Nothing But the Truth

Name: ________________________________ Nothing But the Truth: Chapters 14 and 15

DUE: April 9, 2020

Reading Directions: Read the conversations on pages 100-104.

Online Reading: Chapter 14, Read: 8:30 A.M. Phone Conversation between Dr. Albert Seymour and Dr. Gertrude Doane, 9:20 A.M. Phone Conversation between Philip Malloy and Ken Barchet, 9:50 A.M. Conversation between Philip Malloy’s Parents, and 2:30 P.M. Phone Conversation between Margaret Narwin and Her Sister, Anita Wigham.

Activity Directions: Answers each question using specific, accurate, text details.

1. Why did Philip look like he was reading his own funeral notice when he was reading the article written in the Manchester Record?

2. Mr. Malloy says, “…Good if Dexter sees it.” What does he mean by this statement?

3. Miss Narwin says, “It’s so slanted[1].” What does she mean?

Reading Directions: Please read the speech on page 105. There is 1 part – Ted Griffen.

Online Reading: Chapter 14, Read: 7:30 P.M. From a Speech Delivered by Ted Griffen to a Meeting of the Harrison Sunday Fellowship

Activity Directions: Look below at the sections of Ted Griffen’s speech that includes false statements about what happened in Miss Narwin’s class. Fill in the blanks by referring to the document.

• I will work with the rest of the _______________to support basic ______________ values.

• I am shocked that a _________________ student should be ________________ from one of our schools because he desires to sing the _________________ ________________.

• And I say, what is the point of installing computers – which my generation never seemed to need – and at great cost – if our young people are not allowed to practice the elemental values of ____________________ _____________________?

Reading Directions: Read Philip’s diary entry on page 105.

Online Reading Directions: Chapter 14, Read 11:20 P.M. From the Diary of Philip Malloy

Activity Directions: Answer the questions below. Make a claim and support the claim using specific text details from the document and refer to the claim using synonyms.

What is the central idea of the document (claim)? ______________________________________


Explanation #1 ________________________________________________________________________________


Explanation #2 ________________________________________________________________________________


Reading Directions: Read pages 106-116.

Online Reading Directions: Chapter 15, Read From American Affiliated Press Wire Service, 8:05 A.M. Transcript from the Jake Barlow Talk Show, 8:07 A.M. Phone Conversation between Mrs. Gloria Harland, Chairman, Harrison School Board, and Dr. Albert Seymour, Superintendent of Schools, 8:10 A.M. Transcript from the Jake Barlow Talk Show, 8:30 A.M. Conversation between Dr. Albert Seymour and Dr. Gertrude Doane, 8:35 A.M. Transcript from the Jake Barlow Talk Show, 9:17 A.M. Conversation between Robert Duval, Reporter for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, and Dr. Gertrude Doane, and 9:32 A.M. Transcript from the Jake Barlow Talk Show.

Activity: Circle where the story has started and all of the places that they story has spread. Complete the theme activity for these pages too.

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Keep Going

Activity: Explain the following picture as a theme for this novel using details from these pages.

Directions: Read the conversation on pages 117-119. There are three parts – Miss Narwin, Dr. Palleni, and Dr. Doane and then complete Activity 1 (Multiple-choice questions 1-4 are about the conversation on pages 117-119). Then complete activity 2.

Online Reading Directions: Chapter 15, read 10:00 A.M. Conversation among Dr. Gertrude Doane, Margaret Narwin, and Dr. Joseph Palleni.

Activity 1 – Complete Question A and then answer the multiple-choice questions about the document on pages 117-119. Lastly, in the box, explain why you chose each answer.

Question A – List three strategies to help you choose the correct answer to a multiple-choice question.

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1. All of the following are reasons why Dr. Doane is having this conversation with Miss Narwin EXCEPT:

a. Dr. Doane needs to know what happened

b. Dr. Doane wants to get the incident written down clearly

c. Dr. Doane wants them all to tell the same story

d. Dr. Doane says that everyone is upset by the situation

2. Dr. Palleni says to Dr. Doane, “The rule is. ‘Respectful silence.’ I looked it up. It’s in your memo about opening exercise…” The reader can infer

a. Dr. Palleni doesn’t plan on taking any blame for this incident

b. Dr. Palleni thinks the rule is good

c. Dr. Palleni feels the rule should be listed in the handbook

d. Dr. Palleni didn’t want to look up the memo

3. Why does Dr. Palleni think there is something going on at Philip’s home?

a. Philip never had any problems before

b. He’s restless and a wise guy in English

c. Miss Narwin asked Philip to stop and he refused

d. All of the above

4. Dr. Doane asks Dr. Palleni and Miss Narwin if they all agree that the incident was strictly a discipline problem. How did they respond?

a. They both agreed with Dr. Doane’s statement

b. Neither one of them agreed with Dr. Doane

c. Both of them did not answer the question

d. They all think the incident will blow over

Activity 2: Dr. Doane states that she may talk to some students as witnesses. Pretend that you are a student in Philip’s homeroom and answer the following questions.

