REQUIREMENTS MATRIXComplete the Requirements matrix below. Under the description for each item, please detail/describe the related component or the functionality in your system. For each item, please indicate the module(s) which contain the requested functionality. If the item is not available, please indicate as such. A response is required for all items.1.0 General RequirementsItem#Description1.1Must include an Electronic Plan Submittal solution for Preliminary Plans, Commercial Site Plans, Construction Plans, Engineering Plans and any other plans as described herein.1.2Must include a mobile solution for employee field use.1.3County system administrators must be able to configure and maintain all system settings without the need to rely on the vendor.1.4County system administrators must be able to create an unlimited number of new fields after the system has been implemented. Please detail where County created fields are allowed (e.g., fields associated with permits, fields associated with inspectors, etc.).1.5County system administrators must be able to establish validation and editing rules for created fields. Please describe types of fields that can be created and provide list of field definition parameters.1.6County system administrators can inactivate county created fields. Include explanation as to what happens to data when a field is inactivated.1.7Must include a configurable workflow component to automate business processes performed.1.8System documentation and context-sensitive user help is available within the program itself at all screen and field levels.1.9Users must be able to set up personalized home page. Users must be able to configure the items on and display of their personalized home page. Please describe.1.10System must include a real-time dashboard, displaying dynamic charts and graphs. Users must be able to configure the items on and display of their personal dashboard. Please describe.1.11Must provide comprehensive searching functionality in all modules. Please detail.1.12System must allow certain records (specific permit, specific case, specific project, etc.) to be password protected. Please describe.1.13System must provide ability to generate letters and mailings. Please indicate tools and processes utilized, including any external report generators.1.14System must interface with social media outlets. Please list all outlets and how they are interfaced.1.15System must provide ability to export all data. Detail process and tools used to select and export data. Detail formats in which data can be exported.2.0 Technical RequirementsItem#Description2.1Must be a web based solution.2.2Must be an on premise solution.2.3Must interface with GroupWise. Please describe what functions/modules interface withGroupWise and how.2.4Must interface with Laserfiche. Please describe.2.5Ability to integrate with MS Office. Please describe capabilities.2.6Describe the processes/methods available for interfacing with other applications (such as APIs, web services, etc.).2.7Must be compatible with all industry standard web browsers including, but not limited to, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc. Detail compatible browser versions in response. Please detail all user and public side device, browser and operating system requirements and limitations.2.8Application is capable of running on a separate server from the database.2.9Supports Windows Active Directory (AD) authentication.2.10Explain method for authenticating external users (not AD users).2.11Describe what is installed and/or stored on the client desktop (e.g. cookies, plug-ins, preferences, etc.).2.12User preferences should be saved on the server, not on the desktop.2.13Describe what information can be viewed by the system administrator for active users. Detail any tools available for use by the system administrator to manage active user sessions.2.14System is capable of automatic session timeouts. Describe options for configuring session timeouts.2.15If concurrent licensing model is used, allows a configurable timeout period for users not active in the system, ensuring that licenses are freed up when not being used.2.16Detail all software, tools, add-ons, etc. which must be installed on a workstation to access any portion of your solution.2.17Maintain user-defined configuration and data field definitions when upgrading to new software release without requiring additional work by County or vendor staff.2.18Uses an industry recognized relational database management system that is non-proprietary. Please indicate database system used in your solution.2.19System allows efficient and simultaneous access to data by concurrent users and prevents the loss of information by simultaneous updates from different users.2.20Operates in a multi-user environment with features ensuring data integrity. Please describe.2.21Provides ability to encrypt sensitive data fields. Detail which fields can be encrypted. Please describe encryption methodology and management policy/procedures.2.22Validation rules and indices to prevent duplication of data (e.g. permit/case numbers, logins, account numbers, contacts/contractors). Please describe.2.23Allows for system backup without interrupting public facing web applications and other external interfacing applications.2.24Provides for audit capability and