Washington State Department of Health


Appendix E: Documents Reviewed including State Health Assessments and Plans (Draft in Progress August 1, 2011)

|State |Document Type or Name |CHA |CHIP |SP |Year |URL |

|California |-California Department of Public Health Strategic Plan | | |X |2008 | |

| |2008-2010 | | | | | |

|Colorado |-Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Public | |X | |2009 | |

| |Health Improvement Plan: From Act to Action | | | | | |

| |-Colorado Chronic Disease Indicators Report | | | | | |

| | | | | |(2005 data) |

| |-Moving Mountains: Reversing Trends in Colorado’s Health and | | | | |rt.pdf |

| |Health Care Spending through Investments in Chronic Disease |X | | | | |

| |Prevention | | | | | |

| |-Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities in Colorado 2009 | | | | | |

| |-Colorado Office of Health Disparities web portal | | | |2009 | |

| |-Turning Point Initiative, Colorado’s Public Health Improvement| |X | | | |

| |Plan | | | | | |

| | | |X | |2001 | |

|District of |-Addressing the District of Columbia’s Health Priorities: State|X |X |X |2007 |

|Columbia- |Health Plan | | | | |/pdf/new_2007_health_plan.pdf |

|Washington, D.C. | | | | | | |

|Florida* |- State of Florida Department of Health Long-Range Program Plan| | |X |2010 | |

| |2011-2012 through 2015-2016 | | | | | |

| |-Office of Performance Improvement website | | | | | |

| |-State of Florida Department of Health Long-Range Program Plan | | |X |current | |

| |2010-2011 through 2014-2015 | | | |2011 | |

| |-2011 County Performance Snapshot, Standards and Measures Fact | | | | | web |

| |sheet, DOH 5-Step Performance Improvement Process | | | | |portal |

| |-Florida Department of Health Evaluation and Justification | | |X |2011 | |

| |Review | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | |X | | |

|Illinois |- State Health Improvement Plan | |X | |2010 | |

| |-State Health Improvement Plan website |X |X |X |current | |

| |-State Health Improvement Plan | |X | |2007 | |

| |-IPLAN (Illinois Project for Local Assessment of Needs), |X | | |current | |

| |community health assessment and planning process website | | | | | |

| |-Illinois State Board of Health, Illinois State Health | | | | | |

| |Improvement Plan, 2007 | | | | | |

|Iowa* |-Modernization website | | | |2011 | |

| |-Redesigning Public Health in Iowa, Iowa Public Health | | | |2007 | |

| |Standards | | | | | |

| |-State Assessment Report (Standards not Health Status) | | | |2009 | |

| |-Quality Improvement website | | | | | |

| | | | | |current | (EMS) |

| |-Work Groups for Redesigning Public Health in Iowa | | | | | |

| | | | | |2007 | |

|Maine |-Maine People Living Safe, Healthy and Productive Lives | | | | | |

| |Dashboard | | | | | |

|Maryland |-Department of Health and Mental Hygiene HIP website | |X | | | |

|Michigan |-Michigan Community Health Assessment and Improvement | |X | |2000-2001 | |

| |-Michigan Local Public Health Accreditation Program website | | | |current |  |

|Minnesota |-Minnesota’s Vision : A Better State of Health | |X | |Current | (website) |

| |-Minnesota’s Vision : A Better State of Health Plan | | | |2010 | |

| |-Minnesota’s Vision : A Better State of Health, Statewide | |X | | | |

| |Health Improvement Progress Brief | | | |2011 | |

| | | | | | | |

| |-Statewide Health Improvement Program | | | |2008 |health.state.mn.us/divs/cfh/ela/index.html |

| | | | | | | |

| |-Minnesota’s Health Care Quality Measures Statewide Quality | | | |current | |

| |Report- 2010 | | | | | |

| |-Essential Local Public Health Activities Framework | | | | | |

|Missouri |--Missouri Institute for Community Health: Partners for Better | | | |current |accred.htm |

| |Health website | | | | | |

|Montana |-Major Prevention Opportunities to Improve Health | | | | | |

|Nebraska |-Public Health Improvement Plan | |X | | | |

|New Hampshire |-New Hampshire’s Assessment of the National Public Health |X | | |2008 | |

