Stereotypes Exercise - Maura Cullen

Stereotypes Exercise

Ixta Menchaca


Newsprint (at least 7 sheets)



1. Tape up 7 sheets of newsprint around the room to create 7 different “stations.” Label each sheet with a different racial/ethnic group. (e.g. Latino/a/Hispanic, African-American/Black, Asian American/APA, Native American/American Indian, Caucasian/White, Arab-American, Biracial/Multiracial)

2. Divide large group into 7 smaller groups at each station.

3. Give them between 2 and 5 minutes to write down as many stereotypes of the group/station they’re at. After the designated time, have them rotate until they’ve been to every station.

4. Debrief.

Sample Debrief Questions:

1. How did you feel about this exercise?

2. Was it easy to come up with stereotypes? Hard? Was it easier/harder to come up with stereotypes for particular racial/ethnic groups?

3. How did you feel when you had to come up with stereotypes for a racial/ethnic group that you identified with?

4. Were you surprised with any of the stereotypes that were listed? Why?

5. Is there such a thing as a “good” stereotype?

6. What limitations are there to this exercise? (e.g. reinforces the idea of “race,” etc.)

7. How did the articles acknowledge stereotypes for each of these groups?

8. How did the articles refute stereotypes for each of these groups?

9. Did you know more stereotypes for a particular racial group than you did about their history (as described in the articles)? Why do you think this is?

10. How have each of these groups contributed to the multifaceted history of the United States in ways that defy stereotypes?

11. As a member of ResStaff, how can you help build a community that nurtures diversity?

12. As a member of ResStaff, how can you respond to stereotypes that “occur” on your hall or in the residence hall?

13. Any other unresolved questions/feelings/thoughts about the articles or the exercise?


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