1. Please tell me what happened in Miss Narwin’s homeroom when the National Anthem was played during announcements. Be as specific as possible. Was Philip singing? Was it loud? What did Miss Narwin do? (Remember you are a classmate of Philip’s answering this question. Write in the first person.) Use details to support what you write: conversation between Philip and Ken on pages 75-76 (online reading – chapter 12 at 3:45 p.m.), conversation between Philip and Ken on page 102…(Online reading – Chapter 14 at 9:20a.m.)


Reading Directions: Read the memo on pages 119-120.

Online Reading Directions: Chapter 15, read, 11:00 A.M. Written by Dr. Joseph Palleni

Activity: Complete the questions 1-3a below by writing the answers.

1. What is the topic of this memo? _______________________________________________

2. Add a detail that supports the topic from this memo. Your answer must include a specific, accurate and supporting text detail. (Remember to connect to topic and use synonyms.)



3. In the document Dr. Palleni writes, “Dr. Palleni, following his _______________________ guidelines, therefore suspended Philip Malloy from class for two days in hopes that he would learn to show proper respect toward the national anthem, school, teacher, and fellow students.

3a. Whose guidelines does Dr. Palleni say he was following? Why is this significant?


Reading Directions: Read the conversation on pages 120-122. Re-read the phone conversation between Philip and Ken on pages 75-76.

Online Reading Directions: Chapter 15, read 11:15 A.M. Conversation between Dr. Gertrude Doane and Ken Barchet. Re-read the phone conversation between Philip and Ken in chapter 12 at 3:45 p.m.

Activity: Prove the claim by referring to the claim using synonyms and using supporting text based details from these documents. Do not use a direct quote.

Claim: Ken Barchet is not telling the truth to Dr. Doane.

1. ________________________________________________________________________________________


2. ________________________________________________________________________________________


Reading Directions: Read the conversation on pages 122-123. There are two parts – Ken Barchet and Philip Malloy. Read the conversation on pages 123-125. There are two parts-Cynthia Gambia and Dr. Doane. Read the speech on page 125. Please read the conversation on page 126-127. There are two parts – Dr. Doane and Allison Doresett. Please read the rewritten memo on pages 128-129. Complete activities 1-4.

Online Reading Directions: Chapter 15, read 11:45 A.M. Phone Conversation from Harrison High School Pay Phone between Ken Barchet and Philip Malloy, 11:50 A.M. Conversation between Dr. Gertrude Doane and Cynthia Gambia, Student, 12:30 P.M. From a Speech Delivered by Ted Griffen to a Lunch Meeting of the Harrison Rotary Club, 12:50 P.M. Conversation between Dr. Gertrude Doane and Allison Doresett, and 1:30 P.M. Rewritten by Dr. Gertrude Doane.

Activity 1 : Answer the following questions with specific and accurate text details:

• Why is Philip concerned about the details that Ken told Dr. Doane?

• What information did Cynthia add that Dr. Doane did not know?

• What do Ted Griffen’s actions tell you about his character? Consider the speech you just read, his motivation, and what he desires.

• Do you agree with Allison’s perspective of the truth? Explain using details from the text on pages 126-127 (Online: 12:50 P.M. Conversation between Dr. Gertrude Doane and Allison Doresett).

Activity 2: Refer to the conversation between Dr. Doane and Cynthia Gambia on pages 123-125 (Online: 11:50 A.M. Conversation between Dr. Gertrude Doane and Cynthia Gambia, Student). Make a claim about Cynthia Gambia and support it with text details from the conversation. Be sure to refer to your claim using synonyms and include details from the text. No direct quotes.

Claim: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Explanation #1: _______________________________________________________________________________________


Explanation #2: _______________________________________________________________________________________


Activity 3: Refer to the conversation between Dr. Doane and Allison Doresett on pages 126-127 (Online: 12:50 P.M. Conversation between Dr. Gertrude Doane and Allison Doresett). Support the claim with text details from the conversation. Be sure to refer to your claim using synonyms and include details from the text. No direct quotes.

