Stock Market Crash - Mr. Rosentel's Website

Stock Market Crash

I really enjoyed doing the stocks activity. My role was to be a banker. I was there in case some average Joes were either out of money or wanted to take up a loan. At the beginning I started up with a good amount of money. Then loans were taking by some people. I had the opportunity to have them pay interests but I didn’t. I do believe that I might have made a little bit more money if I had made them pay interests. On the second day I lost a good amount of money because I decided to buy stocks and as a bank I was really low on money which I believe was a really bad thing. I then decided to sell my stocks for a higher price which gave me a little bit of extra money. I was then back in business taking up loans and holding money for many people. I think that my business would have went on a little better if I had start with making the people pay interest. It would have also been a good thing if I had never bought any stocks because by buying the stocks I lost a lot of costumers because I couldn’t sell the back quick enough. But overall I believe that I did I a pretty good job being a banker.

Great Depression Journal Entries

June 21, 1931

Well my friends call me Johnny, and I am a farmer. I live off my own families crops. We do not own the land, we finance it, and so we pay a little interest every year depending on how much we sell and how good the land was to us during the year. If there is a drought, then we end up paying less, but we still pay.

We have to deal with droughts sometimes. The droughts kill our crops and then we don’t sell as much. And no one could buy our crops because, well no one had any money to buy it with. We did not have any money either so we bought our items by trading for things. Our children aren’t going to school because we need them on the fields.

I hear they are going to raise the crop prices in a couple years, but I don’t see how it will help anyone. It will not help because everyone is already poor. It would mess up the whole economics, more than it already is.


August 8, 1931

Dear Diary,

Today is August 8, 1931 and I live on Time Period Ave and I just woke and got in and out the shower and out the door to go to the bus stop there I was waiting for the bus when John Jacob came and said hi we both got on the bus together I work on the railroad while he worked some place else I didn’t get the name of the place but it was intriguing I was there at work think about the job that john had men wouldn’t I like a job like that but how can a low class guy like me get a job like that.

12:00 noon it my lunch brake there I was on my way to the drug store I notices that the drug store was out of business where am I going to get my food where am I going my medicine where am I going to get any thing I’m a low class guy that cant shop at a high class drug store what are we going to do. My lunch brake was over and I went back to work I was there and then ten minutes before it was time to switch the boss man was calling people one by one in his office then it was my turn into the office and he told me the he had to let me go and I was like what do you mean by letting me go and he said I was fired.

Later that afternoon I was going home thinking about what I’m going to do next my whole day went wrong because I got fired and that the drug store that I use to go to was shut down. And I don’t have a job, no store to go to no nothing. But then John Jacob Jinglehimer smith came by my run down house witch was getting evicted because I was paying rent. Yea but john was tell me that he told his boss that I’m a hard working man and that he wanted to interview me and see if I can get a spot where John woks at.


March 7, 1933

Dear Presidential Diary,

It feels good being the president of the United States of America, it is a real honor that the people voted for me. Like right know I am writing this diary with a gold pen. I also like that nickname everybody has started to call me F.D.R, its kind of stylish and has a nice ring to it. Anyways, I also live on the whitest house on the block and have high security too, for those bums who want a piece of me. There are a lot of rooms in this house to and a bunch of paintings and pictures of former presidents. Another thing was my chef made some real good food today. On my first 100 hundred days in office I will quickly try to bring immediate relief to the people of America. I think I will start this around March 8th or 9th. Today I found someone who agreed on the great depression with me, his name was Mr. Hoover, he was the former president of the United States. He saw the Depression as partly a matter of confidence, caused in part by people no longer spending or investing because they were afraid to do so. The first thing I did for my relief fund was the continuation of presidents Hoover's major relief program for the unemployed under a new name; the new name was the Federal Emergency Relief Administration. I have also expanded Hoover’s agency and made the reconstruction finance corporation and I have made a major source of financing to railroads and industry. I am also trying to keep my promise to the people of America and I am going to cut the regular federal budget which includes veteran’s benefits and the overall military spending. And I am trying to keep my promise of the push of the repeal of prohibition. I guess that’s it for today diary and I guess I will write in you later.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt ________________________________________________________________________

June 6, 1933

My name is Kirsten. I am only seven years old. I have two brothers and one sister. We don’t really have any place to stay. My mommy took us here into this room and told us only to go here and the kitchen. She said to never go into the potty room. I don’t know why but there is a funny color on the bathroom floor. It looks like red. Mommy never liked red.

There isn’t a lot of stuff to eat and my tummy is rumbling. I know Mommy will help us find food. Today I saw her leave with two men. Mommy said to never talk to strangers but its okay because they gave her money. They must be really nice people to give her a lot of money because Mommy and Daddy lost all their money at the stock market.

