Instructional Timeline – 11th Grade U

|Instructional Timeline – 11th Grade U.S. History – 2nd Nine Weeks |

|Unit 5 – Boom and Bust |

|Roosevelt and the New Deal (18) |

|Suggested Time Frame: ≈ 4 block days |

|Description |The New Deal begins, the election of Roosevelt, creation of alphabet agencies, the fireside chats, rise of populist dissent with Huey Long, |

| |the Liberty League and the Court Pack. |

|Assessment |Semester Exam Benchmark Test Chapter Test Section Quizzes Classwork Group Work Homework Role Play |

| |Exercise Puzzles Presentations Research Paper Individual Project Socratic Dialogue Participation |

|Essential Questions |What are the enduring benefits and problems created by the New Deal? Did most of the New Deal agencies achieve their goals? Why is the |

| |Social Security Act an important piece of legislation? How did the New Deal change attitudes toward government? |

|Core Components |TEKS/SEs |Specifications/Examples |

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| |(2)(1) History. The student understands traditional |Depression 1929-1940 (Crash of stock market, Great Depression, New Deal, FDR) ; |

| |historical points of reference in U.S. history from 1877 | |

| |to the present. The student is expected to: | |

| |(A) identify the major characteristics that define an | |

| |historical era; |Tested dates may include: |

| |(B)(A) identify the major eras in U.S. history from 1877 |1929, and |

| |to the present and describe their defining | |

| |characteristics; | |

| |(C)(B) apply absolute and relative chronology through the |1929: Stock Market Crash, Beginning of the Great Depression |

| |sequencing of significant individuals, events, and time | |

| |periods; and | |

| |(D)(C) explain the significance of the following dates | |

| |years as turning points: 1929 (the Great Depression | |

| |begins) | |

| |15)(14)(12) Economics. The student understands domestic |the expanded role and power of the federal government |

| |and foreign issues related to U.S. economic growth from |Effects – Unemployment, hunger, business and bank failures, Republicans voted |

| |the 1870s to 1920. The student is expected to: |out of House and Senate, unpopularity of Hoover, shift of Black voter to |

| |(16)(15)(13) Economics. The student understands |Democratic Party |

| |significant economic developments between World War I and | |

| |World War II. The student is expected to: | |

| |(B) identify analyze the causes of the Great Depression, | |

| |including the impact of tariffs on the decline in |Effectiveness limited, but democracy in US was preserved when it was lost |

| |worldwide trade, buying stock on margin, the stock market |elsewhere in the world. Brought in big government era. |

| |speculation crash, and bank failures, and actions the |Expanded role of the federal government - the U.S. gov’t. became the largest |

| |flawed monetary policy of the Federal Reserve System; |single employer in the country. State governments lost power |

| |(C) analyze the effects of the Great Depression on the | |

| |U.S. economy and society government, such as widespread | |

| |unemployment and deportation and repatriation of people of| |

| |European and Mexican heritage and others; | |

| |(D) compare the New Deal policies and its opponents’ | |

| |Herbert Hoover’s and Franklin Roosevelt’s approaches to | |

| |resolving the economic effects of evaluate the |Sample agencies and programs may include (but not limited to): |

| |effectiveness of New Deal measures in ending the Great |Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, |

| |Depression; and |Social Security. |

| |(E) describe analyze how various New Deal agencies and | |

| |programs, including such as the Federal Deposit Insurance |Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Securities and Exchange Commission, |

| |Corporation, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and |and Social Security, TVA, NLRB |

| |the Social Security Administration, continue to affect the|Expectation that government should step in during economic crises or when the |

| |lives of U.S. citizens. |people are suffering. |

| |(21)(20)(17) Government. The student understands the |Franklin Roosevelt's attempt to increase the number of U.S. Supreme Court |

| |impact of constitutional issues on American society in the|justices, |

| |20th century. The student is expected to: | |

| |(A) analyze the effects of 20th-century landmark U.S. | |

| |Supreme Court decisions (B) discuss historical analyze |Impact –each branch of government became more aware of the fragile yet important|

| |reasons for the adoption of 20th-century constitutional |nature of the checks and balances ideal; Include recent examples of checks and |

| |amendments why to amend the constitution . has been |balances at work, e.g., confirmation by Congress of executive office dept. |

| |amended; and |chiefs |

| |(C) evaluate constitutional change in terms of strict | |

| |construction versus judicial interpretation. | |

| |(19)(18)(15) Government. The student understands changes | |

| |over time in the role of government over time. The student|Judicial Reorganization Bill, “Court packing plan” |

| |is expected to: | |

| |(A) evaluate the impact of New Deal legislation on the | |

| |historical roles of state and federal governments; | |

| |25)(23)(20) Culture. The student understands the |Photography: Dorothea Lange |

| |relationship between the arts and the times during which |Architecture: Frank Lloyd Wright |

