How to login to apple id on macbook


How to login to apple id on macbook

Friday March 26, 2021 3:52 am PDT by Sami FathiDespite being months away from launch, we've already seen several rumors regarding the 2021 iPhone. Now, as we inch closer to release nonetheless, new rumors point towards some design changes, new colors, and new features to expect. Image Credit: EverythingApplePro According to leaker Max Weinbach (via YouTube channel EverythingApplePro), the iPhone 13 will come with a matte black option... For people who appreciate finer laptop accoutrements such as a backlit keyboard and a slot-fed DVD drive, Apple has crafted another tasty offering in the form of the 17-inch MacBook Pro. Sleek, powerful, and able to run Windows as well as the Mac operating system, the MacBook Pro makes a strong case for becoming anyone's ultimate notebook. Equipped with a 2.4-GHz Core 2 Duo T7700 processor, the maximum 4GB of RAM, a 160GB hard drive, and nVidia's new top-of-the-line notebook graphics card, the nVidia GeForce 8600M GT, our $2949 test unit set new speed records (through 10/25/2007). The MacBook Pro outperformed the rest of the notebooks we tested, all of which claim Windows as their primary--nay, their only--operating system. We loaded Windows Vista Home Premium on the Apple notebook, and it snagged a WorldBench 6 Beta 2 score of 88. In games it achieved a blazing frame rate of 141 frames per second in Far Cry (with antialiasing turned off). At 6.6 pounds and just 1 inch thick, the MacBook Pro is the lightest 17-inch notebook available. But it has no memory card slots and only three USB ports, and it comes configured with an ExpressCard/34 slot instead of the more versatile ExpressCard/54 slot. Though it has Bluetooth and 802.11n Wi-Fi, built-in cellular broadband is not an option. On the other hand, video editors will be happy to have not one but two FireWire ports. Battery life was disappointing: Apple pegs it at 5.7 hours on one charge, but in our tests we got less than 2 hours, 45 minutes. Nevertheless, the MacBook Pro is elegantly designed and remarkably mobile for a 17-inch notebook. Carla ThorntonCorrection: The MacBook Pro's reign as fastest notebook ended on 10/25/2007, not 11/23/2007 as was previously reported. We apologize for the error. Note: When you purchase something after clicking links in our articles, we may earn a small commission. Read our affiliate link policy for more details. Lightweight 17-incher does Mac or Windows OSes and comes loaded with useful multimedia and creative software. Thin and light for a big notebook Hard drive isn't user-accessible (Image credit: Konstantin Savusia/Shutterstock) Joining the Apple ecosystem comes with a certain set of unspoken rules, the first of them subjecting to an Apple-specific account. While it's not mandatory to sign up for an Apple ID when using an Apple device, it's essential to getting the most out of your iPhone, iPad, or Mac.Whether you're a first-time Apple device owner or simply want to make a new account, there are a few steps you'll need to take.An Apple ID is basically your one-stop shop for everything Apple. It stores your payment and shipping information for purchases from both the App Store and . It consists of your personal information and passwords, too. In other words, you'll want to use an Apple ID to manage your lineup of Apple products. Without further ado, here's how to create an Apple ID on your iPhone, iPad, and computer. How to create an Apple ID on your iPhone or iPadThe steps for making an Apple ID on an iPhone or iPad are essentially the same. We'll show you how to create an Apple ID on an iPhone.Step 1: Enter settings, and click on `Sign in to your iPhone.' It's the first option in the menu. Step 2: Select `Don't have an Apple ID or forgot it?' in blue. A pop-up menu will appear. Select the first option `Create Apple ID.' Step 3: Fill in the initial account information, including your birthday and name. Step 4: Create your desired Apple ID email address.You can use an existing email address or make a new, Apple-specific one,Step 5: Verify your device's phone number. On an iPad, you can enter your phone number manually.Step 6: Enter your iPad or iPhone's passcode to complete the sign-up process. When you return to the settings hub you should see your account information. How to create an apple ID from a browserNo matter what kind of computer you're on, you can make an Apple ID using a browser. Here's how.Step 1: Go to appleid. and select `Create Your Apple ID' in the top right corner next to `Sign In' and `FAQ' Step 2: Follow the prompts to input your new account information. You'll need to enter your name, country, birth date. Step 3: Enter your email address. Ceate three security questions, fill in the captcha form and click Continue.Step 4: Verify your email address in the pop up window. Retrieve the 6-digit code from your email inbox and enter it in the window. Select continue to complete the sign-in process.Today's best Apple iPhone SE (2020) deals When using Apple devices or Apple services, Apple requires an "Apple ID" to make everything work. An Apple ID is basically your Apple account that's used for everything from logging in to iCloud to making purchases to getting support to tracking your lost devices with Find My. An Apple ID authenticates your identity and is required whenever you log into an Apple device to keep everything synced up. Making an Apple ID is totally free, and this guide features everything you need to know about signing up and using your Apple ID. How do I create an Apple ID? Creating an Apple ID can be done when setting up a new device by tapping on "Forgot Password" or "don't have an Apple ID" and then following the setup steps, but it can also be done in the App Store on either an iOS device or a Mac. Creating an Apple ID is also possible on a Windows PC and on the web, so