Red Caps Golf Questionnaire – April / May 2017Summary and CommentsA total of 42 completed questionnaires were received. The following is a summary of replies to each question, followed by comments received.1.Do you target, plan, or try to play our signature golf days?Yes:22No:16No opinion:4Comments:Have not done specifically. (Gavan H)For me, golf is a fun activity. But if there is a trip to be taken, or a visit to be made with Pat, golf is bypassed. So whatever event is on, I'm happy. (Roger H)I try to play on those days but it doesn't fuss me if I miss due to being away, having something else on or the weather is inclement. (Ian S) (a) Do you know the signature events and when they are played?Yes:30No:9No opinion:3Comments:Not certain - always found this a tad confusing. (Peter F)I think so (John F)Majority of them. (Alex M)Yes - as per monthly schedule. (Bob S)Yes - I know the days on which they are played but would have to refer to the diary that is sent out each month to be aware of the actual date that they take place. (Ian S)(b) Do you like the competitiveness of them for your own satisfaction?Yes:32No:6No opinion:4Comments:I'm not sure I would classify them as having a competitiveness (such as matchplay) but obviously everyone who plays on those days strives to have a good score which will put them into the running to be the daily winner and maybe the overall victor. (Ian S)Indifferent (Anon 2) (c) Do you like playing signature events that give you the chance to be acknowledged by trophies/honour board?Yes:31No:5No opinion:6Comments:Yes very much so. (Alex M)Recognition of no importance to me (Peter F)Yes, tempered by my opening statement. (Roger H)Never worried about it (Phil L)If I happened to win an event I would not be fussed about the trophy side of things but if it results in appearing on the honour board then that is a good recognition of what was achieved. (Ian S)(d) None of the above because you just turn up and play?Yes:17No:9No opinion:16Comments:I like all the above, but generally just turn up to play. (N Henderson)I guess I just turn up to enjoy the day. (Roger H)The reason I joined was to play golf in a social manner, but I still hope to improve and if it means I win anything it means I have. (Tom Mellors)Essentially that is what I do and what will be will be. (Ian S)2.What is your opinion of the naming of the following events? Please make suggestions under each event. After 4 months under Red Caps should these events be more identifiable?Comments:The old EPR names will still be on the EPR honour board. Time to move on to current long-serving members. (Neil Harrington)I'm not fussed about event naming, although I do like that we have got away from names of individuals. That is not to disrespect them at all, but after some years, the names become less relevant. (Roger H)Happy with generic name (Bob S)I do not think that necessarily a person's name be attached to an event but accept that it is a way of recognising service to the group or need longevity with the group. We have a similar thing in the RDCA in naming grades after living life members. Where a L/M passes on, the person’s name is retained for 5 years or longer if there is not another living life member to replace the person who has passed. If names are attached to Red Caps trophies, perhaps a similar process could be adopted. (Ian S)1. Captain's Wednesday Handicap Event (formerly Keith Mackay Award)Keep current name:18Change name:5No opinion:19Comments/Suggestions:Don’t have a problem with the naming (Wayne B)Stan Mathieson Trophy (Brian G)Stan Mathieson Handicap Event (Neil Harrington)Name it after a long serving member (Neil Henderson)This is the event / playing for this trophy (Ross N)Why not just weekly / monthly Wed handicap (Stuart S)Stan Mathieson (Bill S)Good - I don’t know Keith Mackay (Bill T)Would like something more formal (Anon 2)2. President's Friday Handicap Event (formerly Bill Fly Trophy)Keep current name:18Change name:6No opinion:18Comments/Suggestions:Don’t have a problem with the naming (Wayne B)John McPhee Trophy (Brian G)I am comfortable with any name thought worthy (Gavan H)John McPhee Handicap Event (Neil Harrington)Name it after a long serving member (Neil Henderson)This is the event / playing for this trophy (Ross N)Why not just weekly / monthly Friday handicap (Stuart S)Terry Schwab (Bill S)Good - I don't know Bill Fly either (Bill T)Would like something more formal (Anon 2)3. Committee Monday Stableford