| |Performance Standards 2006, Executive Summary | | | | | |

| |-Public Health Improvement Action | | | | | |

| |-Plan 2011 Progress Report | |X | |2008 | |

| | | |X | |2011 | |

|New Jersey: |-State Public Health System Performance Assessment | | | |2009 | |

| |-WIC Strategic Plan Draft for FFY 2012 Draft | | | | | |

| | | | |X |2011 | |

|New Mexico |-Comprehensive Strategic Health Plan | | |X |2008 | |

|New York |-State Prevention Agenda website | | |X |current | |

| | | | | |2010 |

| |-Prevention Update 2010:Local Health Departments | | | | |1.pdf |

|North Carolina |-Home page link to Strategic Plan | | | |current | ( Healthy North Carolina 2020 ) |

| |-Public Health Improvement Plan | |X | |2008 | |

| |-Healthy North Carolina 2020: A better state of health (web | | |X |Current | (web portal) |

| |site) | | | | | |

| |-Healthy North Carolina 2020: A better state of health (revised| | | |2011 | |

| |March 2011) | | | | | |

| |-Link to North Carolina page of the America’s Health Rankings | | | |2010 | |

| |for 2010 | | | | | |

| |-Local Health Department Accreditation Site | | | |current | |

|Oklahoma* |-Oklahoma State of the State’s Health website (links to 1997 – | | | | | |

| |2007) | | | | | |

| |-Oklahoma Health Improvement Plan, State of the State’s Health |X |X |X |current | |

| |2010-2014 | | | | | |

| |-2008 State of the State’s Health |X | |X |2008 | |

|Oregon |-Oregon Health Improvement Plan (Dec 2010) | |X | |2010 | |

| |-Effectiveness of Health Improvement Plan Actions (October | |X | |2010 |

| |2010) | | | | |ementPlanCommittee/Documents/mtg_materials_10082010-4.pdf |

|Pennsylvania |-State Health Improvement Plan 2006-2010 | |X | | |

| | | | | | |ip%29/14132/state_health_improvement_plan_2006-2010/606855 |

|Tennessee, |-2010 Community Health Status Assessment | |X | | | |

|Knox County | | | | | | |

|Washington State* |-Washington Department of Health Strategic Plan 2009-2013 | | |X |2008 | |

| |-State Health Assessment Plan | | | | | |

| |-Community/State Health Improvement Partnership |X | | |2007 | |

| |-Community/State Health Improvement Plan | |X |X |current | (web portal) |

| |-Public Health Improvement Plan 2010 | | | | | |

| |-Statewide Assessment Supplement 2004 | |X | |2010 | |

| |-Statewide Assessment of Health 2002 | |x |X |2009 | |

| |-2011 Public Health Indicators Update | | | |2004 | |

| |-Washington’s Quality Improvement Tools website | | | |2002 | |

| |-Washington Public Health Improvement Plan | | | |current | |

| |Activities and Services Pilot Inventory Summary 2008 Results | | | | | |

| | | | | |current | |

| | | | | |2009 | |

|Wisconsin |-State Health Improvement Plan | |X | |2010 | |

| |- Healthy Wisconsin 2020 Scorecard for measuring outcomes Main | | | |current | (web portal) |

| |site | | | | | |

| |-Healthy Wisconsin 2020 website, What Works for Health: | | | |current | |

| |Policies and Programs to Improve Wisconsin’s Health (A Resource| | | | | |

| |for Wisconsin's 2020 State Health Plan) | | | | | |

|Other Sources | | | | | | |

|NACCHO |-NACCHO 2008 National Profile of Local Health Departments | | | |2008 |

| | | | | | |ProfileReport_post-to-website-2.pdf |

| |-Profile Fast Facts | | | | |

| | | | | | |ure2009-10-17_COMBINED_post-to-web.pdf |

| | | | | |2008 |

| | | | | | |ure2009-10-17_COMBINED_post-to-web.pdf |

|HHS (PHF) |-Community Health Status Indicators |X | | |2009 | |

|RWJF, U of |-County Health Rankings |X | | | | |

|Wisconsin | | | | | | |

|MAPP Training |-Participant Packet, May 12-13, 2011 | | | |2011 |Hard copy (Anna Dillingham) |

|(NACCHO) | | | | | |Also see NACCHO Website: |

| | | | | | |About: |

| | | | | | |Framework: |

|Logic Model |Kellogg Foundation | | | | | |

|Guidebooks |United Way, Measuring Program Outcomes CDC’s Logic Model | | | | | |

| |descriptions | | | | | and |

| | | | | | | |

Reference for initial list of state assessments and plans reviewed: ASTHO

*PHAB Beta Test site states: Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Mississippi, Ohio, Oklahoma, Washington, Wyoming


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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