Loudoun County Public Schools / Overview

U.S History Name: ______________________________

Mr. Jensen Second Quarter


I. Complete the chart below to compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of both North and South during the Civil War (1861-1865)

|Side |Advantages |Disadvantages |

|North (Union) | | |

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|South (Confederacy) | | |

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II. Complete the separate maps for both North and South, using your textbook as a resource. Follow the directions below:

A. Identify and label all 11 Confederate states and 22 of the 24 Union states (California and Oregon do not appear on the map)

B. Identify with a dot and label the capitals of the North and South throughout the war.

C. Color in the so-called “border states” that allowed slavery but remained loyal to the Union

D. Identify with a starburst and label the following major Civil War battles:

Bull Run (1861, 1862) Shiloh (1862)

Antietam (1862) New Orleans (1862)

Chancellorsville (1863) Vicksburg (1863)

Gettysburg (1863) Petersburg (1864-65)

Atlanta (1864)

U.S History Name: ______________________________

Mr. Jensen Second Quarter


I. Complete the chart below to compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of both North and South during the Civil War (1861-1865)

|Side |Advantages |Disadvantages |

|North (Union) |*larger population (22 million) |*North had to fully defeat the South by |

| |* 91% of national industry |occupying/subduing it |

| |*71% of all railway mileage |*inept military leadership at the start of the war |

| |*control of most of the naval fleet |*not all politicians supported the war (ex: |

| |*Abraham Lincoln’s leadership – |Copperheads) |

| |- decided to preserve the Union |*conscription became very unpopular – led to draft |

| |- called up troops |riots by 1863 |

| |- suspended civil liberties | |

| |- great orator | |

| |-student of human nature | |

| |*capable Cabinet officers, including | |

| |- Secretary of State Seward, | |

| |- Secretary of War Stanton, | |

| |- Secretary of the Navy Welles, | |

| |- Secretary of the Treasury Chase | |

| |*fighting to preserve the Union and (by the end of| |

| |the war) end slavery | |

| |*ability to raise money through income taxes, bond| |

| |sales, and national banks | |

| |*issuance of “greenbacks” kept the money supply | |

| |growing/flowing | |

| |*clear strategy to defeat the South - Anaconda | |

| |Plan | |

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|South (Confederacy) |*fighting for independence and rights– |*smaller population (9 million, 3 million of whom |

| |“The Cause” |were slaves) |

| |*large territory (over 1,000 miles from Virginia |*very little industry |

| |to Texas) |*limited railway mileage |

| |*ability to use “interior lines” for |*limited naval forces |

| |defense |*limited financial resources |

| |*high morale |*fighting to preserve an immoral institution |

| |*fighting on home turf |(slavery) |

| |*better military leadership (Lee, |*food shortages due to Union blockade and drain of |

| |Jackson), especially early on |manpower into army |

| |*foreign sympathy due to British and |*high rates of inflation |

| |French dependency on Southern cotton, “cotton | |

| |diplomacy” | |

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Northern Greenback


II. Complete the separate maps for both North and South, using your textbook as a resource. Follow the directions below:

E. Identify and label all 11 Confederate states and 22 of the 24 Union states (California and Oregon do not appear on the map)

F. Identify with a dot and label the capitals of the North and South throughout the war.

G. Color in the so-called “border states” that allowed slavery but remained loyal to the Union

H. Identify with a starburst and label the following major Civil War battles:

Bull Run (1861, 1862) Shiloh (1862)

Antietam (1862) New Orleans (1862)

Chancellorsville (1863) Vicksburg (1863)

Gettysburg (1863) Chickamauga (1863)

Petersburg (1864-65) Atlanta (1864)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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