One-Way ANOVA Exam Practice

[Pages:6]C8057 ( Research Met hods I I ) : One- Way ANOVA Exam Pract ice

One-W ay I ndependent ANOVA: Exam Pract ice Sheet

Qu e st ion s

Question 1 Students were given different drug treatm ents before revising for their exam s. Som e were given a m em ory drug, som e a placebo drug and som e no t reat m ent . The exam scores ( % ) are shown below for t he t hree different groups:

Mean Variance Grand Mean Grand Variance

Memory Drug

70 77 83 90 97 83.40 112.30


37 43 50 57 63 50.00 109.00 50.00 892.14

No Treatment

3 10 17 23 30 16.60 112.30

? Carry out a one- way ANOVA by hand t o t est t he hypot hesis t hat t he t reat m ent s will have different effects.

? Can you suggest som e follow- up com parisons ( wit h weight s) ?

Question 2

A neuropsychologist was int erest ed in how Monkeys learn t o perform a t ask. The t ask was t o ret rieve a coconut from t he opposit e side of a river. 15 wild m onkeys were assigned t o one of three conditions: observing a m onkey (they watched another m onkey ret rieve the coconut by building a bridge across t he st ream ) , observing a hum an (t hey watched a hum an solve the task), banana reward (they were allowed to do what they wanted but every tim e they engaged in behaviour t hat facilit at ed solving t he t ask t hey were rewarded wit h a banana. Aft er learning t he m onkeys were required t o solve t he problem again and t he t im e t aken t o solve the problem was m easured.

Dr. Andy Field

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4/18/ 2007

C8057 ( Research Met hods I I ) : One- Way ANOVA Exam Pract ice

Mean Variance Grand Mean Grand Variance

Banana Reward

1 1 7 13 13 7.00 36.00

Observing Monkey

7 15 1 8 9 8.00 25.00

8.67 24.67

Observing Human

15 8 13 13 6 11.00 14.50

? Carry out a one- way ANOVA by hand t o t est t he hypot hesis t hat som e form s of learning are m ore successful t han ot hers.

? Can you suggest som e follow- up com parisons ( wit h weight s) ?

Question 3

The experim ent er in quest ion 2 repeat ed t he experim ent above but wit h different Monkeys who had been lab- reared ( and so had ident ical learning experiences prior t o t he experim ent) .

Mean Variance Grand Mean Grand Variance

Banana Reward

6 7 7 7 8 7.00 0.50

Observing Monkey

7 8 8 8 9 8.00 0.50 8.67 7.52

Observing Human

8 6 15 13 13 11.00 14.50

? Carry out a one- way ANOVA by hand t o t est t he hypot hesis t hat som e form s of learning are m ore successful t han ot hers.

? Not e t hat t he m eans of t he groups are t he sam e as Experim ent 1. Can you explain any differences in t he result s bet ween t his experim ent and t he one in quest ion 2?

Question 4

A psychologist was int erest ed in whet her different TV shows lead t o a m ore posit ive out look on life. People were split int o 4 groups and t hen t aken t o a room t o view a program . The four groups saw: The Muppet Show, Fut uram a, The News, No program . Aft er t he program a blood sam ple was taken and serotonin levels m easured (rem em ber m ore serotonin m eans m ore happy!

Dr. Andy Field

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4/18/ 2007

C8057 ( Research Met hods I I ) : One- Way ANOVA Exam Pract ice

The Muppet Show

11 7 8 14 11 10 5





Grand Mean

Grand Variance


4 8 6 11 9 8

7.67 5.87

BBC News

4 3 2 2 3 6

3.33 2.27 6.30 10.06

No Program

7 7 5 4 3 4 4 4 4.75 2.21

? Carry out a one- way ANOVA by hand t o t est t he hypot hesis t hat som e TV shows m ake people happier than ot hers.

? Can you suggest som e follow- up com parisons ( wit h weight s) ?

