Notes from Receipt and Referral User Group Meeting

Receipt and Referral User Group Meeting

Date: Nov. 28, 2001

Time: 9–11:30 a.m.

Location: Rockledge 2, Room 3014

Facilitator: Sara Silver

Next Meeting: To be determined, approximately one week after January release.

Items for January Release

Priority: 1=high 2=medium 3=low

|Priority |Item |

|1 |Add Bridge Award |

|1 |Revised 398 |

|1 |Change PI/Institution (data copied from prior record) |

|1 |Cursor jump to birthdate on return from search |

|2 |No group code or extension allowed for non-SEP assignment for CSR reviews |

|2 |901 search on View Application Status screen |

|2 |Table report problems |

|3 |Nullify animal subject checkbox on change to S10. |

|Bug |Receipt and Referral Unit 2 label generation |

|Bug |PI History Report problems |

|Bug |Database problems for racial/ethnicity code selection |

Action List

• Sara will send Suzanne an e-mail on Dec. 10 to see if November release item for small business SEP autoassign is ok. (later note from Suzanne to indicate: “initial reports are that it works sometimes, have asked that people bring examples of failures to me.”)

• Lisa will fix some racial/ethnic problems immediately; others will have workarounds identified, with long-term fixes put in for January release.

• Lisa will correct LOV for SRA designator on 901, so that standing committees that are not chartered yet won’t appear.

• Lisa will investigate application that was withdrawn for no apparent reason.

• Release notes need to be written so that changes that are transparent to the user are identified as such. Sara will make sure Tim Twomey is aware of this.

• Sara will show Toni D’Amato how to access letters in the module to the PHS 398 letter.

• For history of 901 changes, Lisa will provide list of changes that will appear only in Change History, and those that will appear in Audit and in Change History. Brent will provide feedback to Sara on proposal, and Sara will include as estimate for Receipt and Referral 2002 funds

• Sara will let Suzanne know when Bridge Award problem is fixed

• Brent will take the Type 9 amendment issue to EPMC for policy decision; Chip will take to GMAC

• Janet will call Sara if any deferrals come up in January.

• Incorporate request for entering Chairman’s Grants in 2002 budget items.

• Brent will organize a focus group addressing ARAs, and will involve Sara Silver as the analyst.

• Mailers: Sara will let Lisa know when Committee Management users have completed their review of SRA data. Suzanne will send any text changes from Wally Schaffer to Sara, for submission to Lisa.

• Lisa and Mike will look into the PI Brief History problem (dropping last support year), and Lisa will fix if necessary

• Sara will speak to Sherry about summary statement regeneration.

• Sara will analyze Phase II SB applications from other agencies.

• Sara will speak to Sherry about group extensions.

• Lisa will look into the issue of status of withdrawn vs. unscored for amendment.

Review of November Release Items

• Autoassign. Won’t be able to validate until next week. Sara will send Suzanne an e-mail on Dec. 10 to see if it’s okay.

• New racial/ethnicity coding. There are several problems that have been reported to Help Desk. For an existing PI, if the original race type code was Hispanic, users run into a database error when they try to select ethnicity. There is also a “SQL ending” error when there are special characters in a name, as well as in other conditions. Lisa and Mike will meet to discuss all problems that have come up. Some problems will be fixed immediately; others will have immediate workarounds identified, with long-term fixes put in the January release.

• Identification of nonmodular budgets is working correctly.

• Corrected error message for S10 activity code (“You cannot have animal subjects for S10 Activity Code”) can’t be verified until March, which is the next time it can come up.

• Sponsor Status for Fellowship report is okay.

• Field for the number of reference letters for “F” and “K” grants is okay.

• LOV for SRA designator on 901 is not completely correct. There are committees that appear that are standing committees that are not chartered yet (they may have slates that aren’t approved). These should not show up in an LOV for assignment or for a 901 (an example is “AARR1”). Lisa will look into it and correct. (RPHB3 appears to be working correctly).

• 901 dual assignment deletions will be tested by Mike.

• SRA designator LOV on Referral Data screen is okay.

• The erroneous error messages when generating letters have been removed correctly.

• Sara will work with Lisa to determine best implementation for changes to RFA/PA numbers.

• Mike will call Sara when he runs into the Organization Change problem.

Review of Problem List

Help Desk Requests

• There were three applications that were unscored for CA85524 (-01, -01A1 and -01A2) on one day; the next day, two of the three appeared as “Application withdrawn for amendment”, and the third (01A2) appeared as “Unscored-application judged non-competitive”.

• Check constraints for new racial/ethnicity coding. This is being fixed.

• AG19811 was withdrawn for no apparent reason. Lisa will investigate further.

Deleted Grant Applications

Users need the ability to search for an application that had been deleted with a 901 in the View Application Status screen. Lisa distributed a prototype of the View Application Status screen with the new Search 901 button, as well as the prototype of the hit list that will be displayed on a search.

Action: This is being included in the January release.

History of 901 Changes

The audit trail only displays those 901 changes that can be made in other parts of IMPAC II, aside from Receipt and Referral (council date, grant number). Lisa distributed a proposal to include a 901 Change History on the View Referral Audit screen. Items that are already being captured in the audit will appear in both places; dual deletes and withdrawals will show in the Change History only. Suzanne and Brent will decide if that is acceptable, and Sara will estimate for inclusion in the 2002 budget.

