Steel Fixing






Oral Questionnaire and

Observation Record

|Course Name and Number |Steel Fixing Certificate II |

|Unit Name and Number |BCGCM1001B Follow OH&S policies and procedures |

|College | |

|Elements | |

|1.Follow safe work |Critical Aspects of Evidence |

|practices |Location, interpretation and application of relevant information, standards and specifications |

|2.Access risks |Compliance with site safety plan, OH&S regulations and State/Territory legislation applicable to workplace operations |

|3.Follow emergency |Compliance with organisational policies and procedures including quality requirements |

|procedures |Communication and working effectively and safely with others |

| |Selection and use of fire fighting equipment to extinguish a simulated mechanical fire |

| |Evacuation of a site through simulated response to an emergency complying with workplace procedures |

|Assessor/s Name | |

|Candidate Name | |

|Location of Assessment | |Date: |

|Questions- Satisfactory Response |Yes |No |

|Q1. In the case of an emergency what have you done and what procedures did you follow? | | |

|Q2. How have you kept up to date with first aid techniques and CPR? | | |

|Q3. When commencing a new project what do you do to make a risk assessment of the project? | | |

|Q4. What are the enterprise and/or site evacuation procedures that you follow in case of an emergency? | | |

|Q5. What fire fighting equipment will you select if the fire is electrically combusted ? | | |

|Additional Questions | | |

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|Key Points provided by Candidate | | |

|1. | | |

|2. | | |

|3. | | |

|4. | | |

|Observation: |Complete |Not Completed |

|Brief description of key points to be covered in the activity | |Notes |

|Key Points | | |

|1. Follow OHS | | |

|2. Demonstrate their knowledge of site induction. Example; on site register, | | |

|first aid amenities and evacuation points | | |

|3. Follow proper procedure for an emergency | | |

|4. Identify work hazards and report them | | |

|5. Apply a site safety plan | | |

|6. Correctly use PPE | | |

|7. Use tools plant and equipment safely | | |

|Activity observed and other evidence provided by the Candidate related to this unit: |

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|The Candidate’s performance was: |Competent □ |Not Yet Competent □ |

|Feedback to Candidate: |

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|This signature confirmed Candidate agreement that the above record is a true reflection of the task performed: |

|Candidate Signature: |Date: | |

|Candidate Comment: |

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|Assessor Signature |Date: | |

|Course Name and Number |Steel Fixing Certificate II |

|Unit Name and Number |BCGCM1002B Work Effectively in the General Construction Industry |

|College | |

|Elements |Key Points |

|1.Identify the industry |Outlines what the General Construction Industry functions and services are |

|work context and setting |Provide examples of the economic importance of the General Construction Industry |

|anise and accept |Discusses employment opportunities and career paths |

|responsibility for own |Awareness of trends occurring in the industry |

|workload |Details the structure of the enterprise and functions of the organisation as a whole |

|3.Work in a team |Awareness of wage conditions and industrial award conditions |

|4.Participate in |Awareness of obligations to self and employer |

|identifying and pursuing |Works as part of a team and recommends improvements |

|own development needs |Negotiates work assignments and who does what and why |

|5.Participate in site |Assists others to achieve mutual goals |

|meetings |Practices basic one to one dispute resolution skills |

| |Discusses and listens to issues and concerns |

| |Reports to a designated third party if arbitrator is required |

| |Assesses own requirements for enterprise and personal requirements |

| |Request or seeks learning opportunities, participates in learning/training |

|Assessor/s Name | |

|Candidate Name | |

|Location of Assessment | |Date: |

|Questions- Satisfactory Response |Yes |No |

|Q1. Explain the scope, employment and economic importance of the General Construction industry and what that means to you?| | |

|Q2. What is the structure of the organisation you work for and who do you report to? | | |

|Q3. What are the employment conditions under which you are employed? | | |

|Q4. When a dispute occurs with another crew member, what action do you take? | | |

|Q5. What personal development activities have you entered into or are about to enter into? | | |

|Additional Questions | | |

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|Key Points provided by Candidate | | |

|1. | | |

|2. | | |

|3. | | |

|4. | | |

|Observation: |Complete |Not Completed |

|Brief description of key points to be covered in the activity | |Notes |

|Key Points | | |

|1. Follow OH&S policies and procedures | | |

|2. Identify the industry work context and setting. | | |

|3. Organise and accept responsibility for own work. | | |

|4. Work as a team. | | |

|5. Participate in site meetings. | | |

| | | |

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|Activity observed and other evidence provided by the Candidate related to this unit: |

