CIS 101 Final Project Grading Template

CSE 101 Final Project Grading Template

Student Name : __________________Class Time _________________

No credit should be awarded after the due date. No credit should be given without submitted Word, PowerPoint, Access and Excel files. Full credit for each subsection should be given only if both queries/formulas are completed correctly and results presented on PowerPoint presentation. Points should be awarded based on formulas – so that an early error does not result loss of all points in subsequent parts of the project. Partial credit should be deducted for incorrect use of cell addressing, use of constants instead of cell references, and failure to present data in presentation.

|Item |Maximum points |Points Awarded |

|PART I – Customer Analysis | | |

|Data Presentation: |5 | |

|Access query with appropriate fields completed and copied into Excel - 2 | | |

|Spreadsheet set-up with inputs/outputs to allow for easy what-if analysis and alternate cases | | |

|(multiple sheets and/or files acceptable) - 3 | | |

|Calculations – per customer – take off ½ credit for wrong $, use of values rather than references |20 | |

|etc. | | |

|Revenues: | | |

|Base Fee - 2 | | |

|Travel fee - 3 | | |

|Room Treatment fee – 6 (used an If) | | |

|Total Revenue - 1 | | |

|Expenses | | |

|Cost of gas - 3 | | |

|Cost of Poison - 3 | | |

|Total cost - 1 | | |

|Total Profit - 1 | | |

|Customer Status |5 | |

|Frequent - 1 | | |

|Poor Profit - 2 | | |

|Valued - 2 | | |

|Relative % contribution to profit |10 | |

|Sumif used to calculate totals for residential/business - 5 | | |

|Pie Chart (pie used =2, % value = 1, legend = 1, Chart title = 1) - 5 | | |

|# of customers in each category (countif used) |5 | |

|PART II – What if analysis | | |

|Scenario 1 |5 | |

|Change in base fee - 1 | | |

|Profits automatically re-calculated correctly- 2 | | |

|New % breakdowns for residential business - 2 | | |

|Scenario 2 |5 | |

|Change in cost of gas /charge per mile - 1 | | |

|New required profit calculated automatically - 2 | | |

|Discussion of profit change - 2 | | |

|Scenario 3 |5 | |

|New profit input at 5% more than base case (calc)-1 | | |

|Goal seek used to calculate new $/room correctly- 4 | | |

|PART III – Vermin Analysis | | |

|Query(s) complete to list by vermin type |15 | |

|# of locations treated - 3 | | |

|Lbs of poison - 3 | | |

|Between correct dates – 3 | | |

|Lookup function or query setup to calculate # of bugs killed - 6 | | |

|PART IV – Bug Bopper Purchase | | |

|PMT formula calculating per payments- each argument –1pt if incorrect, -2pts if no pmt/yr, no |5 | |

|credit if no PMT function. | | |

|PART V – Picture search | | |

|Picture on internet 3 |5 | |

|URL address (no links necessary)- 2 | | |

|PART VI – Business Letter | | |

|Text with names of top 3 vermin - 1 |10 | |

|Picture inserted - 1 | | |

|Letterhead with date - 1 | | |

|Fields included for Customer name, address, updated date - 3 | | |

|Merged letters.doc - 4 | | |

|Powerpoint Report | | |

|All slides are generally neat and well organized - 2 |5 | |

|Header / footer - 1 | | |

|At least one slide with animation– 1 | | |

|At least one slide with transition – 1. | | |

|Total |100 | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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