UIA Integrated System RFP

Appendix P

UIA Organization Overview

UIA Integrated System

Table of Contents

Overview of the Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency 1

Overview of Functions, Roles, and Tools 2

I. Administrative Laws and Rules 2

II. Senior Project Manager 2

III. Customer Service 3

A. Lansing, Saginaw, Grand Rapids, and Detroit Remote Initial Claim Centers 4

B. Work Distribution Center 5

C. Trust Fund, Tax, and Field Audit 5

1. Department Analyst 6

2. Trust Fund Accounting 6

3. Tax Office 6

Tax Maintenance & Tax Status 7

Special Programs 9

4. Field Audit 10

5. Employer Systems Support 10

6. Tax Enforcement Unit 11

7. State Unemployment Tax Avoidance (SUTA Dumping) 11

8. Independent Contractor 13

9. Special Projects 13

IV. Benefit Services 14

A. Project Manager 15

B. External Benefit Services 15

Advocacy Program 15

Surveys & Michigan Works Agency (MWA) Outreach 15

Multi Claimant 16

Employer Customer Relations Hotline 16

Wage Outreach & Analysis (WOA) 16

Administrative Analysis & Federal Reports 16

Electronic Wage Records 17

Wage Record Information & Reports 17

Customer Relations 18

Claimant Customer Relations Hotline 18

Centralized Response 18

Saginaw, Lansing, Grand Rapids, Marquette, Gaylord, Detroit Problem Resolution Offices 18

C. Internal Benefit Services 19

UI Tech & Data Control 19

Benefit Systems Control 19

Employer Filed Claims 20

Virtual Problem Resolution (ViPR) 20

Federal Programs and Procedures 20

Quality Assurance 22

V. Management Services 24

A. Benefit Fraud Investigations 24

B. Integrity Initiatives 24

C. Multi Service Center (UIA Warehouse) 25

D. Central Support 25

E. Center for Learning and Development 25

VI. System Integration Project 25

Overview of the Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency

The unemployment insurance program provides weekly benefits to eligible unemployed workers. These benefits provide economic stability to the workers and their families during temporary periods of unemployment and help lessen the effect of unemployment on the local economy.

Unemployment insurance is a federal-state program jointly financed through federal and state employer payroll taxes. Employer payroll taxes collected under the Michigan Employment Security Act (MESA) are used to pay benefits to unemployed workers. The federal unemployment tax is used to finance the administrative expenses of each state's unemployment insurance program and certain federal costs related to extended benefits.


Overview of Functions, Roles, and Tools

In Michigan, the Unemployment Insurance Agency is led by the Office of the Director. The UIA Director is responsible for all unemployment insurance services for the state of Michigan and is supported by a Senior Project Manager and the executive directors in the following business areas:

• Administrative Laws and Rules

• Customer Service

• Benefit Services

• Management Services

• System Integration Project Office

I. Administrative Laws and Rules

This section is responsible for drafting and interpreting legal requirements of the Michigan Employment Security Act and Rules as well as any other federal or state law that impact the unemployment insurance program in Michigan. Staff in this office utilize the mainframe, FileNet and the internet for legal and non-legal research and have the responsibility to:

• Draft legislation

• Interpret applicable statutes and rules

• Prepare legal (technical) materials

• Prepare non-legal materials

• Appeal hearing decisions to the next level of review

• Respond to inquiries/complaints on complex policies or convoluted results

II. Senior Project Manager

The Senior Project Manager responds to politically sensitive inquires and complaints using all of the tools available to Benefits and Tax staff depending on the nature of the inquiry. In addition, the Senior Project Manager manages special projects on an ad hoc basis (assistance for the Hurricane Katrina disaster, a combined Tax and Benefits collections project, etc.) For these temporary projects, the Senior Project Manager uses tools currently available to the Benefits and Tax staff.

III. Customer Service

This Bureau is responsible for the core services that allow the distribution of benefits to claimants. These include taking initial claim applications, fact finding and resolving eligibility issues, assisting with bi-weekly claim certifications, responding to inquiries from claimants and the general public, and manually adjusting claims as needed to assure proper payments to claimants and proper charges/credit to employers.