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|The Candidate’s performance was: |Competent □ |Not Yet Competent □ |

|Feedback to Candidate: |

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|This signature confirmed Candidate agreement that the above record is a true reflection of the task performed: |

|Candidate Signature: |Date: | |

|Candidate Comment: |

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|Assessor Signature |Date: | |

|Course Name and Number |Steel Fixing Certificate II |

|Unit Name and Number |BCGCM1003B Plan and Organise Work |

|College | |

|Elements |Key Points |

|Plan and prepare |Reads and interprets work plans |

|Sequence work safely |Relates own tasks from job plan |

|Clean up |Provides a verbal plan of action for a project |

| |Provides a sequence of activities for the project |

| |Indicates how time expectations on sequences were met |

| |Relates own workload |

| |Relates workload of team members and how that impacts on own work |

| |Recognises job priorities |

| |Able to provide alternate solutions in the event of time delay |

|Assessor/s Name | |

|Candidate Name | |

|Location of Assessment | |Date: |

|Questions- Satisfactory Response |Yes |No |

|Q1. What procedures do you consider important for successful job planning? | | |

|Q2. Explain what methods you have used to sequence you work effectively and give an example of how you have used that | | |

|within your work role? | | |

|Q3. Using an example from a previous job, discuss your workload and what parts were completed by other members of the crew?| | |

|Q4. Discuss priorities in your work and what variations might you make in case of bad weather? | | |

|Additional Questions | | |

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|Key Points provided by Candidate | | |

|1. | | |

|2. | | |

|3. | | |

|4. | | |

|Observation: |Complete |Not Completed |

|Brief description of key points to be covered in the activity | |Notes |

|Key Points | | |

|1. Allocates, site office, foreman, discusses tasks. | | |

|2. Obtains plans, marking plans and schedule. | | |

|3. Identifies job priorities. | | |

|4. Allocates personnel. | | |

|5. Makes sure PPE is worn. | | |

|6. Selects tools and equipment. | | |

|7. Work area to be cleaned when finished. | | |

|Activity observed and other evidence provided by the Candidate related to this unit: |

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|The Candidate’s performance was: |Competent □ |Not Yet Competent □ |

|Feedback to Candidate: |

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|This signature confirmed Candidate agreement that the above record is a true reflection of the task performed: |

|Candidate Signature: |Date: | |

|Candidate Comment: |

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|Assessor Signature |Date: | |

|Course Name and Number |Steel Fixing Certificate II |

|Unit Name and Number |BCGCM1004B Conduct Workplace Communication |

| | |

|College | |

|Elements |Critical Aspects |

|1. Gather convey and |Safe and effective operational use of communication equipment |

|receive information |Interpretation of all signage accurately, complete five tasks successfully following instruction, convey at least five pieces |

|2.Carry out face to face |of information to other workers, fill out at least three workplace documents accurately and ask one question at an onsite |

|routine communication |meeting |

|3.Apply visual |Key Points |

|communications |Ask questions |

|4.Participate in simple |Seeks guidance and clear instructions |

|onsite meeting processes |Listens and changes actions where necessary |

| |Refers regularly to site supervisor or similar |

| |Obtains and interprets written instructions |

| |Knows the whereabouts of senior personnel |

| |Utilises visual signals effectively |

| |Able to use work site communication devices |

| |Observes meeting procedures |

| |Listens to instructions, take notes and provide feedback |

|Assessor/s Name | |

|Candidate Name | |

|Location of Assessment | |Date: |

|Questions- Satisfactory Response |Yes |No |

|Q1. When uncertain about a situation, what actions have you taken? | | |

|Q2. How do you give and receive feedback when on a project? | | |

|Q3. How do you obtain relevant instructions and locate relevant information in order to complete your responsibilities? | | |

