DATE: October 6, 2008 Barbara Owens, Chair

DATE: October 6, 2008 Barbara Owens, Chair September 15, 2008 PRESENT: Barbara Owens

Mary Grace Bright

Jill Camnitz

Michael Dixon

Betsy Leech

Ralph Love, Sr.

Billy Peaden

TIME: 7:30 P.M. Roy Peaden Marcy Romary Sidney Scott

Dick Tolmie

PLACE: Pitt County Office Building ABSENT: Delano Wilson

Chair Barbara Owens called the Board of Education to order in regular session at 7:30 P.M. Mr. Billy Peaden led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Chair Owens welcomed all who were present.

Chair Barbara Owens offered the Agenda for consideration. Mr. Michael Dixon, second by Mr. Dick Tolmie, made motion for approval. Motion carried unanimously.

Under Public Expression, ECVC Marketing Director Susan Daughtry discussed the “Feed The Bin Recycling Program” with the Board. She told how the Program started as a pilot project in three Pitt County Schools in 2007 with The City of Greenville, Pitt County ECVC, and ECU working collaboratively. Posters and cardboard bins were placed in the schools for collection of recyclable products. The program, through State grant money and other supporters, has progressed involving six more schools with classroom educational presentations regarding recycling, more classroom bins, outside roll carts and additional banners. During the kick off each year, a collection of magazines and phone books is done so that parents are introduced to the program. The program teaches students good environmental stewardship and unites students and staff in a common goal. Rewards are given to the winning classrooms. The City of Greenville and Winterville pays for pick-up of the items. Ms. Daughtry asked for Pitt County Schools Board of Education support in these endeavors.

Pitt County PAGE President Beth Broadhurst-Webb spoke to the Board regarding the reinstatement of PAGE (Partners for the Advancement of Gifted Education) in Pitt County. The program members last met in 1994; but with the goal of working collaboratively to encourage and support the development and improve services for TAG and STRIDE students, a reinstatement meeting was held September 22, 2008. The Committee hopes to feature family events throughout the year and AIG student programs this summer. A goal for PAGE is to act as a unified voice to lobby for gifted programs in our schools, our county, and our state. The Board was invited to attend future meetings as the PAGE Committee hopes to work with the Board to achieve their goals.

A science teacher and Link Crew Coordinator, Mr. Coleman Bailey, at D. H. Conley High School discussed with the Board space needs within the school. He proposed D. H. Conley be turned into a middle school to receive students from W. H. Robinson and Wintergreen, with Hope Middle receiving students from Chicod and G. R. Whitfield. He thought this would end the need for mobile units at several schools within the county. Mr. Bailey knows it’s very expensive to build a new high school, but felt one built somewhere in the Blackjack area would be more centrally located in its attendance area and the size of the school could be increased to allow for student capacity.

Student representation from a group called “Pitt County Students Against School Uniforms” led by Uriah and Isaac Ward spoke to the Board regarding their belief that the school uniform policy should be changed. They presented a petition with over 1200 signatures against uniforms, and stated reasons regarding cost, behavior, academic performance, self-expression, and statistics of why students should not have to wear uniforms. Their hope is to agree to a compromise with the Board regarding uniforms.

For the Spotlight on Teaching and Learning, Special Projects Coordinator Alice Keene and Child Nutrition Director Donna Ware reported on the “Eat Smart/Move More” Interventions and several grants received during the last school year. They also commented on the tremendous involvement of many partners to these programs including Pitt County Memorial Hospital, Pitt County Health Department, Pitt County Memorial Hospital Foundation, East Carolina University, Vi-Quest, Health Education Foundation, Brody School of Medicine, and our in-house team members. Student obesity has increased across America, and attention has been given to making healthy food choices and exercising more. During the Summer Food Service Program, over 41,000 meals were served including breakfast and lunch. The Eat Smart/Move More Program, piloted at North Pitt last year, compliments the ninth grade Standard Course of Study in the Healthy Living Curriculum. Our vision is for this program to be in all the high schools of Pitt County in the near future. Staff wellness has been addressed and walking trails, which are also useful to the community, have been developed. Recently, due to grants, a coordinator and registered dietitian have been placed within Pitt County Schools. It was stated that 14 elementary schools have participated in a pilot program since 2004 meeting K-5 Nutrition Standards, and in 2006, the Board adopted the Student Wellness Policy which promotes high quality nutrition and a physical activity program to improve the health and well being of our students. Ms. Ware stated there needed to be more focus on the breakfast meal as research had shown children cannot learn if they are hungry.

