Week Three – Salvation

Week Thirty Three – “What is the purpose & importance of baptism? Does water baptism ‘save’ a person?” (Part 2)


Review of Week 32: “What is the purpose & importance of baptism? Does water baptism ‘save’ a person?” (Part 1)

The ‘passive’ verb “baptize” means to ‘immerse,’ which is something that is done ‘to us.’ A ‘disciple’ is someone who has the ability to learn & be taught & instructed by someone else. Before a person can be baptized, they must have the ability to believe, which is a ‘gift’ that God gives us (Ephesians 2:8-9), which then gives us the ability to believe in Jesus as Lord & Savior (John 3:16). ‘Disbelief,’ which begins at the ‘age of accountability’ (Isaiah 7:15-16; Deuteronomy 1:39), is an ‘active’ verb, which condemns a person, regardless of whether we have been baptized or not. The true meaning of ‘baptism’ is an identification with Jesus’ death & resurrection, when we believe! (Romans 6:1-8). Jesus’ model of ‘spiritual cleansing,’ when He washed His disciples’ feet, was simply a ‘blessing’ & ‘example’ of Christian humility for the disciples to do to each other (John 13:5-16). John the Baptist’s purpose of water baptism was so Jesus would be ‘made known’ to Israel (John 1:31), which was a baptism of ‘repentance’ (‘change of one’s mind’), whereas Jesus’ baptism of the Holy Spirit is what actually ‘saves’ a person, while baptism of ‘fire’ (‘judgment’) condemns a person (Matthew 3:7-12). The Apostles Luke & Paul warn us that ‘there is salvation in no one else (‘any other means’) by which we may be saved ” (Acts 4:12), & that anyone who preaches another ‘salvation plan’ in addition to the true Gospel (including salvation by water baptism) is ‘accursed’ (‘devoting someone to destruction in ETERNAL Hell’) (Galatians 1:6-9).


“What is the purpose & importance of baptism? Does water baptism ‘save’ a person?” (Part 2)

Many Christians misunderstand the necessity of being saved by being ‘born again’ (ie: ‘born of water & Spirit’) (John 3:3-8) to mean the ‘waters of baptism’ (see ‘Born Again’ handout). However, the term ‘born again’ (& its equivalents) is used 16 times in the New Testament, while the term ‘baptism’ (& its variations) is used 96 times in the New Testament, however, they are never used together in the same passages to mean the same thing. Since Jesus does use both terms separately (Matthew 28:19; John 3:3), if such an important concept as being ‘born again’ to mean ‘water baptism’ for salvation were true, God would be sure to make that clear by putting them together in the same passage – but He didn’t.

Although John the Baptist knew that there would be One Who would ‘come after’ him to baptize with the Holy Spirit (Matthew 3:11; John 1:27; 3:28), when Jesus showed up to be baptized by John, John didn’t understand why Jesus ‘needed’ to be baptized, because Jesus didn’t have anything to ‘repent’ (‘metanoeō’ – ‘change of one’s mind; embracing both a recognition of sin & sorrow for it), since Jesus was sinless (2 Corinthians 5:21), but rather John felt he needed to be baptized (with the Holy Spirit) by Jesus (Matthew 3:14). The purpose of John’s baptism of Jesus was so Jesus could ‘identify’ Himself with sinners [just as we ‘identify’ with the ‘likeness’ of His death & resurrection, when we believe (Romans 6:1-8)], whose sins He would bear, so we could bear His ‘righteousness’ (Greek: ‘dikaiosynē’ – ‘a condition or state acceptable or approved to God’) (Matthew 3:15; 2 Corinthians 5:21). Also, by being baptized, Jesus was validating John’s ministry of John being the ‘forerunner’ of the coming Messiah, & as an act of obedience to God the Father, in which He was ‘well pleased’ in the ‘work’ that Jesus did (Matthew 3:17).

When was the method of ‘sprinkle baptism’ accepted in the Church?