|Q4. What visual signals and communication equipment do you use and why? | | |

|Q5. What is your role in workplace meetings? | | |

|Additional Questions | | |

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|Key Points provided by Candidate | | |

|1. | | |

|2. | | |

|3. | | |

|4. | | |

|Observation: |Complete |Not Completed |

|Brief description of key points to be covered in the activity | |Notes |

|Key Points | | |

|1. Gather convey and receive information. | | |

|2. Carry out face to face routine communications. | | |

|3. Apply visual communications. | | |

|4. Participate in onsite meetings. | | |

|5. Able to use work site communication devices. | | |

|6. Listen to instructions, take notes and provide feedback. | | |

|7. OH&S in place | | |

|Activity observed and other evidence provided by the Candidate related to this unit: |

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|The Candidate’s performance was: |Competent □ |Not Yet Competent □ |

|Feedback to Candidate: |

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|This signature confirmed Candidate agreement that the above record is a true reflection of the task performed: |

|Candidate Signature: |Date: | |

|Candidate Comment: |

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|Assessor Signature |Date: | |

|Course Name and Number |Steel Fixing Certificate II |

|Unit Name and Number |BCGCM1005B Carry Out Measurements and Calculations |

|College | |

|Elements |Critical Aspects |

|1.Plan and prepare |Safe and effective operational use of tools and equipment |

|2.Obtain measurements |Completion of measurements, calculations and determination of quantities for at least three different projects of varying |

|3.Perform calculations |complexity |

|4.Estimate approximate |Calculate each of the following using a realistic General Construction task or example: Length, Perimeter, Circumference, Area, |

|quantities |Volume, Number, Ratio, Percentage, |

| |Conversion of metres to millimetres and millimetres to metres |

| |Measure using a rule or tape measure five separate tasks within 1mm accuracy |

| |Key Points |

| |Uses a tape measure, dumpy and laser level in various activities |

| |Takes and checks measurements accurately using various devices. |

| |Calculates areas, perimeters and volumes systematically. |

| |Makes estimations on the quantity of materials. |

| |Applies formulas for the calculation of quantities, volumes and areas |

| |Converts kilograms into grams, metres into millimetres |

|Assessor/s Name | |

|Candidate Name | |

|Location of Assessment | |Date: |

|Questions- Satisfactory Response |Yes |No |

|Q1. What methods/ calculation do you apply to obtain, confirm and record measurements? | | |

|Q2. What action would you take when measurements do not meet requirements? | | |

|Q3. Using the scaled plan (assessor to supply) identify the key features and symbols and explain their meaning. | | |

|Additional Questions | | |

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|Key Points provided by Candidate | | |

|1. | | |

|2. | | |

|3. | | |

|4. | | |

|Observation: |Complete |Not Completed |

|Brief description of key points to be covered in the activity | |Notes |

|Key Points | | |

|1. Uses tape measure or rule for various tasks | | |

|2. Check and confirms measurements | | |

|3 Identify key features, symbols and their meanings | | |

|Activity observed and other evidence provided by the Candidate related to this unit: |

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|The Candidate’s performance was: |Competent □ |Not Yet Competent □ |

|Feedback to Candidate: |

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|This signature confirmed Candidate agreement that the above record is a true reflection of the task performed: |

|Candidate Signature: |Date: | |

|Candidate Comment: |

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|Assessor Signature |Date: | |

