00003443605-201930FEBRUARY ACTIVITIES PROGRESS NARRATIVE REPORTNarrative ReportReport Date: 18. 02.2020Output 4: Reaching out on rural women to conduct grassroots workshop and rural women emancipation awareness campaigns.I. Executive SummaryThe Women Alternative Peace Front (WAPF) project under its key components of Information, Networking and Advocacy intends to empower women , girls, PWD at grass root levels with skills and knowledge in combating gender stereotyping where they are considered less privileged or disadvantaged. Sharing and informing on the progress or status of the Revitalized Peace Agreement (R-ARCSS) has been an important aspect of our project activity output 4 and subsequent activities. In simple terms, information is shared in local dialect on the progress, contribution of women so far and opportunities that are herein for them as women . Empowerment of women, girls and the People With Disabilities (PWD) has also been majored under the rural women emancipation awareness campaign in the different locations of Kalthok, Yolakot and Mingakaman. Much progress and challenges have been recorded during these activities as detailed below. The focus of the project is empowerment of the mostly IDPs and Host communities women population through GBV and peace building awareness programs with the necessary skills and knowledge. II. Key AchievementsIdentifying and engaging rural based women activists for capacity building through trainings-(2 Trainings each for 2 days for the rural-based women activists, targeting 100 participants 50 per training )Women activists training undertaken in Yol akot, Kalthok and Mingkaman.Rural women emancipation awareness campaignsWomen conference for activists at Yolakot , Kalthok and MingkamanThe already functioning women led group activists led the campaign for peace awareness touching on the various aspects of women as alternative peace fronts. Women activists capacity building training/workshop in Yol akotWorkshop thematic areas. Women leadership in economic activitiesThe need to have women as leaders in our homes, institutions, government offices was a call that women were encouraged to acquire more skills to enable them access such and uphold such spaces just like men. The economy is highly managed and supported by the different women programs in the different levels of the society.Livelihood skills like tailoring, business skills, leadership in institutions were focus discussion during the trainings for women to progress consistently.Women Role under the peace agreement process (Revitalized Peace Agreement)What opportunities awaits women under the on-going peace agreement? What are their contributions or are participating at the grass root levels and what ways?GBV and stereotypes against women.Men vs women in the society like this has identified as one way through which women are taken back and the progress made towards empowering women destroyed. Exploitation of women, misrepresentation, inequality and abuse is common as women are considered less privileged just to be seen and not heard. Advocacy on these issues in collaboration with local authorities were part of our major focus group discussions and the need to empower women improved. Women Unity as IDPs and Host communities .Unity of women both as IDPs and Host communities was spearheaded under these workshops and trainings. Unity is strength and enables women to be involved in various developmental activities with the government, NGOs, Churches and many other entities and success on their programs is best realized under their unity as women as alternative peace fronts. Women groups/participants reached out in the undertaken trainings/workshops. No.Training/workshop locationDay 1 Day 2 Female(F)Male(M)TotalFemale(F)Male (M)Total012 day training workshopat Yol Akot and awareness 651378531366022 day training workshop at Kalthok and awareness 45752321143032 day training workshop and women interlocutors training at Mingkaman Women Empowerment Center 43852261440Carrying out 4 rural women emancipation awareness campaigns (in PoC 2, PoC3,Kalthok and MingkamanWomen activists in every location participated in awareness campaigns that was focused on women and GBV, women contribution towards peace and security at homes, village, boma and in the county leading to peace in the county. In every location, awareness programs involved the various stakeholders;Girls and boysWomen and menPeople with DisabilitiesLocal/gvt leadership and church representatives Issues raised by women during awareness campaigns and workshopsLivelihood opportunities are minimal and need to acquire more skills to be able to participate in economic programs.The need to strengthen GBV referral pathways as a lot of unreported cases and abuses are on the rise within their different locations.Trainings to build the skills of women and girls should be enhanced and be continuous.The need for startup capital or seed money towards their programs will enable them continue supporting their children and families in hard economic times. ................

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