Matthew describes the ‘method’ of Jesus’ baptism (i.e.: full-body immersion) (Matthew 3:16). Since ‘Jesus came UP immediately FROM the water,’ this means that He was ‘DOWN IN the water’ (‘immersed, submerged’ – Greek: ‘baptizō’), which is the method that Paul describes when Christians ‘identify’ with Jesus’ death & resurrection when they are baptized (Romans 6:3-5). Although full-body immersion is described in the Bible as the only ‘method of baptism,’ ‘sprinkle baptism’ has been around for centuries. However, ‘sprinkle baptism’ wasn’t officially ‘recognized’ by the Church until 1,333 – over 1,000 years after Christian baptism was instituted.

Jesus’ baptism also confirms that the God-head is 3 separate ‘Persons’ (The Father in Heaven, The Son on earth, & the Holy Spirit descending from Heaven to earth) (Matthew 3:16-17), yet are all ONE God (Matthew 28:19) – the Biblical concept of the Trinity.

Since the thief on the cross was saved without being baptized (Luke 23:39-43), then salvation can be attained without being baptized. Contrary to the belief that the thief was ‘baptized (or ‘born again’) with blood,’ the Apostle John tells us that we are not ‘born of blood,’ but ‘born of the will of God’ (John 1:13). The thief wasn’t being martyred - he was being executed for theft.

Paul affirms that water baptism does not save a person, since he ‘thanked God that I baptized NONE of you except Crispus & Gaius’ (1 Corinthians 1:14), since ‘Christ did not send me to baptize’ (v.17). Paul states that he had baptized the ‘household’ (Greek: ‘oikos’/’ oiketeia’ – ‘a body of servants forming one family of God’) of Stephanas (1 Corinthians 1:16), who ALL had the ability to ‘devote themselves to ministry’ (1 Corinthians 16:15).

Can a person be baptized & end up in hell?

Simon the sorcerer was baptized (Acts 8:9,13). However, because his ‘belief’ wasn’t genuine, but rather motivated by monetary gain (v.18-20), Peter warned Simon that he would ‘perish’ (v.20) because he was still under ‘the bondage of iniquity’ (v.23), despite the fact that he was baptized, unless he repented (v.22), which Simon didn’t do, but rather expected Peter to pray for him (v.24). Because Simon’s ‘belief’ wasn’t genuine is why the Holy Spirit didn’t ‘fall upon’ him (v.14-16).

There is no Biblical evidence that Judas was baptized, but since Judas acknowledged the ministry of John the Baptist, which was a criteria of apostleship (Acts 1:22), he most probably was baptized by John. If Judas was baptized, Peter tells us that he is in hell, despite being baptized (Acts 1:20,25).

Atheist Richard Dawkins was baptized & was later confirmed into the Church of England. However, in his teen years, Dawkins rejected Jesus & his belief in God. Since the ‘gift’ of salvation is eternal & can not be lost (John 3:16; 10:27-29; Romans 8:38-39), if Dawkins dies before accepting Jesus as his personal Lord & Savior, he will end up in hell despite being baptized.

If someone believes that water baptism saves a person, & since salvation can not be lost (see previous paragraph), & since Hitler was baptized, then the person who believes that water baptism saves, that person would have to acknowledge that Hitler is in Heaven. The fact that salvation can not be lost (which is a Biblical fact), & since Hitler was baptized (which is a historical fact), the only way a person can logically believe that Hitler isn’t ‘definitely’ in Heaven is if they believe that water baptism does not save. ‘Baptism saves’ is the only thing that can be eliminated, in order for ‘Hitler is in Heaven’ to logically be false, since ‘eternal salvation’ & ‘Hitler was baptized’ are facts.

Can salvation be lost if you ‘choose’ to stop believing?

