Civil Rights Movement - Canisius College

HIS 390 (CRN 45220)


Canisius College, Fall 2010, TR 8:30 am-9:45 am, Old Main 223

Dr. Bruce Dierenfield CT607 (888-2683)

Office hours: MW 8:30 am-2:30 pm, TR 11:30 am-2 pm, F 11 am-2:30 pm & by appointment

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

Martin Luther King, Jr.


Course Description

This is a history course on the post-World War II black civil rights movement, arguably the most important reform in American history. It will trace the origin and development of the struggle as it occurred on both the national and local levels. The course aims to evaluate the political and socioeconomic plight of African Americans and to explore the ways in which prominent individuals, grass roots groups, women, newspaper editors, legislators, judges, and presidents advanced or resisted racial justice. Particular attention will also paid to the critical events of the civil rights movement, such as the Brown decision, the Montgomery bus boycott, the integration of Central High School in Little Rock, the Greensboro sit-ins, the Freedom Rides through the Deep South, the Albany Movement, Project Confrontation in Birmingham, Freedom Summer, the Selma-to-Montgomery march, and the wave of reaction to perceived negligible progress in the form of black nationalism and urban riots. The course will conclude by considering the status of African Americans in today’s society. Several guest speakers are planned, and an optional trip to the Deep South will take place over Spring Break.


1. Develop a clear understanding of the broad themes of the civil rights movement.

2. Acquire the ability to evaluate historical evidence, including news articles, oral history, and autobiographical accounts.

3. Improve communications skills through structured discussion and writing.

Learning Goals & Objectives for History Majors

Goal I: History majors will develop knowledge of historical content characterized by

both breadth and depth.

Objectives: Students will demonstrate:

1. A basic knowledge of the history of the United States, Europe, and one other geographic region

(Africa, Asia, or Latin America)

2. A detailed knowledge of the history of the specific chronological or thematic areas they

choose to study.

Goal II: History majors will develop skills in historical writing.

Objectives: Students will demonstrate ability to:

1. Compose a chronological narrative.

2. Ask a historical question, construct a thesis, and support it with historical evidence.

3. Locate and evaluate historical evidence in a variety of primary & secondary sources.

4. Use citation practices appropriate to the historical profession to document evidence found in a

variety of sources.

Goal III: History majors will learn to think historically.

Objectives: Students will be able to:

1. Assess the significance of events, ideas, or artifacts in their historical context.

2. Distinguish cause and effect and recognize multiple causality in history.

3. Recognize and evaluate different historical interpretations.

Senior History majors must email their papers to me, as well as submit them in hard copy.


The course will be taught largely chronologically and rest on three pillars--lecture, visual

presentations (esp. PowerPoint images & the award-winning Eyes on the Prize series), and discussion.


The requirements below are subject to change depending upon enrollment and student performance. All students are strongly encouraged to attend out-of-class lectures, contribute to class discussion, submit a short paper, and take the final exam. There are options with respect to the writing assignments.

Requirements (subject to change) Grading

1. Discussion 10%

2. Class quizzes (4) T FEB 9, R MAR 4, R MAR 25, T APR 27 40%

3. Papers (1) R MAR 18 20%

4. Final Exam TBD for mid-May 30%



Bruce Dierenfield, The Civil Rights Movement, 2004, 2008 (rev. ed.)

Melba Pattillo Beals, Warriors Don’t Cry: A Searing Memoir of the Battle to Integrate

Little Rock’s Central High, 1994

John Lewis, Walking with the Wind: A Memoir of the Movement, 1998

Frank Lambert, Battle of Ole Miss: Civil Rights v. States’ Rights, 2009

Martin Luther King, Jr., Why We Can’t Wait, 1964

Frank Sikora, Until Justice Rolls Down: The Birmingham Church Bombing Case, 1991

Unita Blackwell, Barefootin’: Life Lessons from the Road to Freedom, 2006


Attendance will be taken every class period with an attendance sheet. It is your responsibility to sign this sheet. If you do not sign it, you are not there. Except in unusual & justified circumstances (as determined by the instructor), you will be allowed three absences for whatever reason during the course of the semester. Grade penalties for excessive absences include course failure. If you will miss more than three classes, please inform me in advance of your absences.

