Award Process

Interoffice MemoRFP # 0712200118To:Greg Faremouth, DirectorPurchasing OperationsFrom:Mark Lawrence, BuyerPurchasing OperationsDate:May 4, 2012 Subject:Award of RFP – 071I2200118 – Maintenance for LARA/UIA PrintersGENERAL:The State of Michigan (State), with the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) and the Michigan Department of Technology, Management & Budget (MDTMB), has issued this Request for Proposal (RFP) to obtain proposals from qualified firms for print and mail services for the Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency. JOINT EVALUATION COMMITTEE:The Joint Evaluation Committee (JEC) for this RFP consisted of the following individuals:Lawrence, Mark DTMBVotingWalker, John DTMBvotingBIDDERS:RFP was posted on the DMB Website on March 21, 2012. One (1) organization submitted a response to this RFP by the published due date of April 5, 2012 and were determined responsive.Ricoh Americas CorporationAward ProcessMethod of EvaluationProposals will be evaluated by a Joint Evaluation Committee chaired by MDTMB Purchasing Operations.Evaluation CriteriaThe following chart represents the scoring of the particular factors as located in the RFP. Weight1.Statement of Work – Service Capabilities Article 1.104352.Statement of Work – Staffing Capabilities Article 1.201, 4.015253.Project Management Article 1.300, 1.400254.Prior Experience Article – 4.01415TOTAL100Oral Presentation: Oral presentations were not conducted. Site Visit: Site visits were not conducted. Best and Final Offer (BAFO):The State did not request a BAFO from each proposal determined to be in the competitive range.3.023Price EvaluationOnly those proposals receiving a score of 80 points or more of the total maximum possible score will be considered for award. All price proposals will be opened. However, prices will only be evaluated from those Bidders meeting the minimum point threshold. Evaluation of price proposals includes consideration for a Qualified Disabled Veteran Preference. Public Act 431 of 1984, as amended, establishes a preference of up to 10% for businesses owned by qualified disabled veterans meeting the minimum point threshold for passing.3.024Award RecommendationThe award recommendation will be made to the responsive and responsible Bidder who offers the best value to the State of Michigan. Best value will be determined by the Bidder meeting the minimum point threshold and offering the best combination of the factors stated in Section 3.022, and price, as demonstrated by its proposal.3.025ReservationsThe State reserves the right to:(a) consider total cost of ownership factors in the final award recommendation (i.e. transition costs, training costs, etc.).(b) award by item, part or portion of an item, group of items or total proposal, to reject any and all proposals in whole or in part, if, in the Director of DTMB-Procurement’s judgment, the best interest of the State will be so served.(c) award multiple, optional use contracts. In addition to the other factors listed, offers will be evaluated on the basis of advantages and disadvantages to the State that may result from making more than one award.(d) consider overall economic impact to the State in the final award recommendation. This includes considering principal place of performance, number of Michigan citizens employed or potentially employed, dollars paid to Michigan residents, Michigan capital investments, economically disadvantaged businesses, etc.(e) award to another ‘best value’ contractor in case the original Awardee does not accept the award. This reservation applies for all of our solicitations whether they are quotes, bids, proposals, pre-qualified or pre-registered programs.(f) give a preference for products manufactured or services offered by Michigan firms if all other things are equal and if not inconsistent with federal statute. (See MCL 18.1261)(g) disqualify any bid based on Sections 1.1 through 4.1 in the general Certifications and Representations (completed at vendor registration).3.026Award DecisionAward recommendation will be made to the Chief Procurement Officer, DTMB-Procurement, for review and approval.3.027ProtestsA Bidder wishing to protest the award recommendation must submit a protest, in writing, by 5:00 p.m. EST on the date stated on the notice of award recommendation. Bidder must include the RFP number and clearly state the facts believed to constitute error in the award recommendation along with the desired remedy. More information is available at buymichiganfirst; click on the “Vendor Information” link.3.028State Administrative BoardThe State Administrative Board (SAB) must approve all contracts and purchase orders in excess of $250,000. The decision of the SAB regarding the award recommendation is final. However, SAB approval does not constitute a contract. The award process is not complete until the Bidder receives a properly executed Contract or Purchase Order.EVALUATION RESULTS:Ricoh Americas Corporation 91 pointsWeight1.Statement of Work – Service Capabilities Article 1.104312.Statement of Work – Staffing Capabilities Article 1.201, 4.015253.Project Management Article 1.300, 1.400224.Prior Experience Article – 4.01415TOTAL931) Statement of Work – Service Capabilities Article 1.104, scored _35_ / 31 points).Strengths Proposal, page 16, C Agency-specific technical and business requirements: The bidder has extensive familiarity with the State Of Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency’s (UIA) environment, providing successful support of UIA printers for 10 years.Proposal, page 16, C Agency-specific technical and business requirements: The bidder provided an internal support process for its’ Customer Support Specialist, to ensure service delivery.Weakness Proposal, page 14, B. State Standard Requirements: The bidder did not meet the requirement #5, “Remote diagnostic capabilities are provided.”Proposal, page 16, C. Agency-specific technical and business requirements, C1e thru C1j. The bidder countered the State’s maintenance response time requirements with a weaker alternative (“RPPS agrees to use commercially reasonable efforts to respond back to the customer within 60 minutes, with a 4 hour onsite objective.”)2) Statement of Work – Staffing Capabilities Article 1.201, 4.015.-– scored __25 / 25 points).Strengths Proposal, p. 18, 1.201, B, 4, Additional Security and Background Check Requirements: the bidder did not agree to meet the State requirements for 1) the MSP background checks, and 2) RI-8 fingerprint card. The bidder did propose an alternate check.Weakness none3) Project Management Article 1.300, 1.400 -– scored __25 / 22 points).. Strengths Proposal, p. 20, 1.302 Reports: the State required a “monthly “ problem report, but the bidder offered to provide that report “at any time”.Weakness Proposal, p. 21, 1.401 Issue Management: the State required that the Contractor maintain the issue log. Instead, the bidder proposes that the log be maintained by the State.4) Prior Experience Article – 4.014 -– scored __15 / 15 points).Strengths Proposal, p. 80, 4.014 Prior Experience/Past Performance: The bidder provides two references which have similar printing environments and systems that are used by UIA.Weakness none Price: $499,545.71 Evaluation SummaryStatement of Work – Service Capabilities Article 1.104Statement of Work – Staffing Capabilities Article 1.201, 4.015Project Management Article 1.300, 1.400 Prior Experience Article – 4.014totalCost ($)Weight35252515100Ricoh Americas Corporation3125221593$499,545.71Award RecommendationThe JEC was responsible for interpreting all information submitted, determining the quality of each vendor’s response to the requested information, and determining whether the information submitted demonstrated the bidder’s ability to sufficiently service the State. As specified in the ITB, only those proposals receiving a score of 80 points or more of the total maximum possible score were considered for award.The Award Recommendation is hereby made to Ricoh Americas Corporation. As a result of price negotiations, their cost proposal was negotiated to $499,545.71. ................

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