recovery in the event of a system failure. Please describe.2.25System must include archival and purging processes. Please describe.2.26Application meets requirements of Payment Application Data Security Standard (PA-DSS) and is compliant with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI-DSS). This applies to any 3rd. party vendor required by the proposed solution.2.27Applications are integrated and separate modules work together seamlessly and cohesively.2.28When the system is processing a request, show a visual indicator, such as an hourglass or progress bar.2.29Ability for system administrators to broadcast a message to all system users, including mobile.2.30Users do not need local administrator or other elevated rights on their desktop machines to run any component of the system.2.31Per Appendix 2, the County’s current standard is Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 8.Please indicate any specific Windows and IE settings necessary for proposed solution.2.32Allow for a full test environment at no additional cost.2.33Allow for a full development environment at no additional cost.2.34Vendor has ability to provide remote desktop support.2.35The County’s current computing environment is outlined in Appendix 2. Please assess the standard hardware in use and recommend any additional hardware needed to optimize the proposed solution.3.0 General Reporting CapabilitiesItem#Description3.1Must include a report generator with robust selection and design capabilities. Please describe report generator, including selection and design tools.3.2Users must be able to save created reports for future use.3.3System must provide a preview of any report prior to sending to printer.3.4Users must have ability to select favorite reports (either standard system reports or user created reports) and group them for ease of accessibility.3.5Users must be able to attach dynamic and static reports (either standard report or user created report) to a specific record (permit, inspection, case, project, etc.) Please describe process used to attach a dynamic report.3.6Must provide ability to export reports into Adobe PDF, MS Excel and MS Word format.3.7Must provide ability for users to merge data into MS Word documents.3.8Reports are dynamic with links in one report that will open another report based on the data included.3.9Reports (particularly permits) must provide the following data for each permit: ElectionDistrict and Census Tract where permit is located.3.10Need ability to create status, business or locational reports on all the projects noted.3.11List and describe all standard reports not already detailed in other Requirements Matrix sections.4.0 SecurityItem#Description4.1County system administrator(s) must be able to control all user security.4.2System must allow for multiple system administrators.4.3Must be able to establish user groups and user group access.4.4Must be able to establish individual users, assign them to user groups and override group access rights with individual access rights.4.5Must be able to set security access levels of full, read only or no access.4.6Must be able to control access by record type (permit type, inspection type, etc.).4.7Must be able to control access by function (enter permits, approve inspections, change fees, etc.).4.8Must be able to control access by module.4.9Must be able to control access at the field level. Please describe.4.10Must be able to control access based on configurable workflow. Please describe.4.11Must be able to establish and maintain the menus that groups/individual users view in each module.4.12Must be able to control access to a permit based on status and permit type.4.13Must be able to control access to an inspection based on status and inspection type.4.14Must be able to establish security for 3rd. party inspection and plan review agencies.4.15Must be able to establish security parameters for contractors to apply for permits online.Please describe.4.16Must be able to establish security parameters for citizens to apply online. Please describe.4.17List and describe all standard Security reports.5.0 PermittingItem#Description5.1Must provide ability to track any type of permit and to add additional permit types as needed.5.2Unlimited user defined permit types.5.3Unlimited user defined fields may be assigned to each permit type.5.4Ability to duplicate part or all of the data from one permit record to another.5.5County system administrators must have the ability to establish fee schedules.5.6Ability to calculate permit fees based on various fee schedules. Please describe.5.7Unlimited fees may be attached to a permit.5.8System must provide ability to override calculated fees based on user security.5.9System must have ability to inactivate permit fees based on user security.5.10System must include methodology to ensure that fees are collected. Please describe.5.11System must provide ability to apply credits to fees.5.12System must provide ability to process refunds for fees.5.13System must provide ability to inactivate fees.5.14System must automatically establish inspections, reviews and fees based on permit type.Please explain.5.15System must provide ability to set various functionality by permit type (e.g., certain types of permits allow issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be