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|Course Name and Number |Steel Fixing Certificate II |

|Unit Name and Number |BCGCM2001B Read and Interpret Plans and Specifications |

|College | |

|Elements |Critical Aspects For two different projects read, interpret and communicate site plans from the ground up including: |

|Identify types of drawings|Orientation of plans to the ground |

|and their functions |Key features on both the plan and the site |

|Recognise amendments |Confirmation of six items of information from the title block of the project plans |

|Recognise commonly used |Construction dimensions, levels and locations from the project plans |

|symbols and abbreviations |Ancillary works dimensions, levels and locations from the project plans |

|Locate and identify key |For a minimum of two formal specifications identify material requirements and processes to be followed |

|features on a site plan |Key Points |

|Identify project |Features of plans and elevations including |

|requirements |direction, scale, key, contours, symbols and abbreviations |

|Read and interpret job |Commonly used General Construction symbols and abbreviations |

|specifications |The processes for application of scales in plan preparation/interpretation |

| |Techniques for orienting/confirming the orientation of a plan |

| |Key features of formal job specifications |

| |Site and equipment safety requirements |

| |Project quality requirements |

| |General Construction terminology |

| |Basic calculations of heights, areas, volumes and grades |

| |Drawing conventions |

| |JSA’s/Safe work method statements |

|Assessor/s Name | |

|Candidate Name | |

|Location of Assessment | |Date: |

|Questions- Satisfactory Response |Yes |No |

|Q1. What is the lap for reinforcement on this project? | | |

|Q2. What type of reinforcement does this project mostly consist of? | | |

|Q3. What key features can you identify from a site plan? | | |

|Additional Questions | | |

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|Key Points provided by Candidate | | |

|1. | | |

|2. | | |

|3. | | |

|4. | | |

|Observation: |Complete |Not Completed |

|Brief description of key points to be covered in the activity | |Notes |

|Key Points | | |

|Candidate must complete task of plan interpretation highlighting the following; | | |

|1. Communication skills/Steel fixing terminology | | |

|2. Site location/ ledger | | |

|3. Engineers specifications and requirements | | |

|4. Scale, key features, sections and symbols | | |

|5. Quantities | | |

|6. Surveyor report | | |

|Activity observed and other evidence provided by the Candidate related to this unit: |

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|The Candidate’s performance was: |Competent □ |Not Yet Competent □ |

|Feedback to Candidate: |

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|This signature confirmed Candidate agreement that the above record is a true reflection of the task performed: |

|Candidate Signature: |Date: | |

|Candidate Comment: |

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|Assessor Signature |Date: | |

|Course Name and Number |Steel Fixing Certificate II |

|Unit Name and Number |BCGSF2001B Handle Steel Fixing Materials |

|College | |

|Elements |Critical Aspects |

|1.Plan and prepare |Techniques for the safe handling of materials including mechanical lifting techniques |

|2.Handle, sort and stack |Identify steel fixing materials including tie wire, ligatures, spacer, deformed bars, bar chairs and mesh sheets |

|materials and components |Identify steel fixing tools and equipment types and their limitations |

|manually |Individually, or as part of a team, handle, sort and store the mandatory steel fixing materials |

|3.Handle and remove waste |Dispose of waste/excess materials |

|safely | |

|4.Clean up |Key Points |

| |Manual safe handling procedures |

| |Steel fixing terminology |

| |Steel fixing tools and equipment |

| |Steel fixing materials |

| |Schedule, plans and marking plans |

| |MSDS |

| |PPE |

| |OH&S |

|Assessor/s Name | |

|Candidate Name | |

|Location of Assessment | |Date: |

|Questions- Satisfactory Response |Yes |No |

|Q1. What precautions do you take when handling reinforcement materials? | | |

|Q2. What recycling procedures do you undertake? | | |

|Q3. Explain the process of handling, sorting and storing steel fixing materials. | | |

|Additional Questions | | |

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|Key Points provided by Candidate | | |

|1. | | |

|2. | | |

|3. | | |

|4. | | |

|Observation: |Complete |Not Completed |

|Brief description of key points to be covered in the activity | |Notes |

|Key Points Candidate must identify: | | |

|1 Steel fixing materials including tie wire, ligatures, | | |

|and spacers, deformed bars, bar chairs, mesh sheets. | | |

|2. Steel fixing tools and equipment types and | | |

|limitations | | |

|3. Techniques for the safe handling of materials | | |

|4. Mechanical lifting techniques | | |

|5. Plans, drawings and specifications | | |

|6. MSDS | | |

|7. PPE | | |

|8. OH&S | | |

|9. Dispose of waste and excess materials | | |

|Activity observed and other evidence provided by the Candidate related to this unit: |

