Chapter – 2

Chapter – 2

Draw and Paint

Learning Outcomes

On completing this chapter you will be able to:

1. Identify the features and elements of KolourPaint.

2. Use KolourPaint to draw different shapes.

3. Use KolourPaint to create attractive, colourful pictures.

4. Apply a variety of special effects to make a picture interesting.


Pen Drive


How to Start KolourPaint?

To start Kolour Paint:

Screen Elements of KolourPaint


Tool Box: The tool box provides us with different tools that help us to draw. We will learn more about these tools as we use them.

Colour Palette: The colour palette provides us with several colours that we can use in our drawings. It is like a set of color pencils.

Work Area: It is the white (blank) area on the screen where we can draw and colour.

Menu Bar: The Menu Bar consists of a list of commands that help you to create your drawing. When you click on each of these commands, another sub-menu appears which contains specific actions.

Tools in KolourPaint


Tool Box

We will learn how to use each of these tools as we go ahead.

Drawing Rectangles or Rounded Rectangles

To draw a rectangle or rounded rectangle:

1. In the tool box, click on the ‘Rectangle’ tool or ‘Rounded Rectangle’ tool.

2. Move the mouse so that the mouse pointer is pointing in the work area where you want to draw.

3. Press the left mouse button and while keeping the left mouse button pressed, move (drag) the mouse diagonally in the direction you want. You will see a rectangle forming on the screen.

4. Release the mouse button when you have obtained the size you want.

Note: While dragging the mouse do not release the mouse button till you get the desired result.

[pic] Drawing a rectangle


Drawing Straight Lines

To draw a straight line:

1. In the tool box, click on the ‘Line’ tool.

2. At the bottom of the toolbox, select line width.

3. Move the mouse so that the mouse pointer is pointing in the work area where you want to draw.

4. Press the left mouse button and while keeping the left mouse button pressed, move (drag) the mouse in the direction you want. You will see a line forming on the screen.

5. Release the mouse button when you have obtained the size you want.

Drawing a Line


Drawing Curves

To draw a curve:

1. In the tool box, click on the ‘Curve’ tool.

2. At the bottom of the toolbox, click a line width. This will help you to select the thickness of the curve.

3. Move the mouse so that the mouse pointer is pointing in the work area where you want to draw.

4. Press the left mouse button and while keeping the left mouse button pressed, move (drag) the mouse in the direction you want. You will see a line forming on the screen.

5. Release the mouse button when you have obtained the size you want.


Drawing Curves: Step 1 to 5

6. Click on the page where you want one end of the curve to be, (do not release the button after clicking) and then hold down the left mouse button to drag the pointer to adjust the curve.


Drawing Curves: Step 6

7. Repeat the above step for a second bend.


Drawing Curves: Step 7


Drawing Circles

To draw a Circle or an Ellipse (Egg shaped figure):

1. In the tool box, click on the ‘Circle’ tool.

2. Move the mouse so that the mouse pointer is pointing in the work area where you want to draw.

3. Press the left mouse button and while keeping the left mouse button pressed, move (drag) the mouse diagonally in the direction you want. You will see a circle/ellipse forming on the screen.

4. Release the mouse button when you have obtained the size you want.


Drawing A Circle



What is free-hand drawing? Free-hand drawing is simply a drawing done by hand without the use of tools or aids, such as ruler, compass, etc.

Using the Brush Tool

To paint with a Brush or Spray Can:

1. In the toolbox, click the ‘Brush’ tool.

2. At the bottom of the toolbox, select the Brush shape.

3. Select the colour from the colour palette.

4. Move the mouse so that the mouse pointer is pointing in the work area where you want to draw.

5. Press the left mouse button and while keeping the left mouse button pressed, move (drag) the mouse to start drawing.

6. Release the mouse button when you are done.

Note: You can also make use of the ‘Pen’ tool or the ‘Spray Can’ tool to draw the bushes.


Using the Brush Tool

Working with Colours

To fill an area or object with colour:

1. Given an object, say an ellipse (Egg Shaped Figure). In the toolbox, click on the ‘Flood Fill’ tool.

2. Click on a colour of your choice in the Color Palette.

3. Click the area or object you want to fill.


Filling an ellipse with colour

Note: While filling the colours in pictures with ‘Flood Fill’ ensure that the area that you want to colour is closed from all sides. You will not get the desired results if the object you want to colour is open from any side.


To label your picture:

1. In the toolbox, click on the ‘Text’ tool.

2. Move the mouse so that the mouse pointer is pointing in the work area where you want to insert the label.

3. Press the left mouse button and while keeping the left mouse button pressed, move (drag) the mouse diagonally in the direction you want. You will see a box (text frame) forming on the screen.