Event (formerly Stableford Event)Keep current name:15 Change name:7No opinion:20Suggestions for new name:Don’t have a problem with the naming (Wayne B)Terry Schwab Trophy (Brian G)I am comfortable with any name thought worthy (Gavan H)Terry Schwab Stableford Event (Neil Harrington)Monthly stableford event (Glenn H)Name it after a long serving member (Neil Henderson)Not needed to personalise now (Daryl S)Why not just weekly Monday stableford (Stuart S)John McPhee (Bill S)Maybe just the Stableford event - there is only one (Bill T)Would like something more formal (Anon 2)4. Social days are Mon, Wed, Fri when no other event is being played. Do you like these days being identified with birthdays of members?Yes:30No:0No opinion:125. Eclectic Front 9/Back 9 Trophies (formerly Eclectic Trophy)Keep current name:17Change name:3No opinion:22Comments/Suggestions:Don't know whether this event is necessary. Or probably I just don't understand it enough. (Wayne B)Never liked this one (Les F)Les Ferguson Awards (Brian G)Les Ferguson Eclectic (front 9). Bob Grierson Eclectic (back 9).Are we having a new honour board? (Ross N)Is there a better name to more accurately describe how this works? (Stuart S)Don't get to play back 9 very often (Bob S)Les Ferguson (Bill S)6. Match Play (formerly the Horrie Gelder Match Play)Keep current name:18Change name:5No opinion:19Comments/Suggestions:I think match play could be named after some prominent person (Wayne B)I am comfortable with any name thought worthy (Gavan H)Peter Denier Match Play (Neil Harrington)Maybe call it Red Caps Match Play (Bob S)Peter Denier (Bill S)Red Caps Match Play (Daryl S)Something formal (Anon 2)7. Club Championship (new event) with winner over 3 rounds off the stick. This event has not been played yet.Keep current name:19Change name:4No opinion:19Comments/Suggestions:I think club championship could be named after some prominent person (Wayne B)It is only for the elite good golfers, not for the rank and file golfers (Bruce F)Think there could be A grade handicaps 0 - 9, B grade 10+ (Peter F)Brian Gobbi Club Championship (Neil Harrington)Explains the event (Ross N)No. Do not like the concept (Alby Q)If you miss one club champ day you are out, or for example like me don't play Wednesdays (Stuart S)Yes need to identify our best player of the group (Bob Smith)Brian Gobbi (Bill S)Red Caps Club Championship (Daryl S)This seems like a good idea also (Bruce S)Yes for handicappers under 10 (Anon 1)What is your opinion of the playing conditions of each of these events?1. Captain's Wednesday Handicap Event (formerly Keith Mackay Award). Played monthly with the best 8 of 12 net scores added to get a winner.Agree:35Disagree:4No opinion:3Comments:Disagree - 12 rounds with points allotted to the first 10 - 1-10 (Brian G)I am happy with these formats. If we have to tweak them as we go along, so be it. (Roger H)Disagree with playing conditions. Should be average of the days played with minimum of 8 cards. (John McP)Disagree with the playing conditions, suggest it be best 6 of 12 (Bruce S)2. President's Friday Handicap Event (formerly Bill Fly Trophy). Played monthly with the best 8 of 12 net scores added to get a winner.Agree:35Disagree:4No opinion:3Comments:Disagree - 12 rounds with points allotted to the first 10 - 1-10 (Brian G)Disagree with playing conditions. Should be average of the days played with minimum of 8 cards. (John McP)Disagree with the playing conditions, suggest it be best 6 of 12. Happy with the concept, but not sure that many players will make 8 out of 12 events and you may need to reconsider this (Bruce S)3. Committee Monday Stableford Event (formerly Stableford Event). Played monthly with the best 8 rounds of 12 stableford points added to get a winner.Agree:35Disagree:3No opinion:4Comments:Weds/Fridays sometimes, all players will get a chance to play this event (John B)Disagree - 12 rounds with points allotted to the first 10 - 1-10 (Brian G)Disagree with playing conditions.Should be average of the days played with minimum of 8 cards. (John McP)Disagree - either best 6 of 12, or use all Monday scores and make it best 12 of 52? (Bruce S)4. Is the range of different events on Social Days (Mon, Wed, Fri) when other events are not being played enough and varied?Yes:28No:9No opinion:5Comments:More events required (Noel A)No. Could add more variation. Does not have to be a lot, but when we have something different is has been enjoyed. (Wayne B)No. More of the