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|The Candidate’s performance was: |Competent □ |Not Yet Competent □ |

|Feedback to Candidate: |

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|This signature confirmed Candidate agreement that the above record is a true reflection of the task performed: |

|Candidate Signature: |Date: | |

|Candidate Comment: |

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|Assessor Signature |Date: | |

|Course Name and Number |Steel Fixing Certificate II |

|Unit Name and Number |BCGSF2002B Use Steel Fixing Tools and Equipment |

|College | |

|Elements |Critical Aspects |

|1.Plan and prepare |Identify the use and maintenance of the hand and power tools and their limitations |

|2.Identify hand and power |Demonstrate safe and effective communication skills with plan operator and other workers |

|tools |Safe and effective procedures for safe handling of materials |

|3.Select tools for project|Safe use of steel fixing tools, plant and equipment |

|4.Use tools |Identify tools and equipment required |

|5.Select plant and | |

|equipment |Key Points |

|6.Use plant and equipment |Steel Fixing terminology |

|7.Clean up |Hand and power tools uses and limitations |

| |Plant, tools and equipment |

| |Materials safe handling techniques |

| |Materials types and limitations |

| |Calculating material requirements |

| |Plan, drawings and specifications |

| |Storage and waste management |

| |PPE and OH&S |

|Assessor/s Name | |

|Candidate Name | |

|Location of Assessment | |Date: |

|Questions- Satisfactory Response |Yes |No |

|Q1. Identify 2 steel fixing hand tools and explain their use. | | |

|Q2. How do you select the correct and appropriate equipment to use? | | |

| | | |

|Additional Questions | | |

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|Key Points provided by Candidate | | |

|1. | | |

|2. | | |

|3. | | |

|4. | | |

|Observation: |Complete |Not Completed |

|Brief description of key points to be covered in the activity | |Notes |

|Key Points Candidate must identify: | | |

|1. Communication with plan operator/other workers | | |

|2. Material safe handling procedures | | |

|3. Using various steel fixing hand and power tools | | |

|4. Using plant and equipment | | |

|5. PPE to be worn at all times | | |

|6. OH&S in place | | |

|7. Tools and equipment required | | |

|Activity observed and other evidence provided by the Candidate related to this unit: |

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|The Candidate’s performance was: |Competent □ |Not Yet Competent □ |

|Feedback to Candidate: |

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|This signature confirmed Candidate agreement that the above record is a true reflection of the task performed: |

|Candidate Signature: |Date: | |

|Candidate Comment: |

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|Assessor Signature |Date: | |

|Course Name and Number |Steel Fixing Certificate II |

|Unit Name and Number |BCGSF2004B Place and Fix Reinforcement Materials |

|College | |

|Elements |Critical Aspects |

|Plan and prepare |Safe and effective operational use of tools, plant and equipment |

|Prepare for reinforcement |The placement and fixing of reinforcement materials to specification on a minimum of three different jobs and involving |

|placement |deformed bars, rods and mesh sheets |

|Place and fix |Read and interpret plans |

|reinforcement |Check and prepare site for commencement of work |

|Check reinforcement prior |Place and fix reinforcement materials to specifications |

|to concrete pour | |

|Clean up |Key Points |

| |A knowledge of |

| |Workplace and equipment safety requirements |

| |Quality requirements |

| |Construction and steel fixing terminology |

| |Job specifications related to the layout of reinforcement materials |

| |Reinforcement materials placement and fixing techniques |

| |The types, properties, uses and limitations of reinforcement materials |

| |Processes for the calculation of material requirements |

| |Material Safety Data Sheets |

| |Plans, drawings and specifications |

| |Materials handling, storage and environmentally friendly waste management |

| |JSA’s/Safe work method statement |

|Assessor/s Name | |

|Candidate Name | |

|Location of Assessment | |Date: |

|Questions- Satisfactory Response |Yes |No |

|Q1. Explain the correct sequence for the lay out of reo. | | |

|Q2. Explain the procedures for the safe handling of reinforcement materials. | | |