Because of the disruption to the learning environment, students who are habitually late to class, who take a break during class, who leave class before formal dismissal, or who use cell phones, iPods, or other such electronic equipment during class will receive a stiff grade penalty.

Discussion (10 percent)

An indispensable part of the course will be class discussion. Students will be expected to complete the assigned readings on time and to discuss them in large group settings. Discussion grades will be made on the basis of instructor observation. Students are welcome to see the instructor about how to improve their performance in discussion.

Testing (70 percent)

There will be two types of testing in this course—(a) quizzes and (b) a final examination. The quizzes will consist of objective questions (mostly matching) and fill-in-the-blanks. The final exam, which will be given at the scheduled time during final exam week, will consist of objective questions (matching, true-false, fill-in-the-blank, and the like), and an essay question or two chosen from several choices. A detailed study guide for the final exam will be distributed about a week before the final exam. Part of the final exam will include questions from front & back matter in the text, e.g., glossary, chronology, maps, and who’s who.


As of now, there will be three speakers on the Civil Rights Movement this semester, including two veteran activists and a prize-winning historian. One activist will appear during class time, and students should attend at least one of the other presentations outside of class, i.e., SNCC founder Diane Nash and/or historian Ray Arsenault. For extra credit (2½ percent), students may submit a 3-page typed summary of/reaction to the presentation. Deadline: one week after the lecture. Make sure to keep a copy of our paper, either on computer hard drive or as a photocopy.

|Date |Speaker |Topic |Affiliation |Place |

|W JAN 27 |Diane Nash |Legacy of the Civil Rights |SNCC |Regis (7 pm) |

| | |Movement | | |

|T MAR 2 |Hank Thomas? |Freedom Rides |SNCC/Deep South |OM 223 (10 am) |

|Sa MAR 20 |Ray Arsenault |Freedom Rides |University of South Florida |OM 223 (10 am) |

|T APR 20 |Charles Cobb |Freedom Summer |SNCC/Mississippi |OM 223 (10 am) |


Complete a 5-page paper on any of the following assignments:

|A. Oral history |E. Pen biography |I. Personal interview |

|B. SNCC journal report |F. Book review |J. Battle of Ole Miss documents |

|C. Newspaper report |G. Institutional history |K. Selma documents |

|D. FBI investigation |H. Film review |M. Chatroom report |

| | | |

(A half grade bonus will be given for integrating at least two (2) sources,

e.g., an oral history and a biography.)

Oral history

Drawing upon at least two published and/or online interviews of civil rights activists, examine one of the significant events of the movement. For example, you might look at the Montgomery bus boycott through the eyes of E.D. Nixon and Jo Ann Robinson.

Howell Raines, My Soul is Rested: The Story of the Civil Rights Movement in the Deep South, 1977

Henry Hampton, Voices of Freedom: An Oral History of the Civil Rights Movement from the 1950s through the 1980s, 1990

University of Southern Mississippi digital archive

Mississippi Digital Library

University of Virginia (Mississippi Burning: LBJ tapes & documents

SNCC journal report

Read three entire issues of Student Voice (SNCC’s journal), which is available on microfilm in the Canisius library, and then analyze what you discover. For example, you might address the kinds of topics that the journal presents, the journal’s editorial position, challenges faced by activists, and so on. Some issues of Student Voice can also be uploaded from docs/sncc1.htm.

Newspaper report

Study the challenge & violence of Freedom Summer (1964) by reading at least ten (10) articles that are held by Miami University in Ohio. See

FBI investigation

Study the FBI’s investigation, infiltration, and harassment of individuals and groups promoting black civil rights, black nationalism, or white supremacy. There are several excellent books on the FBI’s war on black America, or one may go online at . The FBI’s website has information on Black Muslims, Stokely Carmichael, Bull Connor, Deacons for Defense and Justice, W.E.B. Du Bois, Medgar Evers, Fred Hampton, Highlander Folk School, Martin Luther King, Ku Klux Klan, Viola Liuzzo, Thurgood Marshall, MIBURN (Mississippi Burning), Elijah Muhammad, Huey Newton, Mack Charles Parker, Revolutionary Action Movement, Paul Robeson.