Action: Lisa will provide list of changes that will appear only in Change History, and those that will appear in Audit and in Change History. Brent will provide feedback to Sara on proposal, and Sara will include as estimate for Receipt and Referral 2002 funds.

Bridge Awards

Amended applications are being inactivated when a bridge award is made, after the full funding comes through. This has been fixed and is in testing. It will be released as a server side fix before the January release.

Action: Sara will let Suzanne know when this is fixed.

Type 9 Business rules

For change of institute on an amended application, new grant number doesn’t have the A1 designation. It is unclear whether the policy is to have the A1 designation or not.

Action: Brent will take the issue to EPMC for policy decision; Chip will take to GMAC.


List of ICO-entered Council deferrals not being populated in Receipt and Referral. Sara arranged to meet with Janet, but none came up in September.

Action: Deferrals may appear in January; Janet will call Sara if any come up.

SRG Deletion

Sometimes a grant over $500,000 comes in, usually a continuation of the grant in the same amount, and the grant is put into the system. If the grant is withdrawn, the R&R people cannot remove the assignments it made before it was withdrawn. For March, will look into modifying the software so that the reviewer assignment and reviewer conflicts will be deleted, and the meeting assignment will be made blank. A workaround for now is for the RSR to e-mail the SRA, who can remove the assignments.

Action: Add to March release list.


Suzanne needs to make changes in letters in the module to the PHS 398 letter, in this case.

Action: Sara will show Toni D’Amato how to access letters in the module to the PHS 398 letter. Toni will make changes to the letters.

Mailers/Replacement of Table 106

Committee Management users are identifying incorrect SRA names and addresses on reports that were distributed by Scarlett Gibb.

Suzanne is waiting to get approval of mailer text from OER before submitting changes in text.

Action: Sara will let Lisa know when Committee Management users have completed their review of SRA data. Suzanne will send any text changes from Wally Schaffer to Sara, for submission to Lisa.

Changing Information After Application Has Been Released

Need to provide for changes to RFA/PA numbers within Receipt and Referral.

Action: Sara will work with Lisa to determine best implementation.

Organization Name

Intermittent error with change in organization not being stored. John was unable to replicate for Sara, but Mike says it is still a problem.

Action: Mike will call Sara when he runs into this problem.

PI History Report

It appears that the PI History report may be missing the last support year.

Action: Lisa and Mike will look into the problem, and Lisa will fix if necessary.


Problem with more than 7 duals. Software will actually allow up to 10 duals (change “7” to “10”). May disappear when IMPAC I is retired.

Clean Record Function: If a record is not going to move forward for some reason, group wants to be able to clean the record, leaving only the comments intact. Since the activity code can’t be blank currently, this can’t be done. This will be looked at after the January release.

Table Reports

PA/RFA table needs to be populated correctly.

Action: Sara will investigate this and pass any action to Lisa.

Suzanne would like a list of all users with Referral Officer and Chief roles.

Action: Lisa will compile the list and send to Suzanne.

There are still problems in Tables 4, 6, 7, 30, 31. Sara has sent the list of issues to Lisa.

Action: Lisa will proceed with fixes.

Suzanne needs to be able to allow Referral Officers to assign applications to new SEPS.

Action: Suzanne will provide more detail to Sara.

Summary Statement Generation

Need to find out if the Summary Statement needs to be regenerated if the PI changes institutions after the release of the Summary Statement but before the award.

Action: Sara will speak to Sherry.

Chairman’s Grants

Each Institute awards at least one Chairman’s Grant. Users would like to be able to enter these grants in R&R. Need to estimate workload.

Action: Sara will speak to Emily for analysis. If necessary, incorporate request for entering Chairman’s Grants in 2002 budget items.

Screen Design Changes

Suzanne has requested a screen design change on the View Application Status screen. The request will be estimated and scheduled for after the January release.


There needs to be a focus group addressing ARAs. The ARAs should be addressed before the 901s.

Action: Brent will organize a focus group, and will involve Sara Silver as the analyst.

Phase II SB Applications from Other Agencies

NIH expects to get an increasing number of phase II small business applications in the future for which the phase I was supported by another agency. In the past, this has been handled with a “dummy” phase 1 record. OER would like a shadow phase 1 record showing other agency, type 9 assignment of phase 2, flag to show that phase 1 was supported by other agency.

Action: Sara will analyze.

Automatic Printing of Tables

This is not currently on the schedule.


The IMPAC I systems and the Referral Module require the use of an extension (letter code) for a SEP assignment; the Review and CMO modules do not. This can lead to problems. Andy thought there had been some discussion about dropping group extensions as a meeting identifier.

Action: Sara will speak to Sherry.

Next meeting will be scheduled sometime during the week after the January release, either from 9:30 to 11:30 or from 1:30 to 3:30.


Chen, Lisa, Logicon

Cooley, Glenn, Mitretek

Fato, Mike, CSR

Fisher, Suzanne, CSR

Greenleaf, Andy, Logicon

Panniers, Richard, CSR

Silver, Sara, OD/OER

Stanfield, Brent, CSR

Wright, Judith, Logicon


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