North Perrott Parish Council Meeting

North Perrott Parish Council MeetingMinutes of the meeting (held virtually) on Tuesday 4th May 2021, 7.00pm Present: Cllr’s B Reader (Vice-Chairman), A Edwards, S Coate and D McWilliams and L Gibbons (Parish Clerk).Members of the Public: FourAnnual Meeting1. Election of Chairman – J Hoskyns was nominated and elected unanimously2. Election of Vice Chairman – B Reader was nominated and elected unanimously3. Declaration of acceptance of office for Chair, Vice Chairman will be signed Chairman’s report for North Perrott Parish Council year ending 4th May 2021As in the past, I review the minutes of the last year’s meetings before writing my report. This time last year we were just exiting the first Corona Virus lockdown and here we are again, for the third and hopefully last time. The sad news of this time last year was the passing of Enid Hawes. Hopefully, there will be a fitting memorial this summer?Have we all got used to Zoom meetings by now? I think the novelty has probably worn off and while I made comment about council work continuing at a reduced level, I’m rather sorry to have missed what I hope is the last Zoom meeting for some time. Hopefully the next time the Council convenes, it will be face to face.Despite not being able to meet in groups, the Council did continue operations in the last 12 months. Some projects were completed, some new one’s initiated and one or two remain on-going. Not just because of Covid, but as a useful leap forward in IT, the village website was redesigned and rehosted last September. A primary aim is to centralise information about the village and also to disseminate important information and events within our community. Helena Sturridge has been instrumental in co-ordinating a drive to use social media more effectively and has just completed her first edition of the Village Newsletter. This time last year, the community response to the threat of Corona Virus was approaching its peak. A small group of organisers, assisted by a larger selection of willing volunteers (not just from North Perrott put also neighbouring villages) had clubbed together to assist the elderly and less mobile conduct vital tasks of shopping, collecting medicines, and sometimes just having a chat. What was achieved in the first period of lockdown for the households that the Government labelled “at risk”, was nothing short of extraordinary and the residue of the generosity at that time is still evident now, even though at a thankfully much lower level.During the year we had thought the flooding under the bridge on Pipplepen Lane might have been remedied. Sadly not yet and this saga looks like entering it’s second decade on our agenda! On a hopefully more successful note, ?1,250 was raised by Cllr Allan Edwards towards the cost of a SID, which I hope will be installed this summer. For those of you who may not have noticed, Cllr Steve Coate has some good news regarding the refurbishment of the telephone box and that will shortly become the new home for the defibrillator and village information. The closing of the A365 at Misterton has had a dramatic impact on the levels of traffic coming through the village. Hopefully that work will be completed soon, but the 20’s plenty campaign has certainly had some effect on the speed of HGV’s coming through the village. When traffic reverts to normal levels and the SID has had time to bed in, we shall have to see if there is a requirement to apply for a permanent 20mph limit.Planning activity continues despite lockdown with two applications for multiple houses at either end of the village being turned down (one at appeal). Many smaller applications were considered during the year, but the large Solar Park at Pipplepen Farm has yet to be formally registered on the SSDC planning portal. As soon as it is, the Council will consider its response.I must thank my fellow Councillors for their support and work over the last 12 months. Even more special thanks to Lucy our Clerk, who has led from the front during this period of social distancing. Always one step ahead regarding changing legislation and advice for Councils and mastering the organisation of Zoom Meetings.Looking forward to the next 12 months, let us hope we get our freedom back and use it wisely. Jonathan HoskynsChairman, North Perrott Parish Council4th May 2021Public Open Forum: No matters were brought for discussion.Apologies for Absence: Cllr J Hoskyns, D Cllr O Patrick and C Cllr M KeatingMinutes of last Meeting 02/03/21: Approved and signed as a true and proper recordMatters Arising: NoneDeclaration of Interest: NoneC Cllr M Keating’s report – As circulatedD Cllr O Patrick’s report – As circulated Planning: a) Planning applications: Noneb) Planning applications received after publication of the agenda: Nonec) Planning