Statistics and Probability Syllabus

Statistics and Probability Syllabus

Course: Statistics and Probability

Classroom: 311

Teacher: Miss Rogers

e-mail : Casey.Rogers@

Phone: 240-236-7472


Textbook resources bluman

username: stat.student@

(No online textbook access, sorry) Password: statprob09


1. You are to bring your notebook, textbook, and calculator to class with you everyday.

2. Be in your seat when the bell rings.

3. Food and drinks are not permitted. May bring water.

4. Use appropriate/acceptable language.

5. All work completed for this class will be your own. (Severe)

Material required for the class

1. Covered Text Book

2. 2 inch 3 ring binder

3. Pencil (lead)

4. Dry Erase Markers

5. Graphing Calculator-required! See me if you have a financial concern and

cannot purchase a calculator. You may not share calculators for Quizzes or

Tests. No exceptions.

Statistics Binder

You will be given note outlines for each section and need to keep them organized and have quick easy access to them.

Greater than or equal to 2 inch ring

4 Major Sections




Special Assignments

Missed Work

Make up work must be requested within 2 days of absence. This includes quizzes and tests. Late home work is not accepted. Late class work and special assignments are accepted with a grade penalty. It is important that you stay on top of the material as the concepts will build on each other.

Term Grades Course Grade

Test 50% Term 1 40%

Quizzes 25% Mid-Semester Exam 10%

Class work 10% Term 2 40%

Special Assignments 10% Final Exam 10%

Homework 5%

Homework is a necessity in all math courses. The assumption that a student can find success in an advanced level math course by sitting through the class daily is false. The student must engage in all activities and must complete homework on a daily basis to master the skills and concepts. Remember learning is a verb and it requires action.

An assignment sheet will be given weekly to help students plan for quizzes and tests. If you are absent, especially for more than one class, you are encouraged to email me and request the note outlines. The notes often follow the textbook well and you may be able to complete them on your own.

There is also a Service Learning Project that is required for this course. More details will come as the course progresses.

Parents--- Please sign up for Progress Reports through Pinnacle. This is a great tool for monitoring your student’s achievement.

I am looking forward to a wonderful semester. I thank you in advance for your hard work and positive attitude.

Casey Rogers


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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