HOMELINK STAFF - Lake Stevens School District

Table of Contents

HomeLink Program Guidelines

Belief/Mission Statements, Program Description, Student Learning Time 2

Writing the SLP, Quarterly Portfolio Conferences, Monthly Review 2-3

Intervention Plan, Family on Probation, Testing, Registration 3-4

Parent Participation, Visitors, HS Classes, Credit for 7th/8th-grade 4-5

HW, Dropping a Class, Grading and Progress Reports, Cheating 5-6

Attendance, Guidelines for Flex Funds 6-7

Instructional Materials, Parent Resources, Health Issues 8

PPP Participation, Places to Volunteer 9

HomeLink Policies

North Lake’s Code of Conduct, On-site Student Supervision 10

Play Areas, Toddler area, Restrooms, Closed Campus 11

Parent in Charge, Computers, Photocopies, Parking, 12

ID Badges, Background Check, Animals, School Lunches 13

Box Lunches, Field Trips, Sports Physicals, Visitors, Fire Alarms 14 Safety, Harassment

Non-Discrimination, Dress Code 15


District and State Tests 16

Optional High School Tests 17

High School Graduation Requirements 18

Operating Guidelines 19-20

HomeLink Program Guidelines


We believe that parents have the ultimate responsibility for their children’s education. Parents have a right to partner with public education programs to help them provide a quality education for their children in a safe, professional, family-friendly environment.


Our mission is to partner with parents and schools by offering access to educational opportunities that enrich, expand, or promote a child’s learning experience.


HomeLink is designed to provide families the best of both homeschooling and public education. Families who can document a minimum of 90 consecutive school days of successful homeschooling within the last two years may enroll fulltime or part-time.

To be considered fulltime, all students except Running Start students must average the following number of hours per week: Kindergarten -10 hours; Grades 1-3 – 20 hours; Grade 4-12 – 25 hours. Students may enroll part-time under homeschool status by completing the Declaration of Intent to Homeschool . Families work with staff to create a Student Learning Plan (SLP). In addition, parents and students meet each quarter with an advisor to update the SLP and present a portfolio of student work during their quarterly conference. HomeLink cannot provide special education classes. If your child needs special services, options will be discussed during a pre-enrollment interview.


Per Washington Administrative Code, all students are to meet weekly with a certificated staff member for the purposes of instruction, review of assignments, testing, reporting of student progress, or other learning activities. Attending a class taught by a certificated staff member meets this purpose. Students who do not have any classes with certificated staff members must meet each week with their advisor via phone, email or face-to-face contact. The meeting should be 15 minutes long for each 5-hours on the SLP, up to a 1-hour maximum.


Per District Policy, parent(s) or guardian(s) must participate in the development of their child’s SLP and are to supervise those portions of the plan directly related to off-site learning experiences. The parent is to meet with and communicate with the student’s advisor to evaluate the child’s performance and to review and update the SLP. For each quarterly conference, parents must create a progress report for each class they are teaching off-site. The certificated teacher has the responsibility for final approval of the plan and for monitoring the implementation of the plan and related student progress.

When you come to the initial SLP conference, please be sure to bring samples of the curricula you plan to use for any non-HomeLink course. You must bring samples of any published materials you are planning to use if they are not District-adopted curriculum. If you have questions about what curricula to use, then visit the Curriculum Center in Portable 1. Your child will not be able to attend classes until you have an initial SLP and any curriculum intended for use at-home approved by the staff teacher advisor.

The following items are REQUIRED before a child can attend class:





At HomeLink, we schedule one week each quarter to personally assess each child’s progress in depth. (All HomeLink classes are cancelled during Conference Weeks). Parents must come prepared for Quarterly Portfolio Conferences with a draft of any changes to the SLP that they wish to have made for the coming quarter and a completed portfolio illustrating and detailing their child’s accomplishments during the previous quarter in all subject areas. (The portfolio conference may also include your child’s accomplishments beyond the SLP.)

Students should have a minimum of the following number of reflections completed for each quarterly conference: (Reflection sheets are available on the website and in P1)

• Grades K-1 1 Reflection

• Grades 2-3 2 Reflections (include an offsite course, if possible)

• Grades 4-7 3 Reflections (include an offsite course, if possible)

• Grade 8 4 Reflections (include any course you are taking for credit)

• Grades 9-12 Complete a reflection for every course


Per State guidelines, “students enrolled in ALE programs, shall have their educational performance evaluated …at least once per month.” The review is to include direct contact between the certificated teachers, the student and the parent via conference, telephone or e-mail. Staff will document whether the student is making satisfactory progress and reaching the goals and performance objectives defined in the written SLP.