Application considered prior to the meeting: Noned) Planning Decisions: To replace a portable storage unit with a larger storage unit, Cricket Ground and Pavilion Willis Lane North Perrott Crewkerne Somerset TA18 7SJRef. No: 21/00347/FUL,?Status: ApprovedThe flexible use of an existing car park to also serve holiday units proposed on land to the south within Dorset,Pipplepen Farm Pipplepen Lane South Perrott Crewkerne DT8 3HSRef. No: 20/03550/FUL,?Status: ApprovedWe have been notified by SCC, that they have used their delegated powers to recommend approval of an application to install two pedestrian gates on public footpath Y 19/22. Councillors felt that there was no need to comment on this application.Finance: Payments approvedL GibbonsClerk salary/expenses Mar/Apr?308.90S CoatPhone box refurbishment?425.00Came and CoAnnual Insurance premium ?374.41We have received this years precept payment of ?5402.b) Annual Accounts and Bank Reconciliation (as circulated): The accounts have been circulated for Cllrs to review. These were agreed.c) Approval of the Annual Governance Statement: The Statements from the External Audit document were read, agreed and will be signed.d) Approval of Accounting Statement: The details were read, agreed and will be signed.e) Agreement to Appoint Internal Auditor: Richard Keylock Accountancy Services will be appointed as the Internal Auditor. It was agreed that he was independent and competent to carry out this audit.f) Agreement to the certificate of exemption (AGAR 20/21). As the expenditure and gross income are under ?25k, this was agreed.Downclose Lane widening/curbing update: No further update. AE offered to speak to JH to offer his support, to see if we can move this forward. Bridge at Pipplepen Lane: There is no further update on this. C Cllr M Keating is chasing this regularly for updates from Network Rail.Phone Box refurbishment/Defibrillator: Work is complete. Thanks were offered to SC and his son, for a fantastic job. The Defibrillator is still available outside of the Farm Shop. It will be re-located to the phone box as soon as we have purchased a secure cabinet with thermostatic frost protection. This should cost under ?200. SC will liaise with JH. They were authorised to go ahead with the purchase once they are happy that this is the best solution. A heated cabinet costs around ?500.20’s plenty campaign: J Bradley has offered to head up a campaign to get a 20mph speed limit and also a weight limit on HGV’s put in place throughout the village. A greater police presence was also discussed. LG will contact G Hoskyns to ask if the Speedwatch group can request this. Highways Update: Nothing new to report.Neighbourhood Watch: It was reported that a new Hermes delivery drive has walked into the homes of at least two residents of NP. Jason Bradley offered to contact Hermes to take this matter up with them and discuss our concerns.Speed Watch: Speedwatch sessions are now happening regularly. G Hoskyns has been busy training the new group members. A PSCO attended the session at the end of April, and although no speeders were recorded, he has agreed to try to attend sessions more regularly. The amount of traffic recorded has nearly tripled, since the diversion from Misterton was put in place.Speed Indicator Device: We have received ?1300 in donations towards the purchase of the SID. There is no news on our application to the Police Community Fund for ?1000. We need to seek permission from SCC for site locations but agreed that we should go ahead with the purchase of the SID as soon as possible. BR and DW agreed to discuss the best way forward with JH.Broadband: There is currently still insufficient interest to proceed with an alternative broad band service. We have been contacted by Wessex Internet, who have been awarded a contract by Connecting Devon and Somerset, to to deliver ultrafast full fibre broadband to selected properties and businesses in parts of rural South Somerset. LG will invite their representative to speak at our July meeting.Anti-social behaviour: We have not received any further information regarding anti-social behavior taking place in Pipplepen Lane. J Bradley raised a concern regarding the amount of litter and in particular plastic that is being discarded around the village. H Sturridge offered to work with J Bradley to see if they can arrange for a group of volunteers to carry out a litter pick. SSDC will support this by providing equipment and if necessary, picking up the rubbish that is collected.Matters to report / Correspondence: Councilors’ were asked to review our policies and regulation documents. We will add this to our July agenda.The next Parish Council meeting (Annual Meeting) will take place on: Tuesday 6th July 2021, 7.30pm ................

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