HHS4C Families in Canada MIDTERM #2 REVIEW

Young Adults & Intimate Relationships

The format for the Midterm…

Part One & Part Two

This portion will only be written in class.

True and False knowledge & understanding College – 40

Multiple Choice knowledge & understanding College – 40

Part Three & Part Four

This portion can be written ahead of time and brought to class – or must be written in class. NOTE IT CANNOT BE EMAILED TO ME LATER THE SAME DATE OR BROUGHT IN THE NEXT DAY IF FORGOTTEN.

Application; Thinking and Inquiry and Communication

Much of the multiple choice and true or false questions are about the trends, stats, theories and issues affecting the development of young adults and also couples. Material from each of the readings will be covered in detail.

Material Covered…

Reading # 4

Young Adult Trends & Stats

Power Point Lesson Transition to Adulthood

Millennials Article R U Ready 4 Us? + Hiring Article

Young Adult Developmental Theories See Reading #4

Power Point Lesson Young Adult Issues

Reading #5 Trends re: Partnering in Canada Today

Power Point Lesson – Why Marry?

History of Marriage Organizer

Articles on Arranged Marriages, Getting Married, Adapting to Marriage

Formal and Basic Legal Briefs, Budgeting, & Getting Married

Power Point Lessons - Attraction & Mate Selection and Love & Attraction Theories

Power Point Lesson Marital Relationships

How to write an APA field Research Report


adolescence adolescents streams credentialism

education inflation mentor millennial generation xers

baby boomers individualism collectivism duty based moral code


age of majority anticipatory socialization autonomous self cohort effect

dilemma distress Dream ego

fidelity identity intimacy life structure

mentor rating scale resocialization rites of passage

self-regulation semi autonomous socialization

individualism conjugal boomerang kids revolving door

exchange theory cohabitation pure relationships plastic sexuality

sexual liberation 60s 70s sexual revolution 2010s homogamy endogamy

sexual autonomy auto eroticism exogamy mating gradient

marriage market marriage squeeze hooking up speed dating

computer mediated relationships gating features arranged marriages

selectivity hypothesis experience hypothesis marry up

wedding marriage

free choice mate selection arranged marriage forced marriage

intimacy passion commitment net income

gross income fixed expense flexible expense

honeymoon stage period of conflict & regrets reaching an accord marital script


Erik Erikson Psychosocial [8] Klaus Riegel 4 Dimensions Jane Loevinger Ego Development [10]

Life Cycle Framework Leonard Pearlin & Distress Daniel Levinson Seasons

Jeff Arnett Emerging Adulthood

Natural Selection Social Homogamy Ideal Mate Theory

Older Men Attraction as Fair Exchange Social Exchange Theory

Kerkhof & Davis Filter Theory Murstein Stimulus Value Role Theory Sternberg Love Triangle

Aron & Aron Love as Growth

9 Psychological Tasks – Marriage 3 Stage Life Cycle Marital Relationships Family Life Cycle

10 Factors Affecting Satisfaction

Domestic Violence Power and Control Wheel Honeymoon Stage – Tension Theory

Suggested Review Questions…

1. What were teens expecting in 2001? What are the trends regarding life transitions for emerging adults as of 2009? Who attended school by gender from the 20s to now? What are the employment correlations to education? Who is more educated? Why? What are the correlations between income and education? What are the leaving home trends? What were they? Why do young adults leave today? Why did they use to?

2. Review the tasks for young adults (Life Cycle Theory)

3. Who are the millennials?

4. What is the separate clocks analogy? How do we define adulthood? What are the current trends impacting development? What are the theories? How do careers, schools and families affect development?

5. Understand the issues that affect young adults and their development such as gender, employment and career development, immigration, the high costs of education and homelessness.

6. Understand how you can apply the social exchange theory to explain how young adults decide to stay home or move out on their own. Who moves out earlier? Who later? Why?

7. What does Cherlin have to say about why people bother to get married? Specifically who is getting married, when? why? Compare and contrast demographics, understand the current American trends.

8. What are the reasons for an arranged marriage? What is the difference between arranged and forced? What are the success rates like in comparison to romantic marriages? Why?

9. Who are we attracted to and why?

10. What are the theories about love?

11. What does Daniel Wayne Matthews say about adapting to married life? What are the challenges? What are some of the myths? What does he say about money, sex and the in-laws?

12. Review what a budget entails and the tasks for a newly married couple (Life Cycle Theory)

13. Understand the theories around staying married happily.

14. How does the family life cycle affect a married couple?


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