As mentioned previously, salvation is eternal & can not be lost (John 3:16; 10:27-29; Romans 8:38-39). Even our ability to believe, or have faith, is a ‘gift’ given to us by God (Ephesians 2:8-9). The Apostle John tells us that those in the Church who ‘professed’ to believe in Jesus as their personal Lord & Savior, but then stopped believing, were ‘not really of us’ (1 John 2:19). Another ward, John is not saying that they ‘lost’ their salvation by ‘choosing’ not to believe anymore, but rather like Simon the sorcerer, they didn’t truly believe to begin with (‘they were not really of us’):

“They went out from us, but they were not really of us; for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us; but they went out, so that it would be shown that they all are not of us.” – 1 John 2:19

Paul encourages the Philippian Church to ‘work through their salvation’ (Philippians 2:12). This is not an example of earning & losing salvation, but rather the lifelong process of ‘sanctification’ (Greek: ‘hagiasmos’ – ‘the lifelong effect of purification; separation TO God; holiness’), which begins at the moment of ‘justification’ (Greek: ‘dikaiōma’/ dikaiōsis’ – ‘the act of God declaring men free from guilt and acceptable to him’) (Romans 5:16-18; 6:19-22; 2 Thessalonians 2:13; Hebrews 12:14). This ‘lifelong process’ of sanctification - to be more like Christ by ‘working out our salvation’ - is completed in Heaven at the moment of ‘glorification’ (Greek: ‘doxa’ – ‘the glorious condition of blessedness into which is appointed and promised that true Christians when they enter heaven’).

John writes to the Church in Smyrna that not everyone who says they’re a Jew is a true Jew (Romans 9:6), because of their blasphemy (Revelation 2:9). So, unlike their unfaithfulness, John encourages those who are genuine believers in the Church to not fear when persecution comes (v.10). Those who ‘blaspheme’ (Greek: ‘blasphēmia’ – ‘speak evil of; slander another’s good name’) the Holy Spirit, commit the ‘unforgiveable sin’ (Matthew 12:31-32), because like the Pharisees, they saw the Truth of Who Christ was with their own eyes, but they rejected Him, because they were never truly ‘God’s children’ to begin with (Matthew 3:7-10; 1 John 2:19). Church goers, like some of those in Smyrna, who hear the Gospel & embrace it for awhile, but then reject it, are like the Parable of the Four Soils. They are like the seed that falls on rocky soil, springs up with joy, but then withers away, because they had no real root, & falls away under affliction or persecution (Matthew 13:5-6,20-21). Another ward, unlike Job, who despite incurring intense & continuous, unjustified persecution, despite doing nothing wrong, didn’t reject God, because he had genuine ‘saving’ faith, which he could not reject (Job 1:1-2:10), Church goers who stop ‘believing’ in God/Jesus, don’t ‘choose’ to stop believing, but rather never had the genuine ‘saving’ faith that Job had to begin with. If someone truly has genuine ‘saving’ faith, & truly believes in Christ’s redemption plan for us, then that ‘assured, convicting faith’ (Hebrews 11:1) can not be lost to disbelief.

‘When’ should a person be baptized?

Simon the sorcerer, as well as all the men & women there, were baptized after they believed (Acts 8:12-13). Lydia was baptized after she believed, ‘and’ (‘de’ – ‘separate event’) her ‘household’ also was baptized after ‘they’ believed, too (Acts 16:14-15). Paul & Silas’ jailor was baptized after they spoke ‘with’ (‘panoikei’ – ‘with all/whole’) his whole ‘household,’ who were then baptized (Acts 16:27-34). Since ALL the household was ‘spoken to’ (v.32), the WHOLE household had the ‘individual’ ability to understand & accept Jesus as their personal Lord & Savior, which they then had separate baptisms. (See also, Acts 8:25-40).

What about those passages that say ‘be baptized & be saved?’

1. “Peter said to them, ‘Repent,’and’ each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ ‘for’ the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.’” – Acts 2:38

‘And’ (‘kai’ – denotes repenting precedes baptism). Baptized how? ‘In the name of Jesus Christ’ – not ‘water’ baptism.

‘For’ (Greek: ‘eis’ – ‘because of,’ not ‘in order to’). Ex: “Take 2 aspirins for (‘eis’) a headache” (‘because of’ a headache, not ‘in order to’ get a headache). Ex: the Israelites were baptized (‘immersed’) into (eis) Moses, not into the sea, but by ‘identifying’ with Moses as their leader & his purpose. Before the gift of the Holy Spirit is given, a person must ‘actively’ repent first, & then he can be ‘passively’ baptized (‘spiritually cleansed’). However, this is only available to those Who God ‘calls’ (Acts 2:39) & who have the ability to ‘believe it’ (v.44), ‘receive it’ (v.40), & ‘be devoted’ (v.42).