The functions supported by the bureau of Customer Service are provided by the following work units:

A. Lansing, Saginaw, Grand Rapids, and Detroit Remote Initial Claim Centers

The Remote Initial Claims (RIC) Centers are the primary point of contact for claimants seeking unemployment benefits. The functions of the RIC Centers are performed by UI Examiners who use an ACD, CEDA, AWAM mainframe transactions and batch error/exception reports, templates/macros for decision entry, and an intranet Tools page with links to policies and procedures and tools to assist them with their work. The staff in the call center locations:

• Taking initial claim applications (IC)

o Types of applications: New, Reopen (break in reporting without work during break), Additional (break in reporting with work during break)

o Programs: Unemployment Insurance (UI), Federal Extended Benefits (EB), State Extended Benefits (EB), Interstate Benefits (IB), Combined Wage Claims (CWC), Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE), Unemployment Compensation for Ex-Servicemen (UCX), Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA), Trade Readjustment Allowance (TRA)

• Process exceptions to MARVIN bi-weekly claims

o Needs Michigan Works registration (employment services)

o Needs periodic eligibility review (ERP)

o Needs IC after a break in the bi-weekly claims

o Needs transitional claim (new benefit year)

o Needs adjustment: billing and monetary entitlement out of balance

o Exhausted benefit claim (all weeks paid)

• Answer Claimant inquiries

• Change Claimant personal information (name, address, telephone number)

• Process payment adjustments

• Process voided checks

• Process document work items (incoming mail/fax)

• Resolve eligibility issues

o Fact finding with Claimants and Employers

o Refer cases for Employer audit (unknown employer or missing wages)

o Write determinations/re-determinations

• Enter on mainframe

• Generate determinations (decisions) to Claimant and Employer

• Adjust payments/charges

o Process appeals

• Enter appeal requests

• Testify at hearings

• Enter appeal decision (all higher level decisions)

• Process Re-determination of Charges (ROCs)

o Review Employer requests for relief of charges

o Adjust charges or resolve as eligibility issue

B. Work Distribution Center

The functions of this unit are performed by General Office Assistants and Store Keepers who use high speed scanners and fax servers with RightFax software to store electronic images of documents, I-Capture software to index images, FileNet software to store images as part of the electronic files for the agency and Automatic Work Distribution System (AWDS) to route incoming mail to the correct work unit. The staff in this area:

• Receive, open, batch, and image mail

• Receive faxes

• Index mail/faxes for distribution

• Create work items when necessary

C. Trust Fund, Tax, and Field Audit

This Bureau is responsible for all functions related to the tax liability of employers under the Michigan Employment Security Act. The duties of the Bureau are divided into the following functional work units: Trust Fund Accounting, Tax Office, Field Audit, Employer Systems Support, Enforcements, State Unemployment Tax Avoidance (SUTA) Dumping/Independent Contractor, and Special Projects.


The functions supported by the bureau of Trust Fund, Tax, and Field Audit are provided by the following:

1. Department Analyst

The Department Analyst assists the Bureau Director with management of the budget, expenditures, and personnel functions. The Analyst also performs the following non-management functions using the mainframe, FileNet, AWDS, Excel and several internet sites:

• Research cases and prepares responses to inquiries and complaints

• Create exhibits for court cases

• Develop policies and procedures for new functions

2. Trust Fund Accounting

The Trust Fund Accounting unit manages the fiscal integrity of the Michigan Unemployment Insurance Fund through sound cash management of the trust fund balance. The roles of this unit include Accountants responsible for the cash management and reporting functions and an Analyst who serves as a liaison for maintenance, enhancement and development of the technical tools used by the unit. The tools used to perform their work include the mainframe, MAIN – Michigan Administrative Information Network, ASAP, PMS, Chase Access, Monarch, Access, AWAM, and ImageView. They:

• Manage the integrity of the Trust Fund:

• Balance the general ledger (Employer liability, payments and benefit charges)

• Balance lock box

• Issue Employer refunds

• Perform financial audits

• Draw down money from federal account

• Generate financial reports (State and Federal)

• Manage lock box contract

• Process returned, lost or stolen checks and affidavits

3. Tax Office

This unit establishes employer tax liability, determines tax rates, collects unemployment taxes, certifies employer wage information to the IRS, files proof of claim with the courts in bankruptcy cases, certifies employers for a Work Opportunity Tax Credit, and maintains electronic images of employer files. The manager provides personnel functions.