Under Consent Items, Ms. Mary Grace Bright motioned, second by Mr. Michael Dixon, that the September 15, 2008 minutes and the Personnel Report for October 2008 be approved. Motion carried unanimously.

Under New Business, Educational Programs and Services Committee Chair Dick Tolmie discussed changes in the 2009-2010 Graduation Requirements with a fourth math course be added. He stated the Course of Study would consist of “future ready” or occupational requirements. Summer School will offer more courses this upcoming year, not just those with End-of-Course State exams attached. There will be no charge for summer school as per State requirements, and a “Study Skills” summer school class will not be offered to make up absences during the school year. There will be times to make-up absences during the school year. Mr. Roy Peaden applauded this change, and Mr. Dick Tolmie stated we needed to do a good job of communicating this change to parents. The Link Crew Program for Freshman students was mentioned. Mr. Dick Tolmie stated students couldn’t learn if they were missing their classes, and this thought needed to be strongly expressed to the parents and community.

Executive Director of Student Services Travis Lewis stated student attendance had been discussed and evolved as a District Goal at the Summer Retreat. This past school year 2600 students had ten or more unexcused absences. Local district attorneys, judges and law enforcement personnel have made special efforts in helping us deal with truancy. Grants have been written to provide for two truancy officers to our district. Judges have set aside time in their calendar week for truancy cases. He stated consistent communication with parents has increased regarding student absences, and the District Attorney’s office had even provided their letterhead for letters to parents outlining exactly what the penalties could be for compulsory attendance violation. Mr. Lewis also discussed the students who had passed a course but had missed more than seven days so they did not receive credit for the course. Regarding discipline, there was an 11% decrease in out-of-school suspensions this past school year which is phenomenal

Due to family health issues, Mr. Steve Stephenson could not be present to present the Annual Educational Foundation Report.

Superintendent Beverly Reep reported to the Board regarding the Dropout Task Force Committee Meeting stating there were three key priorities the Committee focused on:

1. There is a need to focus on transitional course opportunities working on curriculum and

placement for these ninth graders. 120 students have returned this year who had dropped out

of school during the 2007-08 school year. Discussion was held regarding the successful eighth

grade students being promoted to ninth grade mid-year and having a transitional English course making students promoted to ninth grade eligible to participate in athletics.

Working together as a district was also discussed. It was suggested that highly qualified,

experienced, most motivated teachers teach ninth grade students as this grade level is a

turning point for students.

2. Launching a wide-spread community campaign asking assistance from the community, faith-

based resources, PTAs, civic groups, etc. outlining the cost of dropouts to the community and

what the entire county can do to help keep these students in school was discussed. Weekly updates on efforts and success could be sent out.

3. The last goal was launching a similar internal campaign starting with leadership at the

Board level and making it a priority in all areas as it is a K-12 problem. Leadership opportunities for school staff to work with returning students could be started. Second semester allotments would be checked regarding the success of this program. Search for teacher profiles who are interested in working with the dropout or “potential” dropout students.

