Fat Wolf Vore

Fat Wolf Vore

Once upon a time there was a certain balance that kept all fairy tales in order, where everything ended with a "Happily Ever After", and nothing more was ever said about that.

This all changed however when one day two clumsy apprentices to the kingdom's wizard accidentally broke the balance in all the fairy tales by messing with their master's sceptre, and caused all kinds of chaos to happen!

Someone that takes full advantage of this situation is Frieda, (the evil stepmother of the Cinderella story) who takes the sceptre for herself soon declares herself the ruler of this new wicked world.

Another fellow that really comes out loving this new change is the Wolf from "The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats" tale, who thanks to the balance change for once gets away with eating all seven of those little ones. (and then later on also devour their grieving mother)

Not long after he formed a bit of a small "Wolf Pack" together with the Wolf from "Little Red Ridding Hood" story, and the one from "The Three Little Pigs" story.

Out of the three he very quickly becomes seen as the "Leader" figure, not only cause of him having easily the largest figure out of them all, but also for his very big personality.

Sometimes though his thinking of seeing himself as the "Alpha" caused him to spend more time fighting his two team-mates, rather then leading the group

With the whole kingdom now being ruled by a villain that open a whole new series of opportunities, as Frieda soon allowed for letting the big castle to host all the bad guys, while the princes and princesses were to be put into the dungeons.

During big villain parties he was easily the one with the biggest of appetites, and whenever there was a toast to be made he would gladly take it as it being for him, as he thought he was always the most one at the table.

Strange as it might seem the Fat Wolf was in fact not completely heartless, as during his stay at the castle he got to know a simple a dishwasher named Rick, and pretty soon the two of them started to develop a bit of a secret friendship.

As time went on he would even start to fight for the good side, and at the end he played part in helping get the evil Frieda defeated and having the old Wizard being returned the sceptre to put back order into the fairy tale kingdom.


That could have been the typical fairy tale ending, but having had a taste for what the royal life was like the Fat Wolf couldn't help but feel like he had been a bit ripped off!

Ever since having Frieda taken down and saved Cinderella the simple dishwasher Rick had now become the new King of the kingdom, with Cinderella as the Queen.

For the Fat Wolf things had become a lot more worse, since not only was he now kicked out of the castle but he had also his two Wolf buddies having abandoned him!

Having also eaten that whole Goat family from way back the Fat Wolf no source of food to rely on either, resulting in him starting to loose enough weight to call himself "The Chubby Wolf" instead of fat!

Thinking about how he could go from being one of the best to now one of the worst there was one simple mistake he could recall having made.

Putting his trust into Rick!

He helped Rick defeat the evil Queen and become the new ruler instead, and in return he got left behind and forgotten!

The mere thought about Rick alone filled the Chubby Wolf with enough anger to make him wish he could just turn back time and prevent it all from happening, and that's when he knew just what to do in order to make himself even with the so called "Friend" of his. (And just thinking about that was enough to make him drool like crazy.)


Keeping a close look at the castle spying from the trees the Chubby Wolf was able to hear the guards talk to each other about current and upcoming jobs they all would be part of, and one mission in particular made the Wolf's ears stand up a bit.

"Is it tomorrow the King wishes to have the big hunt to happen?"

"Yeah, he says he is interested in trying out the sport for the first time, and wants to have some of us to come join him in the woods."

"He said he only needed 2, right?"

"Yes. But if you ask me I'm not so sure if that will be enough."

"What do you mean?"

"Given all the things that is said to live in the woods I'm not sure if 2 guards will be enough."

"Then whoever those becomes just has to try and use their eyes as much as possible. Easy as that."

This conversation was very interesting to the Chubby Wolf, as having the King entering into his old home would mean he would be having field-advantage when giving his revenge to Rick.

"I just hope he will be ready to be the hunted one as well as the hunter!" The Chubby Wolf said to himself as he just couldn't wait for tomorrow to happen now.


The very next day the planned hunt in the woods was on the way as King Rick along with two guards headed out from the castle, and waiting on him was a certain Chubby Wolf.

Hiding perfectly from view the Chubby Wolf watched as the three riders came passing by, as he had it all planned out just for how to get back at Rick for leaving him behind.

Once King Rick along with his two guards had found a perfect place to park their Horses the three of them started to explore the wide open forest. (All with 2 very hungry eyes watching them all the way.)

Having set up a couple of traps in the area the Chubby Wolf made sure to have the hunters move into just the directions he wanted, by snapping twigs and shake branches with leafs to cause distractions.

Getting closer to a tall tree the Chubby Wolf made one of the guards step into a rope trap, sending him flying into the air dangling upside down!

Upon noticing what had happen to their friend the other guard ended up stepping into a disguised pit, and soon ended up falling into it!