My daddy goes to the tall gates with the other people who don’t have jobs. I haven’t seen him all day. He used to work at a factory. Mommy worked at a small store. They are both gone for a really long time. Daddy doesn’t come home until I’m already in bed. He is really sad. He is sadder than mommy. Mommy says Mr. Roosevelt will make Daddy’s sadness go away. He says, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”. I give Daddy lots of hugs. Last night I stayed up for daddy and saw him in the bathroom. He was crying and I wanted to give him a hug but he was busy finger painting on the wall. I guess he wanted to cheer up. Finger painting always makes me happy. I hope he gets better. I miss him.


June 23, 1933

Today is June 23, 1933, and I am still working for that no good Mr. John T. Rosentell, and he is a real jerk I mean it’s been years without slavery and I am feeling like one. At less I get paid but not enough and I believe I will reach an agreement with him to get a good size house next to my work place, plenty of food, supplies, and water so I can drink and every once in a while bathe in it but still get paid same time an hour witch it’s not enough these day. It’s just not fair. I live in a little hut with little room, small supple of food each week, little pay, and little water. I am going to go up to Mr. Rosentell and demand the things I need and am his best worker and if he doesn’t pay me, am not afraid to walk.


June 6, 1934

Today is June 6, 1934 and I got and idea to write in this journal about some of the trial and tribulations that have occurred in my life. Hello my name is David A. Garcia I was born in was born in Alice, Texas on August 18, 1925. I am the third child out of six. My family consists of three boys and three girls plus my mother and father. Since I’m only nine right now I spend most of time doing farm work and playing with my siblings.

Today is just one of one of that day I would like to forget. Today has been raining all day and usually when it rains I play with my brother and sisters but since it was my turn to work on the farm, I had to help my father to protect the crops it’s been raining for a couple of days and we have to make sure that the crops don’t get flooded. We are farmers and without any crops we don’t have any source of food or income. We were out there every half an hour trying to save the crops. It was just exhausting didn’t have anytime to do anything that I wanted


February 26, 1935

It’s February 26 1935. My name is Aniela savaga. I am the second woman from the left. Today was a very rough day. I wasn’t on the farm today so I had to cook for Mr. Hill. I had to get another job because I wasn’t making enough money to be able to survive. I pray to god everyday that it’s going to get better at some point. I do believe that my life will get better. I challenged myself and decided that I was going to push myself really hard in order to make this work. I lived in a small little house which was just enough for me to live in for a awhile but I was hoping that I would find something better, and I knew that god would be taking care of it so I had no worries.

Let me talk a little bit about the great depression. The great depression was a very big hit among many people. By 1933 millions of Americans were out of work. It was a really hard time for many people. I had a very good friend during the depression and she went through some pretty rough times. He name was Mrs. Martha L. she was one of my best friends. Her mother died during the depression. She was really sick but she didn’t have any money to afford buying her the medicine that she needed. She tried her hardest to get a job so that she could give her the funeral that she would have deserved. She had already saved up some money but she had others plans for that money. She decided that she was going to use that money for her mother’s funeral. She now had to find a job so that she could make just a little bit more money. She got a job cleaning someone’s house which gave her a little more money. It still wasn’t enough for her but she was finally able to put together a funeral that her mothers would have really liked even though it wasn’t the greatest, she was still kind of proud of herself. She really loved her mother. I also knew her mother a little bit and I believed that she was the sweetest person I have ever met.

During the great depression many business, houses closed their doors, factories shut down and banks failed. The farm incomes went down to about 50 %. By 1932 at least one out of every four Americans was unemployed. I also had another friend that was in a pretty bad situation. His name was amid. He was one of the small number of male friends that I had. He was a single father which was really hard at the time. He had a very good job but when the great depression hit, his company closed their doors and he was left unemployed. He had to find a quick way to get back o his feet because he had is little son to take care of. Many times I was the one who took care of his son while he was out looking for work. Months later he finally found a job and was able to take care of his son again which made me very happy. It was a really tough time but we got through the worst of it and for that I was very thankful.


January 10, 1938

Yesterday wasn’t a great day I woke up this morning and no one was home. I didn’t know if my parents went to work or if they just went out all I know is that they didn’t leave me any food or money. I was really hungry when I got up but I was just hoping that they would come home soon. So that when I just decide to see if anyone was outside. So I just walk up the street to see if anyone was there but there wasn’t anyone up the street. So then I walk back home and just waited for my parents to come home or if I find any food I hope.

