
WEEKLY REMOTE LEARNING PLANNING FORM ROOM # 21 WEEK OF: 10/26/20- 10/30/20 TEACHER’S NAME: Shashana Gooding Day of the week Daily FocusFocuses on the unit’s students’ outcomes- Daily focus questions/ LessonsPlay Focus Planting seeds for play activities (aka learning centers) Monday10/26/20Unit: My Five Senses- HearingToday I will introduce the sense of hearing. I will ask what body part we use to help us hear? My ears. I will demonstrate how I listen and show a visual of an ear. Letter of the week - PWritingThe children will use magnet letters to form the letters of their name. Or make a fall writing sensory bag using orange food coloring and hair gel in a zip lock.ArtAsk students to draw an ear puppet, draw an ear and glue it to a popsicle stick.LiteracyEncourage students to walk around your home/classroom identifying objects that make the /P/ sound.ScienceEncourage students to explore the sounds of items within containers and match the sounds they make (you can use dry beans, loose change)Sensory/ WaterEncourage students to add items (plastic alphabet/ numbers) and water to a bin and encourage students to find the items and sort by colorMathSort apples by color and size/ draw 7 apples. Blocks I will encourage the children to use blocks to build themselves (what blocks would work best for arms; how could you make your head? etc.)Tuesday10/27/20Unit: My Five Senses- HearingToday we will discuss the sounds that are heard from musical instruments. Every instrument makes a different sound. I hear sounds all around me. What music or song do you like to listen to? If you have an instrument, please share your instrument with your classmates. Letter of the week - PWritingUsing writing utensils that has bells attached to them to write the word of the day.ArtEncourage students to create a musical instrument. (ex. Make a tambourine- by placing dry beans inside two paper plates and seal with tape. Decorate the outside).Literacy.Practice making the sound of the letter /P/ think of things that begin with the same sound and letter of the week /P/p/ ex. pumpkin, pear, pizza, potato, penguin, pasta.BlocksWhat does our neighborhood look like during the fall? Encourage students to create communities with blocks or boxes. Add tape with props like… sun, leaves, apples, pumpkins for students to add to the building center.Dramatic Play/ KitchenEncourage students to pretend they are on a farm and are picking pumpkins from a pumpkin patch.Sensory Add glitter to the kinetic sand and encourage the students to explore the sand, its color and texture. ( You can also use soil and add glitter)ScienceEncourage students to play what is in the box- Place something in the box and have students put their hands in through the sides and guess what it is.Wednesday10/28/20Unit: My Five Senses- HearingToday we will discuss how we use our sense of hearing. We use our ears to hear. What things do you hear inside and outside? When I'm inside I can hear the water running, the TV, the radio. When I'm outside I can hear horns beeping, sirens, trees blowing in the wind. We will chart sounds we hear inside and outside using visuals.Letter of the week - PWritingHave students write using scented paint (pour paint into a bowl and add an essential oil)ArtCreate a fire truck- give students a visual of a fire truck and supply red paint, black and white construction paper, scissors, and glueLiteracyEncourage students to walk around your home/classroom identifying objects that make the /E/ L/P sound.ScienceExplore the inside of a pumpkin and sort the seeds, and pulpDramatic PlayEncourage students to pretend they are apple picking in an apple orchard.MathDraw three trees and ask students to sort apples by color by drawing green, yellow and red apples on the specific tree. BlocksEncourage students to create a fire station. What would they put inside a fire station? What is a fire engine?Thursday10/29/20Unit: My Five Senses-HearingToday we will discuss fire safety. When I hear a fire truck siren, I know that fire firefighters are near to put out a fire. I will play the sound of a fire truck. I will ask students to listen and mimic the sound. What is a fire alarm? It's a loud sound that alerts/tells us we need to leave the building.What is fire safety? When do we need to STOP? DROP and ROLL? If someone is on fire.Who helps us when there is a fire? FirefightersLetter of the week - PWritingUse apple seeds to trace letters. .ArtPour paint in a bowl and encourage students to create fire. Red and orange painting to create fire with fingers or forks.LiteracyEncourage students to use books and music to review letter sounds