GIS Spatial Statistics for Public Opinion Survey Response ...

GIS Spatial Statistics for Public Opinion Survey Response Rates

July 22, 2015

Timothy Michalowski Senior Statistical GIS Analyst Abt SRBI - New York, NY t.michalowski@


? Timothy Michalowski, Senior Statistical GIS Analyst

? Abt SRBI in New York City

? "GIS Manager" - Abt SRBI GIS group in the Advanced Methods department, formed in 2010.

? 15 years GIS experience, focus on GIS for Social Research.

? Abt SRBI -

? One of the nation's largest and most trusted survey, opinion, and policy research organizations.

? Abt SRBI offices in NYC, Cambridge, DC area, Chicago, Arizona, North Carolina, & Florida.

? Expertise in many practice groups, including Health, Transportation, Social Policy, Housing, Energy, Election Polling, etc.

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Goals for today

? Keep everyone awake, it is 8:30am!

? Why is GIS important to Survey Research?

? Sample of GIS work at Abt SRBI for Survey Research

? Geographic Based Statistics for Response Rates

? Get you out of here for SD Padres 12:40pm game!!!!

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GIS for Survey Research

For 2012 to 2015:

? "the GIS market in the US to grow at a Compound annual growth rate of 10.96%"

? "the key growth is due to increased demand from Government sectors."

The GIS industry grew worldwide 10.3% in 2010 to US $4.4 billion with an and was expected to US $10.6 Billion in 2015.

Global Indust ry Analyst s (GIA), Inc., " Geographic Informat ion Systems (GIS): A Global Out look," January 2012.

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GIS for Survey Research

The fastest growing segment of GIS from 2004 to 2011 was in GIS data, which grew at a compound annual rate of 15.5%, twice the rate of growth for GIS software and services.

Global sales to governmental agencies remained had a 7.2% compound annual growth rate over these eight years.

"...demand for GIS/geospatial products is driven by an increasing global need for geographically correlated information. As more and more websites, such as Google Earth, and consumer navigation systems, bring awareness of the power of linking business and consumer information with their geography, geo applications will become the norm."

Bridget t Pelosi, Daratech, Inc, " GIS/ Geospat ial M arket Report ," January 2011, available from Direct ions M agazine, accessed M arch 28, 2015.

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