| | | |

|Additional Questions | | |

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|Key Points provided by Candidate | | |

|1. | | |

|2. | | |

|3. | | |

|4. | | |

|Observation: |Complete |Not Completed |

|Brief description of key points to be covered in the activity | |Notes |

|Key Points | | |

|Candidate must : read and interpret plans and specifications and describe | | |

|Reinforcement layout sequence | | |

|Reinforcement fixing techniques | | |

|Place and fix reinforcement materials to specification, | | |

|On a minimum of three different jobs | | |

|3 – Deformed bars | | |

|3 – Mesh sheets | | |

|3 – Rods | | |

|3 - Cranked bars | | |

|3 – Fire mesh or other job specific | | |

|Confirm reinforcement placement to specifications | | |

|PPE and OH & S | | |

|Confirm specification | | |

|Select tools (nips, tape , wire, bolt cutters, reels and power tools. | | |

|Set and mark out formwork to receive reinforcement | | |

|Spread out deformed bars, rods 1st layer or mesh sheets allow for cover | | |

|Place chair supports under bar or mesh to achieve cover requirements | | |

|Spread 2nd layer of deformed bar or rods allow for cover | | |

|Tie 1st layer to 2nd layer as per specification eg (every second interval) | | |

|8. Repeat the process for deformed bars and rods for 3rd and 4th layer | | |

|Laps for deformed bars and rods are as per specification | | |

|Laps for mesh is 225mm minimum. unless noted otherwise (UNO) | | |

|Activity observed and other evidence provided by the Candidate related to this unit: |

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|The Candidate’s performance was: |Competent □ |Not Yet Competent □ |

|Feedback to Candidate: |

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|This signature confirmed Candidate agreement that the above record is a true reflection of the task performed: |

|Candidate Signature: |Date: | |

|Candidate Comment: |

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|Assessor Signature |Date: | |

|Course Name and Number |Steel Fixing Certificate II |

|Unit Name and Number |BCGSF3001B Apply Reinforcement Schedule |

|College | |

|Elements |Critical Aspects |

|Plan and prepare |On a minimum of two different sites: |

|Read and interpret |confirm the reinforcement material to the schedule |

|schedule |direct the location of the reinforcement materials for element construction |

|Check contents of bundle/s|communicate schedule information and variations to steel fixers |

|Locate reinforcement for |Identify reinforcement material types |

|element construction | |

|Communicate schedule |Key Points |

|information |A knowledge of |

| |Workplace and equipment safety requirements |

| |Quality requirements |

| |Construction and steel fixing terminology |

| |The presentation and general content of typical |

| |construction schedules |

| |The presentation and contents of reinforcement |

| |schedules |

| |Conventional symbols, markings and numbering |

| |systems relevant to reinforcement schedules |

| |Reinforcement material types, appearance |

| |standards, packaging and labelling arrangements |

| |Construction site traffic control and signage |

| |arrangements |

|Assessor/s Name | |

|Candidate Name | |

|Location of Assessment | |Date: |

|Questions- Satisfactory Response |Yes |No |

|Q1. Name 3 types of reinforcement materials | | |

|Q2. Give an example of each types use | | |

|Additional Questions | | |

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|Key Points provided by Candidate | | |

|1. | | |

|2. | | |

|3. | | |

|4. | | |

|Observation: |Complete |Not Completed |

|Brief description of key points to be covered in the activity | |Notes |

|Key points Candidate must demonstrate knowledge of: | | |

|1. Plan, marking plan and schedule interpretation | | |

|Identify 3 different types of reinforcement materials | | |

|N12s (DEFORMED BARS) | | |

|N16s “ | | |

|N20s “ | | |

|N24s “ | | |

|N28s “ | | |

|N32s “ | | |

|N36s “ | | |

|2. Locate reinforcement to site | | |

|3. Communicate schedule information to steel fixers | | |

|4. PPE and OH & S | | |

|Activity observed and other evidence provided by the Candidate related to this unit: |

