


Business continuity planning is the process of creating an action plan to minimise the impacts of interruptions to your business. A robust business continuity plan (BCP), in conjunction with Business Interruption Insurance, will help to make your company more resilient against disasters such as a flood or fire and keep your business running and potentially reduce costs.

Here we've listed the 10 steps to creating, implementing and maintaining a business continuity plan:

1 Risk Assessment

procedures and details necessary

an emergency has occurred.

What potential threats does

to continue business operations

Intruder alarms, CCTV, fire

your business face and what

during or after an emergency.

alarms, and IT systems all need

measures are in place to protect

All employees should be

to be recorded, monitored and

your building and its contents?

briefed on the BCP and trained


Business interruptions can

on emergency evacuation,

range in scale from short-term

business recovery & restoration

8 Community Outreach

power and IT outages and major


Your facility's relationship with

incidents such as flood or fire.

emergency services and the local

5 Communication

community will influence your

2 Business Impact Analysis

A solid communication

ability to protect personnel and

Identify your critical business

system is crucial for reporting

property as well as return to

functions and the parts of

emergencies, warning personnel

normal operations.

your company that are most

of any danger, keeping families

vulnerable in the event of

and off-duty employees informed 9 Recovery & Restoration

business interruption. How

about events happening at your

Business recovery and

would they be impacted by an

facility, coordinating response

restoration goes right to a

emergency? How long is it likely

actions and keeping in contact

facility's bottom line - keeping

to take to get the business back

with customers and suppliers.

your business operational. Your

up and running? What is the

plan should ultimate cover all the

potential for damage to your

6 Life Safety

steps need to restore & resume


Protecting the health and safety

your business as quickly as

of everyone in the facility should


3 Direction & Control Establish an Emergency

be your first priority during an emergency. Evacuation,

10 Test, Monitor & Maintain

Management Group (EMG) who

accountability, shelter and

Review & update your plan

will be responsible for controlling

preparedness plans during a

regularly to take into account

all incident-related activities

business interruption are key.

new and emerging threats, new

and developing the business

technology, operational and

continuity plan.

7 Property Protection

personnel changes. Regular

Organising a system for

training, from walk-through

4 Create & Implement a Business

protecting facilities, equipment

drills to full-scale mock disaster

Continuity Policy (BCP)

and vital records is essential

exercises, will help you stay one

Your BCP should contain all of the

to restoring operations once

step ahead of potential issues.

Reason Global is the only Lloyd's of London UK specialist insurance broker to the moving and self-storage industry and, as such, is uniquely qualified to help you re-establish your business after a major catastrophe such as a flood or facility fire. Contact us for further advice today.

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