Private Company Glossary

Private Company Glossary

Private Company Data Definitions

The Private Company Database contains "standardized" financial, entity, general and contact information for more than a million private companies.  It covers at least three years of annual financial data.

Note that the data items covered in this document is restricted to those fields in the Private Company Catalog in the Company Screener. There are certain fields available in the Private Company Overview, but absent in the Company Screener, such as Company Website, Brands, Products, Officers & Directors, VEIC Codes, etc. which are outside the scope of this document.

How to Use this Glossary

All item definitions are listed alphabetically according to the Private Company Item Name.

To find a specific item or term either:

1) Scroll down through the document

2) Press CTRL + F to launch the MS Word Find feature.

An example of this is as follows:

Private Company Item Name

Private Company Item Description {Private Company Item Code}

Thomson Financial Item Description {Thomson Financial Item Code}

Private Company Item Definition

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Accounts Payable {pc.AccountsPayable}

Accounts Payable {tf.AccountsPayable}

Represents balances owed to suppliers for materials and merchandise acquired on an open account.


Accounts Payable to Sales {pc.AccountsPayableToSales}

Accounts Payable % Sales {tf.AccountsPayablePctSales}

Accounts Payable to Sales = (Accounts Payable / Net Sales) * 100

Note: If at least one of the values involved in the calculation of the ratio is an estimated number, then the ratio will be displayed in italics and have the footnote “estimated”


City {pc.AddressCity}

City {tf.AddressCity}

Represents the city location of the corporate offices of a company.


Country {pc.AddressCountry}

Country {tf.AddressCountry}

Represents the country/nation location of the corporate offices of a company.


Address Street {pc.AddressStreet}

Street Address {tf.AddressStreet}

Represents the street location of the corporate offices of a company.


ZIP or Postal Code {pc.AddressZIPPostalCode}

ZIP or Postal Code {tf.AddressZIPPostalCode}

Represents the zip code of the location of the corporate offices of a company.


Assets to Sales {pc.AssetsToSales}


Assets to Sales = (Total Assets (including Intangibles) / Net Sales) * 100

Note: If at least one of the values involved in the calculation of the ratio is an estimated number, then the ratio will be displayed in italics and have the footnote “estimated”.


Asset Turnover {pc.AssetTurnover}


Asset Turnover = (Net Sales / Total Assets (including Intangibles)) * 100

Note: If at least one of the values involved in the calculation of the ratio is an estimated number, then the ratio will be displayed in italics and have the footnote “estimated”.


Auditor {pc.Auditor}

Auditor {tf.Auditor}

Auditor of the company.


Business Description {pc.BusinessDescriptionExtended}

Business Description Extended {tf.BusinessDescriptionExtended}

Detailed description of a company's operations. It may include any or all of the following items:

A general comment concerning the company's type of business

(1) The size of the company, if relevant

(2) Number of offices, stores, restaurants, etc.

(3) For a multi-bank holding company, the banks held

(4) For a manufacturer, products and brands

(5) For a retailer, store names

(6) Sales breakdown, if available


Capital per Employee {pc.CapitalPerEmployee}


This shows the value of the assets employed per employee.


Cash and Liquid Assets {pc.CashAndLiquidAssets}

Cash & Short Term Investments {tf.CashAndSTInvestments}

Cash and short-term, highly liquid investments that are both readily convertible to known amounts of cash and so close to their maturity that they present insignificant risk of changes in interest rates.


Collection Period Ratio {pc.CollectionPeriodRatio}

Accounts Receivables Days {tf.AccountsReceivableDays}

Collection Period Ratio = (Accounts Receivable / Net Sales) * 365 Days -or-

(Trade Debtors / Turnover) * 365

Note: If at least one of the values involved in the calculation of the ratio is an estimated number, then the ratio will be displayed in italics and have the footnote “estimated”.


Company Status {panyStatus}

Company Status {panyStatus}

Provides specific information regarding the inactive status for a company, i.e., if it is privately held, bought out, acquired, merged, etc. For an active company, this field will not be populated.


