Newburgh, New York


of the Town Board of the Town of Newburgh held

at 1496 Route 300 in said township at 7:00 p.m.

on Monday, the 24th of August, 2020

Present Gilbert J. Piaquadio, Supervisor

Elizabeth J. Greene, Councilwoman

Paul I. Ruggiero, Councilman (remote)

Scott M. Manley, Councilman (remote)

Anthony R. LoBiondo, Councilman (remote)

Also Present Mark C. Taylor, Attorney for the Town (remote)

Joseph P. Pedi, Town Clerk

** A Certified Transcript of this Meeting is available on the Town of Newburgh website.**

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.





• Delete Item 9. INTRODUCTORY LOCAL LAW 4 OF 2019: Tree Preservation

• Add new Item 9. Approval to Obtain Quotes for Generator Service



MOTION was made by Councilwoman Greene to approve the audit in the

amount of $858,152.60. The motion was seconded by Councilman Manley.

VOTE: Councilwoman Greene – yes; Councilman Ruggiero – yes;

Councilman Manley – yes; Councilman LoBiondo - yes; Supervisor Piaquadio – yes.

Motion approved, 5 yes; 0 no; 0 abstain; 0 absent.

6. RESOLUTION: New York State Department of Transportation Gardnertown Road/

Gidney Avenue Culvert

Attorney for the Town Mark Taylor introduced a resolution of the Town Board

authorizing execution and delivery of New York State Department of Transportation

Equitable Business Opportunities (EBO) System User Agreement for the

Gardnertown Road over Gidney Creek Culvert, Project PIN 8702.

MOTION made by Councilman Ruggiero to adopt the resolution of the Town Board

authorizing execution and delivery of New York State Department of Transportation

Equitable Business Opportunities (EBO) System User Agreement for the

Gardnertown Road over Gidney Creek Culvert, Project PIN 8702.

Motion seconded by Councilwoman Greene.

VOTE: Councilwoman Greene – yes; Councilman Ruggiero – yes;

Councilman Manley – yes; Councilman LoBiondo - yes; Supervisor Piaquadio – yes.

Motion approved, 5 yes; 0 no; 0 abstain; 0 absent.



A. Approval to Hire Seasonal Laborer as a Part Time Laborer

Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Conservation James Presutti requests

approval to hire Ryan Bayer as a part time laborer starting on or after

September 21, 2020 at a salary of $12.50 per hour. Mr. Bayer has been a seasonal

employee for many years and he would only need to complete part time paperwork,

physical and another drug/alcohol test.

MOTION made by Councilwoman Greene to approve the hire of Ryan Bayer as a part

time laborer starting on or after September 21, 2020 at a salary of $12.50 per hour.

Motion seconded by Councilman LoBiondo.

VOTE: Councilwoman Greene – yes; Councilman Ruggiero – yes;

Councilman Manley – yes; Councilman LoBiondo - yes; Supervisor Piaquadio – yes.

Motion approved, 5 yes; 0 no; 0 abstain; 0 absent.

B. Stage Request from New Windsor Department of Recreation

Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Conservation James Presutti requests

approval to allow the New Windsor Recreation Department use of the Town

of Newburgh’s portable stage. The Town of New Windsor wishes to use the

stage for their concert and fireworks event to be held on Saturday, September 12, 2020.

MOTION made by Councilman LoBiondo to allow the New Windsor Recreation

Department use of the Town of Newburgh’s portable stage for New Windsor’s concert

and fireworks event to be held on Saturday, September 12, 2020.

Motion seconded by Councilwoman Greene.

VOTE: Councilwoman Greene – yes; Councilman Ruggiero – yes;

Councilman Manley – yes; Councilman LoBiondo - yes; Supervisor Piaquadio – yes.

Motion approved, 5 yes; 0 no; 0 abstain; 0 absent.

C. Approval to Purchase Groomer

Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Conservation James Presutti requests

approval to purchase a Toro Sand Pro 5040 field groomer with the following


• Weed Tine Toolbar

• Mid Mount Assembly

• Spring Rake

• QAS Finish Grader (box blade)

• QAS A-Frame Assembly

The groomer is on State Bid Group 40625 Award Number PGB22792

PC 68896 for a cost of $22,786.88. The appropriation code is 7110-5200.

MOTION made by Councilwoman Greene to approve the purchase of Toro Sand Pro

5040 field groomer with the listed attachments for a cost of $22,786.88.

Motion seconded by Councilman Ruggiero.