issued, certain types of permits have required fields, etc.).5.16Ability to attach unlimited number of electronic documents to a permit. Please detail file types that may be attached to a permit.5.17Ability to link permits together creating parent-child-sibling relationships.5.18Must be able to enter permits involving multiple structures.5.19Must be able to enter permits involving multiple parcels and address locations. PleaseExplain.5.20Restrict the issuance of permits for certain parcels based on access authority (e.g., certain permits require approval by flood plan administrator, fire chief, engineer, planning or building official, etc.).5.21Ability to flag a permit with a particular status (hot, problem, etc.).5.22Ability to list any warnings, locks, holds, notices or restrictions for a parcel during permit process. Please explain.5.23Automatically verify contractor’s license status for validity.5.24Must include ability to review full history of permit activity including changes made, who made them and when they were made in a timeline view.5.25Must provide ability to insert a QR code on a permit form.5.26Must include ability to obtain notifications of all changes made related to specific, identified permits.5.27Provide ability to track contact information for various parties (contractor(s), applicant(s), property owner(s), etc.).5.28Provide the ability to track multiple addresses, phones and e-mail addresses for various parties.5.29Ability to automatically communicate electronically with various parties throughout the permit process. Please explain.5.30System must automatically assign sequential permit numbers by permit type.5.31Permit number must include the year.5.32Ability to allow manual entry of a permit number.5.33Must include ability to enter permits on properties which have not yet received property ID # in the system and be able to carry over all entered information when actual property ID# is assigned. Please describe process involved.5.34List and describe all standard Permitting reports.5.35Ability to create permits associated with entities other than parcels.5.36Ability to start a permit process directly from a map. Describe steps involved.5.37Ability to start a permit process without a map. Describe steps involved.5.38Ability to export data to spreadsheet. Describe steps involved.5.39Ability to produce a report of raw permit data from a defined map area, such as a report of all active permits, including permit detail, within a mapped area.5.40Must track time and costs associated with daily activities by employees. Please describe.6.0 InspectionsItem#Description6.1Provide ability to create inspector profiles.6.2Provide ability to define inspector availability.6.3Provide ability to define daily maximum inspections or units per inspector. Please describe.6.4Provide ability to define inspector disciplines. Please describe.6.5Provide ability to assign a standard amount of time to each inspection type to allow for a daily cap of inspections.6.6Track inspections by type, inspector, scheduled date and completed date.6.7Ability to quickly re-assign a group of inspections to another inspector.6.8Allow different checklists for each inspection type.6.9Have standard notes unique to each inspector.6.10Have standard notes unique to each inspection type.6.11Capable of batch scheduling inspections from a single screen for all inspection requests.6.12Automatic creation of fees when an inspection added.6.13Ability to apply credits to fees.6.14Ability to process refunds for fees.6.15Ability to inactivate fees.6.16Able to automatically insert a re-inspection fee based on the failed status of an inspection.6.17Able to automatically email appropriate parties (contractor, developer, etc.) of inspection results.6.18Ensure that previous inspections are approved before accepting the next inspection type.6.19Able to view a centralized Work Calendar for all inspectors.6.20Reassign inspections from the Work Calendar by dragging and dropping to another inspector’s calendar.6.21View inspector’s GroupWise calendar appointments on the Work Calendar. Please explain.6.22Drag and drop scheduled inspections from one calendar day/inspector to another.6.23Automate inspector scheduling by geography and district, by inspector discipline, by calendar availability and by workload availability.6.24Define units for automatic inspection scheduling (days, hours, and inspections per day).6.25Automate recurring inspection schedule based upon a set period of time.6.26Automate follow up inspections based on a certain status, agency time frames or inspection workflow.6.27Create inspection hierarchies – parent, child, and sibling.6.28Able to use GIS information to automatically assign an inspection to a default inspector based on a geographic area.6.29Ability to configure security to assure that only authorized individuals are able to sign off on an inspection.6.30Provide ability for 3rd. party inspection and plan review agencies to view inspections remotely.6.31Provide ability for 3rd. party inspection and plan review agencies to enter inspection results remotely.6.32List and describe all standard Inspection reports.6.33Ability to use GIS information to coordinate data or map location information to help inspector locate an inspection site.6.34Must track time and costs associated with daily