The Outsiders Character Chart - WPMU DEV



Darry Curtis Sodapop Curtis

Two-bit Mathews

Dallas (Dally) Winston

The Outsiders Character Chart



20 Years old

16 going on 17

18 & ? Years old

Physical Appearance

Long light brown, almost red hair

Greenish-Gray eyes Small for his age with a good


Muscular Strong tall Cold Eyes like pale blue-green ice Handsome, looks like father Rarely smiles Movie star kind of handsome Not as tall as Darry, and

slimmer Reckless and thoughtful face Dark gold hair Lively, laughing dark brown

eyes Always grinning Oldest of the gang Six feet tall Long rusty colored sideburns Gray eyes Wide grin

Elfish face High cheekbones Pointed chin Sharp animal teeth Ears like a lynx Almost white hair it is so

blonde Messy hair because of no hair

oil or haircuts Blue, blazing-ice eyes cold

with a hatred of the whole world.

Personality/ Interests

Hates guys with green eyes Greaser Likes movies, reading books Gets good grades Has a high IQ/skipped a grade Doesn't use his head (common

sense) Loves Sodapop more than anyone Strict Harsh Has high expectations of Pony Always uses his head (logical

thinking) Parent role now that parents are gone Caring/demanding Understanding Always happy and grinning Never drinks alcohol Immature One of a kind Likes teasing his brothers, especially


Wisecracker of the bunch--always has to have the last word (or put in his opinion)

Can't stop making jokes Famous for shoplifting and his black

handled switchblade. Likes fights, blondes, and school

even though he doesn't learn anything and is still a junior. Always makes people laugh "Tougher, colder, meaner" than other Greasers. Wild, grew up on the streets of New York. Bitter Lies, cheats, steals, jumped small kids. Smart Demanded respect

Relation to Ponyboy

Ponyboy's Oldest Brother (Oldest Curtis Brother)

Ponyboy's second oldest brother (Middle Curtis Brother)

Oldest of the Greaser gang & Ponyboy's friend

The Outsiders Character Chart

The Outsiders Character Chart


Steve Randle

Johnny Cade

"Cherry" Valance Randy Anderson Marcia



16 (youngest of the gang)

16 or 17

17 or 18

Physical Appearance

Tall and lean Thick greasy hair combed in

complicated swirls

Smaller than the rest of the gang

Slight build Big black eyes Dark tanned face Hair is jet black and combed

to the side Very long hair that fell over

his eyes Suspicious looking/anxious Long red hair Dresses sharp Really good-looking

Semi-beatle haircut Light yellow shirt Wine colored sweater

Personality/ Interests

Cocky and smart Soda's best friend since

elementary Cars, can lift hubcaps quickly,

and he knows cars upside down and backward, and can drive anything on wheels. The gang's pet Seems like a kid brother Parents are always yelling at him or hitting him.

Cheerleader doesn't get to be who she really is,

has to hide her emotions Dallas Winston sunsets Cold Impersonal Hates Greasers

Rel. to Ponyboy

If he didn't have the gang, he wouldn't know what love and affection are

Pony's best friend

Met Ponyboy at the movies

A Soc Bob's girlfriend A soc Bob's friend Marcia's boyfriend

16 or 17

Short brown hair Dressed sharp Socy girl

Stuck up Giggles, silly sense of humor like


Meets Ponyboy at the

movies A Soc Randy's girlfriend


17 or 18

White shirt Madras ski jacket Three heavy rings on his

hand Blue mustang

Cold Impersonal


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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