Tax Maintenance & Tax Status

The functions of the Teams are performed by Team Leaders, Liability Examiners, Account Technicians, and Secretaries, General Office Assistants who use the mainframe, ACD, an Automatic Call Distribution System, FileNet, AWDS, Microsoft Office, microfiche, and several customized database/application for refund case tracking and processing.

o Work with the account status and maintenance for Contributing Employer liability

o Answer inquiries (most contact with Employers)

o Determine Employer status:

• Whether they have covered employment

• Whether they have sufficient employment to be covered

• Whether their employment is excluded from coverage

• Whether transfer of business results in transfer of tax account/rate to successor

• Whether Employer account should be closed as no longer has Employees/operates business

o Review Employer protests and re-determine/process appeal

o Refer Employer accounts suspected of SUTA Dumping

o Testify at hearings (in person/by telephone)

o Forward potential SUTA cases to SUTA team

o Maintain accounts:

• Enter business transfers

• Assign tax rates to Employers

• Amended Employer Reports

• Account adjustments

• Process tax rate protests/appeals

• Process refunds requests

o Process error file (quarterly report filed but cannot post)

• Determine cause of error

• Determine resolution

• Resolve error

o Update Employer accounts

o Process error/exception reports

o Record Tax lien/discharge

o Monitor cases from benefit claims

o Maintain Power of Attorney authorizations

Tax Team Support

The functions of this unit are performed by the Office Supervisor, Accounting Assistants and General Office Assistants using the mainframe, ACD, FileNet, AWDS, and a customized application for refund payment processing. The staff of this area may:

• Provide clerical support to Teams

• Review mail for distribution (including scanned documents vendor was unable to index)

• Process returned mail

• Answer/route Employer calls

• Maintain both Employer Files:

← All correspondence to/from Employer with historical value

← Batch files of tax reports and payments processed by lock/box vendor

← Prepare documents for scanning vendor

• Maintain database of reports and payments received on site and forwarded to lock box vendor

• Reconcile reports/payments processed by vendor and mainframe batch updates from vendor file

• Change Employer addresses

• Send tax liens to Counties with fees and distribute to Teams when returned


The functions of this unit are performed by Account Examiners and an Account Technician who use the mainframe, FileNet, and AWDS. The staffs perform the following functions:

• Collect overdue balances

• Respond to inquiries from Employers regarding liability, payment, protests, etc.

• Generate correspondence relating to the collection of past due balances via Word Templates

• Create (and approve) repayment plans

• Assist Employers with petition for waiver of penalty & interest

• Generate manual liens and discharge liens on employer assets

• Prepare file for legal referral

• Write off uncollectible debts

• Issue Notices to Withhold

• Approve penalty and interest cancellations

Proof of Claim (POC)

The functions of the unit are performed by Account Examiners and an Account Technician who use the mainframe, FileNet, ACD, a custom database/application for case tracking and management reports and AWDS. The staff in this area:

• File claims with Bankruptcy Court when Employer has unpaid balance

• Process posting payments from Courts

• Adjust taxes, interest, penalties based on Court decisions

(If bankruptcy is dismissed, transferred back to Collections.)

• Track status and balances

• Create management reports

Special Programs

This section provides services to government and non-profit organizations in relation to their unemployment tax liability and to Employers requesting tax credit under the Work Opportunity Tax Credit program.


The functions of this unit are performed by an Analyst, Account Examiner, and Account Technician who use the mainframe, an ACD, FIleNet, Automatic Work Distribution System (AWDS), and a custom application for case tracking and billing/collections. The staff of the unit:

• Maintain reimbursing Employer accounts (Government, Non-profit, Religious, Indian)

• Answer inquiries

• Determine if employers qualify for a reimbursable account:

← Determine if employer account should be closed because they no longer have employees/or operate as a business

← Verify bonding requirements

• Review employer protests and re-determine/process appeals

• Testify at hearings (in person/by telephone)

• Maintain Employer account:

← Enter business transfers

← Review and mail quarterly billing.

← Account adjustments

← Process protests

← Process refunds

← Convert Employer Account Type (Contributing/Reimbursing)

← Collect unpaid tax payments.