4. Release the mouse button when you have obtained the size you want.

5. Click inside the text frame to type text.


Labeling a Picture

When you draw the text frame, a text toolbar appears below the toolbar. You can change the font, size and its style using this toolbar.



Using the Eraser Tool

To erase a part of a drawing:

1. In the toolbox, click on the ‘Eraser’ tool.

2. At the bottom of the toolbox, select an eraser size.

3. Move the mouse so that the mouse pointer is pointing in the work area where you want to erase the drawing.

4. Press the left mouse button and while keeping the left mouse button pressed, move (drag) the mouse over the area you want to erase.

5. Release the mouse button when you are done.


Using the Eraser Tool

View Options

1 Zoom–To increase/decrease the size of pictures

KolourPaint allows us to enlarge (blow up) the picture so that we may see them clearly. This feature helps in editing (modifying) the pictures.

[pic] [pic]

Image effects

1 Flip

The ‘Flip’ command is used to turn a picture around in different directions.

1. Select the portion which you want to flip.

2. Click on ‘Image’ on the Menu Bar.

3. Click on ‘Flip’. The following dialog box will appear.


4. Select Vertical to turn the image upside-down. Select Horizontal to turn the image sideways. Press OK.

[pic] [pic] [pic]

Original Image Horizontal Flip Vertical Flip


3 Invert

Have you ever seen a negative film of a photograph? The colours in a negative film look very different from the original photograph.


The Invert feature of KolourPaint allows you to invert the colours of your picture in a similar way.

To invert a picture:

1. Click on ‘Image’ on the Menu Bar.

2. Click on ‘More Image Effects’.

3. Select ‘Invert’ from the Effects dropdown list.

4. Select All to change a picture into a negative, and vice versa.


For Example:

Original Image (Background is white and letters are in black)

After Invert effect (Background has become black and

letters are in white):


The Rotate feature helps you to turn the picture around in any direction and angle you want.


Original Image

Rotation through 90 degrees


Rotation through 180 degrees

Rotation through 270 degrees









11 Skew (Slant, be at angle)

The Skew feature bends the entire image horizontally and/or vertically through an angle.



Lesson Summary:

✓ KolourPaint is a useful program that helps to draw interesting pictures.

✓ KolourPaint provides several tools to draw a variety of shapes and designs, such as rectangles, circles, lines and curves.

✓ The colour palette consists of a wide selection of colours that can be used to paint the pictures.

✓ KolourPaint also offers a variety of special effects that can be applied to an image, such as, flipping, rotating, inverting, and skewing.

1. Write Yes or No against the following:

a. The rectangle option cannot be used to make squares. ______________

b. The line option can be used to make lines of different thickness _______

c. We can choose different menus from tool bar. ________________

d. Different colours can be selected from menu bar. ___________________

e. Double Click on the Eraser icon to clear the entire image._______________

2. Indicate the following on the picture given below:

a. Colour Palette b. Line option c. Drawing area d. Menu Bar


3. Name the following tools present in tool box of Kolour Paint.

(Hint: place the mouse pointer on tool to know the name of it.)

| |[pic] |5 |

|2 | | |

| | |4 |

|6 | | |

|8 | |1 |

| | |7 |

|3 | | |

| | | |

1. _______________________

2. _______________________

3. _______________________

4. _______________________

5. _______________________

6. _______________________

7. _______________________

8. _______________________

4. Write down the steps to use the curve option.


5. Identify the tools to draw the following figure. Now by using these tools draw it and colour it with colours of your choice.


6. Write your name give the different effects to it(as shown in following example)

Original [pic]

Effect 1 [pic]

Effect 2 [pic]

Effect 3 [pic]

Effect 4 [pic]

7. Identify and name the tools used to draw the following pictures in Kolour Paint :

8. Make a hut and a boat using your favorite colours.

9. Make a Rangoli and colour it with beautiful colours.

Group Activities :

10. Draw a beautiful picture in Kolour – Paint. Insert you name into your drawing. Take the print out. Collect all the pictures made by the class and make a collage. Put up the chart in your classroom.

11. Make a list of different diagrams from your science book. Every student should pick one and draw the diagram in Kolour – Paint. Take a printout and put it up in your classroom.

12. Draw the houses, as given here using the Kolour Paint.

Save the file with name ‘My House’

[pic] [pic]


Step 1 : Click on the Rectangle tool


Step 2 : Point here and press the left mouse button.

Step 3 : Drag the mouse diagonally to the right. You can move diagonally in any direction.

Step 4 : Release the mouse button.

Step 4 : Drag the mouse to draw the line. You can move in any direction and give it the shape of curve.

Step 5 : Release the mouse button.

Step 1 : Click on the Curve tool


Step 3 : Point here and press the left mouse button.