Country of Domicile or Incorporation {pc.CountryCode}

Incorporation Code-Foreign (Country Incorporation Code) {tf.countrycode}

The three-character ISO code specifying the country the company is incorporated or domiciled in.


Sinotrust CSIC Code {pc.CSICCode}


Chinese Standard Industry Classification (CSIC) system customized by Sinotrust, a third-party vendor of private company data. CSIC code is available only for Chinese private companies. While the standard CSIC scheme is four-tiered, the Sinotrust CSIC scheme is a three tiered industry classification system with 1175 industries in the taxonomy.


Current Liabilities to Inventory {pc.CurrentLiabilitiesToInventory}


Current Liabilities to Inventory = (Total Current Liabilities / (Stock and Work In Progress)) * 100


Current Liabilities to Net Worth {pc.CurrentLiabilitiesToNetWorth}


Current Liabilities to Net Worth = (Total Current Liabilities / Tangible Net Worth) * 100


Current Period For Annual Data {pc.CurrentPeriodAnnual}

Current Period For Annual Data {tf.CurrentPeriodAnnual}

Represents the most recent annual period of the most recent annual data recorded for an entity.


Current Ratio {pc.CurrentRatio}

Current Ratio {tf.CurrentRatio}

Current Ratio = Total Current Assets / Total Current Liabilities


Disclosure ID {pc.DCN}

Disclosure Company Number {tf.DCN}

Unique 10-digit number assigned by Disclosure Inc. to each company that files with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Usually, the Company Number consists of one alphabet followed by nine digits. The alphabetic character is the same as the first letter of the company’s name. If the company’s name begins with the article “A” or “THE”, the article is ignored when assigning the Company Number. If the company’s name begins with a number, the first character is numeric (e.g., 20th Century Industries is assigned 2034650000).


Employees {pc.Employees}

Employees {tf.Employees}

The total number of employees in the business. This can be an actual or estimated figure. If the value is estimated, then the field will be displayed in italics and have the footnote “estimated”.


Unique Key Identifying The Entity {pc.EntityKey}

Unique Key Identifying The Entity {tf.EntityKey}

The permanent ID Number (Perm ID) assigned to an entity by Thomson Reuters.


Name of Entity {pc.EntityName}

Name of Entity {tf.EntityName}

The legal or registered name of a company.


Fax Number {pc.FaxNumber}

Fax Number {tf.FaxNumber}

The contact fax number of the company.


Date of Fiscal Year End {pc.FiscalYearEndDate}

Date of Fiscal Year End {tf.FiscalYearEndDate}

Date of Fiscal Year End in MM/DD/YYYY format.


Fixed Assets to Net Worth {pc.FixedAssetsToNetWorth}


Fixed Assets to Net Worth = (Non-Current Assets -or- Total Fixed Assets) / Tangible Net Worth *100

Note: As the Net Worth figure is tangible, if the Tangible Fixed Asset figure is quoted in the accounts, this is used to calculate the Fixed Assets to Net Worth ratio.


End month of fiscal year Current {pc.FYREndMonthCurr}

End month of fiscal year Current {tf.FYREndMonthCurr}

Provides the most recent fiscal year end represented as the month in which the fiscal year end occurs. Represented numerically, i.e., 1 = January, 2 = February and so on.


Fiscal Year Transition Month {pc.FYRTransitionMonth}

Fiscal Year Transition Month {tf.FYRTransitionMonth}

The month in which the Fiscal Year breakpoint is determined - e.g. a FYR Transition Month of 6 would mean that all entities that file before the 6th month would have fiscal year ends in the previous year, whereas all entities that file their financials after the 5th month would fall into the current fiscal year.


Accession Number {pc.GaleID}

Gale ID {tf.GaleID}

Unique identifier for an entity provided by Gale, a third-party vendor of private company content.


