Hereford Market Auctioneers - Hereford Market Auctioneers ...

1514475-51435000 -352425142875MARKET REPORTFRIDAY 19TH MARCH 202100MARKET REPORTFRIDAY 19TH MARCH 2021-361950324485PRIME HOGGS – 980 Auctioneer - Greg ChristopherJust under 1,000 Hoggs with trade ending the week in style, with Friday again proving an excellent day to market sheep. A show in general of Hill types with few better bred Hoggs on show. Heavy Hoggs topping at ?146, others to ?142.50 twice and several pens trading from ?135 to ?141 to include several heavy Welsh Tups. A small show of Export Hoggs, but these dearer than the previous day, seeing pens trading 290 – 300p/kg topping at 304.0p/kg for a bunch of 42 Suffolk cross Hoggs ?124.50 (41kg) from Mr K J Davies. Hardier bred types from 270-285p/kg depending on meat. A large proportion of light weights, these as ever in Builth market all meeting a terrific trade with the better hoggs 275 to 285p, with only the lighter and leaner types from 250 to 265p.Crossbred lights from 285-300p/kg, Hill Hoggs from 260-275p/kg for the well meated 28kg plus hoggs, several under 27kg Hoggs but all meeting with strong competition with those averaging 244p/kg up to 256.8p for a large bunch of 25kg speckles at ?64.20.More Hoggs needed each week with demand for 1,500 Hoggs every week with excellent support from our loyal purchasers.PRIME HOGGS SQQ Average 280.8 p/kgTop price ?146.00 for hoggs grading 80 kg TOTALNO.sLIGHT 25.5 – 32. 0 STANDARD32.1 - 39.0MEDIUM39.1 - 45.5 HEAVY 45.6 - 52.0+ HEAVY 52.1 - >PREMIUMPRIMEPREMIUMPRIMEPREMIUMPRIMEPREMIUMPRIMEPREMIUMPRIMEPRIMEHOGGS980300.0265.4296.8281.0303.7286.7296.7270.6261.7228.4Top p/kgTop ?/head VendorKg?p/kgVendorKgKJ Davies41.0124.50304.0EJW & ME Griffiths 80.0146.00WJ,AJ, PM & JK Christopher30.5 91.50300.0EJW & ME Griffiths 60.0142.50J Pugh39.5118.00298.7S & GL Jones55.5142.50R Parry44.5132.50297.8R Parry70.0141.00M Williams43.0128.00297.7KA & SE Davies77.0140.50TW Jones & Son38.0112.80299.2G Jones & Co53.5140.00J Pugh46.0136.50296.7KA & SE Davies 60.0138.50MA & B Lewis45.0133.50296.7JAV Mills & Sons53.0138.50W R Protheroe36.5108.20296.4T W Jones & Son48.0 136.80S & GL Jones41.0121.50296.4J Pugh46.0136.50J B Jones34.0100.50295.6GJ & A Lewis53.0135.50T W Jones & Son42.0124.00295.2R Parry53.0134.5000PRIME HOGGS – 980 Auctioneer - Greg ChristopherJust under 1,000 Hoggs with trade ending the week in style, with Friday again proving an excellent day to market sheep. A show in general of Hill types with few better bred Hoggs on show. Heavy Hoggs topping at ?146, others to ?142.50 twice and several pens trading from ?135 to ?141 to include several heavy Welsh Tups. A small show of Export Hoggs, but these dearer than the previous day, seeing pens trading 290 – 300p/kg topping at 304.0p/kg for a bunch of 42 Suffolk cross Hoggs ?124.50 (41kg) from Mr K J Davies. Hardier bred types from 270-285p/kg depending on meat. A large proportion of light weights, these as ever in Builth market all meeting a terrific trade with the better hoggs 275 to 285p, with only the lighter and leaner types from 250 to 265p.Crossbred lights from 285-300p/kg, Hill Hoggs from 260-275p/kg for the well meated 28kg plus hoggs, several under 27kg Hoggs but all meeting with strong competition with those averaging 244p/kg up to 256.8p for a large bunch of 25kg speckles at ?64.20.More Hoggs needed each week with demand for 1,500 Hoggs every week with excellent support from our loyal purchasers.PRIME HOGGS SQQ Average 280.8 p/kgTop price ?146.00 for hoggs grading 80 kg TOTALNO.sLIGHT 25.5 – 32. 0 STANDARD32.1 - 39.0MEDIUM39.1 - 45.5 HEAVY 45.6 - 52.0+ HEAVY 52.1 - >PREMIUMPRIMEPREMIUMPRIMEPREMIUMPRIMEPREMIUMPRIMEPREMIUMPRIMEPRIMEHOGGS980300.0265.4296.8281.0303.7286.7296.7270.6261.7228.4Top p/kgTop ?