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October 1-2, 2013 St. Louis, MO


Starting Time 9:00, Tuesday, October 1, 2013

1. Call to order - Chairman Steve King

2. Introduction of members and guests

3. NFPA Staff Liaison report ? Dave Trebisacci

4. Approval of Minutes - Web Conference, December 7 & 17, 2012 (Attachment 1)

5. Chairman's remarks - Steve King

6. Update on Care and Maintenance Project ? Casey Grant, FPRF

7. Turnout gear weathering issues ? Dr. Shonali Nazare, NIST

8. Formal Interpretation Request (Attachment 2) ? Richard Edinger

9. Stand-alone Annex project (Attachment 3) ? Robert Tutterow

FAE-SPF Meeting Agenda ? St. Louis, October 1-2, 2013


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10. Task group assignments for next editions 11. NFPA 1971 and NFPA 1851 topics ? Jim Reidy, Tim Tomlinson (Attachment 4) 12. Old business 13. New business

2014 meeting dates and possible locations 14. Adjourn at 12:00 p.m., Wednesday, October 2, 2013

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Attachment 1



WEB CONFERENCES December 7, 2012 December 17, 2012


Agenda Item 1-3: Call to Order, Introduction of Members and Guests, and Committee Procedures

TC Chairman Stephen King called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. on December 7, 2012. Chairman King then called for an introduction of members and guests.

The following members and guests were present:

Members Present:

Stephen King, Chairman Benjamin Mauti, Secretary David Trebisacci

Special Expert MSA NFPA Staff Liaison

George Berger Wells Bullard Steven Corrado Brandi Chestang Deena Cotterill Paul Curtis Tim Durby Rick Edinger David Fanning Jonathan Fesik Bill Fithian Patricia Freeman Terry Gervais Richard Granger William Haskell Emeral Hayden

USMC / Marine Corps System Command E.D. Bullard Company Underwriters Laboratories Inc. US Department of the Navy FireDex L.N. Curtis & Sons International Fire Service Training Chesterfield County Fire & EMS E.D. Bullard Company Fire Industry Repair Maintenance Inc. Safety Equipment Institute Globe Manufacturing Company Greater Napanee (Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs) Charlotte Fire Department National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health International Association of Fire Fighters

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FAE-SPF Conference Call Minutes December 7 and 17, 2012

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Tricia Hock John Karban Pam Kavalesky Michael Laton Karen Lehtonen Michael McKenna Daniel Melia Amanda Newsome FAE-SPF Conference Call Minutes December 7 and 17, 2012

Members Present (continued):

Andrew Oliver Tom Ragan Jim Reidy John Rihn Marni Schmid Angie Shepherd Doug Sloan Grace Stull Jeff Stull Robert Tutterow David Whiting

Guests Present:

Diane Bible Holly Blake Ron Bove Don Bowles Louis Carpentier Scott Colvin Stacy Klausing Theresa Lawson Stephane Rousse Robin Royster Brian Shiels Dr. Stephen Solomon Tom Stachler Bill Van Lent Jim Walter Harry Winer Jennifer Wise Rich Young

Safety Equipment Institute FireDex Intertek Honeywell First Responder Products Lion Michael McKenna & Associates Fire Department City of New York UL

Gear Wash Shelby Specialty Gloves Texas State Association of Fire Fighters MSA Fire Industry Equipment Research Organization National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health Honeywell First Responder Products International Personal Protection International Personal Protection Fire Industry Equipment Research Organization Columbus Division of Fire

W.L. Gore & Associates W.L. Gore & Associates Fairfax Co (VA) Fire / Rescue Innotex Inc.


UL PBI Performance Productes

Honeywell First Responder Products Veridian (FEMSA) Honeywell First Responder Products HIP Consulting W.L. Gore & Associates Dupont

Chairman King welcomed the committee and thanked the members for their hard work over the past 5 years to get the 2012 Edition of 1971 released. David Trebisacci then covered the NFPA meeting rules and individually introduced the new members of the committee. Chairman King reviewed the makeup of the committee and explained that George Berger was added as a 35th member due to his special knowledge in the area of proximity firefighting.