activities by employees. Please describe.7.0 Plan ReviewItem#Description7.1Ability to use fully integrated Electronic Plan Review solution for red lining, comments, concurrent plan review and comparison tools from one submittal to the next. Ability to link to Codes and cite code sections as needed.7.2Track plan review by selected fields (e.g., address, plan review #, parcel#(s), etc.).7.3Provide for logging dates sent, reviewed, due, rejected or approved for multiple reviewers, as well as remarks area for each reviewer.7.4Ability to mark up plans submitted electronically.7.5Ability for plan reviewer to select specific plan review comment from a list of standard comments.7.6Ability to track the physical location of plans.7.7Ability to attach plans to a permit, project, etc.7.8List and describe all standard Plan Review reports.7.9Provide ability for 3rd. party inspection and plan review agencies to view plans remotely.7.10Provide ability for 3rd. party inspection and plan review agencies to enter plan mark ups and comments remotely.7.11Ability to integrate with GIS for mapped activities and overlays related to forest conservation, critical area, Tiers, Development District, DRRA or similar mapped functions.7.12Ability to provide mail notification to addresses within certain radius of site.8.0 Project PlanningItem#Description8.1Track multiple submittals on any project.8.2Allow tracking of various types of projects (subdivisions, final plats, site development, Board of Appeal applications, etc.).8.3Link multiple permits, plans, etc. to a single master project.8.4Support multiple parcels and unlimited number of addresses for each project.8.5Automatically route application information based on predefined workflow.8.6Ability to duplicate part or all of the data from one project record to another.8.7View full history of project activity including changes made, who made changes and date changes were made in a timeline view.8.8Must track time and costs associated with daily activities by employees. Please describe.8.9Ability to define and add standard conditions as well as free form condition information.8.10Ability to merge conditions into letters and other documents.8.11Ability to attach an unlimited number of electronic documents to a project. Please detail file types that may be attached to a project.8.12List and describe all standard Project Planning reports.9.0 Mobility/In Field UseItem#Description9.1Provide the appropriate capabilities to allow users to operate in the field with hand held devices, iPads and laptop computers. Indicate technology (devices, software, etc.) available for in field use. Indicate technology recommended for in field use.9.2Should provide access to the permit data and related property information through a map service while in the field.9.3Should provide display of aerial photo information while in the field.9.4Should provide access to all property information while in the field.9.5Should provide access to all contact information (i.e., property owner, permit applicant, contractor, complainant, etc.) Detail each contact type and associated information available.9.6Should provide ability for field inspectors to create and print documents stored in the system while in the field.9.7Inspectors can obtain a list of scheduled inspections for a defined date while in the field.9.8Should provide ability to view, schedule and modify inspection information and enter notes while in the field.9.9Detail parameters by which data can be retrieved while in the field.9.10Ability to configure security to assure that only authorized individuals are able to sign off on an inspection.9.11Supports remote data entry regardless of connectivity. Describe process for syncing of data.9.12Provides ability for automatic update of entered data to central database when mobile device returns to connectivity.9.13Ability to view attachments while in the field. Describe any limitations and necessary software to view system attachments while in the field.9.14Provides ability to print forms and deliver to customer/applicant while on site. Detail required technology.9.15If an internal user mobile app is available, detail which mobile platforms it has been developed for.9.16If an internal user mobile app is available, detail functionality included in mobile app.9.17If an internal user mobile app is available, describe differences in functionality between the mobile app and desktop application.9.18List and describe all standard Mobility/In Field Use reports.10.0 Contractor and License ManagementItem#Description10.1Provides ability to track contractor information.10.2Provides ability to track unique contractor number for each contractor.10.3County system administrator must be able to establish and maintain an unlimited number of user defined contractor types.10.4Provides ability to track license registration, insurance, license expiration and contact information (multiple contact types and multiple phone #s/e-mail addresses per type.) Please describe.10.5Provides ability to track primary and sub-contractors.10.6Provides comprehensive contractor activity tracking (e.g., associated permits, plans, code cases, inspections, etc.) Please describe.10.7Provides ability to send automated e-mails to contractor for various situations regarding contractor’s attention. Please