(Latter that night) I didn’t have anything to do. I was like bored out of my mind and I didn’t know what to do so then I just started to walk again and I keep on walking where I might billy my friend from down the street and I asked him where he was going he told me that he lose his dog last night he ran out of the yard some how. So the he ask me if I wanted to go with him to look for his dog and I said sure. So then that when the dog hunt started. We went to the people that lives next to him to see if they know what happened. So then they didn’t so we were looking around all town asking people if they seen Billy’s dog and no one seen the dog. So that when we started to following people and we didn’t see nothing. And so that when we got to his house and he told his mother and father that he lose the dog. That when Billy parents told him that they dog had to get put to sleep because it was getting sick and old. Billy didn’t look to happy after that. That’s when I told myself its time to leave.

The next morning I woke up and then walked in to my living room. So I looked around my mother and father weren’t there they were out like always but the good thing was that they lifted food for me. I was so happy because I didn’t really eat a lot yesterday so I am happy because it was so good food too. Then I eat it all and then I walked outside and everyone out there and I was just happy because all of my friends are out there and I ate a lot of food. So then we just were sitting there and then everyone talking about what they should do today and that when I said lets go look for something in the woods and that what we did that whole day and we found money and so other little things. P.S I had a good day talk to you tomorrow!


Date Unknown

I am called John Jacob Jingleheimersmith. I was born in like 1909.I was one of many brothers and sisters. I am Asian and live in the like west coast. Thats a little bit about me.

I am called Metagross. We did not have restrooms like we do now. The rich people had restrooms in their homes. During the Depression, things were so difficult, that we would take a case of eggs to the grocery store on Saturday to buy some groceries, and the grocerer didn't have any money to buy the eggs, but he would trade us in coffee, salt, pepper, stuff that we had to have. I went to school up to third grade and that is it. I know how to read and write, but that's about it. After I learned to read and write, I was sent to work in the field with my brothers and sisters.

In this picture I am standing in line for a meal. I ran low on food, so i needed to get something to eat. I have a job now shining and cleaning shoes. I am going to save this money to give to my children, so they wouldnt have this like i did. I get was like getting from a penny to a nickle for each shine i made.

New Deal Essays

American Federation of Labor

Did American federation of labor help or destroy America?

I think that it help America because they made an alliance that all labor workers could go to if they need or needed to know anything the alliance was called the America federation of labor. They went on strike to make better wages for the workers. They organize the union but the labor workers skill level.

They formed an alliance (America federation of labor) The founding convention of the American Federation of Labor elected five men to lead and organization two hundred thousand members. During the period in which the United States became the worlds leading in industrial power. The globe dominant power the American federation of labor alone claimed to speak for and represent American workers. Even after another national labor center (The Congress of Industrial Organizations emerged in 1935) as a competitor the American Federation of Labor accepted this as a new challenge.

They went on strike for better wages. When they work before they formed the alliance they didn’t get anything. Sick day if you got hurt then you would have to pay for when u get hurt. But when they formed the alliance they made sure that they got all the good benefits. They didn’t so that when they when on strike. When they went on strike it was kind of around a bad time because it was around the great depression. But then they got all the right benefits and they when they signed the contact. Right after that they sat down and decide what they were going to do with all the labor members.

They organize union workers by skill level. If you were a worker and you didn’t really do nothing while you were working then you would be around like a 2 and if u do everything while you were working then you would be around a 5 and you would be then best in the labor. You would get the most pay and you would doing the most work while you were on the clock.

All in all I think that the America federation of labor helped America. Because it made people get better benefits. They made a alliance called the America federation of labor they had over two hundred thousand members in the federation. They also organize base on how good you do your job and skill level. I think that it help America out because it save many jobs for labor members.


Communist Party of America

The Communist Party of the United States of America is a political party that is based on Marxism and Leninism beliefs. It was the largest and most influential political party of the first half of the Twentieth Century. The party somehow managed to struggle through various obstacles such as the Palmer Raids, Red Scares, and the Cold War. Not to mention attempts by the government to get rid of the Party. One of their greatest decades was the 1930s. The Communist Party of the United States of America had a great positive impact on the country during this time period.

During the Great Depression, the Party spent a lot of time helping out the community. It helped of those who didn’t have jobs, found “red” unions, and supported the rights of African Americans. At this time the Party also recruited indifferent members of the Socialist Party and the African Blood Brotherhood. It stood up for those who were once unacceptable to society. The Communist Party’s actions were an awesome impact of those who witnessed them.