Per WAC 392.121.182 (6), if the student’s overall SLP is listed as unsatisfactory for a given monthly review, an Intervention Plan designed to improve student progress will be developed and implemented within 5 school days. (This plan is included in the last page of the SLP.) If the student is still not making progress, a plan needs to be developed and implemented that will more appropriately meet the student’s educational needs. In addition, a student may be placed on an Intervention Plan due to ongoing misuse of non-class time or inappropriate or disruptive behavior.


A family may be placed on probation for one quarter for the following reasons:

Reason 1: Not attending SLP conferences and/or quarterly portfolio conferences

Reason 2: Not completing the average number of learning hours on the SLP for any two months and/or having five (5) or more unexcused absences in a month.

Reason 3: Failure to adequately supervise student behavior. (Written Letters of Concern will be given to parents before a family is placed on probation.)


PLEASE DO NOT PLAN VACATIONS during the District/State-determined testing window. (Refer to the “Dates to Remember” document for general testing dates.) There are consequences to your child and HomeLink when State-mandated tests are missed.



We strongly recommend that your core subjects (reading, writing, math, social studies, science), take priority before signing up for the arts (music, drama, visual art), physical education, computer/tech, or world language classes. Your preliminary schedule will be discussed and approved by HomeLink staff at your initial Learning Plan conference.

Prerequisites for New Students

1. Complete all enrollment forms per checklist from the Secretary

2. Meet with a HomeLink staff member for program overview and select classes

3. Complete initial Student Learning Plan prior to the start of classes

Enrolling a Kindergarten Student

A kindergarten enrollee must meet the criteria for entering public school. Meeting the 90-day previous homeschooling requirement is not necessary. There are specific age requirements mandated by State and District policy for entry into school. Contact the Program Administrator if you have a child with a September birthday.

Parent Participation in Class

Family is welcome to OBSERVE in the rear of the classroom. If toddlers become restless, please take them to the Toddler Area in Portable 4. Parents may assist children in class if invited by the teacher, otherwise they should only observe. Non-enrolled siblings may not attend and participate in class, or be coached by a parent during teaching, unless this has been arranged with the teacher prior to the beginning of the quarter. Parents are asked not to teach over the teacher during class.

Siblings in class/Visitors in class

Younger siblings may be in the classroom if: (1) they are supervised by the parent or adult-in-charge; (2) they are quiet and respectful in class; and (3) the teacher gives permission for them to be in attendance. Students disrupting class will be asked to leave. A HomeLink student may visit and participate in a class that he/she is not enrolled in with prior permission of the teacher. A non-HomeLink visitor, with prior permission to visit from the Program Administrator or Lead Teacher, may only observe if the teacher invites or approves participation. All visitors must check in at the office first.

High School Classes for Credit

Off-campus Classes

In order to earn high school credit for a non-HomeLink class, students need:

• A course plan in the SLP with goals, curriculum, activities and assessments

• Time documentation (A log of 75 or more hours related to the plan)

• Prior approval (before the start of the class) from an appropriate staff member.

• A plan that meets District criteria for high school credit.

• Progress reports from the off-site instructor(s) at least every semester. (The credentials of any non-HomeLink instructor need to be provided, also.)

• At least one reflection per quarter to show their progress.

High School Credit for Seventh and Eighth Graders (optional)

If a 7th or 8th-grade student plans to earn credit for a qualifying high school class the student and parent need to complete the Request Middle School Coursework Transfer to High School Credit form prior to the start of the class. The course teacher and advisor need to know ahead of time if a student is seeking high school credit. The student is expected to meet all the same requirements as a high school student in order to qualify for credit. Once the request is made, the grade the student earns will go on the transcript, even if the student does poorly.


All classes have weekly assignments to complete beyond work done in class. Please check the Homework Notebook in P1 for assignments your child might have missed due to absences. When the teacher assigns homework, please be sure your child understands what the homework is and when it is due. Parents should use the Homework Notebook as a checklist to support their child’s academic achievement.

Assignments need to be turned in on-time. Late assignments not submitted directly to the teacher need to be turned in at the Homework Station in the Office. Use the form provided there to attach to the assignment. Especially for high school students, submitting late or incomplete work will affect course grades. Parents may wish to discuss any homework-related issues with the teacher. Any high school student having difficulty in a course needs to discuss the problem directly with the teacher.

