College of Agriculture & Natural Resources

right381000ESP Board Meeting Minutes – January 30, 2019, Via Zoom technology ESP Board members present: Shari Spoelman, Past President, Treasurer, Julie Darnton, President, Brian Klatt, President Elect, Emily Proctor, Historian, Beth Waitrovich, Joyce McGarry, Membership Committee Chair, Ann Chastain, Life Member Representative, Georgia Peterson, Dixie Sandborn, Global Relations study abroad trip representatives, Excused: Steve Lovejoy, Treasurer Motion to approve the minutes from October 25 Annual Meeting and Nov 16, 2018 board meeting as presented was made by Shari Spoelman, second by Emily Proctor. Motion passed. Officer ReportsPresident: Julia Darnton registered for upcoming PILD conference in Washington D.C.. President Elect: Brian Klatt Brian has started reviewing his responsibilities for the awards committee. Treasurer: Steve Lovejoy (written report at end of minutes) Secretary: Beth Waitrovich, Beth prepared minutes from the September 2018 board meeting and October annual meeting and distributed them to the board. Doodle polls were sent to board members for future meetings for 2019 and worked on the ESP Michigan website. Past President: Shari Spoelman Shari has provided guidance for new officers. Historian: Emily Proctor, Emily has been keeping the list for the deceased ESP members up to date. Standing Committee Reports:Membership: Joyce McGarry. No report. Awards / Recognition: Discussion was held about the need for nominations for the various ESP state and national awards. Julia and Brian will be working towards nominating eligible ESP members for awards, selection of state winners and getting them sent to national ESP. Life Member/Retiree Service: Ann Chastain No report. Scholarships: Shari Spoelman, Discussion was held about scholarships available. Unfinished Business:Video Project A discussion was held about the video that Steve has recorded. It was be placed on the ESP website. Looking for some ESP members/past members to share favorite memories of Extension. Website – Beth has updated the ESP website on the new MSUE website platform. There are more updates to be completed as the dues deadline passes on February 1. The Bylaws change approved at the October annual meeting also needs to be posted. Beth will let National ESP know about the change in the Michigan website URL so they can update the link on the National website. ESP International Trip – Discussion was held about proposed trip to Peru in May 2019. Georgia Peterson and Dixie Sandborn reported that the enrollment for the trip is very small. Julia will have an article in the ESP newsletter about it, send an email to all MSUE employees and also ask the National ESP members be informed about the study tour. Financial assistance was also discussed. Financial assistance may be available with the Professional Development up to $500.00 through Ann Baker, from Institute funds, and from ESP scholarship funds. Also discussed the need to plan further ahead so people could budget for the trip accordingly. Some ideas for future trips: New Zealand, Costa Rica, Thailand, Eastern Europe, Burgundy France, Iceland. Anyone that has an interest in helping to plan future trips please let one of the ESP board members know as we could like to get a committee together for future trips. Membership update – Beth will provide Joyce with a list of members who have not yet paid their ESP dues. MCEA Officers – MCEA is looking for a President Elect for 2018-2019. This is a three year term.ESP goals –Goals will include planning for professional development tours around Michigan with 2 tours in the next year and developing a committee to look at future global study abroad program. Newsletter - Julia will be putting together a newsletter for members this week Other BusinessMeeting adjourned at 3:35 p.m. Minutes by Beth Waitrovich, ESP secretary. Treasurer’s Report below. ESP Treasurer Report January 2019 by Steve Lovejoy: ................

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