Pen Biography

Write an overview of the life and civil rights activism/opposition of one of the following figures. While you may use internet sources, more weight will be given to the use of first-hand materials and reputable secondary works.

Civil Rights Figures

Ralph Abernathy

Ella Baker

Harry Belafonte

Daisy Bates

James Bevel

Unita Blackwell

Julian Bond

Amelia Boynton

Oliver Brown

Stokely Carmichael

James Chaney

Kenneth Clark

Septima Clark

J.L. Delaine

W.E.B. Du Bois

Medgar Evers

James Farmer

James Forman

Fannie Lou Hamer

Dorothy Height

Jimmie Lee Jackson

Joyce Ladner

James Lawson, Jr.

Herbert Lee

John Lewis

Autherine Lucy

Vivian Malone

Thurgood Marshall

Franklin McCain

Floyd McKissick

James Meredith

Clarence Mitchell

Anne Moody

Robert Moses

Harry T. Moore

Constance Baker Motley

Elijah Muhammad

Diane Nash

E.D. Nixon

Rosa Parks

Melba Pattillo

Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.

Albert Raby

A. Philip Randolph

Gloria Richardson

Jo Ann Robinson

Bayard Rustin

Charles Sherrod

Fred Shuttlesworth

Ruby Doris Smith

Emmett Till

C.T. Vivian

Wyatt Tee Walker

Sheyann Webb

Roy Wilkins

Hosea Williams

Andrew Young

White Supporters

Jessie Daniel Ames

Sarah Patton Boyle

Will Campbell

Guy Candawan

William Sloane Coffin

Jonathan Daniels

John Doar

Clifford Durr

Virginia Durr

Andrew Goodman

Jack Greenberg

Sandra “Casey” Hayden

Myles Horton

Frank Johnson, Jr.

Nicholas Katzenbach

Robert Kennedy

Mary King

Stanley Levison

Viola Liuzzo

Allard Lowenstein

Burke Marshall

A.J. Muste

James Peck

Joseph Rauh

James Reeb

Eleanor Roosevelt

Mickey Schwerner

John Seigenthaler

Lillian Smith

Harry Truman

J. Waties Waring

Earl Warren

Bob Zellner

James Zwerg

Civil Rights Foes

Ross Barnett

Theodore Bilbo

Sam Bowers

Harry Byrd, Sr.

Bob Chambliss

Jim Clark

Bull Connor

Harold Cox

James Eastland

Sam Ervin, Jr.

Orval Faubus

J. Edgar Hoover

James J. Kilpatrick

Lester Maddox

John Patterson

Laurie Pritchett

Richard Russell

Robert Shelton

William Simmons

Howard W. Smith

Strom Thurmond

George Wallace

A. Book Review

Read one of the following books by a participant in or scholar of the civil rights movement, and prepare a typed summary & analysis of it:

Stephen Whitfield, A Death in the Delta: The Story of Emmett Till, 1988

Douglas Brinkley, Rosa Parks, 2000

David Garrow, ed., The Montgomery Bus Boycott and the Women Who Started It:

The Memoir of Jo Ann Gibson Robinson, 1987

Marshall Frady, Martin Luther King, Jr., 2002

John Lewis, Walking with the Wind, 1998

James Farmer, Lay Bare the Heart: An Autobiography of the Civil Rights Movement, 1985

Melba Pattillo Beals, Warriors Don’t Cry, 1994

William Doyle, An American Insurrection, 2001

Martin Luther King, Jr., Why We Can’t Wait, 1964

David Garrow, The FBI and Martin Luther King, Jr., 1981

Sheyann Webb & Rachel West Nelson, Selma, Lord, Selma, 1980

Frank Sikora, Until Justice Rolls Down: The Birmingham Church Bombing Case, 1991

Stokely Carmichael, Ready for Revolution: The Life and Struggles of Stokely Carmichael, 2003