describe.10.8Provides ability to link contractor contact information to associated projects, permits and activities.10.9Provides ability to duplicate contact information from one contact type to another.10.10Provides ability to add flags to contractor which will alert users to contractor issues (e.g., can only pay in cash for writing bad checks, etc.).10.11Provides ability to look up contractor information on Contractors State License Board website to check validity of license.10.12Provides ability to track an unlimited number of user defined license types.10.13Provides ability to automatically generate license numbers.10.14Supports multiple license cycle types.10.15Ability to track multiple licenses per single contractor.10.16Ability to create user defined fields and validation rules for license maintenance.10.17Ability to track history of contractor and licenses including, but not limited to, change of status, change of operators, change of owner, delinquency history and formal complaints.10.18Mechanism to reduce the likelihood of duplicate records for the same business and/or detect duplicates that may have occurred. Please describe mechanism(s).10.19Flexible delinquency tracking and penalty assessment capabilities.10.20Automatic renewals and fee calculations. Please describe.10.21Interface with Microsoft Word to create renewal letters and other documents.10.22Ability to attach an unlimited number of electronic documents to a license. Please detail file types that may be attached to a license.10.23List and describe all standard License Management reports.11.0 Code EnforcementItem#Description11.1Allow multiple violations to be added to a single case while tracking each resolution and status individually.11.2Ability to track multiple violations with different statuses per case.11.3When a violation is added, the code text is automatically inserted.11.4Track follow-up dates to ensure the issue is resolved.11.5View/add restrictions to the parcel when a case is created.11.6User rights determine which users are able to view case information/details.11.7Able to attach unlimited images to the case.11.8Create a case details report which itemizes all details pertaining to the case, including the photos attached.11.9Track all activities on a case, including when a phone call is made, a letter is printed, etc.11.10Must include ability to review full history of case activity including changes made, who made them and when they were made in a timeline view.11.11Able to print and attach a letter for historical purposes in a single step.11.12Ability to assign a code officer to a case based on violation type.11.13Ability to automatically lock a parcel when certain code cases are created, to prevent permits from being issued.11.14Restrict access to the complainant information to only specific individuals, such as code officers.11.15Allow code officers to enter results of their inspections including items for correction in the field either online or offline. If offline, provide ability for automatic update of entered data to central database when returned to connectivity.11.16Ability to duplicate part or all of the data from one case record to another.11.17Ability to create code violation cases related to permit inspections in the field.11.18Print images associated with the case into a letter.11.19Automatic generation of inspections reviews and fees based on violation type.11.20Ability to automatically restrict further system activity (such as issuing a permit) at a location where there is an outstanding issue.11.21List and describe all standard Code Enforcement reports.11.22Provide GIS mapping of all properties which have associated code enforcement cases, with appropriate layering (i.e., violation type, code officer, etc.).12.0 School AllocationsItem#Description12.1Must provide ability to enter, track, and edit school allocations to development projects (including commercial projects where applicable).12.2Manage/track status of allocation offers on multiple phases of each development project.12.3Must be able to track payment and refund information for each project.12.4Must link to infrastructure and building permits system as part of permit approvals.12.5Must link to final plat tracking system for approval of subdivision plats.12.6Must have ability to export specific information into a mail merge for notification letters to applicants or their parties listed in the project.13.0 Water/Sewer AllocationsItem#Description13.1Must provide ability to enter, track, and edit water/sewer allocations to development projects.13.2Manage/track status of allocation offers on multiple phases of each development project.13.3Must be able to track payment and refund information for each project.13.4Must link to infrastructure and building permits system as part of permit approvals.13.5Must link to final plat tracking system for approval of subdivision plats.13.6Must have ability to export specific information into a mail merge for notification letters to applicants or their parties listed in the project.14.0 Development Rights and Responsibilities Agreements (DRRA)Item#Description14.1Must provide ability to enter, track, and edit Agreements for development projects (multiple entries per project name).14.2Manage/track status of internal staff/agency reviews of each Agreement and