How do Gender Stereotypes affect an adolescent’s …

CAFS IRPBy: Sonia PrasadHow do Gender Stereotypes affect an adolescent’s wellbeing?Table of Contents TOC \h \u \z How do Gender Stereotypes affect an adolescent’s wellbeing? PAGEREF _wjrbnptf4ydx \h 1Table of Contents PAGEREF _si56otmmx4cd \h 2Introduction PAGEREF _9rptyy89tnyk \h 3Acknowledgements PAGEREF _x8jwwepyiq6d \h 4Abstract PAGEREF _fbkbgs6jcoaj \h 5Literature Review PAGEREF _dfrtdafg7if8 \h 5Methodologies PAGEREF _tlmi404tjmww \h 7Questionnaires PAGEREF _2y30npbjse48 \h 8Surveys PAGEREF _yhd2ujbihgjx \h 9Case Study PAGEREF _hdmvhpfvjm9e \h 10Results PAGEREF _xo319xa7flsy \h 11Analysis and Discussion PAGEREF _6kulkhw7dix9 \h 12Conclusions PAGEREF _cdxhfqeszbsq \h 13Bibliography PAGEREF _3eyv06ljfuxc \h 15Appendix PAGEREF _f8gl0sw03c0r \h 16Appendix A PAGEREF _j98jeyx0jbqz \h 17Appendix B PAGEREF _p26relk4a7ji \h 18Appendix C PAGEREF _kzagqscxmswr \h 19Appendix D PAGEREF _lqe8f1pruhnu \h 20Appendix E PAGEREF _yvcdvjwwe3lk \h 21Appendix F22Appendix G23Appendix H24IntroductionThis action research project aims to investigate the question of how does gender stereotypes affect an adolescent’s wellbeing? The data for this investigation was obtained by the means of a survey and a literature review from 12 people made up of ages between 16-18 following this, the data was collated and used to interpret and understand how gender stereotypes have affected their wellbeing. I have chosen to focus on gender stereotypes since it has been a continuous issue within our society and there have always been people affected by it. It relates to the CAFS syllabus specifically in the parenting and caring topic as gender stereotypes influences how the parent and/or carer raises the child, they can either choose to implement gender stereotypes or to not implement it at all and be equal in the household. This topic relates to my culture so much since it is a crucial part in how we live and what we do, in the household there are certain jobs for certain genders and constrictions and rules are put in place so they don’t get confused or don’t like what the person is doing or wearing. In this IRP, my focus on the survey will be on how gender stereotypes affect my demographic in a range of ways such as their health, the media, and their family. AcknowledgementsI would like to thank the following people who have assisted me with this research project. At school, I received guidance from Ms Riley who helped me with editing the final draft of my questionnaire as well as giving me sentence starters for this IRP. I would also like to thank my interviewees for their honest contribution to this research project. This whole IRP was made by myself and I got feedback and help from my teacher (Mrs Riley), which I appreciate very much.AbstractFrom the Parenting and Caring syllabus, one of the topics that I have chosen to work on is 1 of the social influences on parents and carers which is gender expectations. The question that I will be used to investigate gender expectations is How do these gender stereotypes or expectations affect a person's well-being? The purpose of this IRP is to investigate how gender stereotypes affect a person’s wellbeing, the effects will be shown from adolescents. This research is meant to show the effects of gender stereotypes through a person’s wellbeing, they can be affected emotionally, physically, psychologically, etc. The different gender stereotypes and expectations affect everyone differently, my research will be what stereotypes did some of the student’s parents enforced when they were growing up as well as how it shaped them to be the person who they are today. In some cases, women or females may be affected completely differently than males or men based on the stereotypes they have been through. There have been several articles and papers published on the internet that have focused on children, adolescents and the way they live based on the stereotypes that have been given to them. Literature ReviewTitle of Article: Health and Wellbeing | Men, Boys and Gender EqualityGender Roles and Stereotypes | The Children’s SocietyGender roles and identity in children | Pregnancy Birth and BabyUnderstanding Factors That Shape Gender Attitudes in Early Adolescence Globally: A Mixed-Methods Systematic ReviewDate: 11th October 2018February 201824th June 2016Author: LucyA KagestenSource: of publishing: The Children’s SocietyMen, Boys and Gender EqualityPregnancy birth and babyPLOS OneSummary of information and page numbers (Key points):(Source 4) Pg 1 Parent and peers are central forces in shaping ‘normal gender’ expectations. In short, the family and the social environment often act to reinforce traditional gender roles. Pg 2 Media and school are also important formative influences - strongly reinforcing stereotypical gender attitudes.(Source 1) most of the adolescents have said that most of the comments that they get are about their physical appearance and the actions that they do, in front of people, which deeply affects their wellbeing(Source 2) Throughout different eras, generations and years, women and girls have been taught about the traditional stereotypes (cook, clean and nurture) which have obviously changed throughout the 21st-century and at the end of the 20th century, as a result, this has impacted the way women think and perceive roles and expectations within men and women.(Source 3) In this website, there are several types of gender stereotypes, roles and expectations which are the issues. Such as gender inequality, gender dysphoria and how it affects the adolescent’s wellbeing as well as how and what creates these roles which are then embedded into us from birth. Relevance to research topic:(Source 4) What is experienced at home, at school and in the adolescent’s peer group sets a strong pattern for the adolescent? What people see as ‘normal’ is very much something that has been socially reinforced.