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NEW HAMPSHIRE FISH AND GAME DEPARTMENTSPECIAL COMMISSION TELECONFERENCE CALLMAY 19, 2020 COMMISSION MEETINGA Special Teleconference Call took place between the Fish & Game Commission, Director Normandeau, and below staff members, to discuss the best & safest methods to accommodate Hunter Education, specifically field days, due to the COVID 19 (coronavirus) pandemic. At this time, 10:09 a.m., Director Normandeau read aloud the following:Governor Sununu’s Checklist To Ensure Meetings Are Compliant With The Right-to-Know Law During The State Of Emergency“As Executive Director of the Fish and Game Department, and Chairman of the NH Fish and Game Commission, we find that due to the State of Emergency declared by the Governor as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and in accordance with the Governor’s Emergency Order #12 pursuant to Executive Order 2020-04 as extended pursuant to Executive Order 2020-05, this public body is authorized to meet electronically. Please note that there is no physical location to observe and listen contemporaneously to this meeting, which was authorized pursuant to the Governor’s Emergency Order. However, in accordance with the Emergency Order, I am confirming that we are:a) Providing public access to the meeting by telephone, with additional access possibilities by video or other electronic means: We are utilizing Vast Conference for this electronic meeting. All members of the Fish and Game Commission and the staff of the Fish and Game Department have the ability to communicate contemporaneously during this meeting through this platform, and the public has access to contemporaneously listen and, if necessary, participate in this meeting through dialing the following phone # 1-800-356-8278 and the 6-digit conference code 125563 followed by the # sign. b) Providing public notice of the necessary information for accessing the meeting:We previously gave notice to the public of the necessary information for accessing the meeting telephonically. Instructions have also been provided on the Fish and Game website and have been posted in the lobby of the Fish and Game headquarters, 11 Hazen Drive, Concord, NH. c) Providing a mechanism for the public to alert the public body during the meeting if there are problems with access: If anybody has a problem, please email nheoc@dos..d) Adjourning the meeting if the public is unable to access the meeting:In the event the public is unable to access the meeting, the meeting will be adjourned and rescheduled.Please note that all votes that are taken during this meeting shall be done by roll call vote. Let’s start the meeting by taking a roll call attendance. When each member states their presence, please also state whether there is anyone in the room with you during this meeting, which is required under the Right-to-Know law.” At this time, Tanya Haskell, Administrative Assistant, took a roll call of Commission members participating on the call: F. Bird, “Yes, P. DeBow, “Yes”, R. Green, “Yes”, C. Hodgdon, “Yes, C. Luppi, “Yes”, M. Lachance, “Yes”, D. Patch, “Yes”, E. Stohl, “Yes”, and R. Phillipson. All Commissioners on the call indicated that they were alone while participating/listening in. Commissioners absent/excused: B. Temple & P. McInnis.Staff members participating on the call indicated themselves as follows: Mark Ellingwood, Chief, Wildlife Division, Colonel Kevin Jordan, Chief, Law Enforcement Division, Nicola Whitley, Chief, Public Affairs Division, Laura Ryder, PA Education Programs Supervisor, Paul Sanderson, Legal Coordinator, and Tanya Haskell, Administrative Assistant. There were 11 members of the public who listened in.Director Normandeau reported that the purpose of this call was to seek Commission input on a Hunter Education situation that has arose due to the coronavirus and how it affects current field days, particularly the subject of how to move forward and still offer field days safely. He report that the issue is the “Governor’s Coronavirus Order/Restrictions”, to include no meetings or events of more than 10 people. He stated, “In order to proceed, we need to find a way to hold field days and adhere to the safety guidelines.”Laura Ryder, Education Programs Supervisor, reported that many states have gone to something called a “virtual field day”, which replaces the hands-on shooting requirement in the Hunter Education Course. She further reported that New Hampshire has a very low hunter incident record and staff would prefer to keep the current field day requirements vs. going to a “virtual” field day. In addition, staff feel that they could safely offer a 2 ? hour modified field day vs. a 5 hour class, allowing back to back field days in order to get more students through the program, without sacrificing safety. Commissioner Phillipson, along with Commissioner Green, suggested that rather than having all field days at the Owl Brook Hunter Education Center in Holderness, NH, that Hunter Education Instructors hold field days at local sporting clubs in an effort to increase participants getting through the program. Commissioner Phillipson stated, “A virtual field day is out of the question. I