Staying Positive During COVID19 Presentation NotesSlide 1IntroductionThis presentation is offered as material for delivery by webinar or for companies to use to assist employee’s during this challenging time Slide 2World is upside downNothing is normalChange has been sudden and somewhat unexpectedUncertainty about the current and to some extent about the medium and longer term futureIsolation and segregation ( from friends family …. Work environmentsFear and anxietyThus is meaning we are having to adapt very suddenly. Some will find this easier than others, this will depend on their individual / family / life and work circumstancesIllness may suddenly be a big part of our lives, especially if loved ones/ colleagues are affected by symptomsSlide 3What are we feeling…A mixture of emotionsOne the one hand negative emotion such as ( read left column)Great sadnessAnxietyExhaustedOverwhelmedDisturbedHowever out of this adversity we are also feeling completely contrasting emotions at various times. Read column on right; We are hearing inspirational stories, Gratitude ( even small things) birds deer / timeAppreciativeReflectiveWE are being HUMAN…….responding to STRESS…….. CHANGE and even to GRIEF….. loss of usual lifestyle not to mention possible loss of someone dearSlide 4These emotions may be coming in waves, changing from day to day and in some cases hour to hour depending on what we are doing. One minuet we might feel elations, the sun is shining the birds are singing……Next we might feel hugely guilty for being so alive when others are struggling.Moving through differing phases / stages, during change, or stress is usual as well as during grief reactions. We wont all be at the same stage at the same time, and will move at different speedsThis is important when we look at interactions and dynamics and human acceptance of anothers emotions becomes important. This may be leading to tensions in places and communications and compassion become increasingly relevant. Slide 5Resilience?Think about your own level.It may vary depending on circumstances. There are things you can do to enhance your own level of resilience. Slide 6This situation will not last forever and we will come through…..We are a resilient nation and within ALL of us there is an inner resilience we need to tap into.Remember the Queen thinks we are resilient tooJust as the government bodies are adapting to this changes and learning, we as individuals, families, groups and employees will move through the changing processes. Sharing becomes important ( ideas, knowledge)……. Working for solutions, feeling motivated by something going right… getting better…… finding a way. Slide 7We need to develop resilience ( like we never have before) We need to adaptAttitude is hugely important. Some are more positive than others….. Aiming for positivity through adversity will help each of us get through and in turn we can help others less fortunate. Slide 8Maslows hierarchy of needsBasics….Taken care of….. We are lucky (we are at war ( of a kind), but we still have our supplies, our homes….) It could be worse !So what do we really need…..? We have learnt to adapt in recent weeks without some home comforts we might have previously had access to. As long as we have air, water, food…… how important really are the other things?Looking after loved ones and maintaining sense of belonging comes next ( even the clapping on a Thursday helps us appreciate the work of others.Slide 9SpectrumCan be well but feel ill some days, this might be physical or mental illness. At present our worlds have changed, this means we might not be feeling 100% any day. Accept these emotions and feelings, believe things will improve. One can have serious underlying conditions but manage this well and be in good frame of mind and physical health. The current circumstance smight make management more challenging and anxiety about the repercussions might mean extra support is need from friends, family, volunteers. See local council web sites for information. Slide 10We are at the centre of our own sphere of influence: We can control certain things ourselves…… daily routines, spend out time, what we eat, when we eat…..We can influence through guiding, steering, setting an example, supporting, learning….adaptingWe cannot change some things……. The weather …….COVID… The governmentWe can dress for the weather ….and accept Covid is something we cannot change….……Making the best of what we have helps to manage our attitude. How can we help others, protect ourselves, our family even when we cannot control Covid?Slide 11Think about the things you can control for yourselfTry to be grateful for the positives. Plan ahead a little.Slide 12Social connectivity is hugely important to us all….Video-conferencing can be helpful 70 % language is non verbal, so seeing people over the internet is helpful ( ore than simply a chat on the phone).However a chat on the phone is better than a text / email. Slide 13Remember to EXERCISETry to make it daily and try to vary the routineMake it funSlide 14Find out what others are doing.People are using imaginative ways to entertainTry to Skype supper with friends, a quiz even a coffee via skype / zoom facetime or similar platform. Slide 15Accept there will be down timesTry to remain positiveSlides 16 – 19BlankSlide 20Remember council websitesSlides 21 – 23Blank ................

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