Amendments.14.3Manage/track the status of Planning Commission and County Commissioner approvals (hearings and work sessions).14.4Must be able to track payment information for each project.14.5Must link to infrastructure and building permits system as part of permit approvals (provide a status within permits system viewer).14.6Must link to final plat tracking system for approval of subdivision plats (provide a status within final plat system viewer).14.7Must have ability to export specific information into a mail merge for notification letters to applicants or their parties listed in the project.15.0 GIS Item#Description15.1Must integrate with ESRI ArcGIS Server and Desktop.15.2Must be ESRI ArcGIS 10.0 SP3 compatible.15.3Must link to County GIS data. Please describe how County GIS data is accessed (real-time, regular updates, automatically detect when sync is required, etc.).15.4Ability to create permits and other records on selected parcel(s) directly from a GIS map based on parcel or address.15.5Ability to generate maps based on selected permit data or plan application.15.6Ability to Email map as an attachment. Specify format(s).15.7Create mail merge notifications, utilizing MS Word format, from selected GIS data.15.8Ability to tag a parcel or address on a map with links to permits and related data.15.9View detailed parcel information from GIS application.15.10Measure the distance from one parcel to another or a collection of selected parcels.15.11Select parcels and addresses within a radius or draw a boundary. Once selected, detail functions available to apply to selected records, such as link to addresses for letters.15.12From a map, obtain all information and related records from the property application. Access all property and permit information and related records from map. Detail information available.15.13Ability to automatically route an inspection to a default inspector based on GIS information.15.14Provide inspection routing with ability to find the optimum route and to preserve first and last locations.15.15Provide sketch tools.15.16Ability to mark-up GIS maps and save modified map. Specify format(s).15.17Provides a map template to easily print maps from GIS.15.18Integrate with Google Maps or other mapping service. Specify.15.19Maintain GIS based location map in each permit file. Specify format. Prefer pdf or jpg.16.0 Public PortalItem#Description16.1Information is posted real-time to the database.16.2Information is available online 24/7/365.16.3Provide public the ability to apply for specific permit types online.16.4Provide contractors the ability to apply for specific permit types online.16.5System administrators must be able to change the configuration and preferences of the online system.16.6Ability for system administrators to determine which permit types can be applied for online.16.7Generate e-mail notifications to citizens and contractors regarding permit status changes.16.8Screens should be optimized for proper display on mobile devices.16.9Ability to view inspection results. Detail information displayed.16.10Ability to view chronological list of items to be completed prior to permit completion.16.11Online mapping capability for citizens to view property information.16.12Ad hoc and standard queries to retrieve property information and permit activity on a map. Explain the retrieval process.16.13Ability to lookup code violations associated with properties.16.14Provide field validation of permit information entered and incorporate business processing rules.16.15Provide checklist of requirements to guide users through the online process.16.16Ability to file a complaint online.16.17Check for valid current contractor licenses during application.16.18Restrict available fields based on permit type.16.19Ability to access and print approved permits.16.20Pay for outstanding fees online. Specify payment interface.16.21Provide ability to calculate the fees online.16.22Prior to allowing payment, verify validity of payment with amount due, requirements met, etc. 16.23Confidential payment information is not retained in system (e.g. credit card numbers).16.24Payment information is sent in encrypted format.16.25Identify all acceptable payment methods (e.g. credit cards, debit cards, on-account deposits, electronic funds transfer, PayPal, etc.).16.26Provide itemized receipt after submission.16.27Ability to e-mail itemized receipt.16.28Integrate with existing County web pages (match the web pages to our web page format/style sheets, not only a header bar with the agency’s logo.).16.29Provide ability to upload unlimited number of electronic documents online. Please detail file types that may be uploaded.16.30Ability to view attachments online.16.31View the status of a permit, project, license or case online. Itemize the specific process statuses available for viewing.16.32Provide information as to what step the application is in the process.16.33Ability to determine if inspections can be requested, scheduled, or canceled online. Specify.16.34Ability to define cancellation policies/parameters.16.35Ability to define rescheduling policies/parameters.16.36Ability to set scheduling timeframes available.16.37Ability to request multiple inspections online.16.38Ability to schedule multiple inspections online.16.39Provide e-mail notification for scheduling approvals.16.40List and describe all standard reports available through the Public Portal.17.0 WorkflowsItem#Description17.1Provide a configurable, flexible workflow management system to automate business processes (such as single family dwelling, inspections, etc.).17.2Provide ability for system administrator to maintain workflows. 