Dropping a Class

Students dropping a class must complete the Drop/Add form. For high school students, courses dropped after the date listed on the form will be listed on the transcript with an F if the student was failing the course or with an NC if the student was passing.


Instructors will complete progress reports for all K-12 students each quarter. For high school credit classes, 75 hours of appropriate activity (per semester) must be documented as one of the requirements to earn credit. Outside instructors (Piano teacher, tennis coach, etc.) must also complete a progress report each semester and may need to provide extra proof of credit.


Willful copying of another person’s paper/project or published source with intent to present that work as one’s own work without proper recognition of the original source (footnoting, quotation marks, etc.) constitutes a form of cheating and is considered to be misconduct. Consequences may range from failure to earn credit for the particular paper or project to loss of credit and removal from class.


When a child enrolls in a HomeLink class, it is important for the parent and the child to be responsible in the following areas:

1) Promptness: If a child is late, he or she will be marked tardy. PLEASE make sure your child is on time for class.

2) Absences – if your child is unable to attend class for any reason, please call the HomeLink office prior to class and state your reason for the absence. Excessive absences will require a conference with the lead teacher and that a plan of improvement be developed. Reasons that a meeting will be required include: Two (2) absences from the same class in one month, five (5) absences from any combination of classes within one month, and/or three (3) absences from the same class in one quarter. Per RCW 28A.225, five (5) or more unexcused absences in one month, or ten (10) or more unexcused absences during the year qualify for probation and the possible filing of a truancy petition.


Examples of Excused Absences include:

□ A medical appointment that cannot be scheduled at another time.

□ Illness with fever (100.4 or above) and/or nausea and/or a contagious condition.

□ Parental approved activities (pre-approved by HomeLink administrator.)

□ Religious activities or religious holy days.

□ HomeLink-approved school activities or field trips.

□ Pre-approved vacation plans per Lake Stevens School District policy

□ Family emergencies, i.e., hospitalization, accident, death in family

▪ If your child is hospitalized or will be out of school for more than one week, please see your advisor or classroom instructor for make up work to keep your child current.

□ Transportation breakdown.

Consequences for excused absences

Students must work with their teachers to pick up the homework that they missed and bring it to the next class so that they can turn it in on time. It is the student’s/parent’s responsibility to get all missing assignments and bring completed work to the next class. (Work that was due on the day of the absence must be turned in as quickly as possible. Do not wait until the next class to turn it in.)

Excused absences do not include:

□ Oversleeping; Choosing not to attend; Skipping class; Truancy

Consequences for unexcused absences

Students are not guaranteed full credit for work related to an unexcused absence.


The HomeLink program, when possible, maintains a flex fund for “extra” expenditures related to Student Learning Plan requirements. (A full-time kindergarten student is eligible for half the flex funds of a full-time student in other grade levels.). The budget amount available in the flex fund depends on monies remaining after costs related to staff, instructors, curriculum, furniture, equipment, copy machine, and supplies, etc. have been encumbered. Thus, the amount available can fluctuate throughout the school year depending on student enrollment and changes in the Student Learning Plans. The Parent Advisory Committee will work with the Program Administrator to assess the fund balance and recommend allowable expenses on a quarterly basis. HomeLink students who are full-time District students but attend another Lake Stevens School District school may qualify for a proportionate percentage of flex funds based on their HomeLink FTE. Part-time students may also qualify for a proportionate percentage.

• Flex funds can only be used to purchase instructional materials. The cost of materials that become the property of the student are not covered. Before any purchase is made, staff will verify that suitable materials are not already available in the curriculum library in P1.

The state of Washington will no longer allow Districts to reimburse parents. If you wish to purchase materials to meet your Learning Plan Goals, HomeLink must purchase them on your behalf.


Instructional Materials

Curriculum Center

All non-consumable materials and resources remain the property of the School District. When the student is finished with the curriculum paid for by the District or withdraws from HomeLink, any non-consumable item MUST be returned to HomeLink. If a book checked out to your family from the HomeLink Curriculum Center has been lost, you must pay for the book or replace the book before the end of the school year. If you do not do so, HomeLink must hold the student’s records, and/or not allow registration for HomeLink classes until the fine is paid. Please return the exact item paid for, no substitutions. If you choose to keep the items you purchased through program funds during the current school year, a check or cash for the total amount with sales tax must be paid to HomeLink.


