Websites That Work – A Guide to SEO

righttop2019Guy TomlinsonSEO CoPilot Ltd400001000002019Guy TomlinsonSEO CoPilot Ltdleft250002672715Websites That Work – A Guide to SEO900007300Websites That Work – A Guide to SEO1994487349567500SEO CoPilot LtdSEO CoPilot Ltd is on a mission is to increase your sales, enquiries and most importantly profit, and with our extensive SEO knowledge and years of experience within the industry, we can get the results required to take your business to the next level. Our experience in SEO, sales and website design combined gives us all the knowledge and tools to create a website which not only looks better than your competition, but ranks highly on Google and, most importantly, converts visitors into sales – equalling more profit for your company. Customer care is our number one priority, and the way we treat our clients has resulted in over 150 five-star reviews online. All the work we complete is inhouse, meaning we don’t rely on any outsourcing. Our team consists of website designers and developers, Search Engine Optimisation specialists, content writers, graphic designers and social media managers. We are based in Chesterfield, Derbyshire, however we can and do serve customers on a global scale harnessing the power of the internet and our customer relationship tools. Whatever your requirements, we are more than happy to chat to you to discuss ways in which we could help you and your business. The information in this workbook is not to be shared or copied without prior consent from SEO CoPilot LtdContentsIntroduction to SEOWhat Do Search Engines Do?Understanding Google Page 1 ResultsChoose Your hat WiselyUnderstanding the Elements of SEOTechnicalOn PageOff PageModern SEO PyramidWhat is Technical SEO Technical PrioritiesGoogle Search ConsoleWhat is On Page SEOKeyword Research Website StructureWebpage StructureWhich Website PlatformYoast SEO Plugin ToolWhat is Off Page SEOBacklinksSEO CitationsSocial Media MentionsTracking your progressGoogle AnalyticsTop 10 SEO mistakesResourcesIntroduction to SEORanking higher in the organic search results signals to searchers that you are an authority in your industry. Just think about it. If I searched for architects in London, I’m far more likely to trust the first result than I am the twenty-first. I mean, it’s the first result on Google, the first name on the list. It’s the top position and that means a lot. With businesses that are ranking organically, consumers know that they haven’t just paid to be there like the businesses in the ad spots above them. They know that you’re more likely to provide the solution that they are searching for.Moving your website up the search rankings has a huge impact on the amount of website visitors you receive.?Check out these statistics. ??#1 Ranking Position: 32%#2 Ranking Position: 17%#3 Ranking Position: 10%#4 Ranking Position: 7%#5 Ranking Position: 5%By the time you get to the second page of the results, less than 1% of users are clicking on your website. Looking at those numbers, it’s very clear why ranking higher is important. The difference between the first position and the twenty first position can mean the difference between a website receiving a constant stream of fresh sales and enquiries to one that is very rarely looked at.What Do Search Engines Do?What is a?search engine?and?how do?they work??Search engines?allow users to?search?the internet for content using keywords. ... When a user enters a query into a?search engine, a?search engine?results page (SERP) is returned, ranking the found pages in order of their relevance and other factors.Understanding Google Page 1 ResultsAs mentioned previously in this workbook it’s important to be at the top of page one, remember that dead body!#1 Ranking Position: 32%#2 Ranking Position: 17%#3 Ranking Position: 10%#4 Ranking Position: 7%#5 Ranking Position: 5%Choose Your hat WiselyWhat Is Black Hat SEO?Black hat SEO is using shortcuts and hacks to game the search engines and exploit any weaknesses in their algorithms.Black hat SEO techniques are usually?geared towards search bots first, rather than human readers. This strategy carries a?high risk of being penalized by Google.What Happens When You Break the Rules?So, what happens when Google sees SEO behaviour it doesn’t like?Usually, Google will change their algorithms so that those techniques no longer work.What Is White Hat SEO?White hat SEO is the art of matching your website and its contents to the terms web searchers are using to find products and services. White hat keeps within the rules and does not look to cheat or manipulate the search enginesUnderstanding the Elements of SEOTechnical OptimisationTechnical SEO is a very important step in the whole SEO process. If there are problems with your technical SEO then it is likely that your SEO efforts will not generate the expected results.It is thus crucial to make sure that you understand what technical SEO is and how to get it right.The good news is that after you do a technical SEO audit of your website and fix any potential problems, you won’t have to deal with it again.On-Page Optimisation On-page Optimisation is all about the content, structure, and layout of your site. Google and other search engines crawl your site to get an understanding of what it's about (and how authoritative it is), so the information it finds on your website can have a big impact on how it ranks pages on your site for relevant search queries.Off-Page SEO Authority BuildingEverything else in your SEO campaign should be focused on off-site authority building, meaning building a presence and relationships on external sites and platforms. The biggest tools Google uses to evaluate this "authoritativeness" are inbound links from such external sources. The more inbound links you have pointing to your site from high-authority sources, the better your perceived authority, and the higher your website will rank in search engines. However, any links deemed irrelevant, spammy, or unnatural could earn you a penalty rather than a boost--so be careful how and where you acquire your inbound links Modern SEO PyramidIt used to be that SEO companies could use a lot of (Black Hat) Off Page SEO techniques and get a website with average on Page SEO and very little technical SEO to the top results. I am pleased to say that this is no longer the case and only secure websites with good technical SEO, excellent on Page and off Page SEO.What is Technical SEO Search engines give preferential treatment in the search results to websites