• Develop procedures for Reimbursing Employers

Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)

The functions of this unit are performed by Analysts, Departmental Technicians, and a Word Processing Assistant who use a custom database/application for case tracking of requests and resolutions, AWDS, ACD, FileNet, and system interfaces with Department of Human Services, Secretary of State and iChat to verify eligibility. The staff in this unit:

• Process Employer requests for Work Opportunity Tax Credit

• Verify Employer hire meets requirements of a new hire from target groups

• Approve/deny applications

• Create management reports

4. Field Audit

The functions of this unit are performed by Field Auditors, an Analyst, and a Departmental Technician using the mainframe, an audit application, and FileNet. The Departmental Technician supports the Auditors and uses a customized database/application to track audits requested for determining claimant benefit eligibility when employer is not on file or wages are not reported. The unit’s responsibilities are to:

• Perform audits of employer accounts

o Audit is a fact finding function

o No decision is made by Auditor (may make recommendation)

• Return audit documents for review, written decision to parties, account adjustments

• Develop audit procedures

• Develop audit forms and templates

• Create management reports

5. Employer Systems Support

The functions of this unit are performed by UI Analysts who use an extensive set of tools in support of the technology used to provide tax services: mainframe, FileNet, AWDS, EWAM, AWAM, ACD, Microsoft Office, batch error/exception reports, SDDS, an audit application, and several customized applications/databases. The Manager provides personnel services and assists with the functions of the unit. They:

• Act as liaison between Department of Information Technology (DIT) and UI business area

o New technical needs

o Current system enhancements

o Detecting problems or errors

o Equipment standards and replacement strategies

o Test and implement hardware/software changes

• Assess new technologies and fit for business solutions:

o Provide business assessment

o System requirements

o Testing

o Training users

o Provide user guides

• Design forms and route for clearance

• Create management and ad hoc reports

• Manage batch processing:

o Request scheduling of nightly mainframe batch jobs and monitor for issues

o Review output for accuracy

o Distribute output to work units or mail to customers

• Manually validate employer rate calculations for Department of Labor (DOL)

• Data validation and error corrections

• Specialty processing to fix data errors

• Add federal accounts to state system

• Support employers and staff for EWAM/AWAM

• Manage data sharing/exchange agreements (IRS)

• Establish system access for State/Federal audits

• Monitor vendor scanning contract

• Manage special projects when needed

6. Tax Enforcement Unit

The functions of this unit are performed by Investigators with criminal justice training using the mainframe, the internet for information searches, information from Secretary of State on new businesses, skip tracing, driver license photos, and electronic documents from FileNet. The staff have the responsibility to:

• Investigate Employers who refuse to cooperate with Tax Office regarding liability documents

• Investigate Employers who fail to pay taxes, interest or penalties

• Create management reports on unit activities

• File manual liens

• Request judgments

7. State Unemployment Tax Avoidance (SUTA Dumping)

The functions of this unit are performed by Auditors, Liability Examiners, Analysts, and an Account Technician using the mainframe, several Excel spreadsheets to track referrals and investigations (will be replaced with a custom database/application), and SDDS. They:

• Detect inappropriate employer account transfers or manipulation of payroll to reduce tax liability

o Audit for accurate determinations

o Issue determinations/re-determination

o Assess penalties

o Adjust accounts to remedy reporting errors and impacts

o Review protests, process appeals, appear as witnesses for depositions and court cases

o Educate employers

o Create management reports

o Prepare annual report to the legislature on cost benefit of functions

8. Independent Contractor

The functions of this unit are performed by an Analyst and Auditors using the mainframe and an audit database/application with data received from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). They:

• Perform field audits of workers reported to the IRS by employers as independent contractors

o Audit is a fact finding function

o No decision is made by Auditor (may make recommendation)

• Return audit documents for review, written decision to parties, account adjustments

• Develop audit criteria

• Generate audit requests

• Create management reports

9. Special Projects

The functions of this unit are performed by Analysts using the mainframe, FileNet, AWDS, and Microsoft Office software for training. The Manager provides personnel services and assists with functions of the unit. The following provide descriptions of the unit’s job functions:

• Review and update procedures documents

• Prepare training material and handouts for tax staff to use for training sessions