Step 2 : Select the curve width.

Step 6 : Click here and keeping the mouse button pressed drag the pointer to adjust the shape of the curve. Release the button.

Step 7 : Click here and keeping the mouse button pressed drag the pointer to adjust the shape of the curve

Step 1 : Click on the Circle tool


Step 2 : Point here and press the left mouse button.

Step 3 : Drag the mouse diagonally to the right. You can move diagonally in any direction.

Step 4 : Release the mouse button.

Step 1 : Click on the Brush tool


Step 2 : Select the brush shape.

Step 3 : Select the colour

Step 4 : Point the place you want to use the brush.

Step 5 : Drag the pointer to paint

Step 6 : Release the mouse button.

Step 1 : Click on the Text tool.


Step 2 : Point to the place you want to type the text. Press the left mouse button.

Step 3 : Drag the pointer diagonally to draw the text frame

Step 4 : Release the mouse button when the required size of the text frame is obtained.

Step 3 : Click inside the text frame to type text.

Step 2 : Point to the place you want to erase the drawing.

Step 4 : Release the mouse button.

Step 3 : Drag the pointer over the area you want to erase

Step 1 : Click on the Eraser tool


It’s time to put on your thinking caps!


Wow! This is a lot of fun, Computer jee. Now I want to draw the sun.

To draw round objects, KolourPaint has a tool called ‘Circle’. Let me teach you how to use this tool.

Yes, it is true. How do we make corrections in KolourPaint?

Yes! Very much!

I want to do more!

Colour Palette

Tool Box

Menu Bar

Ok. To draw mountains you will need to draw curves. (bent lines)

Oh Yes…!

Shall we call it

‘Our Environment’


Draw a flag by using ‘Rectangle’ tool only.


By using the ‘Line’ tool draw a picture of lightening.


With the help of the ‘Curve’ tool draw of the following Landscape.



With the help of the ‘Circle’ tool draw the Olympic Games Symbol.


Ok. Let’s give your picture a title now. Giving a title is called ‘Labeling’.

OK Computer jee..! I now have the hut and sun in my picture. Please tell me how to draw bushes around the hut.

To draw the bushes you need to do free-hand drawing. KolourPaint provides tools like ‘Brush’ and ‘Pen’ to help you do free-hand drawing.

Colours always attract children and children are the best at selecting colours. You have proved it! Beautiful picture …!

Do you want to give a title to your picture?

Step 1 : Click on the line tool


Step 2 : Select the line width.

Step 4 : Drag the mouse to draw the line. You can move in any direction.

Step 5 : Release the mouse button.

Step 3 : Point here and press the left mouse button.

Draw a picture of a computer using ‘Kolour Paint’. Colour and Label it.

Thank You, Computer jee. KolourPaint is very interesting.

Are there more tools?

Yes, there are some more very useful tools and options in KolourPaint.


[Free Form]





Flood Fill

Colour Erase


Connected Lines

Rounded Rectangle






Colour Picker

Spray Can




Computer Jee, today our teacher taught us about ‘Our Environment’.

She has asked us to draw a picture of our environment. Can I draw it with the help of a Computer?

Yes, you can draw amazing pictures using software called KOLOURPAINT.

I will tell you all about it.

What would you like to draw in your picture?

I would like to draw a sun, some mountains, birds and a beautiful hut!

Now that you know how to draw a rectangle, let us draw the base of the hut.

Computer Jee, can we now draw mountains?

Hope you have enjoyed drawing with Kolour Paint…!

Just like you keep your pencils, eraser, sharpener, and ruler in your pencil box; In the same way KolourPaint has a TOOLBOX where it keeps all the tools that you will need to draw and paint.

Wow! That’s great!

Let us start with drawing the hut. We will need to draw squares and rectangles to make the base of the hut.

While drawing, you may sometimes make mistakes. You make corrections with the help of an eraser. Don’t you?

Let us first revise…

Here is your picture! It has come out really very beautiful and attractive! Well Done!

Wow..! Now I will fill my picture with colours.

Original Picture

6 times the original picture

KolourPaint is a software that helps to draw pictures. We can also colour the pictures with this software.




Yes! I am ready to start!

Let us now draw the roof of the hut using straight lines.

Let us now draw the sun. To draw the rays use the Line Tool.


Now you can draw the greenery near the mountains and birds using the Pen tool.

How about adding some colours to the picture!



After skew by 30 degrees (horizontal)

Original Image

To make corrections in Kolour Paint you take the help of the Eraser Tool.

Step 1: Click the ‘Start’ Button.

Step 2: Place your mouse pointer on ‘Accessories’.

Step 3: Click on ‘KolourPaint’. The KolourPaint window will appear on the screen.

Step 1: Click on the flood fill tool




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