would prefer we keep the hands on requirement.”Commissioner Patch reported that he agreed with Commissioner Phillipson and thought the Apprentice License should be considered as a possible tool to assist some individuals in delaying the need for a field day until next missioner Hodgdon inquired as to whether the proposed modified field day would still be in compliance with the hunter education requirements. He was further concerned as to whether these modifications would create an unsafe environment or a gap in knowledge for participants.Laura Ryder responded that that the proposed modified field day does meet the standards of the IHEA (International Hunter Education Association) and staff feel it a perfectly safe alternative. She further reported that safety was the Department’s first priority, and that she agreed the field day was essential as well. She stated, “To do it in person is critical.”She elaborated and reported that the modified field day would consist of: safely loading & unloading firearms, firearm handling & carrying, hunter scenarios, safe fire zones, shoot or not shoot scenarios and a law enforcement video (taking the place of the Conservation Officer coming to the class and read/review the rules).Commissioner Stohl stated, “I am concerned with a virtual field day. I do not want to change a lot, so not to water down the class in any way.” He further suggested we look into reciprocity. Director Normandeau reported that the states of Maine and Vermont are currently having discussion on the potential for having their Hunter Education Courses go fully online missioner Stohl expressed concern over the ability to ensure the person signed up for the class is the actual one taking the virtual tests or missioner Luppi reported that she agreed with most of the comments made. She reported that she was unsure of a modified field day, as she felt from an instructor’s point of view how critical the field day is. She reported that the actual instructor has the last say as to whether the participant actually gets their certification card or not. She stated, “Going with a virtual exam, you lose that last line of defense”.Commissioner Green reported that he spoke with Hunter Education Instructors who expressed concern over a virtual field day and do not wish to modify the current field day either. Director Normandeau reported that the concern having field days at locations other than the Department’ Owl Brook, is that we lose the ability to ensure that the sporting clubs will adhere to the Governor’s Orders pertaining to safety (wearing masks, 6 ft. distancing, sanitizing firearms after every use, etc.)Commissioner Bird suggested extending the Apprentice Hunting Licenses another calendar year, allowing people to get a field day in. He stated, “I personally, do not like the idea of pushing people through”.Commissioner Hodgdon stated, “I am bias toward safety. My desire is not to shorten the field day.” Laura agreed that an extension of the Apprentice Hunting License would ease some of the pressure of those needing field days immediately. Much discussion took place relative to how quickly the Department could start offering field days.Colonel Jordan stated “My staff and I will do whatever is asked of us, however, I also have concern relative to how we can actually confirm who is taking the online class & virtual field day. I do think having a Conservation Officer physically present is beneficial, however, the video will work.”Director Normandeau inquired with the Commission as to whether they had a desire to move to a virtual field day or not, and if not, that would be the path the Department explores further. He stated, “A modified field day is something we can work with.” He reported that it would take the Department some time to prepare and get all the details worked missioner Patch moved that it go on record that the Fish and Game Commission is not in favor of a virtual field day at this time and Commissioner Green seconded. A roll call vote was taken of all Commissioners participating: F. Bird, “Yes, P. DeBow, “Abstained”, R. Green, “Yes”, C. Hodgdon, “Yes, C. Luppi, “Yes”, M. Lachance, “Yes”, D. Patch, “Yes”, E. Stohl, “Yes”, R. Phillipson, “Yes”, and P. McInnis, “Yes”. The vote carried with 9 in favor, 1 abstention (P. DeBow).Commissioner McInnis was late calling in and was unable to speak, could only hear. He e-mailed Tanya immediately requesting that he be considered as voting “Yes” in the above vote.Laura Ryder reported that she would have her staff reach out to sporting clubs to discuss field days, and would put in draft form what a modified field day would look like and forward it to Tanya Haskell, to be distributed to the Commission.Director Normandeau reported that he would keep the Commission up to date and would contact them if further discussion and communication are needed. In closing, Director Normandeau thanked Fallon Reed, Homeland Security & Emergency Management, for her assistance with setting up the call.The call ended at 11:22 a.m.Respectfully submitted, Ray Green, Secretary Approved: _________________________ Robert Phillipson, Chairman ................

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