that display certain technical characteristics — for example a secure connection, a responsive design, fast loading pages, no html errors, correctly configures site-maps, good internal link structures and much more — technical SEO is the work we need to do to ensure your website is as good as it should be technically in the eyes of the search engines.Technical SEO elements including:Website load speedWebsite is mobile friendlySSL Website is Secure Strong Website SecurityStrong Passwords for Admin usersRobots.txt file set up correctlyYour Website webform is workingHTACCESS Set up correctlyHTTP Content RedirectsCorrect Canonical tags No URL underscores presentWorking SitemapWebsite Is Crawlable Rogue Indexed Pages RemovedPages are IndexableDuplicate Content RemovedThin Pages Set to NoIndex301 Redirects are in placeNo broken linksTechnical PrioritiesLoading Speed below 2 secondsSite SSL SecureHTTP Redirects to HTTPS Website Is CrawlablePages are Indexing (Site:) Adding (site:) before your domain address will return all of your website’s indexed pages. Check for any pages you do not want to show up in Google searches.Mobile Friendly No Broken LinksGoogle Search ConsoleGoogle Search Console is a web service by Google which allows webmasters to check indexing status and optimise visibility of their websites.?Each website needs to be verified by the owner of the website before they can login and start seeing search data. is On Page SEOOn-page SEO is the practice of optimising individual web pages in order to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic in search engines. On-page refers to both the content and HTML source code of a page that can be optimised, as opposed to off-page SEO which refers to links and other external signals.Keyword Research The first step of on-Site SEO is keyword research; this is a core SEO task that involves identifying popular words and phrases people enter into search engines. ?Researching keywords gives marketers a better understanding of the demand for different keywords, having your website optimised for the most lucrative keywords will make all the difference.Website StructureWhen you structure your website, you need to make it as simple as possible to navigate. If website visitors find it easy and logical then so will the search engines. Understanding your website better means search engines can rank it higher in the search results.Keep your services separate, this way you can write an optimised page for that service and you won’t be watering down the SEO by adding all your services to one single page.Website SEO Friendly StructureHomeAboutServicesService oneService TwoServices ThreeTestimonialsContactWebpage StructureWhich Website PlatformSome website platforms are not very SEO friendly so it’s better to choose a professional platform to have your website built on. Using a cheap or free drag and drop platform like Wix can hinder your rankings and can be a false economy. (Don’t use the .Com option)Yoast SEO Plugin ToolYoast SEO is a search-optimisation plug-in for WordPress. It has 5+ million active installations and has been downloaded more than 202 million times.In Yoast SEO you can enter the keyword or key-phrase you’d like your post or page to rank for in the search results. We then run a check on your content to check whether you’re?using the keywords often enough?– but not too often – and?in the right spots.?What is Off Page SEOOff-Site SEO is your website’s relationship with other websites and quality content that references you with a backlink across the Internet. It’s also about driving traffic to you from other websites with high positions and getting your website found in the right places for your industry. ? ?Brand trust and reputation is a large part of Googles Algorithm and they are 80% of the search market, an Off-Page SEO campaign is about building your website to be an authority in your niche in the eyes of the search engines and website visitors. This in turn will increase your search results and create more enquiries and sales.BacklinksBacklink?is a link one website gets from another website.?Backlinks?make a huge impact on a website's prominence in search engine results. This is why they are considered very useful for improving a website's?SEO?ranking. Search engines calculate rankings using multiple factors to display search results.Warning: Poor backlinking can get your website banned from Google. DO NOT Buy backlink packages online.SEO CitationsA?citation?is an online reference to your business's name, address and phone number (NAP). Like links to your website, Google uses them when evaluating the online authority of your business. Unlike links though,?citations?don't need to be linked to your business's website in order for you to be credited for them.Social Media MentionsSocial Media Mentions?are calculated as the volume of?mentions?of your brand on?social media?channels over a given period of time e.g. month or quarter. You can use a?social media?monitoring tool such as? or HootSuite to track online?mentions. The search engines use this information to gauge your social media popularity and it helps to keep their search results dynamic.Tracking your progressQuality rank tracking software can accurately check positions for the exact location of your choice: country, state, city, or even an exact street address. Manually checking your positions can give you wrong information, Google skews results based on what “it thinks” you want to see. It will use your search history along with location and your browser cache to give you personalised results which are different to what everyone else see.Google AnalyticsGoogle Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic, currently as a platform inside the Google Marketing Platform brand. Google launched the service in November 2005Top 10 SEO mistakesHaving Poor Un-Optimised Website ContentSSL Certificate Missing or incorrectly Set Up Poor Website Security – Add Security PluginNot Updating WordPress and Plugins Weekly!Not Regularly Checking Webform Emails are Being Received Uploading Large Images - Poor website speed. Poor Mobile Website Version – Not Real World? Duplicate content and html Tags Especially Title TagsThinking Blog Content isn’t Important Employing Cheap SEO ServicesResourcesWordPress Onsite Security Check your SSL Uptime Monitor SEO Basics Checkups Rank Checking Finding Keywords Checking your website speed Mobile Friendly Content Free Image optimisers ................

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