• Prepare ad hoc reports on request

• Develop and modify forms

• Assist with testing of new technologies

• Troubleshoot problems with FileNet hardware/software

• Manage special projects as needed

IV. Benefit Services

This Bureau has the responsibility for all of the behind the scenes work that supports the benefit claim process including maintaining the wage file used to determine monetary entitlement, support of automated TFC-Telephone Filed Claims and IFC-Internet Filed Claims services to reduce workload in the RIC Centers, support of claims involving federal programs, managing quality assurance programs, collection of overpaid benefits, managing services to claimants for unemployment hearings, support of the development of automated systems to provide staff with the tools to perform their work accurately and efficiently, in person support to claimants at the Problem Resolution Centers (PRO), telephone support to claimants and employers with a toll free number, generating and submitting federal and management reports, developing procedures to implement changes to laws and policies, managing deductions from payments for Friend of the Court (child support), and alien verification of authorization to work. The following chart shows the structure of the Bureau:


The functions supported by the Bureau of Benefit Services are provided by the following work units:

A. Project Manager

The Project Manager reports to the Director of Benefit Services in support of the development of technology used by the staffs of Customer Service and Benefit Services as well as claimants and employers. The Project Manager may use all of the tools in the agency when working on a project for a particular work unit or function in addition to project management tools. The key functions performed by the Project Manager include:

• Managing projects for large benefit initiatives

• Coordinating the priorities for IT projects and enhancements

• Coordinating supplemental budget requests

B. External Benefit Services

This section provides direct public contact in support of benefit claims at the Problem Resolution Offices (PRO) and through the Employer and Claimant Hotlines, maintains wage records used to determine Claimant eligibility, assigns advocates to Claimants and Employers for unemployment hearings, distributes and maintains customer surveys, and investigates multi claimant issues for the RIC Centers. The Administrator and Secretary of this section provide personnel services.

Advocacy Program

The functions of this unit are performed by Analysts and Technicians using the mainframe and a customized Advocacy database/case tracking and billing application to:

• Provide advocacy program information to claimants and employers

• Coordinate the assigning of advocates to claimants and employers for hearings on disputed claims

• Qualify applicants as advocates for the program

• Verify billing and authorize payments

• Track the annual budget

Surveys & Michigan Works Agency (MWA) Outreach

The functions of this unit are performed by Analysts using the mainframe and a customized Surveys database/application. They:

• Distribute surveys to claimants and employers on service satisfaction

• Distribute surveys to staff on system satisfactions and suggestions for enhancements

• Act as liaison to the Michigan Works Agency (MWA) to establish policies and procedures for handling Claimants who need services from MWA and verify that the service levels are adequate

• Manage federally required profiling services for claimants likely to face long term unemployment

Multi Claimant

The functions of this unit are performed by Claims Examiners using an ACD, mainframe transactions and batch error/exception reports, templates/macros for decision entry, and an intranet Tools page with links to information and tools to assist them with their work. They post a template decision on the web for RIC Center staff to use for issuing decisions to all claimants identified as part of the group. The unit is responsible for performing the following task:

• Group cases with the same Employer/same issue together to streamline processing time and address

o Separation issues

o Remuneration issues (post-separation earnings)

o School issues

• Investigate issues and prepare decision templates

• Adjust records for individual issues that should have been part of the group case

Employer Customer Relations Hotline

The functions of this unit are performed by Claims Examiners using ACD, mainframe transactions, and an intranet Tools page with links to information and tools to assist them with their work. They:

o Provide customer service for Employers and handle;

o General questions

o Handbook requests

o Redirect specific account/claim information requests to Tax/Benefits

Wage Outreach & Analysis (WOA)

This unit has responsibility for the analysis and preparation of administrative and federal reports, supports electronic, paper and magnetic tape wage reporting, coordinates UIA responses to Freedom of Information Act requests, and processes orders for Employer Handbooks. The Manager and Secretary of the unit provide personnel functions.

Administrative Analysis & Federal Reports

The functions of this unit are performed by an Economic Analyst and a UI Analyst who use mainframe generated reports and files, a customized reports database/application to store required data for federal management reports, and the Sun System to transmit federal reports. They:

o Deliver all Federal/State required reports

o Provide statistical reports for UI Administration

o Forecast workloads to federal Department of Labor

o Provide ad hoc reports as needed

o Submit report data for validation by Department of Labor

Electronic Wage Records

The functions of this unit are performed by Analysts who use the mainframe and AWAM-Administrative Web Account Manager to assist employer filings. They:

o Support the EWAM application for quarterly wage reports

o Verify all submissions are processed/stored (original and amended wage reports)

o Respond to employer questions/queries (application problems)

Wage Record Information & Reports

This unit supports the wage reporting, SAVE, and Friend of the Court (FOC)/Child Support functions. The Manager and the Secretary provide personnel functions, report on the status of quarterly wage reports and prepare ad hoc reports.

