The Coming Financial Collapse And The Coming Of The Lord

The Coming Financial

Collapse And The

Coming Of The Lord

By Apostle J.P. Timmons April 15, 2012


I've not written about this in several years but feel impressed to do so now because many Christians have fallen back asleep and the Church has continued on its way--sliding into perdition. It's interesting to note for those who have the Eye of the Eagle the similarities between America, Israel of the Bible and the Church. All of these have a "common denominator" (the one true God) or several "common threads." These being:

1. Worship (former worship) and honor of Jehovah God. 2. Rebellion against God and His laws. 3. Treatment of the poor and helpless. 4. Worship of idols, particularly money and materialism. 5. All three have had civil wars; the Church is still involved

in its Civil War

6. Refusal to repent, even in the face of God's obvious judgments. Instead of repenting, the Church and America--like Israel of the Bible--have hardened their Hearts and defied God. There is no fear of God in the Church.

So many scriptures, particularly in the Old Testament, are so very relevant to both America and the Church. Of course it is the duty of the Church to preserve America but instead of being a preservative to the godly culture established by our founding fathers, like Israel and Judah of the Bible, most of the Church has become a prostitute and pursued "many lovers" such as money and fame. This has resulted in there being little difference between the Church and the world.

This was again vividly brought to my attention yesterday morning in a vision I received from the Lord. I was attending a church and I was wearing a suit and tie but I was barefooted in the vision. The church was sparsely attended. It was a typical sanctuary of pews and aisles that would seat about 300 people but there were only about 40-50 people there. I was walking in an aisle behind a pew where one man was seated at the end and at the other end, lying crumpled in the corner was a hymn book. It was so badly crumpled that it was almost in a ball even though it was one of the hard back type hymnals I grew up with as a Methodist and Baptist.

I turned down the main isle leading to what would be the pulpit and altar at the center of the church (few churches have an altar today, hmmmm?) but instead it led to the bathroom. I entered the bathroom and noticed a razor sitting on the sink but there was no shaving cream. Then the vision ended.

This is an easy vision to interpret but rather than give the interpretation I am encouraging you to meditate on it and send me your interpretations.

Now you must understand that I do differentiate between the Church and the Bride--they are not the same. In fact there are three divisions in the Body of Christ--three is God's perfect number. The Bride would never do the things most of the Church does--she is the real Queen of Heaven (not the power Ashtaroth of the Dark Kingdom who calls herself the "Queen of Heaven") and like the Proverbs 31 bride only does her husband "good." The Lord Jesus told my wife back in 1998 that He "would never marry Himself to a prostitute."

Now you may not believe the Bride and the Church are separate but there are many scriptures that show there is a difference and I will briefly mention one that the Lord has been reminding me of again for the last few months since the Spirit asked me to go back and concentrate on the

things Jesus said in the Gospels, no doubt because He wants me to see something new here.

"Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten Virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the Bridegroom. Now five of them were wise, and five were Foolish. Those who were foolish took their lamps and Took no oil with them, but the wise took oil in their Vessels with their lamps. But while the bridegroom was Delayed, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight a Cry was heard: `Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out To meet him!' Then all those virgins arose and trimmed Their lamps. And the foolish said to the wise, `Give us Some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.' But the Wise answered, saying, `No, lest there should not be Enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, And buy for yourselves.' And while they went to buy, the Bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in With him to the wedding; and the door was shut. Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, `Lord, Lord, open to us!' But he answered and said, `Assuredly, I Say to you, I do not know you.' Watch therefore, for you Know neither the day nor the hour n which the Son of Man is coming." Matthew 25:1-13

Now it's quite obvious that these ten virgins represent the Church because they were all waiting for the Bridegroom; nobody in the world or any other religion is waiting or

looking for the Bridegroom. It is also obvious that the oil represents the Holy Spirit as He is often represented in the Scriptures as being oil, i.e., the virgin olive oil for the lamps commanded by the Lord to Moses for the Tabernacle. And don't forget this part, the fire of God was never to go out. Remember, Eli's sons were judged and put to death by the Lord not only because they were wicked but also because they allowed the Lamp of God to go out (1 Sam. 3:3); they did not replenish the oil.

So clearly there is separation here in the Body of Christ and the distinguishing characteristic between "wise" and "foolish" has to do with the wise having more oil, perhaps a reference to the Baptism of the Holy Ghost or Baptism of Power as we refer to this third work of Grace, than did the foolish virgins.

We are definitely in the season of this event, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and so we should be prepared and do all that we can to be numbered in the Bride so that we can escape all these things which are coming upon the earth--earthquakes, nuclear wars, massive death and destruction.

Now concerning the USA, I would refer you back to my vision on 911 recorded in Revelations From God, Vol. I, p. 49. This vision depicts the eventual attack on Washington, D.C., by a Muslim army and although it was not in the vision, I


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