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Cultural and Political Geography ReviewAP Human GeographyDefine cultural landscape.Describe the cultural landscape of your neighborhood.In the graphic organizer below give two examples of monmaterial/material culture and explain your examples.RegionExamplesExplanationMaterial CultureNonmaterial cultureWhy don’t the boundaries of the “American South” correspond to the political boundaries of southern states? (hint: think about what types of regions they both are)Identify four ancient culture hearths.Explain the three different types of diffusion by which culture traits spread from their hearths to a new location. Relocation diffusion: Expansion diffusion: Hierarchical diffusion:Contagious diffusion: Do you think Americans are ethnocentric? Explain your answer.Give an example of how immigrants often assimilate into the dominant American culture.What are three ways in which religions’ influence on the cultural landscape can be seen? Identify the largest language family in the world.Identify three examples of languages that are part of this family. List four Indo-European languages that belong to the Romance language sub-family. Which language is spoken by the most people as a first language?Give examples of different dialects that exist in the English language within the U.S. Define toponym. Give an example of a toponym that Catholic settlers might have given their city. In which regions would you expect to find these toponyms?Where is the largest French speaking region in North America? Why?Why do people develop lingua francas?Give the relative location of the Mediterranean region.Identify at least three factors that have led English to become the world’s lingua franca. Why do some isolated cultures, such as the Basques, develop a unique local language or dialect?How do some culture groups try to preserve their local languages? Identify one such culture group and where they are located. Example culture and region (don’t use Basque): Describe the following religions.ReligionUniversalizing or EthnicMonotheistic, Polytheistic, or AtheisticCulture Hearth (country, city or region, provide all that you can)Regions or countries where dominant todayJudaismChristianityIslamHinduismBuddhismSikhismEthnicMonotheisticIndia/South AsiaIndia/South AsiaAnimismEthnicPolytheistic (different parts of nature, like rocks, trees, etc., have different spiritual abilities)Different global areasLDC’s, rural isolated communitiesWhat are the 3 branches of Christianity?Which city is considered holy by all three religions in the Judeo-Christian tradition?Who is the founder of Islam?What are the 5 Pillars of Islam?Which country has the largest number of Sunni Muslims?Which countries have large numbers of Shiite Muslims?What is the caste system? How are the caste system and reincarnation connected?What is the only major polytheistic religion in the world?Identify the founder and holy text for the following religions:ReligionAgeFounderHoly TextJudaismChristianityIslamHinduismIdentify the dominant branch of Christianity (either Lutheran, Catholic, Baptist, or Mormon) for each of the regions on the map of the United States below.What was the Colombian Exchange?How did the Colombian Exchange impact the New World?How did the Colombian Exchange impact the Old World?What is imperialism/colonialism?Identify three ways that globalization impacts cultural landscapes. Identify and explain three different regional examples of gender relations. Identify and explain three different ways that industrialization and urbanization impact the status of women. Label each way as “political,” “economic,” or “social.” Folk CulturePop CultureDefinitionType of society found in (urban vs. rural)ExampleRate of DiffusionProvide three characteristics with a brief explanation for limited and unlimited government. (A one word answer, like “dictatorship” is not good enough.Types of GovernmentsLimited GovernmentUnlimited Government TermWho holds powerLimited or unlimited government?State that is an exampleDirect DemocracyThe people through voting for every lawnoneRepresentative Democracy / RepubliclimitedMonarchyDictatorshipOne individual or partyTotalitarianismTheocracyWho drew most of Africa’s current political boundaries? Identify three ways that these boundaries hurt African development. What were the two main countries involved in the Cold War?What were the two main ideologies reflected in the Cold War?What were the two main military alliances formed during the Cold War?How and when did the Cold War end?What impact did the end of the Cold War have in terms of each of the following concepts: Self-determinizationDemocratizationEconomic globalizationSupranational OrganizationPredominant Region Associated with the OrganizationMain Issue Addressed by OrganizationUnited NationsEuropean UnionN.A.F.T.A.O.P.E.C.Arab LeagueWhat is the difference between a state, nation, and nation-state?Categorize these things into the groups below: Palestinians, Japan, Iceland, U.S., Kurds, Russia Multinational stateNation-stateStateless nationWhere was the cultural hearth for the modern state?What world region was the last to get its independence following imperialism?What is considered the core region of the world? Why?What is considered the semi-periphery region of the world? Why?What is considered the periphery region of the world? Why?Political BoundariesRank these political units in order from the smallest to largest: Empire, county, province/state, nation-state, cityCategorize these states by the kind of international boundaries they have: India-China border, Vietnam-China, Chad, U.S.-Mexico border, France-Spain border, LibyaType of boundary/demarcationDefinitionExamples of statePhysical/natural boundariesCultural/consequent boundariesGeometricCategorize these states by the shape of state they have. Each box will have 2 states as examples except perforated: Phillipines, Thailand, South Africa, Gambia, Chile, Italy, Poland, Indonesia, Vietnam, Zimbabwe. Then identify whether they promote stability or instability.State morphologyDefinitionExamples of statePromotes stability or instability?CompactProrupt/ protrudedFragmentedElongatedPerforatedHow do governments use the census to draw political districts/redistrict? When elected officials gerrymander the boundaries of voting districts into strange shapes, what are they trying to do?What is the difference between centrifugal and centripetal forces?Categorize the following as centripetal or centrifugal forces: regional economic division; lack of transportation infrastructure, often due to large sizeforward capitalsone primate cityfragmentedmountains promoting isolationelongatedDschoolprorupt statescommon language, religion, history, ethnicity, or other cultural traitsunifying symbols, such as flags, pledge of allegiancedifferent language regions, religious diversity and conflict, or ethnic diversityCentrifugal forcesCentripetal forces What are some factors that contribute to ethnonationalist movements for separatism or regional autonomy among the Quebecois of Canada?Why were Brasilia, Islamabad, and Washington, DC designed as forward capitals?Define each system of government, then categorize the following states by each system: China, United StatesTermDefinitionExampleUnitary GovernmentConfederate GovernmentnoneFederal GovernmentDo most states today have unitary, federal, or confederal systems of government?Give an example of a policy that would be done by each of the following levels of government.National/federal level: Provincial level: Municipal level: Distinguish between devolution and balkanization.Why have an increasing number of states decided to devolve power to provinces or regions (think about avoiding balkanization)?What do the states of Yugoslavia, the Soviet Union, Sudan, Czechoslovakia have in common?Identify three different problems that can lead to Balkanization. ................

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