Friend of the Courts (FOC)

The functions of this unit are performed by Claims Examiners using an automated electronic data exchange with the Child Support Agency, the mainframe for manual entry of exceptions, and a customized FOC case tracking database/application. They:

• Process paper child support orders to intercept money from benefit payments

• Process exceptions from automated electronic exchange of child support orders with Michigan Child Support agencies

Wage Record

The functions of this unit are performed by Technicians who open mail and prepare wage report batches for vendor keying, receive and prepare magnetic tapes for upload to the mainframe, and use the mainframe for processing exceptions. They:

• Prepare paper wage reports for vendor

← Open mail

← Prepare batches for keying

← Box batches for vendor pick-up

• Prepare magnetic tapes for upload process

← Open mail

← Deliver for upload to mainframe

• Processes file errors that the vendor cannot detect

System Alien Verification of Entitlement (SAVE)

The functions of this unit are performed by an Analyst and a Technician using the mainframe and a federal web based interface with Homeland Security. They:

• Institute initial verification with Homeland Security

• Institute additional verification with Homeland Security

• Request proof of alien status when required

Customer Relations

This unit is responsible for managing the Problem Resolution Offices (PRO), supporting an additional hotline for claimant inquiries and problems, and managing rapid response activities for plant closings. The Manager developed and maintains a complex spreadsheet in Excel for reporting activity from all centers that can be rolled up into one management report on workloads.

Claimant Customer Relations Hotline

The functions of this unit are performed by Claims Examiners using an ACD, CEDA, mainframe transactions, and an intranet Tools page with links to information and tools to assist them with their work. They:

o Provide service to customers via toll free number to replace in-person services after branch offices closed

o Provide a secondary point of contact for claimants to follow-up on issue/questions (RIC Centers are primary contact)

Centralized Response

The staffing of the Response Team is ad hoc based on staff availability at the time the services are needed. They:

o Provide outreach for claimants and employers, when a plant shuts down, regarding benefits available and responsibilities for filing (Rapid Response)

Saginaw, Lansing, Grand Rapids, Marquette, Gaylord, Detroit Problem Resolution Offices

The functions of these units are performed by Claims Examiners using the mainframe, CEDA, an intranet Tools page with links to information and tools to assist them in their work, FileNet, AWDS and email. They:

o Provide a public face for service to claimants (and employers) at a public employment office in their area.

o Assist Claimants with use of telephone or internet services

o Resolve claim issues from RIC Center work queues

o Act as Legislative liaison in Lansing PRO to answers calls/questions from governor/legislature.

C. Internal Benefit Services

This section provides support to UIA staff by supporting the development and on-going use of automated systems, processing employer filed claims, managing federal programs, managing federal quality assurance requirements, and collecting overpaid benefit payments. The Administrator and Secretary of this section provide personnel services.

UI Tech & Data Control

This unit supports and develops benefit systems, supports employer filed claims, and processes benefit errors/exceptions from the initial claims process. The Manager provides personnel functions, and may perform the functions of the sub-units. The sub-units include Benefit Systems Control Employer Filed Claims.

Benefit Systems Control

The functions of this unit are performed by Analysts and Technicians who use an extensive set of tools in their support of the services provided to Claimants, Employers and staff, including the mainframe, FileNet, iCapture, AWDS, AWAM, TFC, IFC, CenterVu, ACD, Avaya phones, MARVIN, Intranet tools page, Employer Filed Claims, NICE, ICON, and security access. They:

o Act as liaison between Department of Information Technology (DIT) and the business area for both Benefits and Appeals

• Identify new technical needs

• Identify current system enhancements

• Fixing problems or errors

• Determine equipment standards and replacement strategies

• Test and implement hardware/software changes

o Manage all automated systems used by the staff to process benefits

• Monitor daily processing cycles

• Oversee all system changes

← Process change requests

← Define requirements

← Test all system changes and software upgrades

← Provide training on new systems for training team and/or staff

o Support daily system maintenance

o Provide ad hoc reports on request

o Provide technical assistance (help desk) to benefits staff

o Maintain and distribute reports

o Validate data

o Coordinate CICS/mainframe security

Employer Filed Claims

The functions of this unit are performed by Analysts, Claims Examiners, and Technicians using the mainframe, FileNet, AWDS, ACD, CMS, faxes/emails, EWAM, AWAM, and Excel for reports. They:

o Provide telephone support for claims filed electronically by the employer

• By agreement with Michigan’s Big 5 Employers and some smaller corporations

• Eliminates need for employees to file Initial/Additional claims

• Handles mass lay off only, no other reason for separations

• Handles 17 - 18 percent of all initial claims

o Process exceptions

Virtual Problem Resolution (ViPR)

