Word Stems—List Twelve

Word Stems—List Twelve Quiz Date:_____________

|Stem |Meaning |Sample Words |

|thermo |heat |thermostat |

|clud |close |conclude |

|se |apart |segregate |

|trib |pay |tribute |

|dign |worthy | indignation |

|theo |god |theology |

|rupt |break |rupture |

|grat |pleasing |gratitude |

|medi |middle |mediate |

|soph |wise |sophisticated |

Wednesday—Make flashcards for each stem.

Friday: Part I— Read each sentence below. The underlined word contains a stem from this week’s list. Using your knowledge of the stem’s meaning and context clues, guess what the underlined word means. Then, look the word up and write down the dictionary’s definition along with the part of speech the word is used.

1. Don’t dignify his unworthy question with an answer.

2. The people wanted to secede from the union, so they started a war.

3. It was a mediocre speech, neither excellent nor poor.

4. The man studied theology at the St. Luke Seminary.

5. The thermotropic plants were killed by the cold front.

Friday: Part II—Write ten sentences using one sample word in each sentence. Draw a detailed picture that explains five of the sentences. Write the sentence above the picture.

**Study for your quiz on Friday! (

Word Stems—List Twelve Quiz Date:_____________

|Stem |Meaning |Sample Words |

|thermo |heat |thermostat |

|clud |close |conclude |

|se |apart |segregate |

|trib |pay |tribute |

|dign |worthy | indignation |

|theo |god |theology |

|rupt |break |rupture |

|grat |pleasing |gratitude |

|medi |middle |mediate |

|soph |wise |sophisticated |

Wednesday—Make flashcards for each stem.

Friday: Part I— Read each sentence below. The underlined word contains a stem from this week’s list. Using your knowledge of the stem’s meaning and context clues, guess what the underlined word means. Then, look the word up and write down the dictionary’s definition along with the part of speech the word is used.

1. Don’t dignify his unworthy question with an answer.

2. The people wanted to secede from the union, so they started a war.

3. It was a mediocre speech, neither excellent nor poor.

4. The man studied theology at the St. Luke Seminary.

5. The thermotropic plants were killed by the cold front.

Friday: Part II—Write ten sentences using one sample word in each sentence. Draw a detailed picture that explains five of the sentences. Write the sentence above the picture.

**Study for your quiz on Friday! (


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