Gem Original ID {pc.GemOrgID}


Unique identifier assigned to an entity by GEM (a Thomson Reuters entity master database)


Generate ID {pc.GenerateID}


Unique identifier for an entity provided by Generate, a third-party vendor of private company content.


Gross Income {pc.GrossIncome}

Gross Income {tf.GrossIncome}

The difference between Sales or Revenues and the Cost of Goods Sold.


Company IBES Ticker {pc.IBESTicker}

I/B/E/S Ticker {tf.IBESTicker}

Represents the symbol used by I/B/E/S to identify companies for which they track earnings estimates.


Profit After Tax (before Extraordinary Items) {pc.IncomeBefExtraItemsAndPfdDiv}

Income Before Extraordinary Items And Preferred Dividends


Income after all operating and non-operating income and expense, taxation, minority interest and exceptional items.


Pretax Income {pc.IncomeBefIncomeTaxes}

Pretax Income {tf.IncomeBefIncomeTaxes}

Income after all operating and non-operating income and expense, and before taxation, minority interest, exceptional and extraordinary items.


Inventory Turnover {pc.InventoryTurnover}


Inventory Turnover = Net Sales / (Stock + Work in Progress)

Note: If at least one of the values involved in the calculation of the ratio is an estimated number, then the ratio will be displayed in italics and have the footnote “estimated”.


Long Term Liabilities {pc.LongTermLiabilities}


The amount of the obligations of the company due after one year.


Net Income {Income}

Net Income Available To Common {Income}

Income after all operating and non-operating income and expense, taxation, minority interest, exceptional and extraordinary items.


Networth to Total Assets {worthToTotalAssets}

Common Equity % Total Assets {monEquityPctTotalAssets}

Networth to Total Assets = (Net Worth / Total Assets) * 100 -or- (Total Shareholders Equity / Total Assets) * 100


PEBackedStatus {pc.PEBackedStatus}


Indicates a company’s private equity/venture backed status. A private company can be classified under one of the four possible states/options within the PE Backed Status item.

Currently PE/VC Backed (Status Code: C): Indicates that the company is currently on the portfolio of a private equity or venture firm.

Formerly PE/VC Backed (Status Code: F): Indicates that the company used to be on the portfolio of a private equity or venture firm, but is no longer PE/VC Backed.

Current Portfolio Status Unknown –or- Unknown Portfolio Status (Status Code: U): Indicates that the company was on the portfolio of a private equity or venture firm at an earlier point in time, but as to whether the company is still on the portfolio of a PE or VC firm is unknown.

Never PE/VC Backed (Status Code: N): Indicates that the company was never on the portfolio of a private equity or venture firm, i.e., the company has never been PE or VC backed.


Phone Number {pc.PhoneNumber}

Phone Number {tf.PhoneNumber}

The contact telephone number of the company.


Pretax Profit Margin {pc.PretaxProfitMargin}

Pretax Margin {tf.PretaxMargin}

Pretax Profit Margin = (Profit before Tax / Net Sales or Revenue) * 100


Primary NAICS Code {pc.PrimaryNAICSCode}

Primary NAICS Code {tf.PrimaryNAICSCode}

The NAICS Code of an entity’s primary business as determined by sales breakdown. If a sales breakdown is not available the NAICS Code is assigned according to best judgment. The version followed is NAICS 1997.

NAICS is a hierarchical structure and can consist of up to six digits / levels. The first two digits of the structure designate the NAICS sectors that represent general categories of economic activity. The third digit designates the sub-sector, the fourth digit designates the industry group, the fifth digit designates the NAICS industry, and the sixth digit designates the national industry.


Primary SIC Code {pc.PrimarySICCode}

Primary Standard Industry Code {tf.PrimarySICCode}

The SIC Code of an entity’s primary business as determined by Sales breakdown. If a sales breakdown is not available the SIC Code is assigned according to best judgment. The version followed is SIC 1987.