The functions of this unit are performed by Claims Examiners who use a special application to receive, and respond to, queries from the claimant population. The ViPR staff use the mainframe and AWDS to inform their responses. They:

o Process inbound claimant questions regarding claims activity that may involve claim, bi-weekly certification or adjudication issues.

o Staff responses to the questions received from the claimant portal accounts are processed in two tiers: qualified staff answer queries directly, while less experienced staff responses must be approved prior to posting to the claimant’s accounts.

Federal Programs and Procedures

The unit is responsible for Combined Wage Claims, Benefit Procedures, and TRA and Special Programs and serves as the Disaster Unemployment Assistance Coordinator. The Manager provides personnel functions and may perform the functions of the sub-units.

Interstate Program Coordinator (IPC)

The IPC is an Analyst who uses the mainframe to perform the functions of the Coordinator. The IPC:

• Coordinates Combined Wage Claim (CWC) activity

• Works closely with CWC Unit

• Communicates federal policies and procedures to UI Benefits Procedures Unit for write-up and distribution

Combined Wage Claims (CWC)

The functions of this unit are performed by Claims Examiners using the mainframe and ICON. They:

• Process exceptions to automated combined wage claims, including:

← Initial claims

← Monetary entitlement

← Billings to and from other states when wages earned in more than one state are combined with Michigan wages

Trade Readjustment Act (TRA) & Special Programs

The functions of this unit are performed by Claims Examiners using the mainframe. They:

• Manage federal benefit programs:

← Manage all aspects of the Trade Readjustment Act (TRA), Alternate Trade Adjustment Assistance (ATAA), Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC) claims processes

← Provide orientation for new certifications

← Work as a liaison with Michigan Works Agency

• Manage implementation of Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA)

• Monitor training attendance for eligible claimants

• Process certifications based on eligibility

• Track petition certifications

• Perform maintenance on account associated with claimants eligibility of Basic, Additional, Remedial Trade Adjustment Allowances

UI Benefit Procedures

The functions of the unit are performed by Analysts, a Claims Examiner and a Technician using the mainframe and Microsoft office tools. They:

• Analyze the Michigan Employment Security Act and Administrative Rules

• Write the policies and procedures to facilitate application for agency staff

• Write agency publications

• Manage federal Benefits Timeliness and Quality (BTQ)

← Sample selection

← First scoring

← Facilitate second scoring

• Develop/update templates for outgoing forms

• Coordinate claims under the federal programs:

← Unemployment Compensation for Ex-servicemen (UCX)

← Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE)

Quality Assurance

The unit is responsible for Benefit Payment Control, Benefit Overpayment Collection, Benefit Accuracy Measurement (BAM)/Denied Claims Accuracy (DCA), and Tax Performance. The Manager provides personnel functions and may perform the functions of the sub-units.

Benefit Payment Control

The functions of this unit are performed by an Analyst and UI Examiners using the mainframe and a customized database/application. They:

• Review cases identified from various cross match programs (Michigan Wage File, State and Federal Directories of New Hires, and a planned match with Department of Corrections)

• Compare with payments to claimants for identified weeks

• Investigate potential restitution/overpayment issues

• Issue decisions

• Identify prevention and detection techniques

Benefit Overpayment Collections

The functions of this unit are performed by UI Examiners acting as collectors using the mainframe and telephone. They:

• Collect restitutions/overpayments via letter and telephone requests

• Deposit payments

• Approve repayment plans

• Prepare case for prosecution

• Request intercept of state tax refunds

• Authorize refunds

• Adjust claimant records

Benefit Enforcement Unit (BEU)

This team of enforcement professionals has the task of executing terms of payment agreements and more aggressively collecting restitution and penalties owed to the UI Trust Fund due to improperly obtained unemployment benefits.