17.3Ability to create workflow rules based on GIS spatial data.17.4Define tasks included in workflows.17.5Provide ability to assign tasks to staff based on defined business rules.17.6Allow for parallel tasks.17.7Allow for skipped tasks.17.8Allow for looped tasks.17.9Allow for branched tasks.17.10Allow ad-hoc modification of workflow by authorized users.17.11Ability to assign and reassign workflow tasks.17.12Ability to configure order of tasks and inspections.17.13Assign tasks based on user group and specific users.17.14Provide alerts regarding workflows based on a specific user if the specific user is inactivated.17.15Ability to view workflow diagram.17.16Ability to view tasks by user and user groups. Specify task detail available for viewing.17.17Ability to view status diagram of each task.17.18Upcoming and overdue workflow activities should display on user’s personalized home page.17.19Overdue workflow activities of a user should display on the supervisor’s home page.17.20Ability to incorporate specific date fields into workflows. Define tasks based on those dates. Explain.17.21Ability to define number of days required for each task once it becomes active.17.22Ability to integrate with GroupWise.17.23Provide ability to support workflow routing through e-mail notifications to user for work that is in his/her queue. Please specify.17.24Provide ability to track events and due dates, and support notification of the appropriate parties about upcoming and overdue events (e.g., inspections).17.25Ability to automatically update fields based on completion of tasks. Detail any limitations as to which fields and how many fields can and cannot be updated.17.26Ability to track the time spent and costs associated with tasks and users.17.27Ability to manage workflow task assignments to balance workload based on user and work unit queues.17.28Provide ability to enforce workflow rules (with task checklists) to ensure that processes are completed correctly.17.29Provide ability to establish data validation rules to ensure data validity.17.30Provide reports which alert users of pending and overdue work.17.31Provide automated reports detailing status of all items in the workflow (permits, licenses, etc.).17.32Provide ability to send e-mail notifications to external e-mail addresses for outside departments/agencies.17.33Provide ability to support collaborative work activities. 17.34List and describe all standard Workflow reports.18.0 AuditingItem#Description18.1Ability to turn auditing on and off.18.2Provide ability for journaling by file. Describe the journaling process and what is captured during this process.18.3Provide detailed audit logs with timestamp and configurable level of logging. Please describe any automated log maintenance features available (e.g. retention, notification when full, start new log for each day).18.4Provide detailed audit trails and reports for financial activity.18.5Provide detailed audit trails and reports for security changes.18.6Audited information must be accessible through a report generator.18.7Ability to constrain number of records available in audit set.18.8Ability to create random audits. Specify parameters available for random audit selection.18.9Provide audit history of random audits.18.10Ability to define audit frequency to prevent records from being audited too often through random audit selection.18.11Ability to track revisions made to records. Please describe.18.12List and describe all standard Auditing reports.19.0 Electronic Plan ReviewItem#Description19.1Allow third-party remote access to system for plan reviews. Detail how various third parties would access the Electronic Plan Review module.19.2Ability to upload/submit plans in AutoCAD, ESRI GIS desktop products, Tiff and PDF formats. Specify any additional formats with which plans can be submitted.19.3Ability to convert plans to PDF.19.4Ability to add annotations.19.5Provide comparison tools from one submittal to the next. Detail tools available.19.6Ability to overlay original plan on resubmitted plan to determine changes (omissions and additions).19.7Ability to add code violations during plan review.19.8Ability to add reviewer comments.19.9Ability to control who has access to reviewer comments.19.10Ability to add audio comments attached to the document.19.11Ability to download comments into letter or e-mail.19.12Ability to search comments.19.13Ability to redline plans submitted electronically.19.14Provide time-tracking of reviewers.19.15Ability to route and distribute electronic plans to unlimited departments and agencies required to review the plans.19.16Ability to provide a smooth process for transmitting review comments and revisions to the applicant.19.17List and describe all standard Electronic Plan Review reports.19.18Ability to accept AutoCAD and GIS files and make available for staff download or file save for final plan submissions.19.19Ability to write-protect copyrighted material. ................

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