Note: If the SIC Code for a company is derived based upon a mapping table (specifically CSIC to SIC mapping) without manual intervention & review, then the value will be displayed in italics and will have the footnote “derived”. Applicable only to Chinese companies.


Private Entity Indicator {pc.PrivateIndicator}

Private Entity Indicator {tf.PrivateIndicator}

Indicates whether a company is private or public.


Profit Per Employee {pc.ProfitPerEmp}


Profit per Employee = Gross Profit / Employees –or- Profit before Tax / Employees –or- Net Profit / Employees

Note: If at least one of the values involved in the calculation of the ratio is an estimated number, then the ratio will be displayed in italics and have the footnote “estimated”.


Quick Ratio {pc.QuickRatio}

Quick Ratio {tf.QuickRatio}

Quick Ratio = (Cash + Trade Debtors) / Total Current Liabilities


Region {pc.Region}

Region {tf.Region}

Represents the region of the world that the company is domiciled in. Choices are Americas, Asia Pacific, Emerging Market, Europe and Africa, Non US and North America.


Region Code {pc.RegionCode}

Region Code {tf.RegionCode}

Represents the code for the region of the world that the company is domiciled in. AM = Americas, AP = Asia Pacific, EM = Emerging Market, EA = Europe and Africa, NU = Non US, NM = North America.


Return on Assets {pc.ReturnOnAssets}


Return on Assets = (Profit before Tax / Total Assets) * 100 -or- (Profit after Tax / Total Assets) * 100 -or- (Net Profit / Total Assets) * 100


Return on Capital {pc.ReturnOnCapital}

Return On Invested Capital {tf.ReturnOnInvestedCapital}

Return on Capital = (Profit before tax / Capital Employed) * 100

Note: Capital Employed = Total Assets (including Intangibles) less Current Liabilities


Return on Equity {pc.ReturnOnEquity}

Return on Equity {tf.ReturnOnEquity}

Return on Equity = (Net Income / Net Worth) * 100 -or- (Net Income / Shareholders Equity) * 100 –or- (Profit before Tax / Tangible Net Worth) * 100 -or- (Profit before Tax / Total Shareholders Equity) * 100

Note: Net Worth = Shareholders' Equity less Intangible Assets


Return on Sales {pc.ReturnOnSales}


Return on Sales = (Net Income / Net Sales) * 100

Note: where Profit before Tax is reported in place of Net Income then ratio uses Pretax Income.

Note: If at least one of the values involved in the calculation of the ratio is an estimated number, then the ratio will be displayed in italics and have the footnote “estimated”.


Sales {pc.Sales}

Sales {tf.Sales}

Net Sales or Revenue of the company.

Note: If the value is estimated, then the field will be displayed in italics and have the footnote “estimated”.


Sales per Employee {pc.SalesPerEmployee}

Sales per Employee {tf.SalesPerEmployee}

Sales per Employee = Net Sales or Revenue / Employees

Note: If at least one of the values involved in the calculation of the ratio is an estimated number, then the ratio will be displayed in italics and have the footnote “estimated”.


Sales to Working Capital {pc.SalesToWorkingCapital}


Sales to Working Capital = Net Sales / Working Capital

Note: If at least one of the values involved in the calculation of the ratio is an estimated number, then the ratio will be displayed in italics and have the footnote “estimated”.


SDC Cusip {pc.SdcCusip}

SDC Cusip {tf.SdcCusip}

A six character, unique identifier assigned to a company by S&P. Every North American company with publicly traded securities is listed in S&P’s CUSIP directory and has a CUSIP assigned to it. In cases where a CUSIP has not been assigned, Thomson Reuters will estimate one according to the rules specified by S&P.


SIC Code {pc.SICCode}

SIC Code {tf.SICCode}

A company may have up to eight SIC codes assigned to it or as little as one depending on the number of business segments which make up the company's revenue. If a sales breakdown for segments is available SIC Code 1 would represent the business segment which provided the most revenue. SIC Code 8 would represent the segment that provided the least revenue. If a sales breakdown is not available the SIC Code is assigned according to best judgment.