Adam Nossiter, Of Long Memory: Mississippi and the Murder of Medgar Evers, 1994

William Bradford Huie, Three Lives for Mississippi, 1965

Kay Mills, This Little Light of Mine: The Life of Fannie Lou Hamer, 1993

Anne Moody, Coming of Age in Mississippi, 1968

Sally Belfrage, Freedom Summer, 1965

H. Rap Brown, Die Nigger Die! A Political Autobiography, 1969

B. Institutional history

Write a report on one of the civil rights organizations or white supremacist groups listed below:

Civil Rights Organizations

ACMHR Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights

CCCO Coordinating Council of Community Organizations

CORE Congress of Racial Equality

Highlander Folk School

LCCR Leadership Conference on Civil Rights

MIA Montgomery Improvement Association

Operation Breadbasket

NCNW National Council of Negro Women

NAACP National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

SCLC Southern Christian Leadership Conference

SNCC Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

Women’s Political Council

White Supremacist Groups

Imperial Klans of America

National Association for the Supremacy of White People

United Klans of America

White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan

White Citizens’ Councils

Film review

Watch one of the movies about the civil rights era, and then summarize & analyze what these historical dramas tell us about the civil rights movement and/or race relations in the mid-20th century. Other titles are certainly possible, but check with the instructor before proceeding.

|Once Upon a Time . . . |Long Walk Home |Sins of the Father |

|When We Were Colored |Crisis at Central High |Mississippi Burning |

|Black Like Me |I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings |Freedom Song |

|A Soldier’s Story |Ruby Bridges |Selma, Lord, Selma |

|The Color Purple |February One |In the Heat of the Night |

|Separate But Equal |Ghosts of Mississippi |Malcolm X |

|Driving Miss Daisy |4 Little Girls |Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? |

|The Vernon Johns Story | | |

|Boycott | | |

Personal interview

Locate & interview someone who participated in the civil rights movement, and write a 3-5 page report on your findings. You might, for example, interview a marcher, an organizer, a rioter, a student who was bused for racial reasons, and so on.

C. Battle of Ole Miss documents

Use the John F. Kennedy Library website to write a report on James Meredith’s integration of Ole Miss.

D. Selma documents

Go the Canisius library archives (2nd floor) and ask archivist Kathleen Delano to examine all of the materials relating to the trip that Canisius priests & students made in support of civil rights in Selma, Alabama, in March 1965. Using as many different kinds of documents as possible, write a report on what you learn.

Chatroom report

Go online () to “eavesdrop” on veterans of the civil rights movement as they reminisce about the movement and muse about the problems that remain unsolved. You may come across some significant veterans, including Julian Bond, Connie Curry, Gloria Richardson Dandridge, Joyce Ladner, Penny Patch, and Bob Zellner. Write a paper based on information presented and insights gleaned in this chatroom.

Paper Grading

Papers whose characteristics mostly fit within one of the following categories will receive that corresponding grade. Note that a paper need not exhibit every characteristic of a category to receive the grade for that category.


*addresses the chosen topic head-on

*clearly organized

*well written


*plenty of specific information

*abundant first-person quotations, clearly identified

*few errors: factual, typographical, spelling, or grammatical


*mostly addresses the chosen topic

*reasonably well organized

*reasonably well written

*some analysis

*some specific information

*some first-person quotations, some identified

*some errors


*somewhat addresses the chosen topic

*lacks consistent organization

*mediocre/flat writing

*little, if any, analysis

*rather general presentation

*few, if any, first-person quotations, mostly unidentified

*noticeable errors: factual, typographical, spelling, or grammatical

*barely meets minimum length


*half-hearted effort

*descriptive, rather than analytical

*weak writing

*lengthy secondary quotations, mostly unidentified

*significant errors of varying kinds

*fails to meet minimum length


*addresses an irrelevant topic

*disorganized or confused

*very sloppy

*very short

*paraphrased or plagiarized


The instructor takes grading seriously and uses several methods to determine quiz/test & paper grades. Do not tell the instructor the grade you “need.” You will receive the grade you have earned. That said, the instructor is certainly willing to discuss the grades assigned.