only use 4 clubs type of event. (Peter G)Charity Day supported by Callaway (Tony G) - DISCUSSNo but these events should be better explained. Perhaps simple fliers would do the job. (Glenn H)No. How about 4 ball best ball or other group events (golden ball etc)? (Ross N)Yes but cou ld consider others for variety eg. Ambrose event at Moama was popular (Daryl S)Could perhaps have more stableford points games on these days - not part of committee stableford (Bruce S)No - more team events (Anon 2)5. Eclectic Front 9/Back 9 Trophies (formerly Eclectic Trophy) - winner is the person (after handicap has been deducted) has the lowest Net score on the Front 9 and Back 9.Agree:35Disagree:2No opinion:5Comments:Agree. Jury is out on this event as far as I am concerned. (Wayne B)Agree - as previously noted back 9 is seldom played (Bob S)6. Handicap Match Play (formerly Horrie Gelder Match Play) is open to a maximum of 64 players. Knockout rounds are played until a winner is reached.Agree:33Disagree:5No opinion:4Comments:Why is it restricted to 64? (Noel A)Agree - sad the name is going, but I guess most of the current members would not have known of Horrie. (Bob G)Should be open to all. (Neil Harrington)Disagree. 40 entries for the match play with a qualifier for the other places. Say 36 lowest handicaps then 4 from the qualifier round. 4 lowest handicaps to take up 1 spot in each draw.(John McP)Disagree - should be open to everyone - no maximum (Bill S)YAWN!! (Anon2)7. Club Championship (new event) with winner over 3 rounds off the stick. This event has not been played yet.Agree:26Disagree:10No opinion:6Comments:Too early to form an opinion (Noel A)Agree. It will only be won by a low handicap golfer. Should we have a 10 plus event to give the high handicappers a chance? (Les F)Agree but should be an A and a B division based on handicaps eg. A grade 0 to 9, B grade 10+ (Peter F)Agree but to increase interest for the lower handicap players have a lesser trophy for the nett winner. (John F)Disagree if this event is played off the stick, only 5 or 6 players out of 60 plus have a chance. I believe this will be devisive not what our group is about. (Glenn H)Agree. Only way to play a club championship for off the stick but also could have a club championship handicap event run concurrently. I think that the playing conditions for all events is fair. (Neil Henderson)Disagree. All players should be able to submit 3 rounds nominated prior to days play within a reasonable time frame. (Denis O’C)Disagree favours best players (Stuart S)Not really club champ - just best of three rounds (Anon 2)Do you feel you have an equal chance to win:Signature eventsYes:38No:3No opinion1Comments:Not these days my golf has dropped off. (Les F)Yes but see comments above (John F)Yes - with the exception of Club Champion at present (Tom Mellors)Social daysYes:42No:0No opinion:0If your answer is no, do you think our handicapping is fair?Yes:3No:1 No opinion:37Comments:Not sure! (Jim C)I’m not sure (Les F)No for eclectic - only longer handicappers can win (Brian G)If your answer is no, to either question, why not in your opinion?(No responses).Do we have too many events?Yes:4No:33 No opinion:4Comments:Enough (Glenn H)No. Varied events are ok (Neil Henderson)What is your opinion of the new website?Comments:All comments were favourable.Excellent. We need to publicize it more so more players know when it is updated - particularly for special events and outings, for the next month's program, and for the past month’s report. (Noel A)I would like to be able to enlarge photos. (Wayne B)Excellent. Roger is doing a great job. (Aldo F)Excellent. Very impressed by the authors (Bruce F)Very good. Needs to be encouraged for future members. (Brian G)Very good. It does not need to be complicated. (Gavan H)I am happy with it and look forward to feedback. (Roger H)Excellent work Roger (Alex M)Excellent and getting better (Denis O’C)I am not a regular viewer but from what I have seen I would rate it excellent. (Ian S)Very good. Perhaps a results for the week page could be an addition (Bruce S)Excellent. It's the best thing that's been done (EVER!) mate. (Bob T)Do you read the monthly report sent by email?Yes:36No:5No opinion:1Comments:The report is not sent by email; it is logged on the website. Maybe people don't know this. (Noel A)Same comment as Noel (Neil Harrington)Do you look at statistics that are sent monthly by email on Excel spreadsheets?Yes:31No:9No