HomeLink’s Curriculum Center is located in Portable 1 next Robin’s desk. Please check to see if we already have the materials you are planning to use. We can only order materials that are approved per District guidelines and that can be purchased by using a District purchase order.



A Certificate of Immunization Status is required for all students.

Inoculation requirements by age are available through the HomeLink office.

Health Needs

If your student has asthma, diabetes, seizures, uses an epi-pen or has been in the hospital within the last two (2) years, you need to complete a health questionnaire for our school nurse. Please see the school Secretary for further information.

Health Screenings

All new students and students in grades K, 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 are required to have a quick health screening that includes a vision and hearing assessment.

Students in grades 5, 7, and 9 are screened for scoliosis. A school RN will conduct the assessments. Parents may be present during the screening of their children.

Note: HomeLink has many students and staff members who are extremely sensitive to the chemicals and fragrances. Please do not wear fragrant perfumes, colognes, etc while on the HomeLink campus.



WE REQUIRE PARENTS TO VOLUNTEER! If you are First Aid/CPR or Food Handler certified, please notify the office. If you would like to be First Aid/CPR certified, contact the Fire Dept. For Food Handler’s certification, contact the Snohomish Health Dept.

Since this is a Parent Partnership Program, we require parents to participate in a minimum of three (3) hours per quarter (per family) in any of the activities listed below. Every adult volunteer on-site is required to bring their Volunteer Application form (with photo ID) to P1 for a WSP Background Check before volunteering in any capacity with children. (There is no cost for the form.) School District policy requires any adult working in the school environment in any capacity to complete this form. You can obtain a clean copy of this form from the Secretary in Portable 1. Return the application to a staff member as soon as possible. (The form is good for two years.)


1. Area Supervision

a. Supervise play areas for student safety and to ensure that our students do not interfere with North Lake PE classes or recess

b. Portable 4 – Monitor appropriate use of area.

c. Portable 3 – Maintain quiet study environment and assist students with their assignments as needed.

d. Computers in Portable 3 – Adult supervision is required for computer and printer use. Use computers only for educational purposes

2. Housekeeping

a. Maintain the refrigerator and microwaves – Clean them out weekly

b. Maintain parent bulletin board in Gathering Room

c. Recycling – Flatten boxes and collect used paper, cans, bottles, etc.

d. Grounds – Pick up trash, do some weeding, maintain the grounds

e. Classroom Maintenance – Stack chairs, wipe off tables at day’s end

f. Gathering Room – Stack chairs, wipe off tables, pick up trash

g. Toddler Area – Sanitize toys, remove garbage, clean dishes

h. Study Areas – Straighten & wipe tables, stack chairs, put away books

3. Tutoring

a. Help a struggling reader

b. Assist students with math problems

4. Fund Raising (Help collect and process)

a. Haggen’s receipts, Campbell soup labels, Target receipts

b. Box Tops for Education, Recycle ink printer cartridges

5. Special Events (Help plan, organize and/or lead)

See “Dates to Remember”

6. Staff Support

a. Photocopies,Office help, Mailbox distribution, Scholastic orders

b. Classroom assistant

c. Monthly sign-in sheets, Bulletin boards


1. North Lake Middle School and HomeLink Three Rs


I will be punctual and prepared for classes, listen carefully, ask pertinent questions, participate actively, and complete all assignments.


I will behave and cooperate in ways that help me and others feel safe, respected, and cared about. I will treat others as I would like to be treated.


I will take pride in the care of my school. I will care for my belongings, respect the property of others, and take care of school property.

Important: NO hats allowed anywhere on the North Lake campus during school hours for anyone. This includes in HomeLink portables and classrooms, too. The only exceptions would be announced ahead of time.

2. On-site student supervision

• K-5 students must have an adult supervisor on site at all times.

• Continuing 6th-12th grade students may have the privilege of being on-site without a parent supervising them IF they are in good academic standing, they show responsible and respectful conduct while on site, and they are using site time appropriately. Time between classes, other than 30 minutes for a lunch break, should be spent engaged in learning activities or participating in adult-supervised meetings and activities.

• Middle and High school students new to HomeLink need to have a parent on-site for the first 30 days of enrollment and receive a Certificate of Independence before they can attend classes at HomeLink without adult supervision.