Papers, presentations, and final exams that are detailed, comprehensive, inclusive of relevant materials, and analytical, will be rewarded handsomely. The instructor reserves the right to make modest adjustments in numerically-derived final grades based on the student performance in the final exam and discussion.

No unsolicited work for extra credit will be accepted.

Students who do not complete all assignments and take the final exam will fail the entire course.

Final grades will not be displayed publicly because federal law forbids it, and will only become available when the registrar posts them on-line. The instructor will not give students their final grade; that is the responsibility of the registrar. Students with questions about their final grades must see the instructor in his office; he will not respond to email queries about grading.

Papers, reports, and exams that are detailed, comprehensive, inclusive of relevant materials, and analytical, will be rewarded handsomely.

To support grades assigned, the instructor will provide commentary on written work and numerical scores, class ranking, and percentage of correct answers on quizzes. Students may inquire about their grades on any given assignment or about the course grade, but such requests must be made in person, rather than by email.

Cultural Enrichment (subject to availability)

A unique feature of this course will be the extraordinary opportunities offered for cultural enrichment. Everyone will be given an opportunity to attend at least one of the following performances/presentation:

|Date |Time |Place |Speaker/Event |Affiliation/Event |

|F FEB 5 |8:00 pm |UB’s Center for the Arts |Cornel West |Princeton University |

|Su FEB 28 |4:00 pm |Paul Robeson Theatre |Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye | |

|Sa MAR 6 |8:00 pm |Ujima Theatre |Belle | |

Sa MAR 20 8:00 pm UB’s Center for the Arts Jazz with Wynton Marsalis Lincoln Center

W APR 7 8:00 pm UB’s Center for the Arts Buddy Guy Chicago rock guitarist

(Students interested in obtaining tickets must make a nonrefundable payment of $5/ticket.)

Field Trip

To tour many historic sites connected to the civil rights movement, there will be an unforgettable 9-day trip to the Deep South over spring break. [See rough itinerary below.] Several people who either witnessed or helped shape key events in the movement may meet our group. The Peter Canisius Distinguished Professorship in the African American Experience will subsidize much of the trip, including roundtrip airfare to Memphis, ground transportation (van), lodging, admission fees and tours, some dinners, and some entertainment. About ten (10) Canisius students will go on the trip. If more than ten students express interest in going, a lottery may be conducted. A nonrefundable deposit of $200 must be paid by F FEB 12th. Once the students have been chosen, there will be mandatory orientation sessions.

|Date | Place |Sites (Sampling) |

R APR 1 Buffalo-Memphis (jet) National Civil Rights Museum & Mason Temple

F APR 2 Memphis-Nashville Fisk University & American Baptist Seminary

S APR 3 Atlanta-Albany Martin Luther King’s home, church, grave

S APR 4 Albany-Montgomery Tuskegee University & Dexter Avenue Church

M APR 5 Selma & Birmingham Edmund Pettus Bridge & 16th Street Church

T APR 6 Tuscaloosa & Philadelphia Foster Auditorium

& murder route of Schwerner, Chaney, Goodman

W APR 7 Jackson & Mississippi Delta Medgar Evers’ home & Emmitt Till store

R APR 8 Oxford & Little Rock Ole Miss & Central High School

F APR 9 Little Rock-Buffalo (jet)

See this website for more information on civil rights sites:

Book prize

The student who writes the best term paper will receive a free copy of a civil rights book of his/her choosing.

Service/Seamless Learning

In the spirit of civil rights activism and as part of the College’s new emphasis on service/seamless learning, students may volunteer to (a) assist a local civil rights organization or (b) work on a social justice project. For specific options, please see Sr. Pat Brady of the Office of Service Learning for more details. All service must receive PRIOR approval from the instructor. It is important to remember that no one is required to undertake or complete this option and that you are NOT representing Canisius College. Students who complete at least 12 hours of service and submit a (brief) confirmatory letter from a supervisor, along with a typed report on time worked and action performed will receive a course bonus of 5 percent.

