Lodi Township Planning Commission


Lodi Township Planning Commission


7:30 P.M.

JULY 28, 2009

1. Open meeting with flag pledge.

2. Roll call of the Commission

3. Approval of minutes of 5/26/2009

4. Distribute and review new revised draft of the 2009 Master Plan

5. Other business

6. Adjourn


Lodi Township Planning Commission Meeting Minutes

May 26, 2009

1. Call to Order

Meeting was called to order by Chairman Steeb at 7:33 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was held.

2. Roll Call of the Commission

Commissioners present: Canham, Diuble, Steeb, Swenson, Veenstra.

Commissioners absent, excused: O’Connor, Thelen.

Others present: Planning Consultant Pennington, Engineering Consultant Cavallaro, Attorney O’Jack, SBA Towers representative Ellen Tencer, Clear Channel Communications representatives Dan Mettler, Bonnie Dzendzu, Andrew Salive, and nine citizens.

3. Approval of minutes

Motion by Canham, supported by Diuble, to approve the minutes for April 28, 2009. Approved 5-0.

4. Unitarian Universalist Church Wind Energy Conversion System Final Site Plan

The Planning Consultant and the Engineering Consultant presented their reports.

Motion by Veenstra, supported by Canham, to amend and add to the March 24, 2009, Findings of Fact and to recommend approval by the Township Board of the Final Site Plan for the Unitarian Universalist Church Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS):

Additional Findings of Fact:

• The March 24, 2009, Findings of Fact found that the proposed wind energy conversion system is a Private WECS, as defined in Section 55.19 of the Zoning Ordinance, based on its primary use.

• Section 55.19.D.6 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that a Private WECS conform to the maximum height standards of the Zoning District. The AG-Agricultural Zoning District limits height of an accessory structure to 100 feet.

• Section 55.19.D.6 of the Zoning Ordinance exempts a Commercial WECS from height restrictions subject to Article 50 – Special Uses.

• Section 55.19.E of the Zoning Ordinance list additional standards that a Commercial WECS must meet.

• The applicant has submitted sufficient documentation demonstrating compliance with Section 55.19.E. Compliance was documented in the March 24, 2009, Findings of Fact.

• The proposed WECS will provide power to the commercial electricity grid when the on-site electrical needs are less than what the WECS generates.

• Therefore, The Unitarian Universalist Church Wind Energy Conversion System is classified as a Commercial WECS.

Motion passed 5-0.

5. AT&T Final Site Plan for Antenna Co-location

The Planning Consultant and the Engineering Consultant presented their reports.

Findings of Fact:

• The proposed antenna array will be co-located on the Vertical Properties tower at 4021 Textile Road.

• The Vertical Properties Special Use Permit approved by the Township Board on December 2, 2008 anticipated additional cell phone co-locations on the tower.

Motion by Diuble, supported by Swenson, to recommend approval of the Final Site Plan by the Township Board. Motion passed 5-0.

6. SBA Communications Application for Special Use Permit and Preliminary Site Plan Approval

The Planning Consultant and the Engineering Consultant presented their reports. Items particularly noted include:

• The property owner’s signature is missing from the Special Use application.

• Several items required for compliance within Section 55.12 of the Zoning Ordinance have not been resolved.

• Section 56.02 of the Zoning Ordinance prohibits enlarging or expanding a non-conforming use or movement to another location.

• Questions about site alterations that have already taken place.

• Need to show proposed spot elevations to assure proper drainage.

• Need to show soil erosion control measures.

• Show clearing that has taken place.

• Move guy wires from Thornberry property to the south.

• Will need permit from WCRC to upgrade culvert.

Citizen comment

• What is benefit to community?

• What is intent -- land clearing for new tower is apparently in different location from submitted plans?

• Does the applicant have standing? Has the property owner signed the application?

• Read letter from Debbie Thompson and Taylor Jackson.

Comments from applicant’s attorney, Ellen Tencer

• Benefit to community -- replacing two towers with one. Current Clear Channel Tower at gravel pit on Scio Church Road will be removed once the new tower is operational.

• Attachments to lease agreement detailing the easement legal descriptions have been provided.

• Have provided updated drawing showing fall zone, 800 ft radius to residential district.

• Have provided lighting information.

• Letter has been provided regarding tree clearing; SBA considered using another location on the property, but decided to use the current location.

• Soils report has been provided.

Comments from Clear Channel Communications

• W4 is the local emergency communication station.

• Current SBA tower is 61 meters, Comcast tower is 64 meters tall

• New antenna top will be at same elevation as current antenna

• Landowner of current W4 tower wants tower removed.

• Plans for the new site include an upgrade to equipment (W4 engineer).

• Clear Channel cannot provide information about how interference would be reduced.

Commission comments

• Updated documents referenced above were not received in time for review by either the consultants or the Planning Commissioners. (Note: subsequent to the meeting, it was discovered that the required number of copies had not been submitted for review.)

• There is no record of Special Use permits for the existing towers. This implies that the towers existed before Section 55.12 of the Zoning Ordinance was adopted.

• The existing towers are non-conforming uses.

• The new/replacement tower needs to conform to the Zoning Ordinance.

• Gravel pit tower is 331 feet tall.

• Current SBA Tower is less than 200 feet Tall.

• There will be more people impacted by relocation of the W4 transmitting antenna.

• Requested information from applicant for location of antenna. Is there a location that meets the FCC requirements and the Zoning Ordinance?

• Consultants need information for review in a timely manner. Information needs to be to Township office by noon Monday June 1 in order for this matter to be placed on the agenda for the June 23 Planning Commission meeting.

Motion by Diuble, supported by Swenson, to table this matter so consultants can study the May 22 and June 1 submissions for compliance with Section 55.12 of the Zoning Ordinance. Motion passed 5-0.

7. Review 2009 Master Plan Update

Planning Consultant Pennington provided a progress report:

• Washtenaw County agreed to supply more usable maps. They are now ready. Mr. Pennington will pick them up Thursday afternoon.

• State of Michigan is changing PDR requirements. Lodi Township needs to document Lands for Preservation in its Master Plan. This documentation will be included in the Master Plan.

8. New Business

Planning Commission Bylaws

• A committee was formed to draft bylaws for the Planning Commission. Committee members are: Veenstra, Steeb, and Swenson. The committee will meet 10:30 am June 4 at the Lodi Township Hall.

9. Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 9:33 pm.

Next regular meeting is at 7:30 pm June 23, 2009.

Respectfully submitted,

Douglas Veenstra

Vice Chairman, acting Secretary


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