(Source 3) When the child is still in the womb, as soon as they know the gender the main colours which refer to each gender is female (pink) and male (blue). As soon as adults become parents most/some of them start to instil the gender stereotypes into their life so the child will recognise that they are that gender and that’s the way they should live, which doesn’t give them the freedom to be their own individual. This is relevant because we notice how then the individuals are affected by these gender stereotypes and it starts with their family.(Source 2) This source has a focus on men’s health and vulnerability. The dominant constructions of masculinity have had a result of poor health and excess morality which can affect the relationships and health they have in the future.(Source 1) This source is relevant since it includes actual responses from adolescent’s and how they feel about gender stereotypes which can also be researched. As well as the pressures and expectations that are involved with gender stereotypes.Positive and negative aspects:Pressure, stress and emotional wellbeing is deeply impacted which can result in mental illnessesIf gender stereotypes are instilled into us from birth it doesn’t give us a chance to have the freedom to be our own individuals or what gender they want to be.Since women are gaining more attention in terms of inequality within society, men get somewhat neglected in the process, which can be detrimental for the futureSociety and the media have had a specific way and people they involve and promote which is the stereotypical female and maleIf we implement programs for boys and girls it will be easier for them to understand the gender stereotypes and how they want to liveIf the parent instils the gender stereotypes it’s easier for them to take care of the child and less judgement which can also be a benefit for the childIf there is more gender equality, then there will be fewer issues that affect their wellbeing and the statistics of them getting affected by the gender stereotypes, roles and expectations will decreaseIf we have more opinions we are able to change the way people view and use gender stereotypesRelevant quotes/statistics to support research: (with correct referencing)“Tough boys and caring girls” (1st source)‘I feel judged all the time based on what I wear. It’s like girls are expected to fulfil certain ridiculous expectations.’ (1st source)‘Girls get told to look a certain way and if you don’t you get told you are ugly, fat and flat chested and that makes you not feel good enough for anyone.’ (1st source)“Since gender is relational as well as socially constructed, it is essential to also understand how men's and boys' broader health and well-being – alongside that of women and girls – helps or hinders in terms of creating enabling environments for improving gender equality and supporting the empowerment of women and girls.” (2nd source)“Gender roles are influenced both by our genes (a part of our biology) and our environment.” (3rd source)“The review findings indicate that young adolescents, across cultural settings, commonly express stereotypical or inequitable gender attitudes, and such attitudes appear to vary by individual sociodemographic characteristics (sex, race/ethnicity and immigration, social class, and age).” (3rd source)“The review findings indicate that young adolescents, across cultural settings, commonly express stereotypical or inequitable gender attitudes, and such attitudes appear to vary by individual sociodemographic characteristics (sex, race/ethnicity and immigration, social class, and age). Findings highlight that interpersonal influences (family and peers) are central influences on young adolescents’ construction of gender attitudes, and these gender socialization processes differ for boys and girls. The role of community factors (e.g. media) is less clear though there is some evidence that schools may reinforce stereotypical gender attitudes among young adolescents.” (4th source)Methodologies The methodologies that I will be using surveys, literature review and a case study. My primary data is my survey whilst my literature review is secondary data. I was going to consider using a case study for my other primary data but since I had gotten all the information I needed from the survey it wasn’t necessary to make one. The sample methods that I had used were cluster sampling and convenience sampling, as I wasn’t biased on who did my survey but I was focused on the age demographic. They were used since it would be suitable and correct for the survey. Since the demographic was for teenagers between the ages 16-18 it suits the question and they have a different perspective on gender stereotypes since there is more awareness whilst middle-aged people aren’t as educated or known about gender stereotypes based on how they were raised and what they were taught. The survey was constructed by drafting 10 questions maximum so it wouldn’t be too long for the people and the questions would target certain factors and different perspectives/opinions. Once I had drafted the questions, I edited it before giving it to my teacher which she gave me some feedback which I then applied. I was critical with what questions I used because I want to also have questions that will target the focus and answer it by including a range of factors such as the media and family. Overall with the literature review, the main points that I have gathered were that most of the gender roles, expectations and/or stereotypes are from social conformity and society as well as the media they are the main factors that contribute for us to oblige and actually use the stereotypes. Some to most of the gender stereotypes are from the parents this can be restricting