| |they were created. The student is expected to: | |

| |(A) describe how the characteristics and issues of various| |

| |eras in U.S. history have been reflected in various genres| |

| |works of art, music, film, and literature such as the | |

| |paintings of Georgia O'Keeffe and John Steinbeck's The | |

| |Grapes of Wrath; | |

| |Vocabulary |

| |Public works – Bonus March – Gold Standard – Fireside Chats – |

| | |

| |Deficit spending – Binding arbitration – Broker State |

| | |

| |The Roosevelt Recession – Court Pack – Polio |

|Recommended Lessons |Recommended Lessons - PowerPoint: New Deal and the WPA New Deal Lesson Plan |

| |New Deal DBQ |

|Differentiation | Special Education – all differentiation per SPED modifications and requirements |

| | |

| |TAG - differentiation according to TAG mandates. To include: |

| |independent study, |

| |alternative projects in lieu of test |

| |in depth reading |

| | |

| |504 – All differentiation according to student needs as specified per 504 committee. |

| | |

| |ESL – All differentiation aligned with both ELPS guidelines and state mandate. To include: |

| |small group instruction, |

| |sentence stem activities, |

| |HIS, |

| |T-Chart-Pair and Defend. |

|Instructional Resources|Books or Readings – First Fireside Chat, Grapes of Wrath |

| |Videos - United Streaming: Packing the Court (2:51), United Streaming: Men of Our Time: Franklin D. Roosevelt |

| |Websites - |

|College and Career |I |

|Readiness Standards |1-ABCD 2-AC 3-ABC 4-ABC 5-B 6-B |

| |1-AB 2-B 3-B |

| |1-AD 2-ABCEF 3-ABC |

| |1-A 2-AB |

| |1-A 2-AB 3-C |

| |1-A 2-A |

| | |

| |II |

| |1AB 2-AB |

| |1-ABC 2-A 4-AC 5-ABC 6-ABC |

| |III |

| |1-B 2-AB 3-AB |

| |1-B |

| | |

| |IV |

| |1-AB 2-ABC 3-ABC 4-ABC 5-AB 6-AB |

| |1-AB 2-AC 3-ABC 4-ABC |

| |1-ABC |

| |1-AB 2-AB |

| |V |

| |1AB 2-AB |

| |1-ABCDEF |

|Essential Questions |Unit V |

| |Chapters 15, 16, 17, 18 |

| |The Red Scare resulted in all of the following actions except: |

| |The government summarily deported many radicals who were not citizens |

| |Mobs committed acts of violence against supposed radicals |

| |State governments arrested and jailed hundreds on sedition charges |

| |the federal government arrested thousands for possession of explosives and weapons |

| |the “noble experiment” of prohibition resulted in all of the following developments except |

| |a substantial reduction in drinking in some regions of the country |

| |the creation for a very larger force of government agents to enforce the la |

| |the rise of organized crime |

| |the continued defence of prohibition by rural, Protestant Americans |

| |the Great Depression was caused by all of the following factors except: |

| |too few Americans were able to purchase goods produced by American industries |

| |some of the major banks did not have enough reserves to withstand an economic downturn |

| |American industries and banks were not involved in the European economy |

| |There was an overwhelming misdistribution of wealth |

| |Between 1929 and 1932, farmers in the Dust Bowl experienced all of the following problems except: |

| |A decline in rainfall |

| |Rapidly rising prices |

| |Overproduction in agriculture |

| |Losses of land to foreclosures |

| |The rise of labor unions in the 1930’s was due to all of the following causes except: |

| |The increased support from the federal government |

| |The increasing influence of skilled workers in unions |

| |The decline of welfare capitalism |

| |The declining status of business leaders |

| | |

| |“every piece of work in the shops moves: it may move on hooks on overhead chains……it may travel on a moving platform or it may go by |

| |gravity, but the point is that there is no lifting or trucking of anything other than materials” |

| |Henry Ford, 1924 |

| |What revolutionary manufacturing method is Henry Ford describing the the excerpt above? |

| |Assembly line |

| |Micromanagement |

| |Quality assurance |

| |Cottage industry |

| |President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal was a program designed to: |

| |Prevent the onset of the Great Depression |

| |Control big business |

| |Combat the effects of the Great Depression |

| |Restore the Gold Standard |

| |In his first month in office, Franklin Roosevelt restored public confidence in the banking system by: |

| |Devaluing the American dollar by 75 percent |

| |Persuading Congress to pass the Emergency Banking Act which permitted good banks to continue to operate |

| |Issuing an executive order requiring all banks to reopen within two weeks |

| |Insisting that hoarded gold not be deposited in banks. |

| |The 19th Amendment |

| |Gave women the right to vote |

| |Prohibited alcohol |

| |Reduced the income tax |

| |Repealed prohibition |

| |The new philosophy of the New Era of the 1920’s focused on: |

| |Family |

| |Religion |

| |Individualism |

| |patriotism |


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