/head VendorKg?p/kgVendorKgKJ Davies41.0124.50304.0EJW & ME Griffiths 80.0146.00WJ,AJ, PM & JK Christopher30.5 91.50300.0EJW & ME Griffiths 60.0142.50J Pugh39.5118.00298.7S & GL Jones55.5142.50R Parry44.5132.50297.8R Parry70.0141.00M Williams43.0128.00297.7KA & SE Davies77.0140.50TW Jones & Son38.0112.80299.2G Jones & Co53.5140.00J Pugh46.0136.50296.7KA & SE Davies 60.0138.50MA & B Lewis45.0133.50296.7JAV Mills & Sons53.0138.50W R Protheroe36.5108.20296.4T W Jones & Son48.0 136.80S & GL Jones41.0121.50296.4J Pugh46.0136.50J B Jones34.0100.50295.6GJ & A Lewis53.0135.50T W Jones & Son42.0124.00295.2R Parry53.0134.507766058397240PRIME LAMBS SQQ Average - 201.3p/kgTop price ?102/head for lambs grading 54kg00PRIME LAMBS SQQ Average - 201.3p/kgTop price ?102/head for lambs grading 54kg9124958561070PRIME LAMBS SQQ Average - 201.3p/kgTop price ?102/head for lambs grading 54kg00PRIME LAMBS SQQ Average - 201.3p/kgTop price ?102/head for lambs grading 54kg10083809571355PRIME LAMBS SQQ Average - 201.3p/kgTop price ?102/head for lambs grading 54kg00PRIME LAMBS SQQ Average - 201.3p/kgTop price ?102/head for lambs grading 54kgCULL EWES – 438 Auctioneer – Greg ChristopherOne of the dearest trades seen in Builth market !!! Simply unreal especially when the majority of Ewes were Hill bred and Mules. Texel’s to ?155 from WJ,AJ, PM & JK Christopher, other good Texel cross ewes trading from ?124 to ?140. Mules to ?122.50 with no end of Mules ?100 to ?116. Suffolk cross ewes to ?126, with any strength ?105 to ?125 throughout.The Hill ewes also crashing over ?100 with Speckles to ?112.50 with other pens of Speckles also over ?100. Plenty of the stronger Welsh and Speckles ?85 to ?95.Smaller Welsh and Speckles from ?75 to ?84.50, with the leaner types again looking the dearest from ?60 to ?80 depending on strength. The very small ewes and plain nearly all ?35 plus.Rams topped at ?125, other good rams over ?100, Hill Rams from ?50 to ?80.Average ?84.04/headContinental ? 155.00Suffolks ? 126.00Welsh Mules ? 122.50 Speckles ? 112.50Welsh ? 95.00 Cull Rams ? 125.00Cull ewe ear tags - All cull ewes and rams must have FULL EID TAGS to be sold in Builth Market******************************B.M.A. Ltd. Market Office, Builth Wells, Powys LD2 3EDTel: 01982 553228 ~ bma@FACE COVERINGS MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES IN THE MARKET47625-104775A Designated FAT MARKET ~ GREEN MARKET STATUSBUILTH MARKET AUCTIONEERSWEEKLY FRIDAY PRIMESTOCK SALESWeighing from 7.30amSale at 12.15pm All trade enquiries to Greg Christopher - 07770 972815Hayley Price - 07813 644306CHANGE OF DATE FOR EASTERNo Sale on Good FridayWEDNESDAY 31st MARCH PRIME HOGGS, PRIME LAMBS, CULL STOCKWeighing from 1 p.m Sale at 4.30 p.m.All trade enquires:Greg Christopher 07770 972815Hayley Price – 07813 644306 00A Designated FAT MARKET ~ GREEN MARKET STATUSBUILTH MARKET AUCTIONEERSWEEKLY FRIDAY PRIMESTOCK SALESWeighing from 7.30amSale at 12.15pm All trade enquiries to Greg Christopher - 07770 972815Hayley Price - 07813 644306CHANGE OF DATE FOR EASTERNo Sale on Good FridayWEDNESDAY 31st MARCH PRIME HOGGS, PRIME LAMBS, CULL STOCKWeighing from 1 p.m Sale at 4.30 p.m.All trade enquires:Greg Christopher 07770 972815Hayley Price – 07813 644306 GRASS KEEP55 Acres of Grassland at Dolberthog Farm, Dolberthog Lane, Llandrindod Wells, Powys, LD1 5ED Available from 1st April 2021 to 31st October 2021 Sheep Only Tenders to be received by 12 Noon Friday 26th March 2021 All enquiries and Details from Greg Christopher or Builth Market Auctioneers, Builth Wells, LD2 3EDTel: 07770 972815Office: 01982 553228________________________8 Acres at Beulah, Llanwrtyd Wells, Powys Available from 15th April 2021 to 31st December 2021 Available in two Lots - Sheep Only Tenders to be received by 12 Noon Friday 9th April 2021All enquiries and Details from Greg Christopher or Builth market Auctioneers, Builth Wells, LD2 3EDTel: 07770 972815 Office : 01982 553228_____________________________Lo HEREFORD MARKET AUCTIONEERSTUESDAY 30th MARCH11 A.M. - BREEDING EWES, IN-LAMB EWES, COUPLES & STORE LAMBS REARING CALVES – 10.30 a.m.WEDNESDAY 31st MARCHPRIME LAMBS – 10 amCULL EWES – 11 amTHURSDAY 1st APRILCATALOGUED SALE OF STORE CATTLE STOCK & FEEDING BULLS COWS & CALVES, BARREN COWS - At 11.00am(Entries close Wednesday 24th March)For all enquires regarding entries for sales, please contactGreg Christopher 07770 972815 Matthew Nicholls 07811 521267 Rob Meadmore 07774 763971Richard Hyde 07977 467165 ................

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