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|The Candidate’s performance was: |Competent □ |Not Yet Competent □ |

|Feedback to Candidate: |

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|This signature confirmed Candidate agreement that the above record is a true reflection of the task performed: |

|Candidate Signature: |Date: | |

|Candidate Comment: |

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|Assessor Signature |Date: | |

|Course Name and Number |Steel Fixing Certificate II |

|Unit Name and Number |BCCCM2004B Drain and Dewater Site |

|College | |

|Elements | |

|Plan and prepare |Key Points |

|Read and interpret schedule |Installs permanent/temporary diversion drains: |

|Check contents of bundle/s |Diverts surface water away from job site through open drains or pipes. |

|Locate reinforcement for element|Controls sediment through the erection of viscreen barriers or hay bales. |

|construction | |

|Communicate schedule information|Sumps: |

| |Locates at lowest point of job |

| |Pumps water into silt trap as per environmental policies |

| |Uses pumps as per manufacturers recommendations and environmental policies |

| | |

| |Fill to low areas: |

| |Fills depressions with similar material to existing and compacted accordingly |

| |Uses Geo-gabric or gabions/mattresses as per plans and manufacturers recommendations |

|Assessor/s Name | |

|Candidate Name | |

|Location of Assessment | |Date: |

|Questions- Satisfactory Response |Yes |No |

|Describe a situation where you have drained and dewatered a work site? | | |

|What environmental controls would you put in place? | | |

| | | |

|What would you use for PPE to dewater a slab? | | |

|Additional Questions | | |

| | | |

|Key Points provided by Candidate | | |

|1. | | |

|2. | | |

|3. | | |

|4. | | |

|Observation: |Complete |Not Completed |

|Brief description of key points to be covered in the activity | |Notes |

|Key points | | |

|Installs permanent/temporary diversion drains: | | |

|Diverts surface water away from job site through open drains or pipes. | | |

|Controls sediment through the erection of viscreen barriers or hay bales. | | |

|Sumps: | | |

|Locates at lowest point of job | | |

|Pumps water into silt trap as per environmental policies | | |

|Uses pumps as per manufacturers recommendations and environmental policies | | |

| | | |

|Fill to low areas: | | |

|Fills depressions with similar material to existing and compacted accordingly | | |

|Uses Geo-gabric or gabions/mattresses as per plans and manufacturers recommendations | | |

|Activity observed and other evidence provided by the Candidate related to this unit: |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|The Candidate’s performance was: |Competent □ |Not Yet Competent □ |

|Feedback to Candidate: |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|This signature confirmed Candidate agreement that the above record is a true reflection of the task performed: |

|Candidate Signature: |Date: | |

|Candidate Comment: |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Assessor Signature |Date: | |

|Course Name and Number |Steel Fixing Certificate II |

|Unit Name and Number |BCGCO2003B Carry Out Concreting to Simple Forms |

|College | |

|Elements |Critical Aspects |

|Plan and prepare |Location, interpretation and application of relevant information, standards and specifications |

|Erect and strip simple | |

|Formwork |Compliance with site safety plan and OH&S legislation, regulations, codes of practice applicable to workplace operations |

|Place and tie Reinforcement | |

|Place concrete |Compliance with organisational policies and procedures including quality requirements |

|Clean up | |

| |Safe and effective operational use of tools, plant and equipment |

| | |

| |Communication and working effectively and safely with others |

| | |

| |Preparation of subgrade erection of formwork, cut, place and tie reinforcement, place and hand screed for concrete at a |

| |minimum depth of 100mm |

|Assessor/s Name | |

|Candidate Name | |

|Location of Assessment | |Date: |

|Questions- Satisfactory Response |Yes |No |

|Explain and describe the procedure for placing concrete | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Additional Questions | | |

| | | |

|Key Points provided by Candidate | | |

|1. | | |

|2. | | |

|3. | | |

|4. | | |

|Observation: |Complete |Not Completed |

|Brief description of key points to be covered in the activity | |Notes |

|Candidate should present evidence of a completed a small simple concreting job that he| | |

|or she has completed. | | |

|Activity observed and other evidence provided by the Candidate related to this unit: |