Civil Rights Organizations

NAACP 884-7242 ~naacp

Buffalo Urban League 854-7625

Social Justice Projects

|Organization |Address |Contact Info |

|Boys & Girls Clubs of America |124 Elmwood Ave. |783-7187 |

| |Buffalo NY 14201 | |

|Buffalo City Mission |100 E. Tupper St. |854-8181 |

| |Buffalo NY 14203 | |

|Buffalo Weed & Seed Initiative |218 City Hall |851-4287 |

| |Buffalo NY 14202 | |

|Character Academy |618 Jefferson Ave. |852-5502 |

| |Buffalo NY 14202 |ext. 107 |

|Coalition for Economic Justice |237 Main St. |892-5877 |

| |Buffalo NY 14203 | |

|CRUCIAL Human Services |230 Moselle St. |895-8891 |

| |Buffalo NY 14211 | |

|Flare (Fillmore-Leroy Area Residents) |307 Leroy Ave. |838-6740 |

| |Buffalo NY 14214 | |

|Friends to the Elderly, Youth & Family Center |118 E. Utica St. |882-0602 |

| |Buffalo NY 14209 | |

|Gloria J. Parks Community Center |3242 Main St. |832-1010 |

| |Buffalo NY 14214 | |

|None Like You |595 Sycamore St. |852-2987 |

| |Buffalo NY 14212 | |

|Literacy Volunteers of Buffalo |1313 Main St. |876-8991 |

| |Buffalo NY 14209 | |

|Society of St. Vincent de Paul |1298 Main St. |882-3360 |

| |Buffalo NY 14209 | |

Course Schedule [This schedule is subject to change depending on local weather conditions, the pace of presentations and discussions, and the instructor’s health and other professional obligations.]

|Dates |Topics |Speaker |Readings/Documents/Websites |Multi-Media |

|T JAN 19 |United States of Lyncherdom | |Bruce Dierenfield, The Civil Rights Movement (2004), pp. 1-9 |Promises Betrayed |

| | | |Bruce Dierenfield, The Civil Rights Movement (2008), pp. 1-11 |Ethnic Notions |

|R JAN 21 |Setting the Stage | |Bruce Dierenfield, The Civil Rights Movement (2004), pp. 13-19 |Ida B. Wells: A Passion for Justice |

| | | |Bruce Dierenfield, The Civil Rights Movement (2008), pp. 15-21 |W.E.B. Du Bois: A Biography in Four Voices |

| | | | |“Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing” |

| | | | |Adam Clayton Powell |

| | | | |A. Philip Randolph: For Jobs & Freedom |

| | | | |Freedom Never Dies: The Legacy of Harry T. |

| | | | |Moore |

|T JAN 26 |Plessy is No More | |Bruce Dierenfield, The Civil Rights Movement (2004), pp. 20-28, 137-138 |The Road to Brown |

| | | |Bruce Dierenfield, The Civil Rights Movement (2008), pp. 22-31, 140-141 |Thurgood Marshall: Portrait of an American |

| | | | |Hero |

|W JAN 27 |The Civil Rights Movement: |Diane Nash | | |

| |A Legacy for the 21st Century | | | |

|R JAN 28 |Up South | |Thomas Sugrue, Sweet Land of Liberty, pp. 130-162* | |

|T FEB 2 |Wolf Whistle | |Bruce Dierenfield, The Civil Rights Movement (2004), pp. 26-27 |The Murder of Emmett Till |

| | | |Bruce Dierenfield, The Civil Rights Movement (2008), pp. 28-29 | |

|R FEB 4 |Weary Feet, Rested Souls | |Bruce Dierenfield, The Civil Rights Movement (2004), pp. 41-51 |Awakenings |

| | | |Bruce Dierenfield, The Civil Rights Movement (2008), pp. 43-53 | |

|T FEB 9 |Foot Soldiers | |Lynne Olson, Freedom’s Daughters: |“Fundi”: The Story of Ella Baker |