Note: If the SIC Code for a company is derived based upon a mapping table (specifically CSIC to SIC mapping) without manual intervention & review, then the value will be displayed in italics and will have the footnote “derived”. Applicable only to Chinese companies.


Sinotrust ID {pc.SinotrustID}


Unique identifier for an entity provided by Sinotrust, a third-party vendor of Chinese private company content.


State {pc.State}

State Code {tf.State}

Represents the state location of the corporate offices of a company. Restricted to the states of the US, and the provinces and territories of Canada.


Tangible Fixed Assets {pc.TangibleFixedAssets}


The current value of assets with physical form, such as land, buildings, property and equipment.


Total Assets {pc.TotalAssets}

Total Assets {tf.TotalAssets}

The sum of all current and non-current assets.


Current Assets – Total {pc.TotalCurrentAssets}

Current Assets – Total {tf.TotalCurrentAssets}

Cash and other assets that are reasonably expected to be realized in cash, sold or consumed within one year or one operating cycle. Generally, it is the sum of cash and liquid assets, accounts receivable, notes receivable, inventories and other current assets.


Current Liabilities – Total {pc.TotalCurrentLiabilities}

Current Liabilities – Total {tf.TotalCurrentLiabilities}

Debt or other obligations the company expects to satisfy within one year or one operating cycle. It includes accounts payable, bank loans, notes payable and other current liabilities.


Total Debt {pc.TotalDebt}

Total Debt {tf.TotalDebt}

All interest bearing and capitalized lease obligations.


Total Expenses {pc.TotalExpenses}


The sum of all pre-tax expenses related to both operating and non-operating activities.


Inventories – Total {pc.TotalInventories}

Inventories – Total {tf.TotalInventories}

Tangible items or merchandise acquired for either resale directly or inclusion in the production of finished goods manufactured for sale in the normal course of operation. Includes finished goods, work in progress, and raw materials and supplies.


Total Liabilities {pc.TotalLiabilities}

Total Liabilities {tf.TotalLiabilities}

All short and long term obligations expected to be satisfied by the company, including current, non-current and deferred liabilities. It is the sum of all company liabilities excluding Shareholders’ Equity.

TotalLiabilitiesShareholders Equity

Total Liabilities and Shareholders Equity {pc.TotalLiabilitiesShareholdersEquity}

Total Liabilities & Shareholders Equity {tf.TotalLiabAndShareholdersEquity}

The sum of all company liabilities including Shareholders Equity.


Total Liabilities to Net Worth {pc.TotalLiabilitiesToNetWorth}


Total Liabilities to Net Worth = ((Total Current + Deferred + Long Term Liabilities) / Tangible Net Worth) * 100


Non Current Assets – Total {pc.TotalNonCurrentAssets}


Assets not held for resale but for use by the company or group. Includes tangible assets (such as land, buildings, equipment), intangible assets (such as goodwill, patents, trademarks), long term receivables and other non-current assets.


Operating Expenses – Total {pc.TotalOperatingExpenses}

Operating Expenses – Total {tf.TotalOperatingExpenses}

The sum of all expenses related to operations, i.e., the expenses incurred in providing the goods and services included in revenue.


Total Share holders Equity {pc.TotalShareholdersEquity}

Total Share holders Equity {tf.TotalShareholdersEquity}

The value of the shareholders' interest in the company. Equals total assets less total current, non-current and deferred liabilities.


Venture Economics ID {pc.VEID}

Venture Economics ID {tf.VEID}

Unique company identifier for Thomson Reuters' Venture Economics Database.


Working Capital {pc.WorkingCapital}

Working Capital {tf.WorkingCapBalSht}

Working Capital = Current Assets minus Current Liabilities


Company WorldScope PermID {pc.WorldscopeID}

Worldscope Identifier {tf.WorldscopeID}

Unique nine-digit company identifier for Thomson Reuters' Worldscope Database.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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