, Range 80 West of the 6th P.M., and an additional 280 acres located in Section 21, Township 7 North, Range 80 West of the 6th P.M., all in Jackson County, Colorado (owned by Applicants); andApproximately 440 acres located in Sections 10, 11, 13, and 14, Township 7 North, Range 80 West of the 6th P.M. (owned by United States of America, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, 953 Co Road 32, Walden, Colorado 80480). 6. Names and address of owners or reputed owners of the land upon which any new diversion or storage structures, or modification to any existing diversion or storage structure is or will be constructed or upon which water is or will be stored, including any modification to the existing storage pool: The headgate of the Howard Ditch is located on land owned by Edson R. Howard, P.O. Box 639, Geyserville, CA 95441. The headgate of the MacFarlane Extension Ditch is located on land owned by Stephen and Karen DeLine, P.O. Box 772399, Steamboat Springs, CO 80477. The MacFarlane Reservoir is located on land owned by the United State of America, Bureau of Land Management, Kremmling Resource Area, 2103 E. Park Ave., Kremmling, CO 80459. The lands irrigated by water from these structures are owned by Applicants and the United States of America, United States Fish and Wildlife Service as set forth hereinabove. 7. Remarks or other pertinent information. Howard Ditch, MacFarlane Extension Ditch, and MacFarlane Reservoir were decreed Conditional on March 5, 1987, in Consolidated Case Nos. 84CW156 and 84CW157, in the District Court for Water Division 6. Howard Ditch was decreed Conditional in the amount of 70 cfs, with an appropriation date of June 8, 1984, for direct flow irrigation, recreation, wildlife, piscatorial, and storage in MacFarlane Reservoir. MacFarlane Extension Ditch was decreed Conditional in the amount of 70 cfs, with an appropriation date of June 8, 1984, for direct flow irrigation, recreation, wildlife, piscatorial, and storage in MacFarlane Reservoir. MacFarlane Reservoir was decreed Conditional in the amount of 6,833 AF for refill purposes (in addition to the annual fill of 6,507 AF Absolute previously decreed), with an appropriation date of June 8, 1984, for said Conditional amount, for the uses of direct flow irrigation, recreation, and piscatorial use, including wildlife and piscatorial habitat. In Case No. 93CW14, by Decree dated August 5, 1993, the Court found that reasonable diligence had been shown in the development of the subject water rights. Pursuant to a Notice of Transfer of Water Rights dated June 22, 1994 (and filed in Case No. 93CW14), the Applicants own one-half of the subject water rights, and the United States of America, Fish and Wildlife Service, owns the other one-half of said water rights. Said Notice also provided that the Applicants, Blaine L. Evans and Judy L. Evans, will file all future proceedings concerning the subject water rights. WHEREFORE, Applicants pray that the Court find that: Applicants have exercised reasonable diligence in developing the appropriation of the conditional water rights for MacFarlane Extension Ditch, and MacFarlane Reservoir and the conditional status of said water right shall be extended and said water rights in the Howard Ditch and the MacFarlane Extension Ditch, as described hereinabove, should now be decreed absolute. Respectfully submitted this 28th day of February, 2020. SHARP, SHERMAN & ENGLE LLC, Attorneys for Applicants, By: /s/ Melinda H. Sherman, Melinda H. Sherman, Reg. No. 23259.2020CW4 Rio Blanco County. Application for Conditional Water Storage Right. Applicant: Sheridan Ranches, LLC, Paul M. Sheridan-Manager; P.O. Box 298, Meeker, CO 81641-0298. bar7beef@; 970-878-5080. Name of Reservoir: Bar Seven Dam No 1. UTM Coordinates: 258625.618E 4436927.988N; Zone 13; Street Address: 2162 County Road 15, Meeker, CO 81641. Legal Description: County: Rio Blanco; NW4 NE4; Section: 21; T1N; R93W; 6th PM.; Source of PLSS information: Map Viewer. Street Address: 2162 County Road 15, Meeker, CO 81641. Source: Coal Creek Tributary to White River. If filled from a ditch: Name of Ditches: Oak Ridge Park Ditch; Coal Creek Mesa Ditch. UTM Coordinates Oak Ridge Park Ditch: 260575E 4427735N; Coal Creek Mesa Ditch: 263832E 4441501N. Date of appropriation: August 15, 2017; How appropriation was initiated: Discussion with Water Engineer Re: Construction and Location of Reservoir; Date water applied to beneficial use: N/A. Amount Claimed in acre feet: Conditional: 9.95 acre feet; If filled from a ditch, rate of diversion in cubic feet per second (cfs)for filling the reservoir: Conditional Oak Ridge Park Ditch: 0.5 cfs; Conditional Coal Creek Mesa Ditch: 0.5 cfs. List All Uses or Proposed Uses: Irrigation and Stock Water; If irrigation: Number of acres historically irrigated: 323.3; proposed to be irrigated: 323.3. Does the Applicant intend to use this water right to supplement irrigation on an area of land already irrigated under another water right: Yes. Legal description of irrigated acreage: We will be storing water to extend irrigation later into the growing season. Water from both ditch sources will be continuously filling the reservoir during irrigation season. If non-irrigation: Livestock may use reservoir as a water source when that pasture is being utilized. We may fence the reservoir and create a water gap. Surface area of high-water line: 1.85. Vertical height of dam in feet measured vertically from the elevation of the lowest point of the natural surface of the ground where that point occurs along the longitudinal centerline of the dam up to the crest of the emergency spillway of the dam: 9.90 feet; Length of dam in feet: 260 feet. Total capacity of reservoir in acre feet: 9.95-acre feet; Active capacity: 9.95; Dead storage: 0. Remarks or any other pertinent information: Both ditches actively run during the summer and fall months. The Coal Creek Mesa Ditch is fed by springs during the winter months and runs year-round. Both ditches will continuously run into the pond as we pump out of the pond and into the pivots. Landowner: Applicant.The water right claimed by this application may affect in priority any water right claimed or heretofore adjudicated within this division and owners of affected rights must appear to object and protest within the time provided by statute or be forever barred.You are hereby notified that you will have until the last day of April 2020 to file with the Water Court a Verified Statement of Opposition, setting forth facts as to why a certain Application should not be granted or why it should be granted only in part or on certain conditions. A copy of such Statement of Opposition must be served on the Applicant or the Applicant’s Attorney, with an affidavit or certificate of such service being filed with the Water Court, as prescribed by Rule 5, C.R.C.P. The filing fee for the Statement of Opposition is $192.00 and should be sent to the Clerk of the Water Court, Division 6, 1955 Shield Dr. Unit 200, Steamboat Springs, CO 80487.MARY ANN NINGERCLERK OF COURTROUTT COUNTY COMBINED COURTWATER DIVISION 6/s/ Julie A. Edwards Deputy Court Clerk ................

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