| | | |The Unsung Heroines of the Civil Rights Movement, 1830-1970, | |

| | | |pp. 132-150, 213-224* | |

|R FEB 11 |Inside Agitators | |Constance Curry, Deep in Our Hearts: Nine White Women in the | |

| | | |Freedom Movement, pp. 3-35* | |

|T FEB 16 |PRESIDENT’S DAY | | | |

|R FEB 18 |Little Rock Crisis | |Bruce Dierenfield, The Civil Rights Movement (2004), pp. 29-37, 139 |Fighting Back |

| | | |Bruce Dierenfield, The Civil Rights Movement (2008), pp. 32-40, 142 | |

| | | |Melba Pattillo Beals, Warriors Don’t Cry, all | |

|T FEB 23 |The Media’s Morality Play | |Gene Roberts & Hank Klibanoff, The Race Beat: The Press, | |

| | | |the Civil Rights Struggle and the Awakening of a Nation, pp. 143-183* | |

|R FEB 25 |Sit-ins | |Bruce Dierenfield, The Civil Rights Movement (2004), pp. 52-60 |Ain’t Scared of Your Jails |

| | | |Bruce Dierenfield, The Civil Rights Movement (2008), pp. 54-62 |“I’m Gonna Sit at the Welcome Table” |

| | | |John Lewis, Walking with the Wind, pp. 11-117 |“We Shall Not Be Moved” |

| | | |Lynne Olson, Freedom’s Daughters: The Unsung Heroines | |

| | | |of the Civil Rights Movement, 1830-1970, pp. 151-162* | |

| | | | | |

|T MAR 2 |Freedom Rides |Hank Thomas? |Bruce Dierenfield, The Civil Rights Movement (2004), pp. 61-68, 140-141 |Ain’t Scared of Your Jails |

| | | |Bruce Dierenfield, The Civil Rights Movement (2008), pp. 63-70, 143-144 |“If You Miss Me from the Back of the Bus” |

| | | |John Lewis, Walking with the Wind, pp. 121-174 | |

| | | |Lynne Olson, Freedom’s Daughters: The Unsung Heroines | |

| | | |of the Civil Rights Movement, 1830-1970, pp. 182-199* | |

| | | |Eric Etheridge, Breach of Peace: Portraits of the 1961 | |

| | | |Mississippi Freedom Riders, selection | |

| | | | | |

|R MAR 4 |Radio Free Dixie | |Timothy Tyson, “Robert F. Williams, ‘Black Power,’ and the Roots of the |Negroes with Guns: Rob Williams and Black |

| | | |African American Freedom Struggle,” 30 pgs.* |Power |

|T MAR 9 |The Last Battle of the Civil War | |Bruce Dierenfield, The Civil Rights Movement (2004), pp. 69-74 |Fighting Back |

| | | |Bruce Dierenfield, The Civil Rights Movement (2008), pp. 71-77 | |

| | | |Frank Lambert, Battle of Ole Miss: Civil Rights v. States’ Rights | |

| | | | | |

|R MAR 11 | | | | |

|T MAR 16 |Albany Movement | |Bruce Dierenfield, The Civil Rights Movement (2004), pp. 75-81, 141-144 |No Easy Walk |

| |Bombingham | |Bruce Dierenfield, The Civil Rights Movement (2008), pp. 78-86, 144-147 |Too Close to Heaven: The Story of Gospel |

| | | |John Lewis, Walking with the Wind, pp. 177-200 |Music |

| | | | |The Songs are Free |

| | | | |“Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me ’Round” |

| | | | |“I Woke Up This Morning with My Mind on |

| | | | |Freedom” |

| | | | |Mighty Times: The Children’s March |

|R MAR 18 |Standing in the Door | |Bruce Dierenfield, The Civil Rights Movement (2004), pp. 81-83 |George Wallace: Settin’ the Woods on Fire |