2. “Now why do you delay? Get up and be baptized, and wash away your sins,‘calling’ on His name.” – Acts 22:16

‘Calling’ (Greek ‘aorist participle’: ‘epikaleō’ – ‘action that occurs before the main verb’). Another ward, in the original Greek ‘calling on His name’ precedes ‘get up & be baptized.’ Salvation comes from ‘calling on the name of the Lord’ (Romans 10:13), not baptism. Ex: the Apostle Paul was converted by Christ & received the Holy Spirit before he was baptized (Acts 9:17-18; Galatians 1:11-12). Therefore, in the original Greek, Acts 22:16 would read:

“Now why do you delay? Wash away your sins, calling on His name. Get up and be baptized.”

Ex: in Spanish, “Gato grande” would be translated “Big cat,” rather than “Cat big.”

3. “For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.” – Galatians 3:27

‘Baptized into Christ’ is ‘identifying & spiritually participating with His crucifixion’ (Galatians 2:20; Romans 6:3-4). Being ‘clothed with Christ’ (Galatians 3:27) is when God has moved us out from under the ‘tutor’ of the Law (v.24-25) & into the ‘Gospel of Grace’ to become ‘sons of God’ (v.26-29).

4. “Corresponding to / (There is also an ‘antitype’) that, baptism now saves you—not the removal of dirt from the flesh, but an ‘appeal’ to God for a good conscience—through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.” – 1 Peter 3:21

‘Corresponding to’ (NASB) / ‘antitype’ (NKJV) (Greek: ‘antitypos’ – an earthly expression of a spiritual reality.’) Just as Noah & his family were saved by the grace of Christ from the water (not because ‘of’ the water) by being ‘in’ the ark (v.18-20; Hebrews 11:7), we are also saved by being ‘in’ Christ – the ‘ark’ & ‘rock’ of our salvation (2 Samuel 6:2; 1 Corinthians 10:4). Peter clarifies so that he is not misunderstood to have meant water baptism [‘not the removal of dirt’ (1 Peter 3:21)], but rather a ‘baptism’ by an ‘appeal’ (Greek: ‘eperōtēma’ – ‘pledge; inquiry; intense desire’) TO GOD for a ‘good conscious, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ” [i.e.: ‘baptism’ into Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19; Romans 6:3-4)]. Peter also tells us that the ritual of water baptism occurs after receiving the Holy Spirit (Acts 10:44-48).

What is the danger of believing that water baptism ‘saves?’

The belief that water baptism saves contradicts Scripture. So, any belief, ritual, doctrine, dogma, or tradition that is contrary to Scripture [which is ALL Inspired (‘God breathed”) (2 Timothy 3:16)], & rejects that we are saved alone by God’s ‘grace (‘unmerited/unearned favor’) through faith & not of works’ (Ephesians 2:8-9) is sin. The Apostle Paul tells us that faith only comes from hearing the word of Christ (Romans 10:17 – i.e.: Scripture), that whatever is not of faith is sin (Romans 14:23), & that the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). The Apostle John also warns us that death is thrown in to the ‘lake of fire’ Revelation 20:13-15 – i.e.: hell). Belief in salvation through water baptism is a ‘work’ & not ‘grace through faith.’ Therefore, this ‘belief’ is a sin, & all those who persist in believing in this non-faith-based sin will end up in eternal hellfire, unless they ‘repent’ (‘change their minds’) & accept the ‘FREE GIFT’ of salvation through the Grace of Christ’s ‘finished’ work on the cross (John 19:30), & then understand that Christian participation in baptism is merely a public ‘identification’ with Christ, or an ‘antitype’ – ‘an earthly expression of a spiritual reality.’

Next Bible study topic: “What happens to young children, babies, & infants in the womb who die without being baptized?”


Concluding prayer

Next Bible study: Saturday, April 9th at 6:30pm


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