Symbols Frequently Used in Statistics

Symbols Frequently Used in Statistics

|Symbol |Meaning |Use |

|Σ |Sigma; means “the sum of” | |

|[pic] |Sample mean | |

|[pic] |Mu; Population mean | |

|s |Sample standard deviation | |

|[pic] |Sigma; Population standard deviation | |

|[pic] |Sample variance | |

|[pic] |Population variance | |

|[pic] |Sample proportion | |

|p |Population proportion | |

|n |Number of data values in a sample | |

|z |z score (standardized value) | |

|t |t statistic | |

|C |Confidence level | |

|[pic] |Null hypothesis | |

|[pic] |Alternative hypothesis | |

|Df |Degrees of freedom | |

|[pic] |Normal distribution with mean μ and standard deviation σ | |

|[pic] |Chi-square statistic | |

|β |Power of the Test | |

|[pic] |Combination of n objects in r groups [pic] | |

|[pic] |Probability of event A given B | |

|r |Correlation coefficient | |

|[pic] |Coefficient of determination | |

|Residual |Residual | |

|Q1 |First (lower) quartile | |

|Q3 |Third (upper) quartile | |

|IQR |Interquartile range | |

|M |Median | |


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