and words that begin with that letter /P/p/MathGraph leaves by color and sort ( Collect leaves from outdoors)Blocks Encourage students to build tunnels. (use shoe boxes, paper towel rolls) What are tunnels and what can we hear when we are in a tunnel?SensoryMake playdoh. (Add a scent like coffee, spice, essential oils, and glitter for texture). Talk about the playdoh as the student plays. Describe the smell/ feel/ look of the different play-doh. MotorEncourage students to snip/tear/cut paper to create a triangle. Friday10/30/20Unit: My Five Senses-HearingToday we will review our five senses by observing the facial features of Mr. Potato head. We will discuss each sense, and how we can use each sense. I will ask students to point to a body part of Mr. Potato and give examples of how we use each body part.Name something that you can taste, smell, see, hear, and touch.Letter of the week - PWritingThe children can use paint in bags to practice making shapes and letters with their fingers. (Place paint in a zip lock and seal with tape)ArtCreate a Mr./ Ms. Potato head using various materials (construction, crayons, markers, scissors) Include a nose, mouth, ears, eyes, hands, and feet. LiteracyAsk students to use pictures from a magazine or newspaper to create a collage of words that start with that letter /P/p/Fine MotorCreate a beaded tower, slide large beads over a straw or use objects that have holes inside like cheerios to complete your tower. MathCreate a graph and encourage students to use different colored dot- paint to graph each colorSensoryEncourage students to explore play doh and create different letters.Dramatic PlayCreate a farmer’s market. Have students pretend to sell pumpkins and apples at the farmers’ market. Incorporate different sizes of pumpkins and apples. Discuss the differences of each. Common Core Domain 1: Approaches to Learning PK.AL.1. Actively engages in play as a means of exploration and learningDomain 3: Social and Emotional Development PK.SEL.3. Demonstrates and continues to develop positive relationships with significant adults (primary caregivers, teachers, and other familiar adults)Domain 4: Communication, Language, and Literacy Speaking and Listening. PK.ELAL.22. [PKSL.4] Describes familiar people, places, things, and eventsDomain 5: Cognition and Knowledge of the World Civic Ideals and Practices. PK.SOC.3. Demonstrates an understanding of roles, rights, and responsibilities.Social- Emotional LessonsDay/Week (10/26-10/30) Week 6: RespectfulMonday 10/26 Perform puppet script: Song: How to learn song verse 5 track 7 Brain Builder: Play Stop and Start game. Recommended have ideas for actions kids can start and do in a designated spot and then stop and pose when directed.Tuesday 10/27 Story & Discussion: Use the picture on the poster to share a visual of the story that you are discussing with students. Today's story is about Gloria and she needs help to zip her jacket. Review with students who Gloria can ask for help and how she should ask for help.Wednesday 10/28 Skill Building Activity #1: Practice using respectful words- Please and Thank you. Make sure students’ hands are freshly washed and you are using a bean bag or ball that can be wiped off as needed. In groups of 2 or 3 have students sit six feet across from each other or make a triangle to practice asking (Please) their friends to pass the bean bag and thanking them once they do softly toss the bean bag or roll the ball. Once finished sanitize/wash all student hands. Please Thank you (For students who do not have the speech level needed to say please and thank you, work with them to use the gestures before the bean bag/ball is passed and after. To model language, have yourself or the TA use the words ``please pass the beanbag/ ball” while helping students do gestures. Then you or a TA with the student should say “thank you” while helping the student do the gesture after receiving the ball).Thursday 10/29 Skill Building Activity #2: Practice asking for help using the scenarios on the card. Using the puppet to model asking you for help with each scenario and then have the students each take turns repeating the way the puppet asked for help. (For students who do not have the language you can work on having them try to echo sounds from the word while working on performing the gesture for “help”)Friday 10/30 Read Aloud related to SE topic: Read Freda Says Please Book about how using please and thank you can help make people want to do things for you and with you because you are being polite and showing respect. ................

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