for the kid but they were taught about that from the start which the child can’t control. Both the survey and literature review had given me a deep understanding of how gender stereotypes can affect an adolescent’s wellbeing as well as what and how it is influenced by the individual.SurveyThe survey was constructed by drafting 10 questions maximum so it wouldn’t be too long for the people and the questions would target certain factors and different perspectives/opinions. Once I had drafted the questions, I edited it before giving it to my teacher which she gave me some feedback which I then applied. I was critical with what questions I used because I want to also have questions that will target the focus and answer it by including a range of factors such as the media and family. ResultsWhat Gender Stereotypes have you faced in your lifetime? List them belowNothing reallyNot being allowed to help with liftingNegative; girls should not be so comfortable in jeans, females shouldn’t have short hair positive; in my culture, the wife is usually the head of the house and respected well.Women should be the ones responsible for household duties, should be modest, and always smiling and kind x2Masculine = male, feminine = feminine x3Showing emotion is badNeeding to be boy crazy instead of focusing on myselfI have heard a lot of different stereotypes but no necessarily faced them myselfHas those specific Gender Stereotypes affect your wellbeing in any way? Physically, emotionally, spiritually, socially and mentally? Be specificNo, though I set expectations to ensure I meet the gender stereotype that strives to achieve for myselfYeah because I feel more depressed as it is not socially acceptable for men to cry which shows their vulnerabilityMade me feel a little useless x3No x2Yeah, mainly encourage my insecurities about the way I see myself emotionally and physically x2I behave differently by myself and with others, other than that howEmotionally and MentallyHearing about different stereotypes has definitely influenced the way I perceived things and altered my thinking patternsWhich gender do you believe has a stronger Stereotype? Male or female?Female x2Females because they are up against beauty standards while males tend to be more lenient on beauty standards x2Both are equal x2I feel like girls face more stereotypes because they are expected to always act kind, caring etc. but when it comes to boys, people have the mindset that “boys will be boys” and allow them to do whateverMale, it’s just crazy how most people really bias men over females x2Both depending on the kind of stereotypes, stereotypes surrounding men are stronger and I have transcended time. For example to be masculine. However, I believe stereotypes surrounding women are undergoing changes as women are slowly in more positions of power and more active in social issues.Males as many normal human emotions are perceived as weak, resulting in males not having the support needed and not having the mindset to seek helpThis question is quite ambiguous as it depends on how much an individual might differ from these stereotypes rather than their gender. Both genders have extremely strong stereotypes, especially when an individual has never complied to these stereotypes.Do you think Males or Females have to change themselves to adhere to the Gender Stereotypes?Yes just to fit in society x4Nah they shouldn’t, they should do what they feel is most comfortable and safe for them. x2Yes because of conformity, people will always follow the majorityBoth x2Females have more pressure on them than males doMales - oppressing sexuality and emotions and women in conforming to the sexual beings they’re expected to beEvery individual is different and these stereotypes will affect these individuals differently in varying degrees and areas. It is difficult to say for certain as one of the stereotypes is to comply without showing resistance to gender stereotypes. This fact can skew the data and create inaccurate statistics.Do you think the Media contributes to Gender Stereotypes? E.g. dolls are for girls, cars are for boys. ExplainYes x4Yeah as it is easier to make a product which will certainly attract a specific group than to develop a product for all. Media also is subject to following stereotypes resulting it in being more widespread.Media has the biggest influence in terms of gender stereotypes. Media is full of huge and popular identities who promote certain things, usually, stereotypes, which become very influential on the audience.Yes working at Maccas being a single answer “I’ll have the boy toy” one boy slushie (blue) one girl slushie (pink)Yes as gender-based advertising is powerful in shaping how individuals perceive themselves and others around them x4Do you think society contributes to Gender Stereotypes? E.g. Certain clothes such as suits are for males and dresses are for females. ExplainYes x6Indeed, there are a lot of gender stereotypes set by society. These range from clothing and looks to expectations and responsibilities. x2100% society likes to have one answer to everything and if you don’t fit in the norm it gets too much for them to “control” youYes to a great extent but the media can have a positive impact in reinforcing individualityYes, e.g. pink taxDoes your family support Gender Stereotypes? E.g. cleaning the house is for girls and mowing the lawn is for boys. ExplainSomewhat x2Yes my dad believes in cleaning the house and doing dishes is for the women he makes me mum do everything he doesn’t absolutely nothing because he is very old fashioned x2No, from a young age my mother and father have taught me how to check an engine, use a lawnmower and change a wheel x2No, because I am forced to do all chores including cooking x5Do you have a job? If so, have you experienced any Gender Stereotypes in the