Revised May 2002 - Gaslight Media


Gaylord University Center

B.S. Criminal Justice-Law Enforcement

Lake Superior State University and North Central Michigan College

*Students must complete a minimum of 64 transfer credits required in the degree before starting LSSU courses.

*Students must have an earned Associate Degree from NCMC (or 88+ transferrable credits) to be eligible for Financial Aid

Courses taken from North Central Michigan College

ENG 111 English Composition I (MACRAO) 3

ENG 112 English Composition II (MACRAO) 3

COM 111 Speech 3

Humanities electives (MACRAO) 8

Laboratory Science (MACRAO) 4

MTH120 or higher (MACRAO) 4

STAT200 Statistics 3

Or LSSU CJUS345 Stats and Design for Public Safety

PLS 141 Introduction to American Government 3

PLS elective (Prefer PLS225) 3

CJ102 Intro to Criminal Justice 3

CJ120 Corrections 3

CJ130 Police Process 3

CJ202 Investigation 3

CJ207 Criminal Law 3

CJ210 Current Issues in Criminal Justice 3

CJ217 Criminal Procedures 3

CIS100 Intro to Computers 3

*PE116 Intro to Physical Conditioning 1

PHL109 Contemporary Moral Issues 3

PSY161 Intro to Psychology 3

PSY241 Abnormal Psychology 3

SOC230 Race and Ethnicity in America 3

Electives (courses to meet MACRAO and total 92 transfer credits) 17

Total Credits NCMC 92

Courses taken from LSSU (at Gaylord via Distance Education)

FIRE101 Intro to Fire Science 3

CJUS212 Loss Control 3

CJUS401 Senior Seminar 3

CJUS402 Internship 3

CJUS345 Stats or Design for Public Safety (or elective if you took STAT200) 3

Total LSSU 15

Courses taken on LSSU main campus (Spring semester of senior year)

*CJUS197 Physical Fitness for Law Enforcement 1

CJUS201 Firearms 1

*CJUS409 Procedural Law 3

*CJUS411 Police Operations 5

*CJUS444 Criminalistics 4

*HLTH189 First Responder 3

Total LSSU 17

Total credits required 124


School of Criminal Justice and Fire Science

*These six courses are required by the Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards to be taken by students during their final Spring semester at LSSU. CJ197 will be taken both semesters (PE116 at NCMC transfers to meet 1 credit of this requirement). In addition students desiring MCOLES certification must also complete a summer skills-completion program. See the MCOLES director for details.

The seven week skills-completion program is offered in the summer semester following the spring semester of the senior year. Note: Current EMT license waives the HE189 First Responder course

The NCMC/LSSU B.S. Criminal Justice Law Enforcement Program Highlights:

• Students complete 92 credits of coursework at NCMC with LSSU delivering a component of course work to NCMC via Distance Education. Students will be required to attend the spring semester of their senior year at the LSSU main campus which is followed by the 7 week academy in the summer semester.

• The BS program at LSSU in Law Enforcement incorporates both the regular

academic degree as well as the hands on police training.

• A student who successfully completes the BS in Law Enforcement and the seven week summer program is ready to enter law enforcement.  They do not have to attend a traditional 15 week police academy.

• Lake State has an indoor firearms range and a skid car for law enforcement training.

• All instructors in the LSSU academy are active police officers or



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