Type of Data

| |Type of Data |

| | | | | |

| | | |Dichotomous or | |

| | |Rank, Score, or Measurement |Binomial | |

| |Measurement (from Normal|(from Non- Normal Population) |(Two Possible | |

|Goal |Population) | |Outcomes) |Survival Times |

|Describe one group |Mean, SD |Median, |Proportion, |Kaplan Meier survival |

| | |interquartile range (IQR) |Percentages |curve |

|Compare one group to a |One-sample t test |Wilcoxon signed-rank test |Chi-square | |

|hypothetical value | |Sign test |or | |

| | | |Binomial exact test | |

| | | |** | |

|Compare two unpaired groups |Unpaired t test |Mann-Whitney test |Fisher's Exact test |Log-rank test or |

| | | |(chi-square for |Mantel-Haenszel* |

| | | |large samples) | |

|Compare two paired groups |Paired t test |Wilcoxon signed-rank test |McNemar's test |Conditional |

| | |Sign test |(exact or |proportional hazards |

| | | |chi-square) |regression* |

|Compare three or more |One-way ANOVA |Kruskal-Wallis test |Chi-square test |Cox proportional hazard|

|unmatched groups | | | |regression** |

|Compare three or more |Repeated-measures ANOVA |Friedman test |Cochrane Q** |Conditional |

|matched groups | | | |proportional hazards |

| | | | |regression** |

|Quantify association between|Pearson correlation |Spearman correlation |Contingency | |

|two variables | | |coefficients** | |

|Predict value from another |Simple linear regression|Nonparametric regression** |Simple logistic |Cox proportional hazard|

|measured variable |or | |regression* |regression* |

| |Nonlinear regression | | | |

|Predict value from several |Multiple linear | |Multiple logistic |Cox proportional hazard|

|measured or binomial |regression* | |regression* |regression* |

|variables |or | | | |

| |Multiple nonlinear | | | |

| |regression** | | | |

What type of statistical analysis do I use?


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