Claim: Allison is defending[2] Miss Narwin.

Explanation #1: ________________________________________________________________________________________



Explanation #2: ________________________________________________________________________________________



Activity 4: Fill in the Blanks & Written Response

On pages 128-129 (Online: 1:30 P.M. Rewritten by Dr. Gertrude Doane), Dr. Doane rewrites the memo originally written by Joseph Palleni. She adds details from interviewing the students and she also changes another detail.

Fill in the Blanks: She wrote, “Dr. Palleni, following _________________ guidelines approved by the ______________________, therefore suspended Philip Malloy from class for two days in hopes that he would learn to show proper respect toward the national anthem, school, teacher, and fellow students.

Answer the question: Why is this minor change significant?



Reading Directions: Read the telegrams[3] on pages 130-131.

Online Reading Directions: Chapter 15, read 2:22 P.M. Telegram to Margaret Narwin Held by Harrison High School Office, 3:05 P.M. Telegram Delivered to Philip Malloy, and 3:15 P.M. Telegram Delivered to Dr. Gertrude Doane.

Activity #1: Trace where the story has spread by circling where it has started, where we know it has been, and the places listed on the telegrams. If you cannot find the city, circle the state and then answer question number 1.

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1. What is happening with this one little lie? (Be sure to mention the theme we have been working on in your answer DO NOT write about miscommunication..)



Reading Directions: Read the memo on pages 131-133. Read the conversation on page 133. There are two parts – Mrs. Malloy and Mr. Malloy. Read the discussion on pages 134-135. There are three parts – Mrs. Malloy, Mr. Malloy, and Philip Malloy. Read the speech on pages 135-136.

Online Reading Directions: Chapter 15, read 3:30 P.M. Written by Dr. Albert Seymour, 6:20 P.M. Conversation between Philip Malloy’s Parents, 6:35 P.M. Discussion between Philip Malloy and His Parents During Dinner, and 7:30 P.M. From a Speech Delivered by Ted Griffen to a Meeting of the Harrison Chamber of Commerce.

Activity#2: Respond to the following questions using test based detail.

1. Dr. Seymour writes in his memo that Dr. Palleni suspended Philip under the student guidelines that were approved by the School Board.

a. Consider how this specific detail has been changed each time. Think about why it has changed. What does this show about the staff?

2. Make a prediction based on the evidence that we have. Will Philip sing in Mr. Lunser’s homeroom? Refer to pages 6-7 when Philip was in Mr. Lunser’s homeroom.

3. Why are Mr. and Mrs. Malloy proud of Philip? Are Philip’s parents proud for the right reason? Explain using specific evidence to support your claim.

4. Consider Ted Griffen’s speech. Think about what he said and his reasons for saying this. Pretend that you have the opportunity to confront Ted Griffen knowing all of the information you know. What would you say to him? Start with I…and give him a speech about your feelings about him.

I _______________________________________________________________________________________



Directions: Read the conversation on pages 136-137. There are two parts – Miss Narwin and Anita. Read the conversation on pages 137-138. There are two parts- Miss Narwin and Dr. Doane.

Online Reading Directions: Chapter 15, read 8:02 P.M. Phone Conversation between Margaret Narwin and Her Sister, Anita Wigham and 8:10 P.M. Phone Conversation between Margaret Narwin and Dr. Gertrude Doane.

Activity #3 Directions: Design the cover of a card that Dr. Doane should give to Miss Narwin. Write in the card as if you were Dr. Doane. State how you are feeling by pulling three specific and accurate details from the conversation. Use colored markers, pencils, crayons, etc. to make this like a real card.

Front of the Card Write in the Card

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Reading Directions: Read Philip’s Diary entry on page 139.

Online Reading Directions: Chapter 15, read 10:33 P.M. From the Diary of Philip Malloy.

Activity #4:

1. What question is Philip planning on asking?


2. Pretend that you are Miss Narwin. What would your response be to that question? (Remember to write in the first person.)



[1] Slanted – synonyms: one-sided, unfair, skewed

[2] Synonyms for the word “defending”: shielding, protecting, guarding

[3] A telegram is a message sent by telegraph. A telegraph makes long distance communication possible through wires by sending coded electric impulses through wires.


Write your explanation here: Do NOT write miscommunication will lead to misunderstanding. If you revised Assignment #3 – you should know the correct answer.



Why did you choose this answer?

Why did you choose this answer?

Why did you choose this answer?

Why did you choose this answer?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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