Assistant Superintendent of Finance Michael Cowin presented for the Finance Committee a budget update for the Board stating the Governor’s Directive on State Funding Reductions for FY 2008-09 would be reducing the budget by 2% to adjust for the slower economic growth. The percentage reduction for public schools was established at 1%. DPI stated the school allotments would not be reduced and requested each LEA limit travel to the maximum extent possible and restrict purchase orders for goods or services that are not critical needs. It was also stated that due to overall reduction of State budgets, DPI will not provide reversions to help with the under funded transportation money to provide future additional fuel allotments. Compensations for these reductions were discussed for a short-term solution. Local units cannot take on the responsibilities of the State as a long-term solution nor have our students suffer as a result of State budget shortfalls. This needs to be made known to our legislators. Mr. Cowin also discussed the Proposed Budget Resolution for Local Funds with a detailed report of revenues and expenses. The Local Budget is balanced, but there are $2,333,000 worth of negatives – less resources in the schools and less projects being completed for the upkeep of our school system. This is another year without an increase in the teacher supplement to ensure retention and recruiting highly qualified teachers. Over forty positions have been cut out of the budget. About five years ago, there were approximately 90 locally paid teaching positions, now that stands at 25. This will impact our classrooms and our operations. We need to start communicating this now to County Commissioners and the community. He predicted this is going to get worse, and our ranking in the state is going to fall dramatically. Mr. Cowin stated the 2008-09 Budget Resolution and Budget Manual will be presented in the November Board Meeting.

Ms. Betsy Leech stated that money being taken for furnishing new schools from our Capital Funds should be a county responsibility. Mr. Cowin stated the funds we had used were from our Fund Balance (Savings Account) in the amount of over $3 million in the last five years. Many Board members expressed concern regarding the steady decline in local funds. Everyone wants Dr. Reep to improve student instruction, but there is no money available to fund needed resources/staff, which would enable her to proceed with this goal.

Policy Committee Chair Mary Grace Bright shared with the Board Second Readings of the following revised policies following a Policy Committee Meeting on September 10, 2008:

1. Due Process for Search and Seizure - Policy 10.201

2. End-of-Year Activities – Policy 9.609

3. Homework – Policy 9.611

4. Personnel Records – Policy 7.020

Ms. Betsy Leech had a question regarding Due Process for Search and Seizure, Letter E.

Interrogation. It was stated that if the police came to school and stated there was an immediate need

to speak with a student (i.e. question of child abuse), a parent/guardian or school staff member would

be present on behalf of the student. Ms. Leech had a problem with the police asking to speak to a

student regarding a criminal act, especially committed off campus, when a parent or lawyer was not

present and a school administrator was asked to be present for the questioning. The student should

also be advised that he could remain silent and not answer any questions by the police. It was also

felt that what was said needed to be put in writing. It was stated that these issues would be explained

clearly in Procedures for the schools. Mr. Roy Peaden made the statement that the Board of Education

cannot pass a policy to supercede State law. Ms. Bright moved, second by Mr. Dick Tolmie, that this

Second Reading be approved by the Board. A vote by the Board showed six members approved the

motion, five members were against the motion.

Policy 9.609 End-of-Year Activities was unanimously approved by the Board for Second Reading after

motion by Ms. Bright, second by Ms. Marcy Romary.

Second Reading of Homework – Policy 9.611 was unanimously approved by the Board after motion by

Ms. Bright, second by Ms. Jill Camnitz.

Policy 7.020 Personnel Records was unanimously approved by the Board for Second Reading after

motion by Ms. Bright, second by Mr. Dick Tolmie.

Superintendent Reep welcomed Rose High Student Tom Lowe from the Student Advisory Committee.

Chair Barbara Owens voiced condolences on behalf of the Board of Education for the Jaquan Waller


Mr. Roy Peaden wanted to be sure the media expressed to the public the lack of funding for school

transportation from the State.

Ms. Jill Camnitz asked for the twenty-day numbers with regard to school capacity and a comparison

with last year’s number was requested.

Ms. Mary Grace Bright moved that the Board go into Closed Session to: (1) consult with our attorney to consider and give instructions concerning a potential or actual claim, administrative procedure, or judicial action. Second was made by Mr. Dick Tolmie. There was unanimous approval of the Board.

A brief Closed Session was held.

Upon returning to Open Session, Ms. Mary Grace Bright motioned, second by Mr. Dick Tolmie, that the Board adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,


Ms. Barbara D. Owens, Chair


Dr. Beverly B. Reep, Superintendent


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