opinion:2Comments:Yes, most of it. Not sure all info is necessary. I would imagine it takes quite a deal of work. (Wayne B)Yes for me they are ok but maybe for the non techo members some simplification could be considered (Neil Henderson)Not in great detail but from time to time things happen that make you refer to it to clarify some aspect or get up to speed. (Ian S)Yes - very interesting and good information (Bruce S)Is the information in the Excel spreadsheets of interest to you?Yes:32No:6No opinion:4Comments:Yes and it's good to see how everyone is wacking away (Aldo F)Yes very interesting. (Roger H)Somewhat (Tom McC)Yes - very much so (Alex M)I look at them from time to time but I am not a big statistics person. (Ian S)Should these 3 functions continue in their current form?Yes:33No:3No opinion:6Comments:No - figures used as a drunk uses a lamp post - for support rather than illumination (Peter F)No. Monthly report could be incorporated with Stats or Website. (Brian G)Yes - while I may not refer to them or read them thoroughly I'm sure many members do. (Ian S)1 function only. Monthly report Yes (Bob T)Should we restrict membership from now on? We have 70 registered members and have been averaging over 30 players per day. If your answer is yes, is it because:Yes:20No:20No opinion:2Comments:We've probably got to look at it (Les F)Not sure - maybe 72 is a maximum workable figure - guess there has to be some limit to facilitate playing access. (Peter F)No - as long as course management is ok with us growing (Neil Harrington)No but we may be restricted by the number of tee times available on some days so there will be a time where a limit could/should be imposed. (Neil Henderson)Yes for reasons stated. (Roger H)Yes. We need to work in with the pro shop as we do. (John McP)Yes - if not I would have to answer yes to all. (Tom Mellors)Serious consideration must be given to the amount of new members RC accepts due to some implications mentioned below. (Alex M)No. Not yet (Denis O’C)No - need to monitor if getting too large (Bob S)I would be reluctant to start restricting membership as it gives the wrong vibe and there will be attrition for one reason or another which should see numbers stay around status quo. With numbers playing each day and the desire or necessity to have some play the back 9, those doing so finish a lot earlier than those playing the front 9, and back 9 players do not stay around for announcements. There is a fair core who play the back 9 all the time and that does not lend itself to social interaction/inclusiveness. That said, you would have to be careful how you worded it if telling people they couldn't always play the back 9 as some may not take the instruction well. (Ian S)Not at present but will have to consider options if numbers increase. If club will block out enough time then need to consider appointed tee times to avoid the long wait. (Daryl S)No. To restrict growth is to go backwards (Anon 2)(a) Tee times are too spreadYes:15No:3No opinion:24 (b) Crowded venue after each matchYes:10No:9No opinion:23 (c) Group is too impersonalYes:7No:12No opinion:23 (d) Administration of each day is faultyYes:1No:18No opinion:23 (e) Getting too big for the administrationYes:7No:13No opinion:22Are you happy with the group's social activities (apart from golf at Ringwood GC)?Yes:39No:0No opinion:3Have you any suggestions to improve social activities from what we do at the moment?Yes:4No:33No opinion:5Comments:I think they are doing a great job (Les F)Yes. Better venue for end of year get together. (Peter G)Yes. Trips away need more control to avoid no shows and cancellations. We need two more homes to be able to use during the year for events. (Brian G)No - from what I know there is enough, you will know when there are too many when numbers are down / members don't attend. (Neil Henderson)No - ladies' coffee is a great inception which is thoroughly enjoyed by the girls. (Alex M)No - nice to have other course playing. Maybe negotiate discounts for Red Cap members at golf shops (would need ID card) (Bob S)No - I think we have the balance right. Any more may be too much (Bruce S)Are you happy with the administration of the group?Yes:40No:0No opinion:2Comments:Yes very good work done by this group (John B)Yes Peter and the committee keep up the good work (Les F)Yes very happy (Peter G)Yes - have no problem with the current admin. (Neil Henderson) ................

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