With both his guards suddenly taken care of it was a very scared Rick that shouted "W-Who g-goes t-there?!" as he heard another twig snap, before then suddenly being grabbed by some big furry paws, and seeing a deep pink throat starring down at him!

Wasting no time to get his prey taken care of the Chubby Wolf stuffed the struggling Rick into his mouth, and started to swallow down the King hard!

Taking the time to taste all over his meal the Chubby Wolf had to agree that Humans indeed was a very wonderful type of food, as he could totally understand now why the Wolf from the "Little Red Riding Hood" tale enjoyed them so much. (But he had been told from him that eating young ones were a lot better then old grannies.)

And while swallowing a whole adult was a pretty big meal, it was still smaller then the time when he ate all 7 of those little Goats.

After some powerful swallows the now very Bloated Wolf sat down against the nearest tree to enjoy his successful revenge, when his meal started to talk back to him.

"What's going on?! A-Am I...INSIDE A BELLY?!" A very panic sounding Rick shouted as the now Stuffed Wolf let out a small burp and said, "Yup. MY belly to be more exact."

Hearing the voice from the outside talking back to him Rick mention the voice sounding very familiar, to which the Stuffed Wolf got a bit upset and said, "Well, it should be! It is after all the voice of someone who once thought he was your friend!", before then slapping his giant gut in anger.

"Wait, so you are that Fat Wolf?!" Rick asked, as the Well-fed Wolf knew he had to at some point give himself a proper name, before then responding "Yes, it is me."

"I can't believe it is you, old buddy!" The belly bulge that was Rick said, which made the Stuffed Wolf roll his eyes and almost puke up his "Meal" over hearing him still daring to call him "buddy".

"Yeah right! You mean that same "buddy" that you just had tossed out of the castle and completely forgot about as soon as you became the new King?" The Bloated Wolf asked as Rick started to realize just how screwed he might be, knowing that this was the owner of the belly he was trapped in after all.

"Just hear me out! It wasn't my idea, I promise! They just told me that now when I was royal it would be best that I didn't associate with "Low Scum Villains", but I swear I never liked doing it myself!" Rick tried to explain as he soon realised that his "excuse" didn't make him to look much better in the eyes of the Wolf that was holding him hostage.

"And yet you let it happen." The Well-Filled Wolf said back as he started to rub his big tummy with his claws, while adding to the still trapped Rick "You really aren't making a good case for yourself on why I should NOT let you get digested in my belly, instead of being set free."

"Please listen to me! I promise that if you let me out I will give you ANYTHING you want! A home, food, a title, anything! Just please let me go!" Rick pleaded from inside the belly (Feeling how the stomach acids was starting to have an effect on him!), as the still mostly Chubby Wolf really loved hearing the sound of desperation coming from the voice of his former friend.

"You really want to know what I want from you?" The big bellied Wolf asked as he leaned in closer to his massive gut, with Rick inside hesitating for a moment to answer before then asking, "No, what?"

"To let you suffer for betraying my trust to you, and really pay for letting me lose what little I had going for myself!" The Wolf said as he then patted his stomach hard with both hands and added, "And I think the best way to do that is to let you slowly and surely digest into the extra fat that I ended up losing while I had to starve on my own."

"I can throw you a massive banquette in the castle, and let only you be the one getting ot eat everything!" Rick begged as the offer did sound pretty tempting to the Wolf, except for one little detail that made it not feel 100% worth it for a change of what he already have.

"The only problem with that is that I don't have any history to pay back any of that food." The Wolf said as he slowly placed his hands onto his belly once more.

"You on the other hand..." The Wolf said before then starting to press his hands hard into his bloated stomach, making Rick really feel how he was being pushed deep into the burning acids starting to fill up the belly!

"I'M BEGGING YOU! PLEASE SPARE ME!!!" Rick screamed out in horror as he could feel his whole body starting to lose shape, and how he wouldn't be able to handle this treatment for much more longer!

From the outside all that could be heard was unrecognizable gurgling noises as the Chubby Wolf continued on pressing down and make his stomach work, until finally he couldn't feel any sort of resistance coming from it.

Removing his hands he could see how his belly had no more movements coming from it, and when listening closely all that could be heard was the noises of his gut working on digesting it's super large meal.

Knowing it was all done now the Fat Wolf smiled as he got back up onto his legs, before then starting to head off deeper into the woods.

He had no plans on where he would be sleeping tonight or what his next meal was going to be, but for right now the Fat Wolf felt more then ever before that those old Fairy Tale words really sounded oh so true to him.

"Happily Ever After, indeed." The Fat Wolf said before then letting out a much bigger burp, knowing that both his and Rick's story had now been given a very fitting end.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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