workplace? ExplainNo x7Yes from customers and like the expectations from the workplace to be more bubbly and smiley than the boys who can simply say g' day here you go and girls being all Hi how are you going today blah blahI did, and I was expected to have short hair, which I didn’t and was forced to either wear a hat, hairnet or cut my hair.I do not currently have a job. x3Analysis and Discussion My analysis of the above data led me to with the claim that an adolescents wellbeing can be severally affected by society, the media, the workforce, their family & friends. This can be detrimental to some but everyone tends to deal with it in different ways. Based on the survey, most of my interviewees have mentioned some traditional or societal gender stereotypes/expectations which occur daily in their household or their life. The gender stereotypes mentioned are all restricting or constraining them to live a free life without worrying about these gender stereotypes. Whilst these constraints may be detrimental, the interviewees haven’t adhered to the stereotypes completely but they all agree in terms of how society contributes and influenced the gender stereotypes. From the survey to the literature review, most of the interviewees had said that society and the media are one of the major contributors to adolescent’s wellbeing (negatively).The main findings that came out of this action research were:The gender stereotypes that they have mentioned wasn’t as explicitThey said that both males and females are both equal in terms of which gender has stronger stereotypesAs well as recognising that all gender have to conform or adhere to the gender stereotypes to please othersThe media contributes to the gender stereotypes because of certain identities, promoting specific things and having a specific audience for itSociety is one of the highest factors shown in the survey that has influenced and affected an adolescent’s wellbeing since it involves the individual’s peers and their judgements which can shape their decisionFamily and the workplace isn’t a big factor since they only enforced the role and expectation but it’s kind of not as strict as to how society and the media would portray itIn analysing this data. The following conclusions can be drawn:That gender stereotype involves a spectrum of factors, influences and considerations which impacts or affects an individual’s decisions and choices as to how they would live and be as an individual.In terms of how it affects the adolescent’s wellbeing, it causes mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety as well as feeling disappointed and guilty for the choice(s) they have made to live and be as an individual but their peers don’t feel the same.Society and social aspects have negatively affected adolescent’s wellbeing which can later be impactful.Some of the gender stereotype sis instilled from birth due to the parents parenting techniques and methodsThese were some limitations to this research which need to be explained. These include the details of how they were affected, it mentions physically, mentally etc but it doesn’t go into depth about those specific factors. As well as, there is not enough detail with the survey and data being collected but through the literature review I was able to support the question and answer it in depth. However, the evidence does support the claim that an adolescents wellbeing can be severely affected by society, the media, the workforce, their family & friends. The limitations to the research from the literature review involve whether it had directly affected the adolescent, the specific details of how that adolescent isn’t shown as well as what specific gender stereotypes have affected that individual. The results came out the way they did because of the audience which means that since the survey was somewhat invasive so it was probably kind of hard to answer the questions and there weren't many recipients that have answered my survey, but I have all the necessary answers. All the answers were what I expected except for the part where it says which gender had a stronger stereotype. The relationship between my results and question is that it includes parts of where the wellbeing is affected and the main demographic which is adolescents aged from 16-18.ConclusionThis research project was concerned with investigating the question of how gender stereotypes affect a person’s wellbeing which has impacted their decisions and how they were raised. The survey data tended to inform us about how adolescents interpret and are affected by gender stereotypes, which suggests that factors such as their family, the media, workplace and society are the major factors that have affected their wellbeing. Most of the interviews have said that they always have to conform to the gender stereotypes and are forced upon it which can affect their individuality and the decisions they make. The literature review data intended to give me some background research and how adolescents are affected by gender stereotypes through various articles and websites and they have conducted primary research For future research, I would manage my time properly and have a structured plan which I can follow throughout the process of completing this assignment. Since the question was quite broad it was easier to grasp what factors and influences contribute to the gender stretch at affect and adolescents wellbeing. The problems that occurred in the research was that there wasn’t a lot of information into actual studies in terms of how the gender stereotypes affected them either physically, mentally etc. with these issues in mind, I took a bit of extra time during the IRP to research and see what websites I can use to use for my background research. A final look at the results has successfully answered my question that adolescents are affected