• If a grade 6-12 student is disrespectful, disruptive, irresponsible, unsafe or misuses site-time then a parent or approved adult will be asked to stay on site with them. Any HomeLink adult can provide a student with guidance or re-direction as needed.


i. Students who are disruptive or behaving in an unsafe manner may be warned by any teacher. Please indicate the appropriate behavior. “Please do not run. You need to walk on the ramps.”

ii. Parents of students who continue to display disruptive or unsafe behaviors may receive a warning notice called a Letter of Concern. If warnings are ignored and the student misbehavior continues, the parent(s) and student may be asked to meet with the Lead Teacher or Program Administrator.

iii. Students with continuing performance, behavior, or misuse of site-time issues will be placed on an Intervention Plan.

a) Play Areas on the North Lake Campus

Please do not send your children out to play without adult supervision. NO student (grades K-12) should be in the play areas listed below without adult permission and supervision. Your children may be supervised by another parent, but only if you have spoken with that parent and received his/her acceptance of your child(ren)’s care. At no time are HomeLink students or siblings to interfere with North Lake PE classes or sports.

• Play Equipment: Parents may check out play equipment from P4, but lost and/or destroyed equipment will be need to be replaced by the responsible party.

• Paved Area: HomeLink has been designated the paved area directly in front of Portables 5 & 6 for our use. Basketball, catch, four square, jump rope, hopscotch, etc. are appropriate for this area.

• Grassy Areas: The grassy areas behind the portables may be used for supervised play for younger students.

• Softball Diamond: When the diamond is not being used by North Lake PE classes, HomeLink may use the diamond for kickball or softball with appropriate equipment and supervision.

• Track and Field: The track, when not being used by North Lake PE classes, is a great place to walk, jog, or run. A HomeLink parent or may check out the key for the track area from the Office. The field is also available when not scheduled for use by North Lake.

b) Toddler Area

Part of Portable 4 has been established as a Toddler Area. This area is for all pre-K non-enrolled siblings and is equipped with toys, books, chairs & a table. A parent must always be supervising children in this area. A changing table is available in the girls’ restroom in the 500 Building. Please remember to clean up toys, etc. in the Toddler Area before leaving for the day.

c) Restrooms

Restrooms are available on the east end of the 500 Building. Please supervise any children under school age when they go to the restrooms. Avoid using the restrooms during North Lake passing times.

d) Students Leaving Campus

• HomeLink must maintain a closed campus at all times.

• If a student has no more classes for the day, he/she may leave for home if he/she will not be returning to the campus.

• Students with 60 minutes or less between classes should not leave campus for lunch. Bring a lunch or purchase one from the cafeteria.

• Students in grades K-12 may leave campus with a parent or adult in-charge.

• Students may NOT leave campus in groups between classes or wander the North Lake campus without adult supervision.

e) Students Supervised by Non-Parent Adult

Students are occasionally left on campus in the care of a non-parent adult. These PICs (Parent in Charge) should be listed on your child’s emergency card. The adult must know ahead of time that he/she is to supervise your child(ren). If your child will be arriving or leaving with another parent, please contact the office and/or send a note with your student.

f) Running

Do not run in the portables, classrooms, hallways, or on the ramps. Please remind students and younger siblings to walk. Any parent may politely instruct any child to go back to the starting point and practice walking.

g) Computers

□ Students using computers must be supervised at all times.

□ The primary purpose for use of school computers is educational!

□ The Internet is for educational use only (parents included). The Lake Stevens School District Internet Policy must be read and signed by parents and children prior to the use of the Internet.

□ Computers are for the use of enrolled students first. Parents and non-enrolled siblings may use computers if there are no enrolled students waiting, and must relinquish the computer if an enrolled student needs it.

□ Parents may use the computers for Student Learning Plans, for accessing educational websites, and for other program-related purposes.

□ Printing information from the computer is for class-related purposes.

□ No food or drinks will be allowed by the computers.

3. Information Central

Please check your mailbox whenever you enter HomeLink. Remember to sign in and out whenever you are here. Scan the Announcements and Notices Bulletin Board in Portable 1 and check the notebooks at the Homework Station as necessary to review directions for current assignments or missed homework assignments. Portable 1 has bulletin boards with notices on several topics. Sign up sheets for special activities, workshops, and field trips are found there, also.

4. Photocopies

The copy machine is in Portable 1. Please monitor your copies carefully and be sure they are needed for your child’s Learning Plan. Also, be aware of copyright laws. Avoid printed waste. Students are not allowed to use the copy machine unless staff has trained them.

5. Parking

HomeLink has designated parking areas, at the SE and NE corners of campus.