A few years later, two distinct challenges arose for the Communist Party of the United States. One was the election of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1932 and the other, the rise of Adolf Hitler in 1933. The structure and proceedings of union organizing was officially addressed in the year 1933. The Party’s original reasoning of union organizing was not acceptable by Roosevelt’s standings. This is why the President proposed the National Industrial Recovery Act, which was passed and made into official law. By overcoming these challenges and still being able to unite as a group gave a remarkable impact on communities everywhere.

In the late 1930s, there was a fascist military that had a complete hatred of the Spanish Republic. At this time, they tried to overthrow the Republic. This dispute resulted in the Spanish Civil War. The war last from 1936-1939. The Party was so helpful to the country of Spain. They raised money for medical costs and many members physically went to Spain to do their part. In Spain they joined with the Lincoln Brigade. This had a huge positive impact on the United States because they helped out a fellow nation.

The idea of communism is thoroughly based on the idea of having a classless, non-racist, and non-discriminating society. The Communist Party of the United States of America is completely dedicated to conserving this idea within the country. It was established in 1921 and had a major rise in influence in the second half of the Twentieth Century. There were many challenges that the Party faced during this time. Though, it was difficult, it survived all that it went through and is still in very active today. The Communist Party of the USA definitely had a great positive impact of the American culture, especially in the 1930s.


Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

The FDIC is good for many reasons. One reason is that it restored public confidence in banks. The FDIC insured bank deposits. And they reduced economic disruptions caused by bank failures. That is how the FDIC is good.

One reason is that it restored public confidence in banks. Before there were fearful depositors who didn’t want to put money into banks. Large cash demands were made by depositors and that was fatal to the banks. The FDIC has been made to restore stability and confidence in the nations banking system. The FDIC restored confidence in banks that way.

The FDIC insured bank deposits. An independent agency of the federal government that insures deposits in banks and other depository institutions which is intended to preserve and promote public confidence in the U.S. financial system. The FDIC insures deposits at banks and similar depository institutions. However, it only insures these sorts of deposits. That is how the FDIC insured bank deposits.

And they reduced economic disruptions caused by bank failures The agency has grown and modified its operations in response to changing economic conditions and shifts in the banking environment. The purposes of the various state insurance plans were similar: to protect communities from the economic disruptions caused by bank failures, and to protect depositors against losses That is how they helped reduce economic disruptions.

Next week there will be the one hour special on the FDIC on the History channel. The FDIC restored confidence in banks. They insured bank deposits. And they also reduced economic distruptions that were caused by bank failures. Tune in next week at 6pm on the history chanel.


Tennessee Valley Authority

How would you feel if you never had access to any sources of electricity? The Tennessee Valley Authority, a New Deal program, opened up many doors to energy and electricity companies. TVA is a multipurpose, independent, federal corporation established by the Tennessee Valley Authority Act of 1933 (TVA). Since the start of Tennessee Valley Authority, many people were giving a chance to go back to work during the Great Depression. President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Tennessee Valley Authority Act on May 18th 1933. President Roosevelt saw it as a totally different kind of agency, because it was a really big company to have started during the Great Depression. Franklin Roosevelt didn’t think that it would succeed. It started in a sad shape but it soon picked up the pace and became very successful. TVA was more than an electricity provider it was a regional economic development agency. The Great Depression, while disastrous to those who lived through it, provided programs like TVA that led to many good companies we have today. TVA helped rural refrigeration for farms, it helped distribute electricity to many other parts of the country that were believe to be too poor to afford electricity, and because they helped restore lands by planting many trees.

First of all, refrigeration played a very important role when it came to managing farms. Without refrigeration it was hard for the farmer to usually keep fresh beef and meat even during the cold winter months but, in hot weather, they would lose all of the meat that they had killed. The Tennessee Valley Authority provided a cold refrigerator to every family that owned a farm. They made it so that even the poor families were able to afford to have a refrigerator. With refrigeration, farm families were able to have fresh meat at any time, regardless of weather conditions. It was a really good thing for the many people who owned farms.

Secondly, the Tennessee Valley Authority brought a great source of electricity into the state of Tennessee. It is very hard for a company to provide every home with electricity, but the Tennessee Valley Authority succeeded. TVA uses 4 specific sources to create electricity. First it starts with fossil plants, which burn fossil fuels that are formed by plants that have died during the years. Coal is the fossil fuel TVA uses most. Then they use nuclear plants. These plants use heat given off when uranium atoms are split to make electricity. Then came the hydroelectric plants, which allowed the river water to turn generators and make electricity, and to run the generators. They use combustion turbines which is when oil or natural gas is burned to turn turbines that run electric generators

Third of all, the Tennessee Valley authority helped restore land that had been ruined by erosion and poor agricultural practices. The TVA planted 50 million trees by 1939. It was something that not many other companies were able or filling to do. It took a lot of work and time for it to be complete, but at the end it was a really good thing for the whole town and other towns.

