Progress Report and Statistical Data Definitions

Progress Report and Statistical Data Definitions

CITY: Your Town and/or Main Street Program

ORGANIZATION: Along with a brief synopsis of what’s happening with your Board, Executive Committee, etc., please use this section to update us on new officers, board members or committee members or change of addresses, etc. MMSA keeps a database of officers, local board and committee members so we can send notifications of state wide and national meetings, training sessions and newsletters. Please include e-mail addresses whenever possible.

PROMOTION, DESIGN & ECONOMIC RESTRUCTURING: A brief synopsis of what’s happening with each of these committees.

REMARKS & I NEED HELP… General comments about your program and any questions or requests for information that may help you.


Business Openings: A new business that opens or relocates to the downtown.

Business Closings: A business that goes out of business or moves out of the downtown.

Business Expansions: A business that upgrades or expands its inventory, expands floor area or adds new jobs.

New Jobs Created: Jobs that were created due to a new business opening or a business expansion.

Jobs Lost: Jobs that were lost due to business closing or downsizing.

Public $ Invested: Public monies spent on streetscape plans and the execution of projects in the downtown district. That is, sidewalk repairs and enhancements, purchase of banners, development or enhancement of public downtown parks, new lighting standards, plantings, seed money for downtown festival or promotion. Also include monies that the city puts into your program for salary, benefits, operating budgets, etc. Also, any grants from federal, state or local government sources.

Private $ Invested: Private monies that are spent in exterior and interior rehabilitation projects, including paint jobs, awnings, window boxes, upgrading of interior spaces, second floor rehabilitations (office, retail or housing), purchase price of property, Main Street dues and contributions collected.

(Sometimes this is an educated guess. If the property or business owner prefers not to release specifics, you can get information from building permits or, if you know the approximate square footage, we can help you estimate the project cost. Be sure and let your property/business owner know that specific $ investments are not listed by property/business owner – only the total $ amount of private $ invested is reported.)

Façade Rehabs Completed: A façade rehabilitation in which all work is completed – totals only. If the project utilized Federal Rehabilitation Tax Credits, please list the projects – without specific amounts, under Fed. Rehabilitation Tax Credit Projects.

Upper Floor Housing Units: Total number of upper floor residential units or downtown residential units available in the downtown district. If this is the first time the number is reported, please report total. After the total is reported, just report new units added.

Volunteer Hours – This needs some work as it is new since I completed these instructions. From the Independent Sector, who the NTMSC uses to calculate value of Volunteer hours. Mississippi is 15.28

The link to the website is:

Mississippi Main Street Association (MMSA) requires this report and statistical figures from your program on a monthly basis (recommended) or on a time frame agreed upon by the Manager and the MMSA office. This report is required to insure continuation of your Main Street designation in good standing.

It is important for you to realize that these figures justify your funding when reported on the local level. By combining these figures statewide, MMSA justifies our funding as well.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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