Avoid the NorthLake bus loop between 7&8am and 2 to 2:45 pm. Be sure that your

children avoid this area at all times. Handicapped parking is available in this lot.

Photo ID Badges

All students and adults are to wear an ID badge or nametag while on site. Because we are sharing the campus with North Lake, parents and students need to be identifiable as belonging to HomeLink. Just inside the doorway to Portable 1, there is a sign in sheet and name labels for guests.

Sign In!

All visitors need to report to Portable 1 to sign in when they arrive. 6th-12th grade students and parents also need to sign in/out on the clipboards in the office.

Washington State Highway Patrol Background Check

Every adult volunteer on-site is required to bring their Volunteer Application form (with photo ID) to P1 for a WSP Background Check before volunteering in any capacity with children. This is policy for all parents helping in Lake Stevens schools and is in place for the safety and security of all people at HomeLink.

Here are other steps you need to take to keep yourself and your child(ren) from harm:

o Only leave your child(ren) with someone you really know.

o When you leave your child(ren) with a Parent In Charge, have that parent sign the PIC sign-in/out form.

o Take young child(ren) to the restroom. Do not let them go alone. Report suspicious/inappropriate behavior to administration, teachers, or parents.


No animals are allowed on HomeLink or other school District property, including paved areas and fields. If an animal is to visit a class as part of a specific learning activity, staff pre-approval is required and staff and students need a one-week notice prior to visit. (Due to health and safety regulations.)

Eating and School Lunches

• The Gathering Room in Portable 4 is the primary location designated for eating.

• Food is NEVER allowed by the computers.

• The refrigerator is available for daily use, but not for long-term food storage.

• Microwave ovens and a toaster oven are also available for preparing meals.

• Please clean up after yourself, including wiping tables, throwing away all garbage or uneaten food, and sweeping or vacuuming the floor if necessary.

• Please bring labeled cups and silverware for your family’s use and store on the Gathering Room shelves. HomeLink does not supply cups and silverware.

• There are two water dispensers—one with hot and cold spigots and one with just cold. Room 500 has a sink that may be used for washing dishes.


Box lunches

Box lunches for adults must be ordered by 9 AM of the day before the lunch is needed. Call 425-335-1616 or e-mail boxlunch@lkstevens.wednet.edu . Students may not order box lunches but can get regular-price or free and reduced price lunches in the cafeteria. (Please see the Secretary for free/reduced lunch info.)

Field Trips

It is a more rewarding experience if parents attend field trips with their children, but we know that this is not always possible. If your child(ren) would still like to go on a trip that you cannot attend, it is your responsibility to find a parent enrolled in the program who is willing to chaperone your child(ren) during the trip. All permission slips must be completed PRIOR to the field trip. (Include plans to participate in field trips in your SLP.) Sign up for field trips in P1. Field trips should NOT be scheduled when participating children have classes at HomeLink. Please try to schedule trips on Mondays or Fridays or during after-school hours.

Sports Physicals

If your child plans to enroll in a physical activity class at HomeLink, or join District sports activities, please have him/her complete a sports physical during the summer. Forms are available at the Education Service Center.

Visitors/Non-enrolled Students

Visitors are welcome at HomeLink, but must abide by the written District policy. Prior permission is required from the teacher and the Program Administrator and/or Lead Teacher before a visitor may visit classrooms.

Fire Alarms

If you know a fire alarm is false, please notify staff immediately. In the event of a fire alarm, please exit quickly and quietly to the fence beyond the softball diamond as posted on the evacuation diagram. Evacuation procedures are posted throughout the portables and classrooms. HomeLink in cooperation with North Lake will conduct a monthly fire drill, earthquake drill, lockdown drill, or shelter-in-place drill.

Safety: Drugs, Alcohol, and Firearms; Bullying and Harassment

Every student has the right to feel safe and secure at school. The Lake Stevens School District has a no-tolerance policy regarding the possession or use of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco on school property or at school events. Consequences will include suspension or expulsion. In addition, exceptional misconduct such as vandalism, theft, assault, bullying, sexual harassment, physical or verbal harassment or possession of an object that can reasonably be considered a weapon will result in suspension or expulsion. Possession of a firearm or other dangerous weapon on any school property is illegal. Students who violate district policy regarding possession of a firearm or weapon will be subject to discipline that includes a one-year mandatory expulsion from school. School officials shall notify the student’s parents or guardians and the appropriate law enforcement agency of known or suspected violations of this policy. LSSD Policy 5570, RCW 9.41.280.