Dr. Andy Field

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4/18/ 2007

C8057 ( Research Met hods I I ) : One- Way ANOVA Exam Pract ice

Answ ers

Answ er to Question 1

Exam Score (%)

Memory Drug Placebo No Treatment Total

N 5 5 5



Mean 83.4000 50.0000 16.6000 50.0000

Std. Deviation

10.5972 10.4403 10.5972 29.8688

Std. Error 4.7392 4.6690 4.7392 7.7121

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound 70.2419

Upper Bound 96.5581







Minimum 70.00 37.00 3.00 3.00

Maximum 97.00 63.00 30.00 97.00

Exam Score (%)

Between Groups Within Groups Total

Sum of Squares 11155.600




df 2

12 14

Mean Square 5577.800 111.200

F 50.160

Sig. .000

Cont rast s would be ( weight s in bracket s) :

? Cont r a st 1 : { Mem ory Drug ( - 2) } vs. { Placebo ( 1) and No Treat m ent ( 1) }

? Cont r a st 2 : { Placebo ( - 1) } vs. { No Treat m ent ( 1) } -- [ Mem ory Drug would have a weight of 0 in this contrast]

Answ er to Question 2

Experiment 1

Banana Reward Observing Monkey Observing Human Total

N 5 5 5 15


Mean 7.0000 8.0000 11.0000 8.6667

Std. Deviation

6.0000 5.0000 3.8079 4.9666

Std. Error 2.6833 2.2361 1.7029 1.2824

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound -.4500

Upper Bound 14.4500







Minimum 1.00 1.00 6.00 1.00

Maximum 13.00 15.00 15.00 15.00

Experiment 1

Between Groups Within Groups Total

Sum of Squares





df 2

12 14

Mean Square 21.667 25.167

F .861

Sig. .447

Dr. Andy Field

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4/18/ 2007

C8057 ( Research Met hods I I ) : One- Way ANOVA Exam Pract ice

There are no cont rol groups, so t here is no real correct way t o define cont rast s. However, you m ight want to first com bine observat ional learning condit ions and com pare with the reward learning (weights in brackets) :

? Cont r a st 1 : { Banana r eward ( - 2) } vs. { Observe Monkey ( 1) and Observe Hum an ( 1) } ? Cont r a st 2 : { Observe m onkey ( - 1) } vs. { Observe Hum an ( 1) } -- [ Banana Reward

would have a weight of 0 in this contrast]

Answ er to Question 3

Experiment 2

Banana Reward Observing Monkey Observing Human Total

N 5 5 5



Mean 7.0000 8.0000

11.0000 8.6667

Std. Deviation

.7071 .7071 3.8079 2.7430

Std. Error .3162 .3162

1.7029 .7082

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound 6.1220

Upper Bound 7.8780







Minimum 6.00 7.00 6.00 6.00

Maximum 8.00 9.00

15.00 15.00

Experiment 2

Between Groups Within Groups Total

Sum of Squares





df 2

12 14

Mean Square 21.667 5.167

F 4.194

Sig. .042

? The reason why t his ANOVA is significant whereas t he one in quest ion 2 is not is because t he variance wit hin groups is m uch sm aller (note the standard deviations in each group com pared t o quest ion 2 in t he t able of descript ives) . By using lab-reared m onkeys, thus cont rolling t he prior experiences of t he m onkeys, t he experim ent er has reduced t he variabilit y in t ask perform ance bet ween m onkeys wit hin a group. The result is t hat t he error variance is m uch lower ( not e in t he ANOVA t ables t hat t he SSMs ( bet ween group SS) are t he sam e but t he SSRs ( wit hin group SS) are different . Therefore, t he error against which t he experim ent al effect is t est ed is m uch lower.

Answ ers to Question 4

Serotonin Level

The Muppet Show Futurama BBC News No Program (Control) Total

N 7 6 6 8 27


Mean 9.4286 7.6667 3.3333 4.7500 6.2963

Std. Deviation

2.9921 2.4221 1.5055 1.4880 3.1722

Std. Error 1.1309 .9888 .6146 .5261 .6105

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound 6.6614

Upper Bound 12.1958









Minimum 5.00 4.00 2.00 3.00 2.00

Maximum 14.00 11.00 6.00 7.00 14.00

Dr. Andy Field

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4/18/ 2007


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