The Benefit Enforcement Unit (BEU) is responsible for protecting the integrity of the UI Trust Fund by enforcing compliance to the Michigan Employment Security (MES) Act, Administrative Rules, Policies and Procedures; enforcing collections on Payment Agreements, and restitution accounts that are non compliant and representing the Agency in administrative hearings. This unit is composed primarily of professional Regulation Agents.

Benefit Accuracy Measurement (BAM)/Denied Claims Accuracy (DCA)

The functions of this unit are performed by analysts/auditors using the mainframe and the Sun System. They:

• Reviews a random sample of benefit cases

• Evaluates the quality of benefit operations

← Application of state and federal laws

← Benefit payments/adjustments

← Monetary calculations

• Enters results into Sun System

• Recommend program improvements

Tax Performance

The functions of this unit are performed by an auditor using the mainframe and the Sun System. The auditor:

• Reviews a random sample of tax cases

• Evaluates the quality of tax operations

← Employer tax rates

← Employer status/coverage

← Benefit charges/credits

← Tax payments

← Accounts receivable

• Enters results into Sun System

• Recommends program improvements

V. Management Services

This Bureau is responsible for administrative support of the agency as well as some unemployment program functions which include fraud investigations, integrity initiatives, and the centralized printing and mailing functions. The administrative support and training functions of Central Support and Center for Learning and Development are outside the scope of an integrated UIA system.


The functions supported by the bureau of Management Services are provided by the following work units:

A. Benefit Fraud Investigations

The functions of this unit are performed by Investigators who go into the field to observe and gather information to establish whether or not claimants have filed fraudulent claims to receive benefits. They also participate in internal investigations of potential staff fraud. They have access to all data on the mainframe for Employers and Claimants, a customized database/application for case tracking and reports, and the Internet for information searches to aid their fraud investigations. They:

• Investigate cases of suspected benefit fraud, Employer fraud, or internal fraud by staff

• Recommend penalties and/or restitution

• Prepare prosecution for cases where level of fraud is over $5000 or over multiple benefit years

• Testify at hearings

• Recommend methods to improve fraud detection and prevention

• Complete ETA 9000 federal report on internal fraud activities

B. Integrity Initiatives

The functions of this unit are performed by Analysts using the mainframe. They:

• Analyze the UIA procedures and processes to identify any potential integrity breeches from claimants, employers and/or staff

• Recommend changes to procedures and processes to ensure program integrity

• Monitor fraud warning flags

o Address changed

o PIN changed

o Multiple weeks paid at same time

C. Multi Service Center (UIA Warehouse)

The functions of this unit are performed by a variety of classifications. The functions that interface with an automated system are the print/mail functions and storage of historical documents. There are two roles involved with performing those functions: machine operators responsible for the set up and operation of the automated printing, inserting and metering of outgoing mail with backup of other staff at the Center performing less technical functions associated with these processes and the maintenance and retrieval of historical documents. They use high speed printers, automated inserters, and mail meters. They:

• Print forms and reports generated by mainframe batch processes

• Print publications

• Insert, meter and mail outgoing correspondence

• Pick up/deliver mail to/from Center and Cadillac Place

• Store historical documents (voided checks, old case files, all imaged documents)

• Maintain facilities including remodeling (laborers, carpenters, electricians)

D. Central Support

• Purchase equipment/supplies for Agency

• Monitor Agency budget

• Prepare federal reports

• Work as liaison to centralized Personnel Services for Agency

• Provide weekly electronic news articles about the Agency and it’s staff

• Provide accounting functions for small invoices and subpoenaed records

E. Center for Learning and Development

• Manage training for all UIA staff. Provide training at RICC Centers in Detroit, Grand Rapids and Saginaw as well as Cadillac Place, off-site, when necessary, and Lansing PRO.

o Plan

o Coordinate

o Schedule

o Facilitates

• Develop all UI training materials in Saginaw

• Provide non-UI training for staff (customer service, dealing with difficult people, phone etiquette, etc)

• Manage staff tool for scheduling training appointments

• Manage staff tool for training evaluations

VI. System Integration Project

The UIA has established a project office for the project to replace the multiple automated system with one integrated environment. This project is in the first phase of a project expected to last 3 to 5 years. The agency has assigned a Senior Project Manager and a Business Project Manager to the project for it’s duration, as well as a variety of other staff including a communication/training specialist and several business analysts from various areas of the agency.


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