Lake Stevens School District complies with all State and federal rules and regulations and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, gender or disability. This policy is true for all students interested in participating in educational programs and/or extra-curricular activities. Inquiries regarding compliance and/or grievances may be directed to the school District’s Title IX RCW 28A.640 Officer, section 504 Coordinator and/or ADA Coordinator.

Dress Code

Items of clothing that are unacceptable for school include those that:

• Promote or glorify the use of alcohol, tobacco, drugs or gangs

• Portray, promote or encourage illegal actions, activities or substances

• Demean, harass, threaten, exploit or ridicule individuals or groups of people

• Contain profanity or refer to or depict obscene gestures, actions or messages

• Are tank tops unless covered by a shirt, sweater or jacket. (Sleeveless shirts are permitted as long as they cover the entire top of the shoulder.)

• Are excessively revealing. (Exposing chest, stomach, navel, buttocks or underwear.) There may be no gap between the waistband and the hem of the upper garment.

• Hats may not be worn on school grounds. Hoods may not be worn inside buildings. (Exception: young children wearing snow hats during winter recess.)

Consequences for code offenses are as follows:

1st Offense: HomeLink will provide clothing to cover up

2nd Offense: Student is sent home to change clothes.

3rd Offense: Parent must remain with student for his/her classes for one week.



The District and the State have a comprehensive standardized testing program designed to assess what students know and can do at each grade level. The test results provide achievement and performance data that compare progress for the individual student as well as for all students by school, District, and State. HomeLink parents and staff can utilize the data to get a picture of each child’s learning strengths and weaknesses in order to amend Student Learning Plans and select appropriate curricula.

Writing Assessment

Students in all writing classes will participate in classroom-based writing assessments at least once per year. Students not enrolled in writing classes may also participate and compare their progress to the grade-level standards.

Reading Inventories

All schools are expected to conduct reading fluency checks and/or reading inventories in the fall/spring. HomeLink will do reading assessments in the fall for students in grades 2, students who are new to the program and students who have been identified as “at risk”. In the spring, we will assess students in grade 2, and any students who are experiencing reading difficulties.

Students in all reading classes will also participate in District classroom-based reading assessments at least once per year. HomeLink students not enrolled in reading classes may also participate so that they have a way to measure their progress by grade-level standards.

Math Assessments

Students in all math classes will participate in District classroom-based math assessments at least once per year. HomeLink students not enrolled in math classes may also participate so that they have a way to measure their progress by grade-level standards. (It is also important to conduct frequent timed tests at home to ensure student mastery of basic facts and computational processes - counting on fingers or taking more than three seconds per fact does not demonstrate math fluency.)



High school students have the opportunity to take the PSAT/SAT (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test) or the ACT (American College Test) to qualify for post-high school education programs; the NMSQT (National Merit Scholarship Qualification Test), to qualify for a potential scholarships (10th graders may take the test for practice, 11th graders may take the test to qualify); and/or the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery). You do not have to plan to enlist in the armed services in order to take this test. Students interested in qualifying for college and for scholarships should contact the Lead Teacher who will coordinate arrangements for testing with the Lake Stevens High School guidance staff.

Tests for the College Bound

Sat I - Scholastic Assessment Test The SAT is usually taken in the early fall (October or November) of the senior year. A number of juniors take the test in the late spring (May or June) and take it again in the senior year. The test is given seven times per school year at various locations in the area. Registration materials may be obtained in the LSHS Guidance and Counseling Center and should be obtained well prior to the test date selected as postmark registration deadlines are frequently over a month prior to the test date. This test or the ACT is required for admission to almost all four year colleges.

SAT II - Subject Tests The College Board offers 16 different one hour subject tests which are basically designed to measure knowledge of particular subjects and the ability to apply that knowledge. Many colleges require or recommend one or more of these tests for admission or placement. The SAT I is usually taken on a test date prior to taking the SAT II. Registration procedures are similar to the SAT I.

ACT - American College Test The ACT consists of four tests, a Student Profile Section, and an Interest Inventory which is completed when registering for the test. The test is normally given five times per school year.





