The Four Cores of Credibility Self-Assessment

The Four Cores of Credibility Self-Assessment

Taken from The Speed of Trust: The One Thing that Changes Everything by Stephen M.R. Covey with Rebecca Merrill, FreePress, CoveyLink, 2006.

|As you read each set of statements in each part of the questionnaire, circle the number that best describes where you feel you are on the |

|continuum: 1 means you identify with the statement on the leftt, 2, 3, or 4 mark various positions in between. |

|Part 1 |

|I sometimes justify telling “white lies,” misrepresent people or situations, or “spin” the truth to get the results I want. |

|I don’t really care that much about people, except those closest to me. It’s hard for me to think about concerns outside of my own challenges |

|in life. |

|I feel like I am not really utilizing my talents in my current job. |

I don’t have a very good track record. My resume certainly won’t knock anyone’s socks off. |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |My track record clearly gives others the confidence that I will achieve desired results. | |I focus my efforts on doing what I’ve been told to do. |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |I focus my efforts on delivering results, not activities. | |When it comes to communicating my track record, either I don’t say anything (I don’t want to come across as bragging) or I say too much and turn people off. |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |I appropriately communicate my track record to others in a way that inspires confidence. | |I often fail to finish what I start. |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |With rare exception, if I start something I finish it. | |I don’t worry as much about how I get results – just that I get them. |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |I consistently get results in ways that inspire trust. | |

Part 1. Integrity ________ Part 2. Intent ________

Part 3. Capabilities ________ Part 4. Results ________

Total Score ________

Scores of 90 and above: High personal credibility. You demonstrate both character and competence and people tend to trust you.

Scores between 70 and 90: Bit of a credibility gap. This is probably manifesting in lower self-trust and some degree of failure to inspire trust in others.

Scores below 70: serious credibility problem. Demonstrates a need to focus on specific ways to make improvements.


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