basically, you can make an Apple ID on any of your devices. We have specific tutorials for creating an Apple ID on each device below. Do I really need an Apple ID? Yes. If you use an Apple device or have an Apple service like Apple TV+ or Apple Music, an Apple ID is required. On an Apple device, having an Apple ID allows you to access iCloud, track and protect your iPhone with Find My, sync settings if you have more than one Apple device, make App Store purchases, sync photos to iCloud, and more. An Apple ID linked to an Apple device is invaluable if your device is ever lost or stolen because it can be tracked with the Find My app. A feature called Activation Lock, which is linked to the Apple ID, prevents someone who has stolen your iPhone from being able to use it with a new account, effectively rendering it useless. What do I do if I forget my Apple ID password? If you forget your Apple ID password, you can use the forgotten password feature on the iPhone, iPad, a Mac, or the web to reset the password. There's also a possibility that your Apple ID could become locked with too many login attempts, and Apple also has a process for unlocking it. We've included how tos on both resetting your password and unlocking a locked Apple ID below. Can I have multiple Apple IDs? You can create multiple Apple IDs, but it's best to stick with one account. If you want all of your Apple services to work properly and your devices to sync, you need to make sure to use the same Apple ID everywhere you sign in. What is an Apple ID used for? Your Apple ID is your gateway to your Apple device, and it is the account that is used for all Apple services and devices. We've listed some of the ways the Apple ID is used below. Syncing content like contacts, photos, files, messages, backups, and more when iCloud services are enabled. Locating a lost or stolen device with Find My. Making App Store purchases. Making Apple Store purchases. Using services like Apple Music, Apple Arcade, and Apple TV+. Activation Lock so a stolen device can't be used. How old do you have to be to get an Apple ID? In the United States, Apple's minimum age requirement to get a standalone Apple ID is 13. Children who are younger can have an Apple ID for Apple devices, but the Apple ID must be set up using Family Sharing so that a parent can monitor the child's activity. Children must remain a part of the Family Sharing group until they turn 13, and there is no option for a child to have a standalone Apple ID. Note that the age limit varies by country and region. How to Enable Family Sharing in iOS and macOS How do I secure my Apple ID account? Your Apple ID is the gateway to a lot of personal information about you, as it is the login used to access everything stored in the cloud from purchase information to photos. It's a good idea to add an extra layer of security to your account with Apple's two-step verification system. Two-step verification uses one of your Apple devices or a phone number to verify your identity before you're allowed to make changes to your account, sign into iCloud, or make App Store or iTunes purchases from a new device. It also includes a recovery key for safekeeping that will allow you to access your Apple ID account if your password or your Apple device is ever lost. It's a good idea to put this code in a secure place because there's often no way to recover an Apple ID account with no recovery key available and no known password. Learn how to enable two-step verification with the steps outlined in our dedicated how to. When setting up an Apple ID, it's also good practice to make sure to use a strong, secure password that uses a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols and is not used for other sites, and to choose security question answers that are difficult to guess. Apple does not ask for Apple ID information, so never provide Apple ID data to anyone, including friends and family members. Apple will also never ask for passwords, security question answers, verification codes, or recovery keys, which is worth keeping in mind to make sure you never fall for any phishing scams. What data is Apple collecting? When you use an Apple ID and especially when using an Apple ID with iCloud, Apple collects certain data about you. This includes your name, address, phone number, and device and app purchase history (with serial numbers and other info for all your devices), along with iCloud access logs, phone call and message metadata, repair transactions, and more. Apple has specifics on the data that it collects on its website, and there's also a feature for requesting and downloading a copy of all of the data that Apple has collected about you. Apple collects less data than other companies, but there's definitely personal data associated with your Apple ID, and it's worth knowing what information Apple has. Use the tutorial below if you're interested in getting a copy of your data from Apple. How to Request a Copy of Your Apple ID Account Data How do I delete my Apple ID account and data? If you're no longer using your Apple ID and have swapped over to another device company, you can delete your Apple ID. Similarly, if you don't want Apple to have data about you, you can delete it. Instructions are below. How to Delete or Deactivate Your Apple ID Account and Data Deleting an Apple ID account and its associated data is a big deal and it shouldn't be done if you're going to continue using Apple devices. Accounts that are deleted can't be reopened or reactivated in any way, and deleting an account removes access to photos, iMessage accounts, all Apple services including iCloud, the App Store, and more, and all iCloud content is deleted. Guide Feedback Have questions about Apple IDs, know of a something we left out, or want to offer feedback on this guide? Send us an email here.

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