For the class of 2015, Lake Stevens students must:


Students must take and earn credits in the following areas: (1 Sem. = .5 credit)

4 credits English

3 credits Mathematics

2 credits Science

3 credits Social Studies

2 credits Health and Fitness Education (1 semester of health and 3 sem. of PE)

1 credits Visual or Performing Arts

1.5 credits Career Technology Education

7 credits Electives


**Students must pass the Reading and Writing High School Proficiency Exam (HSPE), or a state-approved alternative.

**Students need to pass one state math test or a state-approved alternative.

**Students need to pass the Biology EOC or a state-approved alternative.

** Students have a total of four chances to retake the state tests during 11th and 12th grade and only have to retake the tests they did not pass. Students who have the skills and knowledge but still do not pass state exams can use a state-approved alternative after attempting the state assessments at least once.


Students complete this form to outline their plan for life after high school.


Throughout high school, students maintain a portfolio with written reflections about their learning experiences. In the senior year, students make a Culminating Project Presentation before a panel. The presentation asks students to reflect on their high school careers and demonstrate their skills through reading, writing, speaking, production and/or performance.

EXPERIENCE COMMUNITY SERVICE Students are expected to complete 15 hours of community service each year, and must complete a minimum of 45 hours in order to graduate. The type of service should relate to student interests and help them learn about possible careers.

WASHINGTON STATE HISTORY Students are required to take Washington State History during 7th or 8th grade. If a student does not meet this requirement during 7th or 8th grade, then the student must take Washington State History during the high school years (9th-12th) or the student will not be allowed to graduate.

Lake Stevens School District

2014-2015 HOMELINK



1. Operates as an alternative school under WAC 392-121-182 ALE Requirements. Consistent with the State Constitution, the HomeLink program is non-sectarian.

2. Recognizes the parent as the primary teacher and works as a resource to ensure a high quality learning experience for each child consistent with the expectations of the student’s family and the State’s current grade level learning standards.

3. Enrolls current homeschooled students with parents who are committed to partnering with HomeLink in their child’s education. Families who can document a minimum of 90 consecutive school days of successful homeschooling within the two-year period prior to enrolling in HomeLink may enroll their student(s) fulltime or part-time.

4. Interviews each family to establish an understanding about the school and to develop a Student Learning Plan (SLP). This written plan designates the average weekly time commitment for each content area and includes the learning goals/activities, curriculum resources and assessments needed for the plan. Parents are encouraged to work with the advisor to include courses taught at home in the Student Learning Plan.

5. Requires parents to be on campus when their children in grades K-5 are on campus. (Parents of new students must be on-site with their children in grades 6-12 for the first 30 days.) Parents who need to leave campus while their child is in class should choose another parent to be the Parent in Charge (PIC) while they are gone. (The PIC and student both need to know the plan, and the office should know when you plan to return and how to contact you in an emergency.)

1. Encourages parents to attend classes with their students. Parents should talk with the teacher for guidelines about when and how to participate in class…and when to just observe quietly. Teachers may require a parent to be in the classroom when the child’s behavior/academic performance is not acceptable. (Sitting in class does not qualify as volunteer hours. Teachers can verify volunteer hours when you complete projects.)

2. Allows students in grades 6-12 to earn a “Certificate of Independence” and attend classes without requiring a parent to be on campus. Students must have good attendance, behavior and academic performance. Independence can be revoked if the student is failing a class or has one “Letter of Concern” placed in their file. If Independence is lost, the parent needs to be on site with the student for 30 days. Students with Independence must stay in supervised areas when not in class. (Students who have Independence must attend orientation – or have a parent attend - to keep Independence for the next year.)

3. Verifies with a parent signature on each monthly review that the student has met the average weekly time required by the SLP. The direct weekly contact requirement is met when students attend HomeLink classes. Parents are also required to meet or email or call their child’s advisor each month concerning the student’s progress.

4. Requires parents to volunteer, on site, a minimum of three hours per quarter, per family, in classrooms, on parent committees, or on program projects. In addition to the behaviors a student must display to earn a Certificate of Independence, the parent must complete and document volunteer hours each quarter for a student to be independent.

5. Allocates program funds for the purchase of educational services and resources, with the approval of the HomeLink administration, when these resources are determined to be necessary for completing the goals of the SLP. Only district-approved, non-sectarian services and resources may be purchased with program funds. All non-consumable materials are returned at the end of the course as property of the HomeLink program.

6. Gives priority for new enrollment to students living in the Lake Stevens School District. Requires a non-resident transfer request form for each student who lives outside the Lake Stevens School District boundaries. This form is obtained from the school district where the student lives and is submitted for approval to the district and is only for attendance at HomeLink.

7. Involves parents on an advisory committee to oversee the operation of the HomeLink program and make recommendations in the selection of each program staff member.





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