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FAE-SPF Conference Call Minutes December 7 and 17, 2012

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David informed the committee that a NITMAM on NFPA 1851 had been filed related to the requirements for fire helmet retirement. The NITMAM will be presented at the June 2013 NFPA Conference and Exposition Technical Session, thus delaying the issuance of NFPA 1851 until that time. David reviewed NFPA's rules for NITMAMs in light of this filing.

David reviewed the 1971 standard schedule for the 2018 Edition. Since neither NFPA 1971 nor NFPA 1851 are currently in cycle, the purpose of the next committee meeting will include, among other agenda items, establishment of Task Groups and reviewing Correlating Committee directives in preparation for the next editions.

Agenda Item 4: Approval of the TC Minutes of the April 3-5, 2012 Meeting in San Antonio, TX.

A motion was made and seconded to approve the Minutes of the April 3-5, 2012 committee meeting in San Antonio, TX. The motion passed unanimously.

Agenda Item 5: Chairman's Remarks

Chairman King welcomed everyone to the meeting and reviewed the agenda. Chairman King reviewed topics for the Fire Protection Research Foundation. Chairman King reviewed the NFPA 1851 NITMAM.

Agenda Item 6: NFPA 1971 - 2013 Edition Update

Chairman King led the TC through a discussion on several issues with the 2013 edition of NFPA 1971. The discussion began with the test labs updating the committee on issues they had experienced in certifying to the new standard.

The test labs and certifying agencies were asked to review their issues in more detail, and a continuation of the conference call was scheduled for December 17.

Chairman King adjourned the meeting at 5:30 p.m.

December 17, 2012

Chairman King reconvened the meeting at 12:30 p.m. on December 17, 2012 and asked members and guests to again introduce themselves. After continued discussion of Agenda Item 6, the technical committee decided that a TIA was necessary to address several issues. TC members were identified to provide the submission.

Agenda Item 8: Old Business

There was no old business.

FAE-SPF Conference Call Minutes December 7 and 17, 2012

Agenda Item 9: New Business

Robert Tutterow provided details about 2013 FIERO PPE Symposium.

Agenda Item 10: Adjournment

A motion was made and seconded to adjourn. Chairman King adjourned the meeting at 4:00 p.m. on December 17, 2012. Respectfully submitted,

Benjamin A. Mauti, Secretary TC on SPFFPCE

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Attachment 3

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Suggestion for the Technical Committee on Structural and Proximity Fire Fighting Protective Clothing and Equipment


Develop a stand-alone annex that explains the purpose of each test method within NFPA 1971. The explanation should be in "layman's terms" and include the test's application for field use. A brief "layman's language" description of the test method should also be considered in the annex.


From the report--"Future of NFPA's Protective Clothing and Equipment Project" generated from the meeting hosted by NFPA in Nashville, TN on April 4-5, 2013:

? Page 16 (under Testing--bottom of page--last sentence): "Users should be educated on test methods, the reason for their existence and the benefits provided."

? Page 14 (under Education--first sentence): "The role of NFPA in global standards was discussed, and if standards are meeting the needs of the end user. Users should be educated on the test methods in the standards and their input should be encouraged."

? Page 14 (under Education--last paragraph): "Educational efforts should also help to dispel the negative image of NFPA held by some emergency responders, and seek to involve new responders in the process. Explanations as to why standards are in place and their benefit to these responders should be provided, and NFPA should recognize their unique requirements."


The number one need identified in the Nashville meeting was education. Education was also the number one need identified by this technical committee many years ago at a meeting in Portland ME.

There are many venues for education. However, education (and use) is not within the scope of Technical Committees within NFPA's overall PPE project. Nonetheless, the inclusion of "layman's language" information about test methods in a stand-alone annex could be a big step in educating end users. This project should be within the document(s)' scope. In addition, it will add value to the document(s), especially from an end-user perspective.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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