| | | |Bruce Dierenfield, The Civil Rights Movement (2008), pp. 84-85 | |

|T MAR 23 |A Drum Major for Justice | |Martin Luther King, Jr., Why We Can’t Wait, all |Citizen King |

| | | |Michael Eric Dyson, I May Not Get There with You: |King: From Montgomery to Memphis |

| | | |The True Martin Luther King, Jr., pp. 11-50* | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|R MAR 25 |The March on Washington | |BJD, The Civil Rights Movement (2004), pp. 84-92, 144-145 |Brother Outsider |

| | | |BJD, The Civil Rights Movement (2008), pp. 87-95, 147-148 |No Easy Walk |

| | | |Lucy Barber, “‘In the Great Tradition’: The March on Washington |“We Shall Overcome” |

| | | |for Jobs and Freedom,” 37 pgs.* | |

| | | |John Lewis, Walking with the Wind, pp. 201-227 | |

| | | | | |

|T MAR 30 |Birmingham Church Bombing | |Frank Sikora, Until Justice Rolls Down: The Birmingham Church |4 Little Girls |

| | | |Bombing Case, all | |

|R APR 1 |SPRING BREAK | | | |

|T APR 6 |SPRING BREAK | | | |

|R APR 8 |SPRING BREAK | | | |

|T APR 13 |Mississippi Goddamn | |Bruce Dierenfield, The Civil Rights Movement (2004), pp. 95-107, 146-150 |Mississippi: Is This America? |

| | | |Bruce Dierenfield, The Civil Rights Movement (2008), pp. 99-111, 149-153 |Freedom on My Mind |

| | | |Unita Blackwell, Barefootin’: Life Lessons from the Road to Freedom, all |“This Little Light of Mine” |

| | | |John Lewis, Walking with the Wind, pp. 228-290 |“Oh, Freedom” |

| | | |Elizabeth Sutherland, eds., Letters from Mississippi, selection* | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|R APR 15 |Bloody Sunday |Charlie Cobb |Bruce Dierenfield, The Civil Rights Movement (2004), pp. 108-120 |Bridge to Freedom |

| | | |Bruce Dierenfield, The Civil Rights Movement (2008), pp. 112-124 |Sisters of Selma |

| | | |John Lewis, Walking with the Wind, pp. 291-347 | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|T APR 20 |Look Out, Whitey! | |Bruce Dierenfield, The Civil Rights Movement (2004), pp. 123-131, 145, |Two Societies |

| |The Nation | |150-153 |Malcolm: Make It Plain |

| | | |Bruce Dierenfield, The Civil Rights Movement (2008), pp. 127-132, 148-149, 153-156 |Black Panthers |

| | | |John Lewis, Walking with the Wind, pp. 348-374 | |

| | | |H. Rap Brown, Die, Nigger, Die, pgs. 47-74* | |

|R APR 22 |Chicago Freedom Movement | |Bruce Dierenfield, The Civil Rights Movement (2004), pp. 125 |Two Societies |

| | | |Bruce Dierenfield, The Civil Rights Movement (2008), pp. 129 | |

| | | | | |

|T APR 27 |Death of the Dreamer | |Bruce Dierenfield, The Civil Rights Movement (2004), pp. |The Promised Land |

| | | |Bruce Dierenfield, The Civil Rights Movement (2008), pp. 132-134 |At the River I Stand |

| | | |John Lewis, Walking with the Wind, pp. 375-401 | |

| | | | | |

|R APR 29 |Liberal Experiments | |John Lewis, Walking with the Wind, pp. 405-475 |Keys to the Kingdom |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|T MAY 4 |A Colorblind Society? | |Bruce Dierenfield, The Civil Rights Movement (2004), pp. 132-133, 153 |Beyond the Color Line |

| | | |Bruce Dierenfield, The Civil Rights Movement (2008), pp. 134-137, 156 |True Colors |

| | | | |Skin Deep |

| | | | |Racism 101 |

| | | | |Little Rock Central |

| | | | |A Southern Town |

| | | | |YouTube: A Girl Like Me |

|R MAY 6 |Buffalo Today |Brenda McDuffie | | |

*will be available on Angel


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