CSE 3310 - University of Texas at Arlington

CSE 3310

Fundamentals of Software Engineering; Spring 2013

Presentation Rules & guidelines


▪ Presentation dates: Tues. 3/19 (Teams 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), Thurs. 3/21 (Teams 6, 7, 8, 9, 10).

▪ All material (i.e. SRA that includes UML and Requirements) is due on 3/21 in class (hard-copy). A copy of your presentation slides should be handed to me before starting your presentation.

▪ Presentations should cover your SRA which includes all Requirements and UML diagrams as well as a high level overview of the project, the approach and the next steps. See sample on class website.

▪ 10% daily penalty, of the presentation portion, if you are not prepared when your turn comes. We will use a different order for the final presentations (i.e. go in reverse order) to be fair to all teams.

▪ Power Point is the desired software for the presentation; however other applications could also be used assuming you provide the necessary software.

▪ Please bring your presentation on a flash drive and use the PC in the room. You can also use your own laptop if you wish even though flash drive is preferred.

▪ No presentation on the blackboard is accepted.

▪ Total presentation time per team is 15 minutes (i.e. about 7 or 8 minutes for each member, we allow for a question or two from the audience). Please keep track of your time and plan accordingly via practice sessions.

▪ The contents of the presentation will affect all team members’ grade. Conducting the presentation will affect the presenters grades only.

▪ Two team members should take part in the presentation, one at a time, presenting different portions. The other two will present the final product at the end of the semester. If your team has only 3 members, you could decide to have either one or two people do the presentation. If your team has 5 members, you could decide to have either two or three people do the presentation. Make sure to introduce all team members at the start.

▪ Interleaved presentations are not accepted. i.e. One presenter must finish before the next one starts. However one can operate the computer while other presents.

▪ All team members can participate in answering questions, if any.

▪ As an audience, please be courteous and don’t disturb the presenters.

We will use the guidelines on the next page for evaluating the presentations. Keep in mind that grading your handouts is independent of the presentation evaluations.

CSE 3310

Fundamentals of Software Engineering; Spring 2013

Presentation evaluation guideline

Evaluator: Dr. Khalili Mr. Hafiz Sheikh

Term Project: Stock Trading System (STS)

Team Number:

Presenter#1’s name:

Presenter#2’s name:

*Scale: 5 = Excellent, 4 = Good, 3 = Meets expectation, 2 = Below expectation, 1 = Poor

|Topic covered |*Scale |*Scale |Comments |

| |Presenter 1 |Presenter 2 | |

|Overview and project Introduction, Business | | | |

|and System Objectives coverage | | | |

|Quality of UML diagrams | | | |

|Quality of Requirements, Assumptions & | | | |

|Constraints | | | |

|Next Steps, Conclusion | | | |

|Overall Content | | | |

|Overall presentation: Look & Feel | | | |

|Overall Presenter’s Performance | | | |

Additional comments:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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