In conclusion the Great Depression was a really good thing because it helped make so many good changes which are happening today. It opened door to many very successful companies that we have today. It also gave many people an opportunity to start working again so that they were able to support themselves and their families during the great depression.


Fair Labor Standards Act

How would you feel if you were a factory worker and you were working ten and twelve hour days? When you were only nine years old? These were circumstances that workers endured before the Fair Labor Standards Act. Eleanor Roosevelt and other social reformers proposed the Fair Labor Standards Act before the 1930s, and it finally passed in 1938. Since its proposal, it has helped establish the rights that are given to workers today. Although the Fair Labor Standards Act and following Fair Labor Acts have benefited most workers ever since they were first passed, this was not the case for everyone working during the Great Depression.

Even though the Fair Labor Standards Act was not perfect for example the act exempted the agriculture industry, domestic service, and certain other service categories, it was still considered to be a big achievement compared to before it was established. Before the Act, workers had virtually no protection. The New Deal promise was one of the steps that the government took to change the way that the industry treated workers. Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, part of the New Deal, antitrust laws were abolished so that the industries could put into effect fair-trade codes, which in turn turned into higher wages for workers. Under the New Deal, President Roosevelt and his advisers created the National Recovery Act, “To raise wages, create employment, and thus restore business.” A small time after the NRA, “Employers signed more than 2.3 million agreements, covering 16.3 million employees.” One result of the signing of these agreements was that other industries created complete codes. For example “The Cotton Textile Code was the first of these and one of the most important. It provided for a 40-hour workweek, set a minimum weekly wage of $13 in the North and $12 in the South, and abolished child labor.” The Fair Labor Standards Act really set into motion these other opportunities for workers that the government tried to establish and build upon.

There is plethora of ways that this law affected the lives of all workers for the better. While widely beneficial to many workers, the foundation of this act had no positive impact on other workers, such as waiters, cooks, janitors, farm workers, and domestics,. Even when President Harry S. Truman signed the Fair Labor Standards Amendments of 1949, which raised the minimum wage to 75 cents an hour and raised coverage for workers. Many of the workers in the industry still did not benefit from the laws. Take laundry workers in New York, for example, who were some of the many group of workers that were not benefiting from the laws In New York City, these laborers were working 12 to 14 hour days (70 hours a week) when they were only supposed to work 40 hour weeks and only accumulating 6, 8, or 10 dollars a week. Meanwhile, flatwork finishers were ranging 37 cents to 91 cents an hour and averaging less than 65 cents an hour in most cities. Even though these laws were not benefiting every single worker in 1930s, the government and most employers alike agree that it was definitely a step in the right direction.

In conclusion, the Fair labors standard act really was an act that set into motion step that really benefited the workers in the 1930’s. This act got rid of some of the circumstances that workers were facing like low wages and child labor. Even though this act helped most people some people like Laundry workers in New York didn’t get and privileges given to tem from the Fair Labors Act.


Franklin D. Roosevelt

Franklin D. Roosevelt was the best Presidents of the United States of America. Franklin D. Roosevelt was one of the best presidents ever is because he accomplished so much, He had to go though a lot of hard times and he help America though the great depression. Roosevelt was the 48th Governor of New York and Franklin D. Roosevelt was also the 32nd president of the United States of America, also known as FDR had many accomplishments while in and out of office. He was born on January 30, 1882 in Hyde Park, New York. He was apart of the Democratic Party. He has served in office for more than 2 terms in office. He served from 1933 to 1945. He was considered one of the greatest Presidents of all time. His religion is Episcopal. When he was elected it was in the worst depression of all time in the US.

He was a Democratic who served in office for more than 2 terms in office. He served from 1933 to 1945. He served for four terms, a record that no president has ever come across. When FDR began in office he automatically tried immediate relief. FDR sent a record number of bills to congress, which all of them was passed easily from March 9, to June 1933. The new deal was basically series of programs between 1933-1937 with goals of relief, recovery and reform of the United States economy during the great depression. This program relied on leading senators George Norris, Robert F. Wagner and Hugo Black. The second New deal introduced an element of class conflict. The opponents of the new deal complaining the cost and so shifted powers to Washington, stopped it’s expansion after 1937. And destroyed many of it’s programs by 1943.

The Great Depression was a worldwide financial down fall which started in October of 1929 and lasted through most of the 1930s. It began in the United States and quickly spread to Europe and eventually the world, with devastating effects in both industrialized countries and export raw materials countries. International trade declined sharply, personal incomes, tax revenues, prices and profits, everything decline.


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