by gender stereotypes physically (changing hair and sexual organs), mentally (mental illnesses) and emotionally (depression, anxiety). From my research, it has suggested that adolescent’s feel less of themselves and their mental health could be compromised as a result. Since the media and society are the major factors in contributing and influencing gender stereotypes, it is easier if we let the individual live their life without any gender stereotypes instilled. As well as, the increasing amount of celebrities and influencers breaking the stereotypes such as transgender models, plus size and feminity and masculinity, this will help break the stereotypes.Bibliography Appendix AProject PlanResearch focus Question, Hypothesis or StatementHow do Gender Stereotypes affect an adolescent’s wellbeing?Statement of purpose:Explain what you hope your research will find or showState your question/hypothesisI hope for the research to show the variety of gender stereotypes that adolescents experience throughout their life. My question is How do Gender Stereotypes affect an adolescent's wellbeing?Background - explain your interest and experiences with this topicMy interest in this topic is how gender stereotypes have affected adolescents in the way they live and their wellbeing.Significance - explain why this topic and research is worth consideringThis topic and research are worth considering because this informs us about a specific age group between the ages of (16-18) about what gender stereotypes that they have experiences as well as how it has affected their wellbeing either physically, mentally, emotionally, socially and spiritually.Selecting appropriate sampling methods. I.e. Simple Random, Systematic, Cluster, Convenience, StratifiedOutline the information you will need to answer your question or prove/disprove your hypothesis. What sources of information will you draw upon? (statistics, literature, experts in the field)The sampling methods that I will be using are Cluster and Convenience methods. Which is helpful since I need only to have a specific demographic and I don’t really need a specific gender or amount of people to answer the survey. The information I will need is about how their family, media, gender stereotypes and/or their job which affect their wellbeing.Propose how the research will be conducted.How will you collect primary research data?How will you collect secondary research data?How will you select your sample group?How are you going to increase reliability and validity?How are you going to overcome bias?How will you overcome any ethical issues?How much time will you need?The research will be conducted by collecting primary data through surveys, questionnaires, and a literature review. I will research websites and studies for my secondary research. I will select my sample group based on my questions. My reliability and validity will be increased by looking at the results of my survey and having questions that are valid and reliable. Bias will be overcome by them stating it (in the survey). With ethical issues since there are big questions, I don’t think there would be any since it’s just their opinion. I will need 1-2 weeks to complete research.Time - submit a specific timeline for the research processConducting the researchCompleting the diaryWriting your report Conducting the research will be completed mid-way through the holidays and I will officially be completing the diary in week 3 as well as writing the report.Appendix BProject TimelineWeekLesson topicsTasks Completed7Research FundamentalsPurpose of ResearchFocus of ResearchSamplingBrainstorming methodologies and sample sizes as well as completing the Abstract.?Planning for ResearchTypes of DataSources of DataPicking the type of data (primary or secondary) as well as being quantitative or qualitative.?8Conducting ResearchReliability & ValidityEthical BehaviourProject Plan needs to be sighted by the teacher?Research MethodsQuestionnairesInterviewsCase studiesObservationsLiterature reviewsThe research methods that I will be using are a questionnaire, case study, survey and a literature review.?9Library Lesson - Literature reviewsI have used this lesson to create a draft for my survey and other methodologies.?10Start SurveyingI have started surveying and have received a total of 12 responses which has all contributed to my results.?1Interpreting ResearchI have interpreted my results and have started drafting my IRP.?2Working on Final Product mainly at homeFinal edits of the report and IRP?3Working on Final Product mainly at homeFinal edits of the repot and IRP?4Friday 22nd February 2020Assessment Task Due?Appendix CSurvey draft questionsWhat age bracket do you fall under?What is your gender?What gender stereotypes have you faced in your lifetime? List them below (e.g. males should be masculine and girls should be feminine)Has those specific gender stereotypes affected your wellbeing in any way? E.g. physically, emotionally, spiritually, socially and mentally. Be specificWhich gender do you believe has a stronger stereotype? Male or female? Why?Do you think that males or females have to change themselves to adhere to the gender stereotypes? ExplainDo you think the media contributes to gender stereotypes? E.g. dolls are for girls, cars are for boys. ExplainDo you think society contributes to gender stereotypes? E.g. Certain clothes such as suits are for males and dresses are for females. ExplainDoes your family support gender stereotypes? E.g. cleaning the house is for girls and mowing the lawn is for boys. ExplainDo you have a job? If so, have you experienced any gender stereotypes in the workplace? ExplainAppendix D Appendix E F Appendix G Appendix HCompleted survey by intervieweeWord Count: 4927 words (there was no word limit) ................

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