| |

| |

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| |

| |

|The Candidate’s performance was: |Competent □ |Not Yet Competent □ |

|Feedback to Candidate: |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|This signature confirmed Candidate agreement that the above record is a true reflection of the task performed: |

|Candidate Signature: |Date: | |

|Candidate Comment: |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Assessor Signature |Date: | |

|Course Name and Number |Steel Fixing Certificate II |

|Unit Name and Number |BCGCO2002B Use concreting tools and equipment |

|College | |

|Elements |Key Points |

|1. Plan and prepare |Lists equipment used adequate to the occupation |

|2. Identify and select |States checking and maintenance procedures including topping up of fluids, serviceability and storage of equipment |

|hand and power tools |Lists plant used and operating procedures |

|3. Use tools |States maintenance procedures including topping up of fluids |

|4. Identify, select and |Explains shut down and security of plaint and associated tooling |

|use plant and equipment | |

|Clean up | |

|Assessor/s Name | |

|Candidate Name | |

|Location of Assessment | |Date: |

|Questions- Satisfactory Response |Yes |No |

|Q1. What hand, power and pneumatic tools have you used and how do you check and maintain them? | | |

|Q2. Detail any plant you have operated in the last six months and what maintenance procedures you followed | | |

| | | |

|Additional Questions | | |

| | | |

|Key Points provided by Candidate | | |

|1. | | |

|2. | | |

|3. | | |

|4. | | |

|Observation: |Complete |Not Completed |

|Brief description of key points to be covered in the activity | |Notes |

|See tables below | | |

|Please list key points to be included in observations here | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Activity observed and other evidence provided by the Candidate related to this unit: |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|The Candidate’s performance was: |Competent □ |Not Yet Competent □ |

|Feedback to Candidate: |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|This signature confirmed Candidate agreement that the above record is a true reflection of the task performed: |

|Candidate Signature: |Date: | |

|Candidate Comment: |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Assessor Signature |Date: | |

Unit Name: Use Concreting Tools and Equipment Unit Number: BCGCO2002B

Activity No: 1 Activity Name: Theory

|Task |Comments |

|Demonstrate understanding of the following – “i.e.” questioning on. | |

|1. Hand tools / safety | |

|2. Power tools / safety | |

|3. Small plant and equipment | |

|4. PPE | |

|5. OH&S | |

|6. Materials | |

|7. MSDS Reports | |

|8. Calculations | |

|9. Storage and environmentally friendly waste management | |

|10. Work method statement | |

Unit Name: Use Concreting Tools and Equipment Unit Number: BCGCO2002B

Activity No: 2 Activity Name: Hand Tools

|Task |Comments |

|1. Selection, usage and identification of 5 types | |

|2. Clean and tidy | |

|3. Sharpened to avoid clogging or grabbing | |

|4. Pre check | |

|5. Safe storage | |

|6. PPE in place whilst using | |

|7. OH&S in place | |

Unit Name: Use Concreting Tools and Equipment Unit Number: BCGCO2002B

Activity No: 3 Activity Name: Power Tools

|Task |Comments |

|1. Selection, usage and identification of 5 types | |

|2. Clean and tidy order | |

|3. Tagged and current | |

|4. Pre check ie. guards in place | |

|5. Safety overload device applied | |

|6. Leads not on ground | |

|7. Limitations of selected tools | |

|8. Sharpened | |

|9. Safe storage when finished | |

|10. PPE to be worn | |

|11. OH&S in place | |

Unit Name: Use Concreting Tools and Equipment Unit Number: BCGCO2002B

Activity No: 4 Activity Name: Small Plant & Equipment

|Task |Comments |

|1. Selection, usage and identification of 3 types | |

|-vibrator plate | |

|-concrete saw (quick cot) | |

|-dingo | |

|2. Pre check (guards in place, no leaks, filters clean) | |

|3. Clean and tidy | |

|4. Limitations | |

|i)fume extraction | |

|ii)working with other | |

|iii)fluid spill capture | |

|5. Safe storage | |

|6. PPE to be worn | |

|7. OH&S in place | |





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