VOTE: Councilwoman Greene – yes; Councilman Ruggiero – yes;

Councilman Manley – yes; Councilman LoBiondo - yes; Supervisor Piaquadio – yes.

Motion approved, 5 yes; 0 no; 0 abstain; 0 absent.


8. POLICE DEPARTMENT: Approval to Purchase Ammunition

Police Chief Donald Campbell requests approval to purchase a supply of firearms

ammunition for the Police Department at a total cost of $9,594.10. The ammunition

is priced per the New York State Contract PC6634.

MOTION made by Councilman Manley to approve the purchase of a supply of firearms

ammunition for the Police Department at a total cost of $9,594.10. The ammunition

is priced per the New York State Contract PC6634.

Motion seconded by Councilman LoBiondo.

VOTE: Councilwoman Greene – yes; Councilman Ruggiero – yes;

Councilman Manley – yes; Councilman LoBiondo - yes; Supervisor Piaquadio – yes.

Motion approved, 5 yes; 0 no; 0 abstain; 0 absent.

9. INTRODUCTORY LOCAL LAW 4 OF 2019: Tree Preservation (deleted item)

9. GENERATOR SERVICE: Approval to Seek Quotes for Service on Town Generators (new item)

Town Supervisor Piaquadio requests approval to obtain quotes for service for

all generators owned by the Town.

MOTION made by Councilman Manley to approve the request to obtain quotes for

service for all generators owned by the Town.

Motion seconded by Councilwoman Greene.

VOTE: Councilwoman Greene – yes; Councilman Ruggiero – yes;

Councilman Manley – yes; Councilman LoBiondo - yes; Supervisor Piaquadio – yes.

Motion approved, 5 yes; 0 no; 0 abstain; 0 absent.

10. JUSTICE COURT: Unclaimed Bail

Town Justice Martini forwarded a check of $683.00 to the Town Accountant

for unclaimed bail in 2019. After six years, the unclaimed cash becomes property

of the Town.

MOTION made by Councilman Ruggiero to accept the check of $683.00 to the Town

Accountant for unclaimed bail in 2019. After six years, the unclaimed cash becomes

property of the Town. Motion seconded by Councilwoman Greene.

VOTE: Councilwoman Greene – yes; Councilman Ruggiero – yes;

Councilman Manley – yes; Councilman LoBiondo - yes; Supervisor Piaquadio – yes.

Motion approved, 5 yes; 0 no; 0 abstain; 0 absent.

11. REQUEST FOR SEWER CONNECTION EXTENSION: 23 O’Dell Circle (deleted item)

12. CODE COMPLIANCE: Approval to Start Process to Hire One Part Time Clerk

Code Compliance Supervisor requests approval to start the process of hiring

one part time clerk for the Code Compliance Department to fill the vacancy

created by a resignation.

MOTION made by Councilman LoBiondo to approve starting the process of hiring

one part time clerk for the Code Compliance Department to fill the vacancy

created by a resignation. Motion seconded by Councilman Ruggiero.

VOTE: Councilwoman Greene – yes; Councilman Ruggiero – yes;

Councilman Manley – yes; Councilman LoBiondo - yes; Supervisor Piaquadio – yes.

Motion approved, 5 yes; 0 no; 0 abstain; 0 absent.


13. ANIMAL CONTROL: T-94 Withdrawal

Cheryl Cunningham of Animal Control requests authorization to use the T-94

account to pay for veterinarian services from Newburgh Veterinary Hospital

for a total of $873.43 of which $856.93 were for feline services and $16.50 were

were for canine services.

MOTION made by Councilman LoBiondo to authorize the use of the T-94

account to pay for veterinarian services from Newburgh Veterinary Hospital

for a total of $873.43 of which $856.93 were for feline services and $16.50 were

were for canine services. Motion seconded by Councilman Manley.

VOTE: Councilwoman Greene – yes; Councilman Ruggiero – yes;

Councilman Manley – yes; Councilman LoBiondo - yes; Supervisor Piaquadio – yes.

Motion approved, 5 yes; 0 no; 0 abstain; 0 absent.


MOTION made by Councilman Manley to adjourn at 7:12 p.m.

Motion seconded by Councilwoman Greene.

VOTE: Councilwoman Greene – yes; Councilman Ruggiero – yes;

Councilman Manley – yes; Councilman LoBiondo - yes; Supervisor Piaquadio – yes

Motion approved, 5 yes; 0 no; 0 abstain; 0 absent.

Meeting adjourned at 7: 12 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Joseph P. Pedi

Town Clerk


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